
Chapter 123: Chapter 123: Sphere

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Outside Reiki's Home

Ketsueki was leaning on the wall while observing Shiro who was beside her. Shiro looked a bit nervous as she held out her palm, she said. "Water ball." Dozens of water droplets appeared above her palm as it slowly gathered into a water ball the same size as a baseball. Shiro smiled as she turned her head to look at her older sister with expectation in her eyes, Ketsueki nodded and said. "Good job, Shiro." As she patted her little sister's head, a small smile formed on Shiro's mouth as she glanced around. Shiro said. "Onee-chan, where do I place this?"

Ketsueki pointed at the grass below them, making Shiro look down. Ketsueki said. "Just throw the water ball onto the ground." While staring at her little sister, Ketsueki thought. Roughly three seconds for the ball to form, impressive considering the school gave them the spells a few days ago… Shiro excitedly threw the water ball onto the grow creating a small splash and a faint hue of a rainbow. Ketsueki nodded and said. "Wind sphere." Shiro froze and looked up to her older sister with confusion on her face, she said. "S-Sphere?..."

Ketsueki let out a chuckle, she said. "Sorry, think of it as another word for circle." Shiro nodded as she held out both her hands, she said. "Wind ball." Ketsueki's pupils faintly glowed white as she saw the mana gathering above her little sister's palms. The glow in her eyes slowly subsided as she felt a faint breeze gathering above Shiro's palm, slightly forming a very faint hue of green as it swirled a small area around it. Ketsueki nodded and said. "You've worked hard, Shiro." Shiro nodded as a small smile formed on her mouth, she let go of the wind ball in her hands as it dispersed into the air around them. Shiro's breathing turned slightly haggard, Ketsueki noticing this said. "How about we take a short break? I can't have you passing out from overcasting."

Shiro shook her head sideways and said. "I can keep going. Earthball." She held out her hand as the dust above her turned slightly brown and slowly merged forming a ball of rock. The rock sphere floated above her palm for a few seconds before landing on her hand. Shiro looked up to her older sister with a hopeful look, Ketsueki nodded and thought. It's on the soft side, but practice can help her with that. Ketsueki pointed her index finger upwards as a large water ball the size of a basketball appeared above her head. Shiro's eyes sparkled as she dropped the rock sphere onto the ground and immediately started crumbling, turning into dirt. Ketsueki said. "Now, fireball. You don't have to worry about it spreading." Ketsueki twirled her index finger as the water ball above her head turned into dozens of small birds that flapped their wings and landed onto Shiro's shoulders, the top of her head, and a few on her forearms.

Shiro looked at the waterbirds in admiration as she looked up to Ketsueki with awe-filled eyes. Shiro took a deep breath to calm herself as she held out her hand, she said. "Fireball." The area above Shiro's palm started to emit faint signs of heat waves as a small ember started to appear. Shiro's eyes had a hint of fear in them as her hand slightly trembled, the ember slowly grew in size as it suddenly glowed a bright yellow radiating light. One of the water birds on Shiro's forearm flew into it, distinguishing the spell as it turned into steam. Shiro took a step back as she rubbed her left forearm with her right hand, Ketsueki crossed her arms revealing her large breasts under her baggy jacket. Ketsueki thought. I see… She's afraid of the spell, too much so…

Shiro looked at her older sister from the corner of her eye while Ketsueki let out a chuckle, Ketsueki said. "No need to be afraid, Shiro. I used to be afraid of magic when I was your age." Shiro's eyes were filled with surprise, she looked up and said. "Really? Onee-chan?" Ketsueki gently caressed the top of her little sister's head, she said. "Yeah… Being afraid of magic is a good thing, it shows respect. But the way you're acting toward it is fear." Shiro tilted her head sideways and softly said. "Fear…" Ketsueki moved her hand away from the top of Shiro's head and said. "You need to be confident in yourself, magic can hurt people, that's true. I can't deny it, but magic can also be used to protect." Ketsueki placed a firm hand on Shiro's shoulder, Ketsueki said. "I'm-... We're here for you, Shiro. Even if you burn down a forest we'll still be on your side."

The sun was a bit past the horizon as a few students wearing school uniforms passed by now and then while a few of them let out a yawn.


Inside Reiki's Home

He was standing near the door while holding onto the round metal tray. On top of it was a plate of sweets, two glasses of ice-cold water, and some napkins. Reiki thought. I'll wait for them to finish. From the outside he could hear his older sister speak, Ketsueki said. "Harden your resolve and go for it." Followed by his little sister speaking, Shiro said. "Yes! Onee-chan!"

