Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

Chapter 15: Elder Wang?

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The most stable five-element techniques use the destructive or nourishing relation of the five elements. The nourishing cycle uses the positive relation of five elements used to strengthen an element, wood feeds fire, fire gives rise to earth, earth retains metal, metal gathers water, and water nourishes wood. As for the destructive cycle it is used to oppose an element to damage another element, Fire burns Metal, Metal cuts Wood, Wood digs into Earth, Earth absorbs Water, and Water extinguishes Fire.

"The only problem is that I cannot use fire qi at all, so using the nourishing effects of five elements to create a sword art is simply useless. Although I can create an imperfect sword art and complete it later, it would be unstable and under certain conditions, it would be useless."

Pondering over this predicament for a little more, seeing no great option I made a decision.

"I'll go for the imperfect five elements for now, I can simply make up for the things I lack later on." Once again leaving my troubles to the future, I continued to read various sword art manuals.


I was practising my sword art in the morning as usual, when suddenly Lei Qiang appeared behind me.

"Young master, the patriarch is calling for you urgently."

"Urgently? did something?" I was a bit curious as this was the first time I was asked to arrive urgently.

"I was not informed of the reason, I was simply asked to bring you, young master."

"Is that so..." Pondering about this matter, I simply sighed as I couldn't guess the reason for this.

'Perhaps, there's something secret that grandfather wants to discuss.'

"Alright, let's go."

For this visit, we had to walk our way instead of flying or spatial travel, since it's not allowed for people to travel through such methods near the grandfather's residence.

Walking towards our destination, I noticed that the number of servants or clan elders was severely lacking today.

'Hmm... rather than discussing some secret, it seems someone is visiting the clan in secret...'  While pondering this, I reached outside of the room grandfather was in. Outside the room, there was a man who didn't seem to belong to our clan standing there.

'Is it a guest as expected?'

Looking at the closed door, I cleared my throat and called out.

"Xin Jianyu is here to visit the Clan patriarch."

The familiar voice of my grandfather could be heard coming from the inside.

"Come in."

Entering the room, I could see that grandfather was indeed with a guest. The guest had the appearance of a man in his 40s with salt and pepper hair and a beard that was on the shorter side. The man had a soft yet amused smile on his face as he looked at me.

"Is this your grandson?" Asked the guest.

"Of course he is, didn't I just say that I will introduce you to my grandson or are you perhaps getting senile already?" I sighed inwardly as my grandfather shamelessly mocked our guest over a simple question with a shit-eating grin.

'Can't you act a bit more your age seriously?!' 

"Well unlike you he seems to have a bit more tact to him, so I simply doubted if you were truly related to each other." I felt a bit impressed as our guest easily responded to grandfather's ridicule with a smiling face.

'Ohh a nice one!' 

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"Ahem, anyways this is elder Wang of the 'Profound heavens' sect."

I stared at grandfather as he changed the subject, but he simply ignored my glare and continued.

"He has been my sworn brother for a long time and is at the peak of the second step."

"Still far from the third though..." Elder Wang interjected with a wry smile.

"Stop talking as if you haven't surpassed everyone in your generation." Grandfather rolled his eyes at elder Wang." Anyways the reason Elder Wang is here today is the matter of your admission into the sect."

"Is he here to test me?" I tilted my head as I asked this.

"Well there's that too, but he is also here to let you know a few things you would need to know when you enter the sect." 

"Mhm, that's right also I wanted to get familiar with you in case there's an issue in the sect." Elder Wang added as he nodded.

'Well this makes it more convenient, I guess?' thinking this I pondered for a bit and asked.

"So, how will Elder Wang test me?" I looked at Elder Wang with curiosity apparent on my face.

"Well, senior brother Dongyang sang many praises of your proficiency in sword arts, so we can test that." Elder Wang said with a calm smile, on his side grandfather had an amused smile as if anticipating something.

"Well, then why don't we do it right away? Is that fine with you Yu'er?" Grandfather asked with an annoying grin on his face.

'urgh.. what is he planning now?' 

With a feeling of foreboding, I nodded my head in affirmation.


We moved to a large open space outside grandfather's residence. As I was about to display my sword art, grandfather called out to me.

"Yu'er, as this test will decide whether you will be able to get special admission into the sect you must display your strongest technique."

"... Alright." I replied with a bit of doubt laced over my words.

I moved towards a boulder more than twice my height and drew my sword.

To the side grandfather and Elder Wang were looking at me with a smile.

"Phew." I let out a breath with my eyes closed as I called myself focusing on the sword in my hands.

Suddenly wisps of soft blue light began to appear around me slowly gathering toward my sword.

Once most of the little wisps had surrounded my blade, I opened my eyes and slashed at the boulder.

The sword strike seemed to hold little strength, but slowly moved to the boulder and connected.

Once the sword touched the boulder, the wisps of blue light raged like the furious waves of a stormy ocean, destroying everything in its path. Causing most of the boulder to turn into dust.

Suddenly, I could hear the sound of my grandfather's loud laughter 

I turned around to look at my grandfather to find Elder Wang standing there with his jaw dropped and grandfather laughing at him like a child who just pulled off a prank.

'This bastard!!'

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