
Chapter 121: Chapter 121: Massage

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Arashi moved her gaze onto Reiki, she said. "Lil bro where's the cake?" Reiki saw his little sister from the corner of his eye finishing off the brownie in her hands. He reached out for another one and said. "What cake?" And gave the doughnut to Shiro to which she accepted with a big smile. Arashi raised a brow and said. "The black forest cake that you've made me stare at for thirty whole minutes!" Ketsueki pointed at the glass on the round metal tray he was holding. Reiki picked up the glass and slightly tilted it as he held the glass while his older sister took a sip, he shook his head sideways and said. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He placed the glass back on the metal tray as he picked up the cloth on his left forearm and gently wiped the drops of water on Ketsueki's lips. Arashi stood up from her seat, with a narrowed gaze and a threatening tone. "You're not going to share with your big sister?" Ketsueki gave Arashi a dangerous glare which she ignored. Reiki stared at Arashi's left hand and saw she was holding two doughnuts as one of them had a bite and on the other hand a cupcake. He said. "I'll make something for you tomorrow." Arashi sat back down and let out a sigh. Kiru who was enjoying herself picked up her glass of water that was almost empty, she took a sip emptying the glass as she let out a satisfied sigh. Kiru said. "Little brother." As she showed him the glass in her hand. Reiki picked up the pitcher of water and filled her glass with more water, he looked around at all of them and said. "Should I also prepare some tea?"

Reiki stopped his gaze onto his older sister and continued. "Madam, would you also like some tea to go with this… Breakfast?..." Reiki's pupils slightly dilated as he turned his head to look at the front door as a serious expression appeared on his face. He thought. Who's there!? He heard a familiar voice say. "Apologies for the sudden intrusion." Ketsueki and Arashi glanced in the same direction he was looking for a second before moving their gazes back onto the tv. After a few seconds, Kanzei walked in wearing his usual suit and vanished, then reappearing on the right side of Kiru's seat who continued to eat. Reiki let out a small sigh, he said. "Kanzei-san, I would appreciate it if you were to stop teleporting into my home so abruptly." Kanzei nodded his head and said. "I understand, it took me longer than expected to wash the dishes so I wanted to return to Ojou-sama's."

Reiki gestured at the sweets on the table and said. "Please help yourself." He glanced at Kiru who was eating a doughnut while taking the wrapper off the cupcake and continued. "I made sure there's enough for everyone so you don't have to worry." Kanzei nodded and said. "Then I shall take you up on your offer." A couple of doughnuts, brownies, cookies, and cupcakes floated from the table as if an arm was grabbing them. The sweets stayed still on Kanzei's shoulder level as he picked up a doughnut and took a bite and nodded in approval with a contemplating look. Reiki's eyes suddenly widened, which didn't escape Kiru's sharp eyes, she said. "Something wrong little brother?" Reiki moved his gaze onto Kanzei who was holding a doughnut in one hand and a cupcake in the other, Reiki said. "Kanzei-san, any chance you have a small jar of cherries on you?"

Kanzei waves his hand that was still holding a doughnut as a medium-sized mason jar appeared in his hand. The jar floated from the palm of his hand and went toward Reiki, all of them except Shiro and Kiru looked at him oddly. Kanzei took a white silk handkerchief from the inside of his breast pocket and wiped his mouth, he said. "Ojou-sama loves cherries." Reiki took out his tattered pouch and opened it as Kanzei placed the jar of cherries inside the pouch. Reiki looked at his older sister, he said. "Madam, I'll be opening a window for a moment." Everyone looked at him from the corner of their eyes as the plate of sweets on the coffee table was only half-empty despite the constant eating. Reiki made his way to the window at the side and opened it by bringing it up, he placed his entire right hand out and waited. Arashi looked at him oddly, she said. "Lil bro what are you-?" She stopped as everyone saw a streak of white land on his right forearm.

Reiki moved his right hand and closed the window. Cherry flapped her wings and flew into the air and landed on Reiki's right shoulder. Shiro's eyes sparkled as she stood up from her seat and quickly ran at her older brother while her gaze was glued onto the white crow. Kiru looked at the bird with interest even Kanzei glanced at Cherry from the corner of his eyes while his older sister and Arashi turned their head to look at her. Shiro moved the brownie she was eating from her right hand to her left. Using her right hand that still had some smears of brownie on it, Shiro tried to touch Cherry's white feathers, Shiro said. "Onii-chan is the bird a boy or a girl?" Reiki took the handkerchief on his left forearm and wiped his little sister's hand and said. "Her name is Cherry." While cleaning Shiro's hand Cherry turned her head sideways and stared at her with one side of her head as if she was judging her.