~Thirty Minutes Later~

Reiki stood in the same spot with the round metal tray in hand. He looked at the two glasses of water and noticed both of them were already warm, he thought. They'll want cold water. He turned around and quickly walked toward the fridge while chugging down the water in the glasses. Reiki wiped the brims of the glass with a couple of napkins and opened the fridge and picked up a pitcher of ice-cold water and filled both of them. He faintly heard his little sister scream with joy, Shiro said. "Onee-chan! I did it! Look!" Reiki quickly closed the fridge and made a b-line toward the front door and opened it outside, not bothering to change into his sports shoes. He opened the door and saw on Shiro's palm a fireball the same size as a tennis ball while a few water birds were on her.

The two girls moved their gaze and saw Reiki open the door while holding his tray. Shiro's eyes lit up as she slowly walked over to her older brother, she showed him the fireball in her hands and said. "Onii-chan! Look! I did it!" Shiro stood in front of Reiki as she looked up to him with her eyes filled with expectation. He let out a chuckle and said. "I knew you could do it." Reiki patted his little sister's head while Ketsueki twirled her finger as a couple of water birds on Shiro extinguished the fireball floating above her palm. The rest of the water birds slowly dissipated while Reiki squatted down and passed his little sister a glass of ice-cold water, he said. "You must be thirsty after casting a few spells." Shiro took the glass of water off her older brother's hands, she said. "Thank you, Onii-chan." Shiro took a few sips of water while her gaze was glued onto the desserts on the plate.

Reiki passed the other ice-cold glass of water to his older sister, he said. "Good work, Onee-chan." Ketsueki took the glass off from his hands and downed it in one go, she wiped her lips with the back of her hand and said. "It wasn't much." Ketsueki placed the empty glass back onto the round metal her little brother was holding. Reiki moved aside making way for them to enter, he said. "Since the two of you are finished, how about heading back inside?" Ketsueki nodded as she walked inside the house with Shiro behind her. Reiki gestured at the half-emptied glass of water his little sister was holding as she gave it back to him and placed it back on the metal tray. Ketsueki bent over as she undid her shoelace on her sports shoes and quickly took them off revealing white socks. Shiro stood beside her older sister and took off her pair of new black leather shoes while Reiki stared at Ketsueki's big butt.

Reiki quickly moved his gaze away and slid open the small compartment and took out a couple of pairs of white indoor slippers and passed them to his two sisters. Ketsueki was glancing at him from the corner of her eye as a smile formed on her lips as she caught him staring. Ketsueki tossed him her pair of sports shoes as Reiki caught them mid-air, she stretched and said. "What's on the menu for lunch?" He placed the sports shoes onto the small shoe closet, Reiki said. "Curry." He felt something poking his left forearm and turned his head and saw Shiro was handing him her leather shoes. He took them off her hands and placed them in the shoe closet and slid the door closed. Shiro wore a pair of white indoor slippers and stood beside her older sister, Reiki passed Shiro a doughnut which made her smile as she happily ate it.

Reiki walked beside his little sister who was eating and looked up to Ketsueki, he said. "Onee-chan it's nowhere near the end of the month, where did you get the money to buy groceries? I looked around the kitchen and fridge and saw it was filled with goods." Ketsueki patted the top of Shiro's head, she led the two of them and headed to the living room. The two girls sat on the couch right next to each other while Reiki placed the plate of sweets on the coffee table and stood beside the couch. Ketsueki lazily stretched and said. "Something like that… I got a bonus for my contribution." Shiro quickly ate the doughnut in her hands as her mouth was covered with some cream and chocolate. Shiro reached for the remote and turned the tv on while reaching for a brownie with her other hand.

Reiki thought. What kind of company gives bonuses in the middle of the month?... Ketsueki picked up a cupcake along with a doughnut while Reiki shook his head and said. "Onee-chan, I saw some flour and some yeast from the cabinet. Can I use them to make bread and pizza?" Shiro flipped through the channels and started watching a documentary about baby cheetahs. Without turning her head to look at her little brother, Ketsueki said. "When will they be ready?" She took a bite of the doughnut in her hands. Reiki started walking toward the kitchen and said. "I'll make the dough a few hours before dinner." He quickly came back to the living room with two glasses of ice-cold water and placed them on the coffee table near the plate of sweets.

