Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

Chapter 13: Heavenly Tribulation?

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-----One and a half year later-----

Sitting in a room with little to no furniture and only the basic necessities present, I was sipping on my tea. I tried not to look at the person in front of me, as I thought of ways to convey what I had to tell him today.

"Ahem, are you just going to keep drinking your tea, or tell me the reason why you are here?"

"Since when did I need to have a reason to visit my very own grandfather?"

Looking at me, my grandfather let out an audible sigh.

"Sigh, you're growing more and more shameless with each passing day."

"Well, I am your grandson after all." I retorted with a mocking smile on my face.

To which grandfather just rolled his eyes and asked, "So, what is it?"

"I have a request to ask of you." I said with a solemn expression on my face.

"A request huh...Well, what do you want?" Grandfather asked with a curious expression.

"I wish to enter the sect along with Feng'er." 

"So you want me to break the sect's rules?" Grandfather asked with a smile, but unlike his smile, there was a threatening aura surrounding him.

"If it's within your capabilities, then yes," I answered while trying my best to remain calm.

"Very well then I will do so."

"You will?" I asked in bafflement as I didn't think it would be this easy.

"Well, I was planning on breaking some rules in your entrance anyways, so I will just be adding one more." Grandfather replied matter of factly.


Looking at my baffled appearance grandfather started speaking.

"The matter of your spiritual roots must remain hidden Yu'er, that's why I already discussed this matter with the sect master."

"Is that so?"

"Mhm. Anyways when do you plan on entering the foundation establishment realm?" Grandfather asked with a smile on his face.

"Well, I just opened my 8th extraordinary meridian just two days ago. So, I plan on preparing for a while before breaking through.

"That's a good choice Yu'er." Saying this grandfather started to pat my head.


I was currently laying on my bed as I thought back to what had happened today.

'To think he would agree so easily.' 

Grandfather is someone known to be extremely loyal to the sect, unlike other grand elders, he never breaks rules or makes an exception. That simply means that the matter regarding my situation is simply that much dangerous. 

'Well, at least I have kept my promise with Feng'er.'

But, it's highly unlikely that Feng'er is a heavenblessed's harem member. But I have to make sure there really isn't any heavenblessed around her making use of her naivete.

Sighing at the thought of the innocent Feng'er getting deceived by some bastard, I decided to meditate for a bit and think over my cultivation.

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I have already opened my eight extraordinary meridians using the different elemental Qi. Grandfather had asked me to enter the foundation establishment realm normally, but I want to form my foundation in a unique way. I plan on fusing my eight extraordinary meridians with my dantian to form the best formation for five elemental qi.

That way when my spiritual roots start to fuse, I wouldn't die due to qi deviation. 

'Since my foundation will be exceptional, I should prepare myself for an extraordinary heavenly tribulation.'

Thinking about this I decided to make a few plans for the next few days.


2 days later,

The weather was a bit cloudy as the sun peeked out of the clouds every once in a while hiding yet again soon after in the next moment.

All the preparations had been done, and a bit away from Jianyu's residence and garden a huge formation covering about 10 meters had been created to supply him with elemental qi while he is breaking through. Taking one last look at the formation, he nodded to myself and then looked towards his mother who was standing a bit far away, so that she doesn't interfere with his breakthrough.

When a cultivator breaks through to the next major realm, they summon Heavenly tribulation and by overcoming the tribulation lightning they reach the next realm of cultivation. Others are not allowed to interfere in one's Heavenly tribulation as it would bring the ire of the heavens. Thus, to make her feel relaxed Jianyu smiled at his mother to which she nodded and smiled back.

After mentally preparing himself, Jianyu sat in the middle of the formation surrounded by abundant elemental qi.

'Alright, let's get this over with.'


Taking in a deep breath, I began to sense the qi inside of his dantian.

Inside my dantian, Clouds of qi were forming an imperfect spherical shape. Most of this qi was of water element. As for the other elemental qi they were stored in the extraordinary meridians.

Sensing that I was in my best condition, I began to compress and purify the water qi in my dantian while not absorbing any qi. 

The sky began to be covered by dense and dark thunderclouds. Lightning arced across the sky, and thunder crackled through them like a serpent.

Suddenly, a thunderous sound reverberated through the clouds, as a golden lightning bolt descended from the heavens onto Jianyu.

Jianyu disregarded the lightning, confronting it directly with his body, and continued to condense his qi. Soon after another bolt of lightning struck Jianyu and then another, both of which he disregarded like the first one.

After the three bolts of lightning had descended, Jianyu could no longer condense the water qi in his dantian and needed to absorb more qi to progress. Instead of absorbing qi, Jianyu draws qi from his extraordinary meridians filled with earth qi.

As the earth qi began to gather at the center of his dantian and his meridians started to fuse with his dantian, the thunderclouds began to rumble even more. Soon the fourth bolt of lightning strikes Jianyu. The lightning had a deeper color and seemed more powerful as Jianyu's robe which was an artifact refined by him, began to get singed. 

This went for the next three lightning bolts as Jianyu began to do the same with his meridians containing metal qi, which caused the tribulation lightning to become even more fierce. Once the ninth bolt of lightning had passed the heavens began to quieten, but Jianyu paid it no heed as he started to fuse his wood element meridians with his dantian. 

Soon the dispersing clouds began to gather once again and crimson lightning arced like a dragon through it. Once, Jianyu had fused his wood element meridians the crimson lightning began to rush toward him. For the first time, Jianyu looked toward the heavens and held the hilt of his sword as he prepared to face the minacious lightning head-on.

As he raised his sword, small droplets of light began to form around him, then these droplets turned into a stream as they collided with the tribulation lightning, but this stream soon dissipated as it was not able to overcome the lightning.

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, Jianyu swung his sword sideways as countless blue petals began to form. These petals contained Jianyu's sword qi and danced through the winds like azure butterflies. As the lightning approached these petals, It went from one petal to another getting weaker and weaker. In the end, only a little spark manages to reach Jianyu.

'It's a success.' Jianyu smiled as he thought of how easily he was able to achieve this unfathomable(kind of) feat.

Having celebrated enough, he soon began to meditate and consolidate his cultivation. Looking at his dantian, Jianyu found a world with metal at its core covered by ground and its entire surface had water on it. Over the water, there was an ever-present layer of algae. This world at times seemed real and firm, but sometimes it would flow like a liquid.

'It looks like an illusion huh... an illusory world.'

Looking at this illusory world Jianyu smiled and thought.

'I shall call this the Eidolon...mhm nevermind.' Jianyu left the matter of naming his illusory world to his future self.

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