
Chapter 124: Chapter 124: Scarf

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Reiki emptied two bowls of rice and placed them inside the large bowl he brought with him, he picked up the ladle that was inside the chicken curry and quickly filled the bowl with more. He kneeled while Ketsueki had a serious look on her face thinking about something. Reiki took out two large identical rectangular containers and started filling both of them with curry, he said. "I'll give these to Arashi and Kiru." He closed the lid on both of them and looked up to Ketsueki and continued. "You won't mind right, Onee-chan?" Ketsueki shook her head as a helpless smile formed on her lips, she placed a hand on top of her little brother's head messing up his already unkempt and scraggly hair.

Ketsueki said. "It's fine, but you're wearing that onesie outside." Reiki nodded his head as he picked up the large bowl of curry and rice, he said. "I'll go after putting these back on the table, it won't take longer than five minutes tops." He made his way toward the dining table with Ketsueki beside him. Shiro already finished everything on her plate as her eyes sparkled when she saw her older brother bringing more curry as he placed them in the center of the table. Ketsueki sat back on her seat as she went back to eating while Reiki walked back to the kitchen. Shiro quickly picked up the serving spoon for the rice and placed some on her plate followed by a generous serving of curry. She stopped when she heard her older sister speak, Ketsueki had a smile on her face, she said. "You were right Shiro, he is a good cook." Ketsueki quickly finished everything on her plate while her little sister went on to have a second serving.

Reiki walked toward the front door holding the two containers with one hand, he glanced at his two sisters and said. "I'll be back." The two of them didn't even turn their heads as they waved at him goodbye. Ketsueki finished her first serving as she started putting more food on her plate while Reiki went out, closing the door behind him.

Reiki took a short walk to the right and quickly reached the multi-complex apartment Arashi was staying in, he thought. I say that… But I don't even know which apartment she's in… Reiki looked up for a moment and took a step forward when the front door suddenly opened as Arashi walked out with a big smile on her lips. She walked right in front of him, Arashi said "You remember little old me?" As she took one of the containers filled with curry off his hands, Reiki glanced at Arashi's entire body up and down without hiding it as the smile on her lips grew bigger. He said. "What's your-." Arashi suddenly said. "35, 22, 36." Reiki wasn't surprised as he looked at her body, even more, he thought. Yeah, those aren't centimeters… He nodded and said. "Thank you and enjoy the curry." Arashi spread her arms as she suddenly hugged him, stuffing his face in the middle of her cleavage, she let him go and squatted. She moved closer to his face and whispered in his ear, Arashi said. "I'll be looking forward to the massage and that meal tomorrow."

Arashi stood up as she gave him a wink as she walked toward the building. Reiki stared at Arashi, wearing her usual get-up of t-shirt and jogging pants, he lowered his gaze as he stared at her butt. Reiki thought. If I remember correctly, Onee-chan's three sizes are 34, 22, 33… Arashi beats Ketsueki by a small margin. Reiki turned around as he headed toward the luxurious building across from his house. He vaulted above the gate fence and walked to the front door and knocked a couple of times. The door opened revealing Kanzei, he held out his hand and said. "I appreciate you giving me so many recipes in a single day." Reiki thought. He has a faint smell of blood around him… Reiki smirked and said. "That's what you think." He passed the container to Kanzei and continued. "Keep the container, we have one too many." Reiki turned around and walked back to his house as Kanzei closed the door.

Reiki opened the door and walked inside and closed it behind him, he crouched down and undid his shoes, and took them off. He slid open the shoe compartment and placed them inside and closed it as he walked back to the dining room near the living room. Ketsueki was already halfway down with the food on her plate while Shiro just finished her last spoonful and placed it in the middle of the plate. While sitting on the chair Shiro lazily stretched and patted her stomach. Reiki walked back to his chair and sat back down and started placing rice and curry on his plate. Ketsueki picked up a glass of water as she took a sip, she said. "How did the delivery go?" As she scooped up some curry and chicken and ate it. Reiki already formed a small hill of rice on his plate that was covered in curry and chicken, he picked up his spoon and said. "Nothing special." As he started devouring his food, Ketsueki glared at him from the corner of her eye. Ketsueki said. "Then why do I smell a faint scent of a woman around you?"

Shiro was surprised before she stared at her older brother with suspicion in her eyes. Reiki froze as he stared at his half-eaten plate, he said. "I-I don't smell like anything." Ketsueki placed her spoon down on the plate as she wiped her lips clean with a napkin. Her eyes turned cold, Ketsueki said. "Then why do you smell similar to blonde?" Reiki's pupils slightly dilated, he cleared his throat and said. "When we said our goodbyes she gave me a heavy slap on the back." Shiro's gaze on him narrowed as she kept silent, Ketsueki cold glare pierced through his soul. Ketsueki said. "I'll leave it at that." Shiro stood up from her seat as she let out a hmph, she walked toward the couch and picked the remote, and started browsing through the channels.

