Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

Chapter 12: Guilt and Chuckles?

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I sat in my room all alone, with a deep frown on my face as I thought back about what had happened today.

'Something's odd... There's no way that I, who had lived for countless years would get flustered by getting kissed by a 9-year-old. Definitely not!'

'It's most likely my body that's affecting me, the hormones and stuff. Yup, that's gotta be it.'

"Young master"

"Ah!" I exclaimed in surprise as Lei Qiang appeared out of nowhere.

"W-what! Ahem, what happened?" I asked Lei Qiang after calming myself down.

"Young master it's regarding the robed man from the auction."

"Robed man? Ah...that guy, so did you find out about his identity?" I asked about the suspicious man whom I had completely forgotten about.

"Young master, that man escaped my subordinate's pursuit and thus..." 

"He escaped?" I asked as a deep frown began to appear on my face.

"I apologize for my incompetence!" Lei Qiang swiftly lowered her head and apologized as this was the first time she had seen me this annoyed.

"Sigh, it's alright. I should have given you better instructions." I sighed as I realized that I didn't control my expression.

"Not at all young master, I should have sent someone more competent after that man."

"Anyways, leave me alone for a bit. I wish to be alone for a while." I said while signaling her to leave.

"Yes, young master..." Saying this Lei Qiang disappeared.

Now that I was finally all alone in my room, I let out a sigh.

"This is getting troublesome. Not only did I lose track of a potential heavenblessed, But I might have been mistaken regarding Yin Xifeng as well...Sigh."

"Well, I guess I did get this thing didn't I?" I said as I took the five-colored world essence jade out of my spatial ring.

"To think I got world essence jade for mere mid-grade spirit stones. But, for something like this to exist in this world. Perhaps the collapse of a realm also creates a world essence jade. Well thinking about it, that's probably it. Also, this one is too weak as well."

Looking at the five-colored world essence jade, I smiled.

'If I can use this to create my foundation, then my path ahead would be easier than a girl with daddy issues and inferiority complex...not that I had done something like that...'

"But, I can't really handle this thing at foundation establishment realm...I guess I can use it when I will form my core." I said while nodding to myself

------1 year later-------

I was meditating in my room as usual, where dozens of treasures containing dense earth qi were arranged in a complex-looking formation. In the past year, I have made a lot of progress, I have opened my 12 meridians and am currently opening my 3rd extraordinary meridian. Suddenly my body starts to glow as I condense the earth qi in my 3rd extraordinary meridian, finally succeeding in opening it.

"Sigh, to think I have to do this five more times." I sighed to myself as I recalled how much effort I put into opening this meridian.

Usually, accomplishing this would not have been this tedious for someone like me. But, since I am trying to absorb and control Qi that I don't have an affinity for while keeping it unchanged is taking a lot of time.

'Well, at least it's not as difficult as learning alchemy. I had to memorize thousands of herbs and treasures, as well as their properties.'

Comparatively understanding formations was a much more pleasant experience, as the core of formations is similar to what I remember it to be. 

'Other than that-'

"Young master, Lady Xifeng has arrived." Cutting off my thoughts Lei Qiang appeared next to me, informing me of my fiance's arrival.

"Is that so? Doesn't she visit me a bit too often?" Thinking over the frequent visits from her over the last year, I got up and asked.

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"So, where is she right now?"

"Lady Xifeng is currently with Lady Yingyue."

"With mother huh...then I guess, I should go there leisurely." I said as I decided to bathe myself before going to her.

'Those two really get along well huh...from the first-day mother seemed to favor her, She even lets Xifeng call her mother.' After contemplating for a bit I concluded.

'I guess it's better that they getting along rather than them going for each other's neck'

Thinking back on the changes in my relationship with Xifeng, I felt a bit remorseful. Xifeng had lost her parents at a young age and the only ones she treated as her family were her grandmother and her maid. But at the age of 9, she got a fiance who became part of her family and became someone precious to her. Yet, I tried to use that innocent girl as a tool...

'Well, I have made up for that by improving how I treat her. Also, it's not like I have any complaints about this engagement after all it's a fair deal and we are of 'similar' age. Well, I won't be able to see her as a romantic interest for a few years at the very least.'

Having taken a bath, I began to clothe myself and go to my fiance. 

Upon reaching the place where my mother and fiance were, I saw them happily talking with each other, a sight that I found unusual a year ago.

"Looks like you two are getting along quite well." 

"Oh my, Yu'er do you perhaps feel jealous that I am keeping your fiance all to myself?"

Hearing mother trying to tease me, I let out a tired sigh and replied.

"Not at all, I Jianyu, am a truly filial son how can I feel jealous of my own mother?"

Hearing my reply, mother let out a light chuckle and said.

"Well then, I'll leave you two lovebirds on your own."

Hearing her trying to tease me again, I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Y-yes mother." Whereas Xifeng replied while blushing, making me feel a bit awkward.

While I do realize that she has feelings for me, I can't really reciprocate her feelings. After all, she's fucking 10 and the kiss on the cheek a year ago doesn't count, I was simply flustered since I didn't expect it. Yup, that's it. 

Moreover, the feelings she holds toward me might be closer to one held towards one's family rather than a lover. 

"Feng'er, those clothes look gorgeous on you." I complimented Xifeng who was wearing black robes with crimson flowers embroidered on them.

"T-thank you." She replied with the corners of her mouth raised a bit and a red hue appearing on her face.

"You're still wearing those huh?" I looked at the crimson earrings adorned on her ears while saying this.

"Yes, you gifted them to me after all." She answered with a cheery voice.

Recalling the reason I bought those earrings for her I felt a tinge of guilt.

"Then I should give you more gifts from now on, huh." I said with a smile as warm as a comfy blanket on a winter night.

"Mhm..." Looking at my smile Xifeng nodded and lowered her head, her face was red as a tomato.

"Haha" Looking at her adorable appearance I let out a chuckle.

Hearing this Xifeng gave me an aggrieved look while pouting at me.

This caused me to laugh out loud.

'I guess this isn't all that bad.'

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