
Chapter 122: Chapter 122: A long day

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Arashi looked at him weirdly while blushing, she said. "Do you even have an idea what you just did?" Reiki had an innocent look on his face, he said. "A massage… Right?..." Arashi's eyes widened from his answer. Kiru raised a finger, she said. "Did you even hear… Your older sister?" She moved her raised finger and pointed at Ketsueki who was still panting while covering her eyes with her forearm. Reiki shook his head sideways and said. "No, I was too busy concentrating." He thought. Of course, I heard them, I was right next to her. Ketsueki moved her hand away from her face as she slowly sat up properly on the bed which got everyone's attention. Her eyes still had a hint of water in them as she put on a pair of white indoor slippers without using her hands.

Ketsueki stood up as all three of the room noticed the slight wobble in her legs, she said. "I need to get my phone." She took a deep breath and slowly made her way to the second floor. Arashi stared at him with her gaze mixed with fear and temptation as she struggled to say something. Kiru looked at Reiki's hands with a discerning gaze, she said. "I've never seen that kind of massage before." Reiki shrugged his shoulders and said. "It is what it is."


Ketsueki's Room

She walked toward the nightstand while taking off her baggy jacket revealing a grey t-shirt underneath as she threw the jacket onto the bed. Ketsueki started removing her baggy pants revealing her lower half, her butt was ample and firm while her thighs and calves were toned from exercise. She was wearing black panties with flowers embroidered on them. Her pants landed on the floor as she squatted down making her panties slightly ride up as they looked like they were being swallowed. Ketsueki opened one of the drawers from the nightstand and inside the drawers were more black panties with various designs neatly folded inside. She picked a random one and placed it on the edge of the nightstand, and started taking off the one she was wearing.

The panties she was wearing slowly peeled off from her skin as a single string of something sticky connected from her crotch and onto the fabric. Ketsueki lifted her legs one at a time as she took a closer while ignoring the breeze she could feel from her cleanly shaved nether region. Her cheeks started to blush as she saw a long wet slit on them, she mumbled to herself. "I'll remember this, Reiki." As she placed the used panties on top of the nightstand and reached for the neatly folded on the corner and started putting it on. The moment she put on her panties Ketsueki blushed when her body suddenly remembered the sensation as she placed her hand on her crotch. She took a deep breath to calm her emotions when her eyes suddenly widened, Ketsueki said. "I left my boy alone with them!" She suddenly bent over as she picked up her pants that were on the ground by the waist and quickly put them on. She grabbed her jacket that she threw onto the bed and ran out of the room.


Living Room

Arashi and Kiru were sitting and eating while Arashi browsed through the channels using the remote she held in her right hand while holding a cupcake with her left. Kiru took a bite of the brownie in her hands as she picked up her cylinder-shaped glass of tea and said. "Can you at least act with a shred of femininity?" As she glanced at Arashi who was sitting on the chair with her legs crossed with some frosting on the edge of her lips. Before she could answer, the two of them heard the sound of footsteps and looked behind them as they saw Ketsueki with a deep frown on her lips. Arashi smirked as she passed the remote to her which Ketsueki caught mid-air, Arashi said. "Finished so soon?"

Kiru frowned as she glared at Arashi from the corner of her eye as she took a sip of tea and continued with her meal. Ketsueki glared at Arashi and said. "Where's my boy?" Arashi turned her head to look at the tv which made Ketsueki's pupils glow a faint white. Arashi lazily waved her hand and said. "Bathroom, no need to get your panties in a bunch." As she suddenly started laughing. Kiru let out a sigh and said. "If not for those oversized sacks of meat on your chest I would be convinced you're a man." Ketsueki let out a chuckle as she immediately coughed while Arashi froze and glared at Kiru. Arashi pointed at Kiru's chest and said. "At least I don't have to worry about you stealing away Lil bro with your pathetic chest!" Ketsueki glanced at Kiru's slightly below-average-sized chest from the corner of her eye.