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Reiki walked behind the couch and stood behind where Ketsueki was sitting, he placed his hands on her shoulders and started giving her a massage. Ketsueki let out a sigh filled with content, she said. "What's the bread for?" Ketsueki took another bite out of the doughnut in her hands while Reiki continued to massage her. He said. "It's for the cream stew for dinner." Shiro reacted to what her older brother said as she turned her head to look at him with starry eyes. Ketsueki let out a long sigh filled with pleasure, she said. "Curry for lunch and cream stew for dinner? Are you trying to get us back in the poor house?" She let out a teasing giggle, a small smile formed on Reiki's face, he said. "I didn't hear a no." Ketsueki slightly turned her head sideways and glanced at him from the corner of her eye, with an alluring smile on her lips she said. "I didn't say yes either."

Reiki slightly added more pressure to the massage which made Ketsueki suddenly place a hand on her lips to keep her mouth shut. Ketsueki's eyes looked a bit hazy as her gaze wandered to the ceiling before snapping back to her senses. Shiro didn't notice her older sister's odd reactions as her gaze was glued on to her older brother. Ketsueki moved her hand away from her lips as she had a faint blush on her cheeks as she glared at Reiki who had an innocent smile on his face, she said. "Fine, it's not like money will be a problem ever again." Reiki looked at his little sister and gave her a victory smile. Shiro smiled hearing her older sister agree, she said. "Thank you, Onee-chan." Reiki went back to a normal massage making Ketsueki let out a long sigh of content, she said. "Not a problem."

Shiro glanced at Reiki and noticed his hands were on Ketsueki's shoulders, a slight frown on her mouth formed and was quickly replaced with a pout. Shiro turned her head and looked up to her older brother, she said. "Onii-chan, I also want a massage." Ketsueki's eyes were barely opened as she lazily said. "Shiro, wait for your turn." Shiro's cheeks puffed up while she pouted even more. Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "I have two hands for a reason." Ketsueki's eyes slowly opened as she glanced at her little brother from the corner of her eye, she said. "Can you keep it consistent?" Reiki moved his right hand away and placed his left hand just below the back of Ketsueki's neck. He placed his right hand just below Shiro's neck and started giving his little sister a massage. Shiro let out a long breath as if all her stress were going away as she closed her eyes, she said. "Onee-chan, no fair. Onii-chan has been massaging you more."

He thought. And here I am… Doing everything I can to get into their good books once again… Reiki let out a chuckle as he watched the documentary about cheetahs. Shiro suddenly opened her eyes and quickly ate the brownie she was holding as she reluctantly moved away from her older brother's hand and downed half of the ice-cold glass of water in one go. Ketsueki already finished off the doughnut and took off the wrapper of the cupcake, placed it on the coffee table, and ate while her eyes were half-opened.

~Four Hours And Fifty-Five Minutes Later~

Shiro was lying down on her older sister's lap while Reiki was using both his hands to massage Ketsueki's shoulders. He moved his hands away while Ketsueki slowly opened her eyes as a trace of reluctance appeared in her eyes. Ketsueki said. "Why did you stop? You can't be tired? If you are, as my butler, I order you to continue, even if your arms fall off." Reiki pointed at the tv using his chin, he said. "Onee-chan it's been three hours, I can only watch so many animal documentaries and I have to prepare lunch." Ketsueki moved her gaze onto Shiro who was in a deep sleep, she said. "Then after we've had lunch, I demand a full body massage." Reiki picked up the metal tray on the coffee table and said. "I got it, Onee-chan." He went to the kitchen while Ketsueki played with Shiro's long white hair while she was fast asleep.

Ketsueki thought. When was the last time?… I was this carefree?... Ketsueki faintly smelled something fragrant as she took a couple of sniffs, she thought. Where did he learn to cook? From the quality of those dishes, I would've suspected he was a Michelin star chef perhaps even better… The smell of curry became more prominent as Ketsueki's stomach let out a soft rumble while Shiro rubbed her eyes as she looked around the living with her half-opened left eye. Shiro stood still for a moment as she turned her head and looked up to her older sister, she said. "... Onee-chan… I had a dream about Onii-chan…" Ketsueki let out a chuckle as she ruffled the top of her little sister's hair, she said. "It wasn't Shiro. Reiki is making lunch for us. I'm guessing you smelled the food making you wake up? Are you hungry?"

Shiro's stomach let out a rumble which made her hug her stomach as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. Ketsueki let out a laugh, she said. "Good answer." She pinched her little sister's rosy cheek which made Shiro pout at her, Ketsueki continued. "How about you-." All of a sudden she heard Reiki's voice behind her, he said. "I've already set the table." Ketsueki turned her head while Shiro lazily turned hers, they saw the table already had plates, glasses, spoons on top of a single napkin, and in the middle were two large bowls of steaming hot rice and butter chicken curry. Shiro suddenly stood up from the couch and ran toward her seat followed by Ketsueki. Shiro pulled her chair back while Reiki slightly pushed his little sister's seat forward. Before Ketsueki could pull her chair back Reiki had already done it, she glanced at him for a second before she sat down.