Shiro, seeing Cherry's blood-red eye, took a step back. Reiki grabbed his little sister's forearm and with a comforting tone, he said. "It's fine, she won't hurt you." He glanced at Cherry and continued. "Isn't that right, Cherry?" Cherry flapped her wings and softly let out a caw, she flew into the air and slowly landed on Shiro's shoulder. Cherry rubbed her head against Shiro's cheek which made her giggle and laugh. Shiro patted Cherry's head with her index finger. Shiro slowly walked to the couch while she glanced at her right shoulder to admire Cherry's white feathers. Reiki went to the kitchen while Shiro was surrounded by everyone in the living room to take a closer look at Cherry. Arashi took a bite out of the half-eaten cupcake in her hands and said. "This crow looks too elegant for my taste."

Kiru rolled her eyes at her as she slowly reached her hand out to pat Cherry, Kiru said. "Anything that doesn't require testosterone would be elegant in your eyes." Kiru gently rubbed the top of Cherry's head using her index finger while being glared at Arashi. Ketsueki glanced at the crow with discerning eyes, she said. "... A familiar, huh…" Kanzei was standing behind the group and placed a hand on his chin, he said. "An albino crow, how peculiar…" Kanzei, Kiru, Arashi, and even Ketsueki's pupils glowed as all four of them inspected Cherry while Shiro was admiring her feathers. All of their eyes widened while Arashi pointed at Cherry and said. "Class! This bird has a class!" Cherry moved her gaze onto Arashi as she let out a caw and softly flapped her wings.

Reiki made his way back to the living room and saw all of them were around Shiro who was sitting on the couch. On the metal tray, there was a small biodegradable plastic bowl filled with cherries. Cherry seeing this flew into the air and landed on Reiki's right shoulder as she rubbed her head against his cheek. Shiro pouted and gave her older brother a frown, Kiru said. "That's why you call her Cherry." Kanzei was about to say something but felt his phone that was inside his breast pocket vibrate. He took the phone out and pressed the button on the side, Kanzei said. "Ojou-sama, pardon me. A few… Clients refused to pay up." He gave her a slight bow while Kiru lazily waved her hand and said. "Take care of it for me."

Kanzei vanished along with the sweets that were floating near him. Cherry, who was on Reiki's right shoulder, made her way to the small bowl of cherries by hopping on his arm. She picked one up by the stem and placed her foot on it. Cherry's talons slightly dug into the cherry as she pulled the stem off, she placed the stem on the metal tray and started eating. Shiro looked at the bird with stars in her eyes as she stood up from her seat and walked at her older brother and hugged his waist. Ketsueki and Arashi were surprised by Cherry's intelligence as they stared at her with wide eyes, Ketsueki said. "Are crows supposed to be that smart?..." Kiru's gaze slightly narrowed as she stared at the bird with a pondering expression.

Reiki walked near the couch with his little sister beside him, he said. "I fed her some cherries last time and she saw me take the stem off." Cherry picked up another cherry by the stem and took it off again while under everyone's watch. Arashi took off her indoor slippers, crossed her legs while sitting, placed her elbow on her thigh, and placed her hand under her chin. Arashi said. "What kind of contract did you bind with?" Reiki shook his head and said. "We don't have one." All three girls in the room were stunned except for Shiro who continued to softly caress Cherry's back. Kiru came back to her senses and raised her hand as it was covered in a thin layer of mana. Cherry was enveloped with a thin layer of mana when she suddenly flapped her wings and let out a caw. She turned her head sideways and looked at Kiru with her blood-red eye.

Reiki let out a chuckle while Arashi and Ketsueki glared at Kiru from the corner of their eyes. Reiki said. "What kind of contracts are there?" Ketsueki cleared her throat, she said. "There are three. The most common one being a freedom contract where either the familiar or in your case human can break off the contract anytime. Second is the lifelong contract, if you were to die then the familiar would also die along with you… Lastly, a slave contract… Enough said." As she glared at her little brother, not bothering to explain. Reiki thought. Not that bad… He said. "Do beast tamers have a unique contract or?" Kiru smiled as she raised her index finger and said. "They don't, the only advantage they have is they have a beast-like scent. So animals would more likely see them as their own, you don't have to worry about them stealing Cherry."