Reiki kept his gaze on the food on his plate as he continued to eat while under the scrutinizing gaze of his older sister. He quickly finished the food on his plate and added more while Ketsueki's gaze went back to normal as she picked up her spoon and went back to eating. Reiki slowly exhaled as he felt a weight off his shoulders, he thought. Too close for comfort. He already finished everything on his plate and when he was about to stand up, Ketsueki said. "Do you have any problems with magic?" Reiki looked at his older sister and shook his head, he said. "No problem whatsoever." Ketsueki scooped some curry, she said. "Show me." Reiki held out his right hand, he extended his four fingers and curled his thumb. From his pinky to his index finger spheres of fire, water, earth, and wind appeared a few centimeters above his fingertips.

Ketsueki was stunned while Shiro, who was glancing from the corner of her eyes, turned her head to get a better look. Reiki waved his hand as the spheres dissipated, he stood up and said. "I'll go eat more." He made his way into the kitchen empty-handed while Ketsueki stared at her spoon that had some curry, she thought. This boy of mine is hiding something from me… Reiki walked back to the dining table carrying two bowls of rice and curry in each hand. He sat back down on his seat and placed them beside the empty plate as he continued with his meal, Ketsueki slightly frowned but was immediately replaced with a small smile. Shiro's gaze was still glued onto her older brother as her eyes had a hint of stars in them, Ketsueki said. "Make sure to clean the dishes." Reiki nodded as he devoured his food.

~Fifthteen Minutes Later~

Reiki pulled up the sleeves of his onesie as he was holding a piece of cloth and was drying a large empty stockpot as he had already finished the rest. He heard Ender say. Not even worried about how awful you treated that elf named Fayeth. Reiki thought. Nope. In fact, how about we make a bet? Reiki moved his hand deeper inside the large stockpot to dry it, Ender said. What kind? Reiki carefully placed the stockpot on the counter as she wrung the cloth he was using dry above the sink, he thought. I bet that Fayeth won't be even angry with me, she'll be the first one to greet me with a big smile plastered on her plastic mug along with food and drinks on hand. Reiki picked up the stockpot again as he placed it sideways drying making sure the inside was clean. Ender said. What makes you so confident? Reiki looked inside the stockpot making sure he didn't miss a single spot, he thought. All merchants would bury the hatchet and smile at you the moment they smell an opportunity to make a killing. As long as it's not a grudge that could only be solved by one or the other dying merchants are willing to smile at you even if you threatened to kill them.

Reiki placed the cloth inside the sink as he lifted the stockpot above him and placed it on the left on the opposite side of the rack with all the plates and bowls. He placed the stockpot upside down as he picked up the cloth and wrung the clothes dry, Ender said. Then I'll bet she'll plot something behind your back. A smirk formed on Reiki's face, he thought. Loser has to answer a question truthfully, the answer also has to be straightforward. None of that cryptic bullshit. Ender said. Deal. Reiki undid the rolled sleeves of his onesie as he heard his older sister's voice beside him, Ketsueki said. "Reiki, why are you smirking by yourself?" Reiki looked to his right and looked up, he kept a smirk on his face and crossed his arms. With a hint of pride in his voice, he said. "Judging by both of your reactions, I am the best chef in this house."

The smirk on his face grew which made the corner of Ketsueki's eye twitch, she said. "Yeah." Her right hand suddenly blurred as she pushed her little brother by the ribs.

[System; User has received 99 Damage.]

Reiki lost his balance as he fell onto the floor landing on his left arm with a confused look on his face, he thought. Wait, what? A smile grew on his older sister's lips, Ketsueki said. "But don't forget, I am still the older sibling and I can still boss you around." Reiki stood up as he dusted some dirt off the left side of his wolf onesie using his right hand. He looked up to his older sister and said. "Me and Shiro… Right?..." Ketsueki's big smile turned into a cruel smirk, he continued. "Me and Shiro… Right?... Onee-chan?..." Ketsueki placed a hand on top of her little brother's head as she made him look up, she said. "Boys need hardships to grow into a capable man." She let out a chuckle and was about to move her hand away from Reiki's head, Ketsueki said. "Reiki, did the elves teach you magic?"

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Reiki nodded while Ketsueki moved her hand away from the top of his head, he said. "Yes, Onee-chan. During my stay there they also taught me a few things about magic, they also said they'll teach me some archery if I get the chance to drop by." Reiki thought. I wonder… He casted. God's Eye.

『God's Eye Has Been Activated.』

[System: God's Eye has failed.]

Reiki didn't show any reaction on his face, he thought. Figures. Ketsueki's eyes narrowed as she crossed her eyes, she said. "Reiki, when did you learn observation magic?" Reiki had a confused look on his face as he looked up and took a glance at his older sister's large chest, he said. "I don't have that kind of money." Ketsueki placed her arms beside her as she let out a chuckle, she squatted down and placed a hand on Reiki's right cheek. Ketsueki indifferently said. "Since when did you become such a good liar?" Reiki's back was covered in a cold sweat as he felt a chill down his spine, he said. "I'm not." Ketsueki slightly tilted his head upwards as she stared right into his eyes, she said. "I'll give you one last chance, Reiki. Tell me the truth or you'll be in bigger trouble than before." Ketsueki's eyes turned dangerous.

