
Chapter 120: Chapter 120: Onesie

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Shiro tugged on her older sister's jacket as she looked up while her eyes sparkled with hope. Ketsueki looked at her little sister and let out a short sigh, she walked to the door she used the bolt lock, and unlocked the doorknob. Ketsueki slightly opened the door and saw Reiki with a smile on his face, he lifted his left leg off the ground and placed the containers with one of the lids on top. 

He was holding the large black forest cake in one hand and the container filled with peanut butter cupcakes in the other. Ketsueki's gaze instantly glued onto the black forest cake, Reiki moved the container with the cupcakes closer. She grabbed a couple of dark chocolate cupcakes that had some peanut butter frosting on top. Reiki thought. I know how much you love cakes, Onee-chan. Especially black forest cake.

Ketsueki moved her hand back inside as she passed one of the cupcakes to Shiro while her gaze was on the cake Reiki was holding. Ketsueki's gaze narrowed, she spoke with a hint of frost in her voice. "I know what you're up to, Reiki…" He quickly shook his head sideways and said. "I-I'm just trying to earn your forgiveness, Onee-chan. It's been a while since we've eaten cake together so I decided to make it with the help of our neighbors." 

Ketsueki slightly frowned, she said. "And they willingly helped without anything in return?" Reiki subconsciously gulped, he said. "N-No, I baked a lot of extras as a thank you for letting me use the kitchen."

Ketsueki stared at him for a few seconds, she pointed at him with the same hand holding the cupcake and said. "If you move so much as an inch, I'll make you wish you never returned." The smile on Reiki's face grew bigger as he excitedly said. "Yes! Onee-chan!" Ketsueki closed the door as the sound of locking was easily heard by Reiki as he stood still on one leg like a stone statue.


Inside Reiki's Home

Ketsueki was staring at Shiro whose mouth was covered in frosting and cupcake crumbs, Ketsueki said. "Shiro, are you okay?" Shiro nodded as her gaze was locked onto the cupcake in her older sister's hands, Shiro pointed at it and said. "... Onee-chan… Are you gonna eat that?..." Ketsueki's eyes widened for a split second as she glanced at the cupcake in her hand, she said. "It's that good?" 

Shiro quickly nodded showing her agreement as she placed her arm back to her side while her gaze remained. Ketsueki thought. She didn't eat the wrapper, did she?... She looked at her little sister's hands and saw the wrapper in her left hand. Ketsueki stared at the cupcake and took off the wrapper as she took a bite.


Outside The House

Reiki was still in the same position as Arashi appeared behind him but didn't even bother to greet her. Arashi stared at him for a second before a smile formed on her lips, she rummaged through her pocket taking out her pouch. From her pouch, she took out a few dozen thick sheets of metal. Arashi said. "Now, let's talk about why I smell at least seven to eight female elves on you." She placed a few of them on his head and said. "Your excuse is?" Reiki maintained his position without any difficulty, he said. "I could only accept their help and kindness." 

Arashi started stacking more on top of his head, she said. "Is that so?..." Reiki almost nodded and said. "Yes, they treated my wounds, gave me clothes, and made sure I was well fed. The least I could do was help here and there, long story short I got the scarf and their acknowledgment…"

Reiki glanced at Arashi at the corner of her eye as she continued to stack more thick sheets of metal on top of his head. Reiki said. "I want my scarf back, please." Arashi ignored him as she pointed at the stacks of sheets on his head and counted, she said. "Three, six, nine, twelve. I'm surprised you're still balanced." As she placed another three making it fifteen. 

Arashi gently poked the bottom making it slightly wobble as a smile slowly formed onto her lips, she said. "And nothing happened?" Her gaze zoomed in on Reiki's face looking for the smallest reaction. Reiki stood completely still as the thick sheets of metal started to feel heavy as it slowly lost their wobble, he said. "Nope, other than being hunted a few times by other elves. Nothing worth mentioning."

Arashi crossed her arms making her large breasts press against each other, she raised a brow and said. "Hunted? Why is that?" She glanced at Reiki's body and noticed he wasn't even sweating, he said. "They wanted to keep everything that I learned on the second-floor secret. Since I didn't agree to a few things they went with the next best thing." Reiki thought. This should be enough… Three. Two. One. 