Meanwhile In The Bathroom

Reiki was still fully clothed and sitting on the toilet while holding onto a talisman, he thought. I can hear you… He let out a helpless smile and said. "Now, how do I use this?..." His hand was covered in a thin layer of mana as it soon enveloped the talisman in his hands before the elvish writing on it faintly glowed.


luxurious Dining Room

Moranor, Melanor, Elora, Enora, And Enrel were sitting down on chairs and in front of them was a table filled with food. The five elves were enjoying their breakfast while chatting amongst themselves, Melanor noticed her pocket glowing as she placed down a knife and fork and took out the long-range talisman that was faintly glowing. Moranor and Enora's eyes lit up while Enora immediately frowned as she crossed her arms making her breasts press against each other. From the talisman, all of them could hear Reiki's voice, he said. "Hello?... Is anyone there?..." The room slowly turned silent while everyone continued with their meal except Enora. Melanor wiped her mouth using a napkin, she said. "We can hear you." Reiki said. "Is this a bad time or are you elves still in the middle of purging?"

Elora placed down her knife and fork as she wiped her lips with a napkin, she said. "No, we just finished." Reiki felt the heavy pause as he faked a cough and said. "Can…" A moment of silence passed while Melanor let go of the talisman as it floated in the air. The elves continued with their meal while Enora glared at the talisman while Moranor had a sweet smile on her lips. Reiki said. "Can you pass a message to Nora for me?" A smirk slowly formed on Enrel's lips while the smile on Moranor's face slightly faltered. Enora quickly picked up a napkin and wiped her lips clean, she coldly said. "No need I'm right here." Reiki said. "Perfect, when I drop by next time I'll have something special for you. I'm sorry for not giving you a gift on your birthday but I'll make it up to you. I promise." Enora let out a scoff to hide her smile, she said. "Talk is cheap."

Moranor frowned as she glanced at Enora from the corner of her eye while the smile on Enrel's lips disappeared. Enrel whispered. "I wanted a show…" Reiki said. "Any chance you know an elf named Saria that works in the library?" The entire room turned silent, Enrel had a big smile on her face while Elora and Melanor frowned. Enora and Moranor pupils glowed as they glared at the talisman, Enora said. "What is she to you?" Reiki said. "I can feel the ice from where I'm from, to answer your question, an acquaintance. I talked with Haruka for a bit and she said something about a representative job? I don't remember." Enora and Moranor's gaze narrowed as they stared at the floating talisman with suspicion in their eyes. Melanor cleared her throat and said. "Now that I think about it, we will be working with you and a representative is needed."

Moranor stood up from her seat as she placed her hands onto the table, she said. "Mom?!" Melanor lazily waved her hand, she said. "Since we need an elf to show other humans we're on friendly terms with Reiki, why not an elf he trusts?" Enora suddenly said. "And if there's something between them?" Elora smiled as she picked up a teacup and said. "Then we'll abuse our power." Reiki said. "A-Anyway, when I visit next time I have something to show her majesty. Happy birthday Nora, Mora. I'm sorry I couldn't be there. I'll see the two of you soon." The talisman's glow slowly started to fade, Enora said. "Don't forget my gift!" They heard Reiki's laughter, he said. "I'll make it extra special." The talisman lost its glow while Enrel frowned and said. "I want a refund, I was expecting a massacre."


Back At The Bathroom

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Reiki stood up and flushed the toilet he rummaged through the back pocket of the wolf onesie and took out his tattered pouch and placed the talisman inside. He placed the tattered pouch into the back pocket and walked out of the bathroom while hearing Kiru coldly say. "The moment you show signs of old age, little brother will look at other women." Reiki felt a chill go down his spine as he walked out of the bathroom and hastily made his way into the living room.

The girls heard his hurried footsteps, Reiki was beside the couch and said. "I heard someone say brother, which one of you was it?" He reached for the round metal tray on the coffee table and picked it up, from the corner of his eye he saw a streak of white land on his shoulders as Cherry landed on his right shoulder. Cherry let out a caw and flapped her wings while the three girls looked with interest, Reiki said. "You want to head outside and look around?" Cherry let out another caw as she rubbed her head against his cheek, Reiki nodded and said. "Sure, just be back before nightfall." Reiki walked toward the window as he opened it halfway, Cherry was already a streak of white as she flew away. He closed the window and noticed the odd stares Kiru, Arashi, and even his older sister Ketsueki were giving him. Reiki said. "What? Never saw someone bonding with their familiar before?"

