Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

Chapter 7: Qi condensation and Embarrassment?

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"Cultivation has four major paths, body, soul, will(intent) and qi. But all these except will, follow a similar structure, consisting of three major steps:

Mortal Realm

Immortal Realm

True Dao Realm

The first major step of cultivation is Mortal step, in which you form a body capable of cultivating to reach the immortal Realm. 

In the second major step Immortal step, one would have to form a dao tree and nurture Dao fruits and lastly fuse the Dao fruits with the dao tree completely.

All paths of cultivation paths converge at the 3rd major step of cultivation, the Dao realm. Dao realm is not a single stage of cultivation but a myriad of cultivation stages, to enter the first Dao stage you have to merge your soul, body, will, qi, dao tree, memories and everything that you have accumulated throughout your life to form your true Dao." Grandfather turned to look at me after saying this.

"The spiritual roots are connected to the soul, body and the dantian. So, the fusion of adverse spiritual roots will cause damage to all three of them, Do you understand Yu'er?" Grandfather asked me as I sat in Lotus position, listening to him.

"Mhm." I nodded in affirmation.

"That is why you must cultivate all three of these paths at the same time and merge them partially at the nascent soul realm and completely at the unity realm." Grandfather turned to me with a serious look in his eyes.

"Grandfather, doesn't the true merging of body, soul and qi happen in the dao realm?" I asked him with a confused look.

'Well, I already know the answer'

"That's a great question Yu'er and the answer to this is that the dao realm isn't truly a fusion of different paths. But converting your very existence into a Dao unlike any other."

"Hmm, so how should I go about my cultivation for now?" I asked grandfather.

"You will do as we discussed before for the other steps but in the qi condensation realm, you would open the 12 prime meridians the usual way. But for the eight extraordinary meridians, you would use the elemental treasures. For the first four meridians earth qi treasures, for the next two metal and for the last two meridians you would use wood qi treasures. This way you would have a strong foundation in the five elements.

"Alright, so when do I start?"

"Right now. I will guide you at the beginning and you would do the rest by yourself later."

"Mhm," I nodded in response.

" Now then do as I say, sit properly in Lotus position and close your eyes. Now, can you sense something entering your body?


"This is a strand of my qi, make sure to sense it properly and memorize it's pathway."


"These are your twelve meridians and dantian. As for the eight extraordinary meridians, they are esoteric in nature and are unique to every individual,"

"Now, try to sense the spiritual qi of heaven and earth and try to gather it in your dantian."

...A few minutes later...

"I did it" I answered shortly after.

"Huh, what?" Grandfather let out a baffled voice that I had never heard before.

"I said I did it." I said while grinning at his baffled appearance.

"Sigh, gathering qi of heaven and earth is not tha- huh, you really did it? How?"

"Well, it's obviously because of my unparalleled talent." My grin grew even wider as I replied.

'well, it's also because of my body cultivation since the first Realm of body cultivation is the meridian strengthening realm, which increases sensitivity towards qi. But still I am truly talented.'

"Hahahaha good-good as expected of my grandson." Grandfather started to laugh wildly as he patted my back.

"Ugh, don't use so much force, Gramps! You will break my back!!"

"Haha, don't be such a crybaby such little force won't kill you." He said while smirking.

'How petty!' I glared at my grandfather in annoyance.

"Ahem, now that you can sense qi and gather in your dantian, you have to completely open your meridians by condensing qi in them."

"Sigh, alright." I sighed giving up on my shameless grandfather.

"Mhm, then I will take my leave for now and have someone bring the treasures to you on a later day. Also, have Lei Qiang watch over you in case there is an issue with your cultivation."

You are reading story Reincarnation of the Transmigrator? at

"Yes yes, I understand." 

"Well then, take care." Grandfather said he disappeared from the room.

After he left I stretched out a bit and went back to cultivate.


As the first rays of dawn fell on my face, I realised that a new day had already started.

"Tsk, I was so close to opening the second meridian." I clicked my tongue as I thought of how baffled Gramps would have been if I had reached second layer of qi condensation.

"Let's relax rushing my cultivation would cause problems, as the saying goes haste makes waste." I told myself as I thought of the consequences of an unstable foundation.

"Anyways I should train with my sword for a while." I took my sword and went outside to train.

' Other than forming sword qi, I have also had major success in body cultivation in the past few years. I have reached the second realm of body cultivation, the physique-strengthening realm. In this realm, there are three minor stages, first one is skin strengthening, second is muscle strengthening and lastly bone toughening. I am currently at the bone toughening stage.'

After practicing with my sword for a few hours, I decided to meet mother and consult her regarding the outing with Yin Xifeng. Mother is usually handling the clan's work, but she should be free at this time.

"Lei Qiang, I wish to go see mother. Can you take me to her?"

"Of course , young master."


I was just outside mother's residence when I saw someone rushing towards me.

"Senior brother..!!" I sidestepped and grabbed the back of this person's collar.

"Greetings, junior sister Meihui," I greeted her while smiling as if this was a completely normal situation."I came here to meet mother, can you lead me to her?"

" Of course, senior brother follow me." She, Cao Meihui is about my age and has silver hair with bluish eyes. She was the girl with Yin-ice spiritual roots that was chosen as my mother's disciple, a few months after the awakening ceremony.

Meihui took us towards my mother's garden, where my mother was sitting by a table drinking tea.

"Yu'er, it seems you have already reached qi condensation's first stage." Mother said with a hint of pride in her voice.

"Yes I did, not anly that I think I will be able to reach the second stage today." I said showing off to my mother.

"Mhm, but don't rush your cultivation lest your foundation becomes unstable." Mother said worryingly.

"Don't worry, you know how diligent I am there's no way I would do something that stupid." I said trying to assure her.

"Sigh, while being diligent is good I think you should play around like other kids your age."

"About that....I have a request mother." I said in a small voice.

"What is it?" Mother had a curious look on her face.

"Umm... there's this auction that will happen in a few weeks and I want to invite miss Xifeng for an outing to the auction hall...." My voice kept getting smaller and smaller as I started to blush.

'H-how embarassing!' 

"Hmm....well if you want to meet your fiance so badly, I guess I can send an invitation to the Yin family." Yingyue had a teasing smile on her face. As this was the first time she had seen her son this flustered.

Whereas Cao Meihui had a cold expression on her face.

".....…...." I lowered my head in embarrassment.

"How about you go and check out the places you will visit with your fiance tomorrow?" Yingyue suggested to her son with a kind smile.

"That'll be great" I answered

"Take Meihui with you as well, she doesn't get to go out much." Yingyue said giving her disciple a knowing smile as Meihui turned towards me with stars in her eyes.

'She will cause trouble wouldn't she?"

"That's fine by me" I sighed giving up.

"Yay, then it's decided!" Meihui exclaimed excitedly as she did something akin to a guts pose.

'She will 'definitely' cause trouble' I sighed looking up at the sky.

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