Before Arashi could say anything the door suddenly opened revealing Ketsueki with a cold look in her eyes and Shiro who was behind her happily eating a cupcake. Ketsueki was about to say something but noticed the fifteen stacks of sheets on top of her little brother's head. Ketsueki glared at Arashi with her cold eyes which made her take a couple of steps back, Ketsueki said. "What do you think you're doing?"

Arashi was stunned for a moment as she tried to think of something when Reiki suddenly said. "I asked her to help me with some training." Ketsueki kept her glare on Arashi, Ketsueki said. "Training, huh…" Doubt was all over his older sister's eyes as her gaze slowly turned colder. Reiki pretended to slightly shake which caught both of their attention, he said. "Onee-chan, can I come back inside now? Please." 

Ketsueki looked at the cake in his hands, now that she had a good look she saw containers filled with cookies, brownies, and whipped cream-filled doughnuts that had the top dipped in a thin layer of chocolate. Ketsueki walked toward him as she took all the containers off his hands along with the cake, she walked back inside the house and turned her head sideways to look at him. Reiki was still in the same pose, not moving an inch, Ketsueki said. "... Fine…" As a small smile slowly formed on her lips, Reiki let out a long sigh of relief as his gaze wandered onto his little sister whose mouth was covered in cupcake crumbs and frosting.

Reiki looked down and noticed his older sister didn't change into sports shoes and used the white indoor slippers outside. Reiki quickly went inside and hastily took off his shoes and took out a couple of pairs of indoor slippers, he put a pair on and walked past Ketsueki. His older sister stopped walking while Shiro ate the cupcake in her hand with a confused look on her face. 

Reiki squatted down and placed the pair of indoor slippers down, Ketsueki looked at him with a blank expression as she lifted her left leg up as her little brother replaced her indoor slippers with a new one. Ketsueki placed her left leg down and lifted her right leg, Reiki replaced the indoor slipper and placed the ones that were used outside on the floor near the door. Ketsueki went back inside leaving her younger siblings and Arashi who had a stunned look as she placed a hand on her chin as she thought of something.

Reiki let out another sigh as he walked next to Shiro and patted her head, messing up her hair. His younger sister pouted at him with a grumpy expression while taking a bite of the cupcake in her hands. Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "I'm back, Shiro." Shiro immediately smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his chest, she said. "Welcome back, Onii-chan." The two of them heard Arashi faked a cough which made them both turn their heads at her. 

Arashi gave Reiki a meaningful look as she lifted her indoor slippers, he rolled his eyes at her and said. "You know where we put them." Reiki held Shiro's left hand, he said. "Let's go, Shiro. We can't let Onee-chan have all the sweets for herself." Shiro hugged his arm with her left arm only, she said. "Yes, Onii-chan!" The two of them left Arashi standing by the door.

Reiki led Shiro by the hand as the two of them walked into the living room and saw that their older sister was sitting by the couch with the coffee table in the middle with plates of sweets on them. Ketsueki was browsing through the channels and said. "Eat up." Shiro let go of his older brother's hand and sat right next to her older sister as she stared at the food on the coffee table with her eyes sparkling like stars. 

Ketsueki turned her head and noticed that Reiki was missing as a small frown formed on her lips. Reiki made his way into the living room while holding a few napkins, he said. "I thought we might need it." He sat beside his little sister and started wiping her mouth clean, Ketsueki was flipping through the channels and stopped on a documentary about red pandas.

Shiro moved her head closer to her older brother as he lovingly wiped her mouth clean, Reiki nodded as he looked around the room. Ketsueki was staring at the desserts on the table while Shiro already picked up a large chocolate cookie with chunky chocolate. Shiro took a bite as she enjoyed her cookie with crumbs on her mouth again. Reiki said. "I'll tidy the room for a moment." Ketsueki didn't even glance at him and nonchalantly said. "Do what you want." 

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Reiki stood up from his seat and immediately bolted out of the room as he headed up to the second floor. Shiro looked at her older sister who had a small smile on her lips, Shiro said. "Onee-chan… If you've already forgiven Onii-chan, why are you acting like that?" Ketsueki let out a chuckle as she raised her hand and picked up a brownie, she said. "Did you forget his promise to us?"