Reiki went to the back of the couch and picked up the slightly damped handkerchief and the small plastic bowl with cherry stems. Ketsueki thought for a bit, she said. "Don't you think she's a bit too smart?" Reiki stood up straight and nodded, he said. "She is, I thought it was weird at first but got used to it." Kiru placed a hand over her lips, she said. "I know crows are known for their intelligence, but this is-." From her pocket, she felt her phone vibrate and took out her smartphone, and stared at a number. Kiru stood up from her seat, she said. "I need to go." Arashi let out a chuckle, she said. "I hope you lose money." Kiru walked toward the front door and glanced at Arashi, Kiru said. "My conglomerate needs my help, something I made for myself." Arashi picked up a brownie and crushed it with her hands.

Reiki's gaze narrowed slightly as he harshly said. "Don't waste food." Ketseuki's eyes widened in surprise while Arashi froze from being scolded by him. Kiru stopped walking as she turned her head to look at Reiki, she made a small nod and took a mental note, and quickly walked toward the front doorway. Ketsueki came back to her senses as she poked her little brother's cheek, she said. "You okay, Reiki?" Arashi faked a cough and said. "I-I'm sorry Lil bro, i-it wasn't my fault-." Reiki shook his head and said. "I don't care who started it, but I'll end it." He pointed at the mushed-up brownie in Arashi's hand, with a serious tone Reiki said. "If you eat that I'll forgive you." Arashi was about to laugh but stopped seeing he wasn't even bluffing. Ketsueki who was watching was speechless as she stared at her little brother, Arashi gulped as she molded the mushed-up brownie into a ball and picked up her glass of tea.

Arashi tossed the brownie ball into her mouth and chugged down half of the hot tea in one go, she let out a soft grunt and said. "F-Finish…" As she flashed Reiki a stiff smile, he let out a sigh and said. "I hope you learned your lesson." Arashi nodded as she stared at the floor while being scolded, Ketsueki cleared her throat and said. "Aren't you being harsh, Reiki?" Reiki shook his head and said. "If it was anyone else I would've kicked her out of my home." Arashi slightly flinched as she forced out a chuckle and said. "I-It was my mistake Lil bro, no need to explain." The atmosphere in the room turned awkward as Reiki stood beside the couch where Ketsueki was sitting. Ketsueki elbowed her little brother's ribs.

[System: User has received 68 Damage.]

Reiki turned his head to look at her older sister as she gave him a meaningful look and pointed at Arashi who was sulking while watching tv. Reiki nodded and said. "I'm sorry Arashi, I said too much and shouldn't have made you eat the brownie." Arashi suddenly vanished from her seat and appeared right in front of Reiki as she hugged him and placed his head between her large breasts. Ketsueki was stunned for a split second before her pupils faintly glowed white, Arashi had a smile on her lips and said. "All is forgiven if you give me the same massage as Ketsueki." Reiki thought. I knew she was being too meek. He nodded while his head was still in between Arashi's chest which made the smile on her lips grow bigger, she let him go and said. "Lil bro, I need to split. I still need to train, thanks for the desserts. I'll hold onto your word about the food and that massage."

Arashi walked to the front door ignoring Ketsueki's hostile glare. Ketsueki slammed her fist onto the armrest of the couch, she said. "That little-." She glanced at Reiki who was still standing beside him and stopped herself from finishing the sentence, Ketsueki said. "How dare she take advantage of my boy's kindness!" Reiki had a nostalgic smile, he thought. I missed this… Onee-chan making me apologize to people I've wronged… Ketsueki noticed the smile on her little brother's face, with a narrowed gaze she turned her head to face him and said. "It seems you're more than willing to get your grubby hands on her…" Reiki took a step back and quickly said. "N-No, I was just thinking how you always made me apologize when I was in the wrong. Thank you." He flashed her a genuine smile that stunned Ketsueki as she slightly blushed.

Ketsueki let out a cough as the blush on her cheeks faded away, she said. "A-Anyway." She pointed at the desserts on the table and continued. "Give half of those to Shiro to her room." Reiki nodded, he said. "Yes, madam." Ketseukie waved her hand in dismissal, she said. "And stop with the madam thing. It was fun at first, but now it makes me feel old." While walking toward the kitchen Reiki said. "Yes, Onee-chan." Ketsueki browsed through the channels for a few seconds before turning it off, she heard his little brother's footsteps behind her as Reiki took half of the doughnuts, brownies, cupcakes, and cookies and placed them on the plate he was holding. He said. "Nothing good on, Onee-chan?" Ketsueki shook her head, she took out her smartphone from her pocket and pressed the power button on the side to look at the time. Ketsueki said. "No, the shows we have here are terrible."