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Arashi stared at Cherry for a few seconds, she said. "I thought a familiar that could decline a contract was fake… Lil bro how did the two of you bond?" Reiki shrugged his shoulders and said. "I've had her for less than four days." The girls raised a brow and thought for a moment while Shiro was glued onto his brother playing with Cherry's feathers while she was eating. Cherry picked up another cherry and took off the stem while Reiki picked up the bowl and passed it to his little sister. Cherry quickly ate the cherry and flapped her wings and landed on Shiro's right shoulder. Shiro let out another giggle as she slowly walked toward the couch and sat down. Reiki moved his gaze onto his older sister and said. "Onee-chan can you buy me a small bird stand?"

Ketsueki turned her head and looked at her little brother with furrowed brow, she said. "Sure." Reiki had a surprised expression on his face, Ketsueki seeing this chuckled and said. "I have some spare cash on me." Reiki nodded, he said. "I'll head back to the kitchen, the water should be boiling by now." He turned around and headed to the kitchen leaving the girls in the living room. Ketsueki picked up the remote next to her and switched the channels, she said. "Shiro, how well are you learning to cast the spell?" Shiro was holding a cherry in her hands and took the stem out, she moved it closer and fed it to Cherry who took multiple bites of it with her beak. Shiro moved her gaze onto her older sister and said. "I can cast the water ball without chanting…" Shiro slightly blushed and continued. "For the earth and wind ball, I can use them just fine… Fireball on the other hand…"

Kiru smiled, with a wave of her hand spheres of water, fire, wind, and earth appeared right in front of her. Kiru said. "It's easy, see." Shiro moved her gaze onto the spheres with a hint of sadness in her eyes, she said. "I can't do that." Kiru's smile stiffened while Arashi roared with laughter, Arashi said. "Not everyone can multicast and silently chant." Arashi suddenly turned serious as she raised a finger, she continued. "All you need to do is picture it in your head." Shiro cutely tilted her head sideways, she said. "Picture?..." Arashi nodded as a smile formed on her lips, she said. "What does a fire look like in your mind?" Shiro's eyes slightly narrowed in confusion, she said. "Hot?..." Arashi was about to continue but Ketsueki suddenly raised her hand and said. "Shiro, go to your room and learn the chant. After breakfast, I'll help you with the spell."

Shiro placed a cherry back into the bowl in her hands. Cherry was on her shoulders, hopped onto her thigh, and continued eating. Shiro glanced at the sweets onto the table and looked up to her older sister with pleading eyes. The sound of footsteps came closer, everyone turned their head and saw Reiki. The metal tray he was holding with his left hand were five dark green cylinder-shaped cups on the metal tray. While walking toward the couch Reiki said. "Don't worry, Shiro. You can have my share as well." Shiro passed the small biodegradable plastic bowl to her older sister which made Cherry fly into the air and land on the couch next to Ketsueki. Shiro stood up from the couch and ran toward her older brother and hugged him tightly by the waist, she looked up to him and said. "I love you, Onii-chan!"

Reiki glanced at the cups that were letting out steam from the corner of his eye, with a helpless smile on his face he said. "Careful now, I'm holding something hot." Shiro let out a giggle while Reiki rolled his eyes at her and ruffled her white hair. Shiro quickly went up to her room while he started passing the three girls' tea. Reiki stood next to Ketsueki who was sitting on the couch with a straight posture, he said. "What did I miss?" Ketsueki ruffled his unkempt and scraggly hair with her hand, she said. "Nothing important." She pointed at the cup on the metal tray. Reiki picked it up and softly blew on it, he moved it closer to his older sister's lips as she took a sip. Reiki placed the cup back on the metal plate and used the handkerchief on his left forearm to wipe Ketsueki's lips.