Shiro tilted her head sideways as she took another bite of the half-eaten cookie in her hands, she swallowed and said. "His promise?..." Ketsueki nodded as she stared at the brownie in her hands, she said. "That's right, he promised he would do all the household chores and everything." Shiro raised a brow, she said. "Didn't Onii-chan keep his promise then?" Ketsueki was about to say something but stopped herself, she thought for a moment and said. "Yes and no… He did it for a day then left us, remember?" 

Shiro nodded as she picked up the same napkin Reiki used and wiped her mouth clean. Before they could continue, Reiki quickly went down the stairs as his green tunic was slightly damp from the sweat. He was carrying a couple of plastic bags filled with trash and feather duster.

His two sisters looked at him oddly and with a smile on his face, Reiki said. "I've cleaned all the rooms on the second floor and taken the trash from the bins, for the time being, I'll just dust the corners of the rooms and do a thorough clean on the weekend." Before either of the girls could answer, Reiki started dusting the corners of the room while holding the plastic bags in hand. 

Arashi walked into the living room and sat on the separate chair on the left, Ketsueki frowned at her and said. "What took you so long?" Arashi smiled and said. "I was watching." While glancing at Reiki from the corner of her eye. Shiro moved her eyes away from the red panda eating on tv, she looked at Arashi and said. "Why would you watch Onii-chan?" Arashi reached for a cupcake, with a small lewd smile on her lips she said. "His smell is-." Ketsueki interrupted her, she said. "She's just being weird Shiro, don't learn anything from her."

Shiro nodded while Ketsueki finally took a bite of the brownie in her hand as she nodded in approval. Reiki shortly finished doing a light clean of the room and went into the kitchen to continue. Ketsueki was watching his every move from the corner of her eye as a small smile formed on her lips that she quickly replaced. Arashi took the wrapper off the cupcake and took a bite as she let out a satisfied sigh while chewing, she said. "Wanna know where he's been?" 

Ketsueki ate the other half of the brownie while chewing, she stared at Arashi with an indifferent expression. Ketsueki swallowed and said. "Elven territory." Arashi took another bite of the cupcake in her hands as she moved her gaze onto the tv watching the red pandas play with each other.

All three of them heard the sound of footsteps quickly walking toward them as Reiki placed down five glasses on the coffee table along with a coaster. He sprinted back into the kitchen and brought out an ice-cold pitcher of water and a large carton of milk. Reiki filled two of the glasses with milk and the rest with water, he passed one of the glasses of milk to his younger sister which she accepted with a smile. Reiki gulped as he picked up a glass of water and held it to his older sister with both hands. 

Ketsueki stared at him with a nonchalant gaze as she accepted the glass and took a sip, she said. "Thank you." And gave the glass back to him as he placed it back onto the coaster. Reiki smiled at her and said. "I do it because I want to." Shiro was chugging the glass of milk down as she passed it to his older brother as he filled it with more milk and placed it back on the coaster.

Reiki took a couple of steps toward the kitchen but stopped when he heard Ketsueki speak. "You don't have to do this." Reiki turned his head and looked at his older sister, he said. "It's the least I could do for the two of you. You've already done so much for me… I want to help even if it's something simple." He walked toward the kitchen and came back with two plastic bags filled with trash as he headed toward the front door. A warm smile formed onto Ketsueki's lips while Arashi said. "What you're doing is illegal." 

Ketsueki's smile vanished as she glared at Arashi from the corner of her eye, Ketsueki said. "And this is my house, I can drag you out of here. Whether willingly or in a…" She glanced at Shiro who was enjoying the documentary while reaching out for a brownie. The two of them heard a couple of footsteps coming closer which made both of them turn their heads as they saw Reiki with Kiru behind him.

Kiru was wearing a simple dark blue t-shirt and pants as she sat on the separated chair on the right. Kiru gave the three of them a smile, she said. "It's been a while since we've last sat together like this." Shiro suddenly turned reserved as she looked at the what's left of the cookie in her hand. Ketsueki and Arashi ignored her existence as the two of them continued eating while watching.

Kiru didn't mind it as she reached out for a doughnut and took a bite revealing whipped cream inside. From her bite, there was some whipped cream on the corner of Kiru's mouth while Reiki was standing beside the tv with a dry cloth wiping the back. He glanced at Kiru from the corner of his eye as she seductively licked the whipped cream off her lips. Reiki felt a chill down his smile as he felt three dangerous gazes on him as he hid his face behind the tv while wiping the back.

