Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

Chapter 8: Mother and Son?

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POV:- Xin Yingyue

Wahh-wahhh wahhh

I could hear the voice of my newborn crying as I laid on the bed tired.

"Congratulations to Lady Yingyue, it's a healthy boy. "

"Bring him to me" I said while feeling a bit excited but also anxious.

"Here, lady Yingyue". The handmaiden passed my child to me.  

My child had black hair like me, his mother. The fact that he resembled me made me feel strangely happy. At this moment, the child opened his eyes while being held by me, he looked around for a while and finally rested his amethyst eyes upon me. His amethyst eyes shone like jewels and were filled with curiosity

"Such beautiful eyes..."I muttered without realising. I smiled as I looked at my child's adorable behaviour. "This child's name will be Jianyu." 

Hearing this, my son widened his eyes as if he was surprised. 

'Does he not like the name? No, that's foolish, a newborn child wouldn't even understand what it means.' I thought, reassuring myself.

"Looks like the young master likes his name." The handmaiden smiled at me. Usually I wouldn't care for such blatant flattery, but today it managed to affect me to an astonishing level.        

 "Does he? " I smiled, feeling pleased with the name i gave to my son.


Yingyue was sitting in the family head's workplace looking through Jade tablets, storing information regarding various matters regarding the clan.

Her brows were crumpled due to being stressed because of a certain matter. It wasn't the mountain of work still to be done that caused it. Instead, it was her 3-year-old son that was the source of her worries. Her son had always been extraordinary, so much so that it could be considered abnormal. As a child, even when hurt, he wouldn't cry much, he would learn and understand things extremely fast, as if he already knew about them. Also, sometimes he would have terrible nightmares. At night he would cry and struggle in sleep. 

After much consideration, Yingyue decided to discuss this matter with her father. Her father, Xin Dongyang, looked at her with mixed emotions. It felt as if he was struggling to make a decision. 

Sensing his daughter's unwavering gaze, he finally sighed, giving up.

"Yu'er....has a somewhat deformed soul."

"A deformed soul?" Yingyue asked with her brows raised.

Seeing her daughter's perplexed expression, Xin Dongyang sighed once again and answered.

"It's an unusual type of deformity. Usually, going through the cycle of reincarnation, a soul is cleaned of all its memories and traits. But sometimes a fragment of these memories would be absorbed by the core of the soul and become the foundation of the soul, although the memories would be lost over a few cycles. In Jianyu's case, the dormant memories have resurfaced due to some unknown reason."

"Isn't that the same as possession?" Yingyue unknowingly raised her voice.

"It's different, even in normal cases. The dormant fragments will affect one's personality. At the end of the day, all those memories are simply fragments of a previous self and the current self will deviate greatly from the past."

"...." Yingyue lowered her head and fell silent. 

After a little while, she got up and left.


Xin Dongyang looked at the door through which his daughter had left for a while, before sighing helplessly.


For the next few months, Yingyue drowned herself in the family's work, trying to distance herself from her son. She would act normally when she was with him, but still the conversation she had with her father still echoed through her mind. About a year later, she moved her son to the amethyst peak, using her workload as an excuse for not being able to take care of him. 

Time passed, Yingyue and Jianyu had accepted a comfortable distance between them, while Xin Dongyang went to visit his grandchild more and more often. 

It wasn't that the mother and son didn't meet at all, they did and even greeted each other with a smile. But they still kept a distance from each other.

Just like that, Jianyu grew to be 5 years old and the time for his awakening ceremony came. 


All the five-year-old children of our clan were going through the ceremony. Out of them, two girls had great talent, one of them even had mutated Yin-ice spiritual roots. This girl would have been a great disciple for me, but unfortunately, I have been too busy lately.

As I was thinking about this, I saw Yu'er standing next to the crystal with his hand over it. Just as his spiritual seal was opened, the crystal began to glow a bright blue color with a light green tint. Everyone was surprised, since nobody expected it to be spiritual water roots. Just then a great elder muttered in shock. 

"Dao of life...the spiritual root contains fragments of dao itself! "

I was shocked at the elder's words. Around me, the elders started a discussion. But before these discussions could even start properly, the crystal started to glow again. 

Violet-crimson flames started to swirl around the water that contained fragments of dao without getting extinguished. This time it was my father who was shocked ".. Dao of death and the relentless sword Dao heart", he muttered in disbelief. 

An uproar started in the entire hall. The elders started to discuss the bright future of the sect. But I was too shocked to hear any of their words.

'Conflicting spiritual roots!'

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My face started to pale, as I felt my heart growing heavy. Just then, my father looked towards me, and sent his spiritual sense towards me.

|Take care of the ceremony, I will discuss this matter with Yu'er.|

|... Alright.|

I couldn't help but stare at the leaving backs of my father and son...


I quickly dismissed the ceremony and headed towards my father's cultivation chamber. Just outside the door I could hear a voice coming from the other side, which shouldn't be possible with all formations placed in the cultivation chamber.

".....I'd rather die trying, than to die after living a few years in disgrace-" The sounds coming from the inside were blocked after that.

Hearing my 5-year-old son speak of his own death as if it was natural, made my heart sink. I started to feel guilty for all the neglect I directed towards that child, just because I was afraid....

When the door to the cultivation chamber started to open I rushed away from there and went to my room. 

Sitting on my cultivation mat, I started meditating over my past actions and pondered what to do in the future.


After Xin Jianyu had left his cultivation chamber, Xin Dongyang sighed and looked in a certain direction.

"You have to make a decision Yue'er, whether to let go completely or to fix it, before it's completely irreparable."

Xin Dongyang sighed once again and started to cultivate.


From that day onwards, Yingyue tried to get closer to Jianyu, but the distance that was established between them did not decrease much to her dismay.

But Jianyu didn't notice any of this, because during his days as an immortal, he learnt that immortals would usually distance themselves from their descendants and wouldn't get attached to them.

 Since if they're too attached to the child and the child either dies or doesn't have the ability to become immortal, the grief and loss could cause them to develop mental demons.

But to Yingyue, it seemed as if her son had closed his heart to the world. After much consideration, she decided to take the girl named Cao Meihui as her disciple so that she can befriend her son, Jianyu.

After the years passed, the relationship between Yingyue and Jianyu had changed for the better, but there was still some distance between them. In his entire life, her son had never asked anything from her.

Until that day-----

"About that....I have a request, mother." Yu'er said in a small voice.

"What is it?" I was happy and curious at the same time, for this was the first time Yu'er had asked me for something.

"Umm... there's this auction that will happen in a few weeks and I want to invite Miss Xifeng for an outing to the auction hall...." His voice kept getting smaller and smaller as he started to blush.

'H-how adorable!' 

"Hmm....well, if you want to meet your fiance so badly, I guess I can send an invitation to the Yin family." I tried to tease Yu'er as this was the first time I saw him flustered like that.

While enjoying my son's embarrassed appearance, I noticed my disciple's bitter expression.

"How about you go and check out the places you will visit with your fiance tomorrow?" I suggested to Yu'er.

"That'll be great" he answered.

"Take Meihui with you as well. She doesn't get to go out much." I said, giving my disciple a smile.

"That's fine by me" Yu'er sighed, giving up.

"Yay, then it's decided!" My disciple exclaimed excitedly.


After I returned to my work, I remembered my son's flustered appearance and smiled.

"I guess I should make sure to send my son's beloved fiance a befitting invitation, huh.." I smiled to myself for a while and went back to work.

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