Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

Chapter 14: Changes?

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--After the heavenly tribulation--

After reassuring my worried mother that I was fine, I began to change my tattered robes and washed up. After all that I discussed my cultivation path with grandfather and told him about my inner world. After examining my inner world grandfather was astonished and claimed that if I could successfully form my nascent soul and safely fuse my spiritual roots, my foundation in the five elements Dao would be truly unfathomable. I returned to my residence.

While sitting on my bed, I looked at my dantian, I inspected the illusory world. The illusory world was formed from four out of the five elemental qi. the elemental qi co-existed but did not mix, creating a stable yet incomplete equilibrium.

"With this, I should be able to let my spiritual roots fuse after entering the nascent soul realm." I nodded to myself as I thought of my future.

"If I merge the five-colored world essence jade while forming my core in the core formation realm, what kind of core will I form?" I wondered as I recalled the properties and origin of world essence jade, as something that is created from the ruined foundation of a world, it should be able to...

"Let's leave this matter for another day. Now that I possess different types of elemental qi, I should learn some techniques related to them. I will have to change my sword art as well." Thinking about all of the work I have to do in the near future, I sighed and began staring at nothing in particular. 

"It's tomorrow, huh?" 

Since I had safely broken through the foundation realm, mother organized a little celebration for me. Although only a few close people will be present there, but for me it's...somewhat stressful. I am not used to such celebrations, after all as cultivators foundation establishment realm is simply the beginning and since cultivators can seclude themselves for hundreds or perhaps even thousands of years at once, celebrating something that can happen hundreds of times in one seclusion is simply a redundant idea. 

"Lei Qiang." 

"Yes, young master." As usual, Lei Qiang appeared out of nowhere when I called her.

'If she's gonna look over me all the time, isn't it better to just stay by my side normally...' Putting this thought to the back of my head, I continued.

"Can you bring me some basic sword art manuals of earth, wood, and metal qi?"

"Yes, young master."

Seeing that Lei Qiang had left I continued to inspect my inner world.


"Congratulations to young master Jianyu." 

I smiled and thanked the kind-looking elder who just congratulated me. But despite, looking like a kind grampa from the neighborhood he was a clan elder famous or rather infamous for ruthlessly purging a treasonous subordinate clan overnight leaving not a single survivor.

Looking around, I found out that there weren't many people at the celebration, fewer than I expected.

'No complaints, though.' 

Just as I was beginning to relax a bit, someone sneaked behind me and covered my eyes with her soft hands.

"Guess who?"

Hearing this, a soft smile appeared on my face as I retorted.

"Who else can be daring enough to be this rude to me, other than my foolish junior sister?"

Hearing my mocking remark, Cao Meihui pouted.

"Humph! senior brother, why are you always so mean to me?" 

Looking at her appearance, I let out a small chuckle.

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"Sorry sorry, I can't help but tease you when you act so cute."

Making this remark, I looked at my junior sister as if expecting something, and sure enough, Cao Meihui's face became red as a tomato it seemed as if smoke was leaking out of her ears. This led to me laughing out loud in front of her.

Seeing that I was teasing her, Cao mei hui prepared to retaliate. But before she could do anything, a third individual entered the battlefield, it was Yin Xifeng.

Yin Xifeng smiled as soon as she approached me, she was wearing white robes with simple yet elegant golden embroidery. The sight of her smiling was beautiful enough to topple nations and cause countless feuds.

Seeing the person I had gotten closer to over the years, I smiled back. 

"Congratulations to sir Jianyu for reaching the foundation establishment realm at such a young age." Yin Xifeng's smile widened as she listed her fiance's accomplishment feeling a bit proud.

[AN- how should she refer to him? please suggest something.]

"Haha, thank you for your praise it was nothing at all," I replied happily feeling a bit proud about getting praised.

"Not at all, reaching the foundation establishment realm at your age is simply a sign of pure genius and a symbol of your hard work and dedication. No one in our or the previous generation has made such an accomplishment at your age." Yin Xifeng continued to praise me as if trying to raise my pride to the heavens. 

But this just caused me to start feeling embarrassed.

"A-alright that's enough," I said dismissively as I could feel my face burning up, turning completely red.

To this Feng'er simply chuckled, whereas Cao Meihui's face was filled with enlightenment.

'D-damn it!' I roared internally as I felt as helpless as a jobless adult living in his parent's basement.

That day, I was made fun of by my mother, grandfather, and later on others as well. This matter would continue to haunt me as it'll be brought up in the future as well to torment me.


Reaching my residence after the celebration, I dived into my bed as I felt the most tired I ever had in this life of mine.

"So tired!" 

Laying on my bed, I began to stare at the ceiling as I thought of a matter I had been avoiding for a while.

"I am no longer the same as before." I contemplated the matter of changes in my character over the years, yet I always dismissed it as simply due to my young body or missing memories. 

But now It's impossible to overlook this matter, for I am sure that there are definitely changes in me. There's no way 'I' would pity a girl just because she has a sad story to her. The previous 'me' would use everything and anything at his disposal.

'...especially after what 'I' did to reach the Dao...' thinking this I closed my eyes.

'Perhaps, that's how it is rather than being a reincarnated being, I am simply someone who stole someone else's memories...'

I contemplated this for a while, mindlessly staring at the ceiling. Feeling tumultuous emotions brewing inside of me.

"Sigh, there's no point in thinking about this matter at my current level. Overthinking it might just cause me to form a mental demon." Giving up, I sighed and left this matter to the future.

"...But, would I not be me if those memories I held were a lie..."

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