Reiki walked back to the kitchen while Ketsueki laid back down on the couch staring at the ceiling. She glanced from the corner of her eye and saw her little brother as her pupils slightly dilated, Ketsueki said. "Trying to scare me?" Reiki shook his head sideways and said. "I was about to pick up the tray." As he pointed at the round metal tray on the coffee table with the glass of milk, water, and some tea that started to turn lukewarm. Reiki glanced at his older sister, he said. "Onee-chan how about a shoulder rub?" Ketsueki slightly jolted while lying on the couch, she said. "What's your game here, Reiki?" He had a helpless smile on his face and said. "I've noticed you're having back pains." Ketsueki raised a brow, she said. "And you've noticed how?..."

Reiki let out a fake cough and said. "Does it matter? I'm only offering my help." Ketsueki's gaze narrowed as she stared at him, she said. "If you try doing it again, I'll punish you." She sat up straight from the couch while Reiki walked behind the couch and placed his hands on her shoulders. He thought. Take three, less force. Reiki started the massage and instead of moaning, Ketsueki was letting out sighs filled with pleasure.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

Reiki moved his hands away from his older sister's shoulders while Ketsueki, who was in a daze, came back to her senses as an unsatisfied expression formed on her face. With a frown on her lips, Ketsueki said. "That's it?" Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "Onee-chan, It's been thirty minutes." Ketsueki's eyes widened as she reached into her pocket and took out her smartphone to check the time, she said. "... Already?... It only felt like three…" She suddenly stood up from her seat and continued. "I promised Shiro to help her with magic." She made her way to the second floor but stopped and turned her head when she heard his little brother speak. Reiki said. "The lifelong contract, if the familiar dies do I also die?" Ketsueki shook her head, she said. "No, this contract is only used when you're making one with a weaker familiar. I bought groceries the other day. If you're making anything, make some for us as well."

While walking to the stairs Ketsueki continued. "Don't forget, you're my butler and you have to wear that onesie for the day." She walked up the stairs leaving her little brother alone on the first floor, he looked at the plate on the coffee table. Reiki thought. Five brownies, three cupcakes, six cookies, and four doughnuts… I don't have that much of a sweet tooth, did they forget?... Reiki picked up the tray and headed to the kitchen as he opened the fridge revealing it was filled with ingredients neatly packed to the brim. He placed the plate inside and looked around, Reiko thought. What should I make for lunch… Butter chicken curry sounds good. He placed the round metal tray by the sink and started raiding the fridge.


Shiro's Room

The bed was on the side next to a nightstand, on top of the nightstand was a few picture frames with pictures of Shiro, Reiki, and Ketsueki huddled together smiling. Near the nightstand were a workbench that had a large lamp on the corner and a single window that was placed above the bed. Shiro was sitting on the wooden chair by the workbench while reading through a notebook that was filled with notes. Ketsueki opened the door which Shiro didn't react to, Ketsueki looked around the simple room as a pondering expression formed on her face. Ketsueki said. "Hey, Shiro. How about we add a few things to your room?" Shiro put down the book in her hands and placed it on the workbench, she turned on her seat and shook her head. Shiro said. "I'm good, Onee-chan. How about asking Onii-chan? Ever since the… Incident he's refused everything except for what tiny allowance you gave him each week."

Ketsueki scratched the side of her head and thought. Now how am I going to buy things for them? We've been forced to live frugally because of those loan sharks… Now that they're out of the picture I can improve our living standards. Ketsueki said. "Of course we'll bring Reiki along, even if he doesn't want to I'll drag him myself." As she flashed her little sister a big smile. Shiro played with her hands while staring at them, she said. "How about you buy something for Onii-chan first? I don't have anything I want in particular." Ketsueki had a slight smile on her lips, she said. "Don't worry." As she patted her heart which made her large breast slightly jiggle under her baggy jacket, Ketsueki continued. "Next weekend we'll head to the mall and I'll buy the two of you everything you need and more." Shiro's eyes sparkled but didn't say anything, Ketsueki pointed at the notebook on the workbench and said. "Alright, let's go outside so I can observe you cast a few spells."

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