Reiki also slightly pushed his older sister's chair forward as he walked to his seat and sat down, he and Shiro simultaneously said. "Itadakimasu." Followed by Ketsueki. "Itadakimasu." Reiki quickly picked up the serving spoon and started placing rice on both his sisters' plates. After placing a generous serving of rice he picked up another serving spoon and started placing butter chicken curry on their rice. Reiki placed eight large chunks of chicken on both their plates as he started putting rice onto his plate. Ketsueki scooped some rice that was soaked in curry and tasted it, she thought. Delicious… She used the spoon to slice the chicken which fell apart upon contact, Ketsueki thought. Very tender chicken. Ketsueki looked at Shirl and saw her mouth was covered in curry and some bits of rice. Her eyes widened when she saw Reiki's plate had a hill of rice and about a dozen chunks of chicken.

Reiki picked up the spoon and started eating as he inhaled his meal as the food on his plate turned smaller at a visible rate. His movements seemed slow but were efficient, Ketsueki thought. At this rate, the groceries I bought would last three days... Looks like I need to remove our address from the blacklist, because I'm not going to the store every few days. While eating Ketsueki glanced at Shiro who already ate half of the food on her plate, Ketsueki thought. I need to teach her some etiquette. Reiki eats fast but he doesn't have food all over his mouth… Reiki picked up the napkin near him and gave it to his little sister, he said. "Shiro, manners." The curry on Shiro's spoon fell off the spoon and back onto her plate as she looked at the napkin her older brother was handing her.

Shiro took the napkin off his hands which made Reiki smile, he continued. "Eat carefully. I know you think it's fine since we're family, but you can't keep eating like that just because neither I nor Onee-chan says anything about it." Shiro carefully wiped her mouth clean, she looked up to her older brother and with a smile she said. "Yes, Onii-chan." Reiki smiled at his little sister and gently caressed the top of her head, he said. "I knew you would understand, my Shiro is the smartest there is." Shiro slightly frowned as she mixed her rice with the curry on her plate, Ketsueki continued with her meal as she watched the two of her younger siblings with interest. Reiki already emptied his plate as he started placing more rice and emptied the large bowl of rice in the middle along with the large bowl of butter chicken curry.

Shiro said. "Onii-chan, you know what I'm capable of." Reiki nodded as he picked up the spoon he placed on top of the rim of the glass of water, he said. "Yeah, since I said it, it means you're capable of it." Shiro was stunned for a moment while Reiki continued. "You can become someone just like Onee-chan if not better if you work hard for it." He slightly turned his head to look at his younger sister and said. "The only one holding you back is yourself, you don't have to worry. We're here to help you when you need it." Shiro snapped back to her senses as a warm smile formed on her mouth, she nodded and softly said. "... Hmm…" Ketsueki raised a brow and thought. Nevermind… Reiki did half the work for me… I can watch and correct him if needed.

A playful smile formed on Ketsueki's lips, she said. "Better than me? Reiki looks like being outside for a while, I have to remind you of something." Reiki felt a shiver up his spine as he forced out a chuckle, he said. "B-But it's our precious little Shiro, c-can't you make an exception?" Ketsueki scooped up some rice as the smile on her lips grew, she said. "Nope." Reiki turned his head to look at his little sister, Shiro turned her head to the right with the spoon in her mouth avoiding eye contact. Reiki let out a sigh and stood up from his seat, which made Ketsueki raise a brow, she said. "Trying to run away? What about the food on your…" She glanced at Reiki's empty plate and back to the two large empty bowls in the middle that had bits of rice and traces of curry.

Reiki slightly stretched and said. "Onee-chan, I made some extra curry. I'll give some to Arashi and Kiru as thanks." Ketsueki placed her spoon down onto the napkin near her plate, she stood up and said. "How much did you make?" As she gave him a suspicious glare, Reiki shook his head sideways and said. "I'll make sure to eat everything." Reiki picked up the two large empty bowls in the middle and headed to the kitchen while being followed by Ketsueki. Shiro continued enjoying her meal while thinking about something before a flash of determination appeared in her eyes.

While Reiki placed the two large bowls on the counter. Ketsueki with wide eyes stared at the large stockpot on the stove that was filled with butter chicken curry, on the side were nine large bowls filled with steaming hot rice taking up all the spaces around the sink. She thought. Scratch that, the first thing I need to do is remove the address from the blacklist and order more groceries… At the rate he's eating, everything in the fridge would last a day at best… Along with a few more large rice cookers… How did he even cook all this rice?...

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