Ketsueki and Arashi coldly glared at him with their eyes filled with indifference while his little sister Shiro stared at him with suspicion. Reiki quickly finished cleaning the back of the tv and said. "I'll be in the bathroom for a moment, cleaning this rug." As he quickly escaped from the living room under three cold gazes. Ketsueki and Arashi glared at Kiru from the corner of their eyes as Kiru enjoyed herself. 

Ketsueki's eyes turned back to normal as she looked at her little sister and said. "Shiro, why did you glare at him?" Shiro glanced at a doughnut from the corner of her eye which Ketsueki picked up and gave to her. Shiro smiled as she accepted the doughnut and said. "I saw you glaring at him so I thought Onii-chan did something bad again." Shiro took a big bite out of the doughnut as some cream stuck to her left cheek.

Ketsueki patted the top of her little sister's head and flashed her a smile, Kiru continued to divulge in sweets while being glared at Arashi. Shiro happily ate the doughnut while watching tv as the three others heard footsteps coming from the second floor. Reiki walked into the living room wearing a simple white t-shirt and shorts. He walked beside the empty spot next to Ketsueki, Reiki said. "... Onee-chan… I-Is that seat open?..." 

A few seconds passed as Ketsueki glanced at him from the corner of her eye as a small mysterious smile formed on her lips. Ketsueki said. "You said you'll do anything for my forgiveness, right?" Reiki eagerly nodded with a smile on his face, Shiro reached her small hand out for another doughnut while Arashi and Kiru looked at the two siblings from the corner of their eye. 

The mysterious smile on Ketsueki's lips grew bigger as she turned her head to face him, she brought out a pouch from her pocket and took out a sky blue large paper bag from inside. Ketsueki moved the sky blue bag toward him and said. "Wear this and be my butler for the day." Reiki stared at the bag at him, he said. "Yes?..."

~Five Minutes Later~

Ketsueki was sitting on the left edge of the couch with a big bright smile on her lips, on her left Reiki was standing beside her. He was wearing a grey one-piece wolf onesie complete with a tail behind his butt and a hood with two long wolf ears, on his left forearm was a white handkerchief. Reiki was holding a round metal serving tray that had a glass of water and milk on it, he kept a straight face despite Arashi and Kiru taking pictures of him with their phones. 

Ketsueki said. "Reiki, pass me-." Her eyes widened as she stopped and continued. "Can you help me drink some water?" Reiki picked her the glass of water with his right hand and moved it closer to her older sister's lips as he slightly tilted it. He moved the glass away from Ketsueki's lips and placed it back on the tray as she let out a satisfied sigh, Reiki picked up the white handkerchief on his left forearm and wiped her older sister's lips dry.

Ketsueki flashed him a smile and said. "Thank you." Reiki shook his head sideways and said. "It's what I should do, madam." Ketsueki's smile grew bigger as she nodded and picked up another brownie and took a bite. Arashi and Kiri were still taking pictures, Arashi's eyes were full of envy as she whispered. "Lucky…" Kiru placed her phone in her pocket, she said. "Little brother if you want to, I can hire you to be my butler. I'll make sure you won't lack money if you agree." 

Arashi's eyes widened, she placed her phone on the coffee table revealing a black dragon on the back. Arashi said. "If you agree to-." Ketsueki coughed which made Arashi stop mid-sentence, Ketsueki said. "My boy is too young to work." As she glared at the two girls who picked up their phones and started staring at the pictures they took of Reiki in a wolf onesie.

Shiro raised her hand as she proudly said. "Onii-chan, I want you to feed me." Reiki went around the back of the couch and sat next to his little sister. He picked up the brownie with one hand still holding the serving tray as he moved the brownie to her small mouth which Shiro took a bit as she nodded happily. 

Shiro tightly hugged his older brother's arm as she slightly moved her body from side to side. Arashi placed her phone inside her pocket and picked up a couple of doughnuts and a cupcake, she looked at the coffee table and said. "Where's the cake?" Ketsueki said. "What cake?" Arashi raised a brow and said. "The black forest cake Lil bro made." Ketsueki shook her head sideways, she said. "I don't know what you're talking about."

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