Arashi picked up a cupcake while taking off the wrapper as her gaze was glued onto him, Arashi said. "Lucky…" She took a bite of the cupcake in her hands while Kiru waved her hand as a brownie flew into her hands. Arashi picked up her cup filled with tea and took a sip, Ketsueki reached her hand out and picked up a doughnut. While staring at the doughnut in her hand Ketsueki said. "When are you going to uphold your promise of my massage?" Reiki looked at the coffee table filled with plates, he said. "I'll do it right now." He walked to the coffee table and started putting all the sweets in a couple of plates, freeing up some room. Reiki placed the round metal tray on the coffee table and picked up the two plates and ran toward the kitchen.

The sound of footsteps hurriedly came back as Reiki walked to the couch and picked up the small plastic bowl that was almost empty along with some stems from the couch. Arashi and Kiru watched as they continued eating sweets while Cherry flew in the air watching Reiki place the plastic bowl just behind the couch. He placed the handkerchief on his left forearm on the floor and emptied the small bowl of cherries placing them on the hanky. Reiki placed the stems in the small plastic bowl as Cherry landed next to the plastic bowl and went back to eating. 

Reiki pulled up the sleeves of his onesie and said. "Lay down on the couch with your back facing the ceiling." Ketsueki took off her white indoor slippers and laid down on the couch with her back exposed to him. Ketsueki turned her head sideways and glanced at her little brother from the corner of her eye, she said. "Don't try anything else, you hear me?" Reiki nodded as he placed his hand on her back, he thought. It should be right around here. Reiki gently pushed as Ketsueki suddenly felt a wave of pleasure and subconsciously let out a soft moan. Kiru raised a brow while Arashi covered her mouth as both their eyes were filled with disbelief. Ketsueki quickly placed a hand over her mouth while he continued. Reiki was like a machine as the movement of his hands was fluid and confident while slowly applying force on the back of his older sister's pressure points.

Ketsueki's moans slowly grew louder as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, she bit her lower lip trying her best to keep her mouth shut. Ketsueki's breathing turned erratic as she tried to take big slow breaths to calm herself. Reiki placed one hand on Ketsueki's lower spine and one just below her neck and slowly applied pressure. She let out a sharp moan and tried to move but couldn't as her entire body felt like jelly. Reiki nodded and thought. I still remember. Kiru and Arashi were watching as the two of them couldn't move their gaze away from them. Reiki placed his hands on Ketsueki's shoulders and slowly applied pressure while gently moving his thumbs in a circle. Ketsueki let out another loud moan as she grabbed the armrest of the couch and almost tore off the exterior. Ketsueki spoke between pants. "S-Stop!... R-Reiki!... S-Stop!"

Reiki moved his hands away as Ketsueki was heavily panting while her entire face turned slightly red giving her a hint of seductive charm. Ketsueki subconsciously placed a hand on her chest covering the area around her nipples as she stared at his little brother with some water in her eyes. Reiki gulped and thought. Maybe a little too much stimulation… Ketsueki pushed herself from the couch as her arms looked like it was about to collapse. She turned around and laid down on the couch and took a deep breath, Ketsueki said. "H-How about that foot massage?" Arashi was playing with her hands as she glanced at them from time to time with a faint blush on her cheeks. Kiru cheeks had a hint of red in them as she continued to enjoy the show. Ketsueki tried to lift her right leg after a couple of seconds she managed to lift it as it wobbled. Reiki caught his sister's right foot and stared at it. Ketsueki's foot was delicate, soft, and looked like it was never exposed to the sun.

Reiki placed his right thumb on the lower sole and his left thumb an inch below her finger toes as he added pressure. Ketsueki let out another loud moan as she took the pillow she was laying on top of and hugged it with all her might. Reiki continued with the massage while Ketsueki bit the pillow she was holding as tears started to form in her eyes and a small line of drool escaped from the corner of her lips. The blush on Kiru's and Arashi's faces grew as they turned slightly red from hearing Ketsueki's moans. Ketsueki suddenly sat up straight and three the pillow onto the ground and tightly hugged Reiki, smothering his face between her large breasts. Ketsueki's eyes were dazed as a hint of lust could be seen as she caressed her little brother back and took a deep breath with his scent.

Ketsueki said. "W-Well continue… This next time…" Ketsueki let him go as she flopped back on the bed and placed an arm on her face covering her eyes and wiped the drool on her lips using the sleeve of the baggy jacket she was wearing. Ketsueki's breathing was erratic as she tried to calm down. Reiki turned his head and saw the two girls blushing, he said. "What?"

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