Reiki nervously gulped, he said. "T-The elves taught me a simplified version of theirs, it only shows me the name and level." A moment slowly passed by as the two of them stared at the eyes of each other, she moved her hand away but stayed squatted. Ketsueki said. "Good boy." She patted the top of her brother's head while Reiki felt his calm heartbeat irregularly fast for a split second. Ketsueki stood up as she placed her hands on her hips while looking down on her little brother, she said. "That still doesn't change the fact that you've lied to me, Reiki. Twice for that matter, what's so important that you've lied to me?" He placed a hand on his chest feeling his heartbeat, he said. "The elves." Reiki stared at his older sister's expression trying to discern anything.

Ketsueki's eyes slightly narrowed, she said. "Elaborate." Reiki slowly inhaled as he moved his hand away from his chest, he subconsciously gulped and said. "They taught me a few simplified versions of their spells and I was able to get inside the library. But a few elves didn't like the fact that a human was being taught let alone entering the library. After a political debate between them, I was able to keep the spells I learned in exchange for not telling anyone." Ketsueki's eyes were immediately filled with suspicion and doubt, she coldly said. "The fact that those prideful elves didn't force a contract on you is impossible." A small smile formed on Reiki's face which he quickly hid by faking a cough which made Ketsueki's gaze turn hostile.

Reiki felt the hostile glare as he hastily explained himself, he said. "The princess!" Ketsueki's pupils dilated as the hostility in her eyes immediately vanished, Reiki let out a long sigh and continued. "She's the reason why I was able to learn their spells… Young majesty is a bit… Odd…" Ketsueki slightly leaned forward as a hint of hope appeared in her eyes, she said. "What was her name?" Reiki pretended to hesitate as he scratched the side of his head. She put on a friendly smile on her lips, as she patted him on his shoulder. Ketsueki said. "I won't tell." Reiki reluctantly said. "Enora Qinleth, her mother's name is Elora Qinleth." Ketsueki's eyes were filled with joy, she repeatedly slammed on her little brother's shoulder.

[System: User has received 21 Damage.]

[System: User has received 20 Damage.]

[System: User has received 18 Damage.]

Ketsueki suddenly appeared on Reiki's right as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder pressing half of his face against her large breast, she said. "You're my boy alright." A big smile formed on her lips, she continued. "Reiki, can you-." Reiki shook his head as he slightly moved it forward to move his face away from his older sister's chest, he said. "Nope." Ketsueki maintained a friendly smile as she squatted down as the two siblings were the same height, she said. "Don't be so quick to refuse, Reiki. I was planning on taking Shiro to buy a few things…" The smile on Ketsueki's lips turned into a smirk, she continued. "If you agree I'll buy you the latest console and a few M-rated games." Reiki shook his head, with a firm tone he said. "I'm not interested."

Ketsueki was stunned for a moment as she placed a hand on her chin, she said. "I'll add a new smartphone onto the deal and. AND a better wifi service." Reiki slightly frowned, he said. "Onee-chan, that's not the point. They've put their trust in me, although young majesty's character is a bit mischievous. She did take the risk of hiding the contract from her mother, the current queen of the elves." Ketsueki's smile turned slightly stiff, she said. "Can't you at least hear my small request out?" Reiki frowned as his eyes turned serious, he said. "No. If word got out that the boy who learned their magic isn't bound to a contract they'll be hell to pay." He thought. Which is impossible since to my knowledge, only the Haemir household is the only thing left and probably a couple of more of the royal bloodline.

Ketsueki thought for a moment, she said. "Can you at least get me an audience?" Reiki nodded and said. "That I can easily do-." The two of them heard knocking coming from the front door. Shiro, who was in the living room said. "I'll get it." Reiki suddenly bolted toward the front door leaving Ketsueki who slowly stood up with a pondering expression. Reiki saw Shiro walking toward the door, he said. "Shiro, I'll answer it." He thought. Why did she return? Don't tell me she already ate all the curry? Reiki walked past his younger sister as he patted her on the head, he opened the door and revealed Arashi. She tied her long blond hair into a ponytail and was wearing a black sports bra and tight jogging pants revealing her hourglass figure. Arashi's clothes were stuck to her clothes due to her sweat as she wiped her forehead using her forearm, she said. "I almost forgot something." 

She rummaged through her pocket and took out a pouch, Arashi's hand that was holding the pouch was covered in a thin layer of mana along with the pouch in hand. A black scarf suddenly spat out the pouch which Reiki caught mid-air, Arashi smiled at him and said. "See you tomorrow at my place." She gave him a wink and suddenly vanished. The black scarf in Reiki's hands slowly turned to green as the two red letters of ER turned back to gold. Shiro stared at the scarf in her older brother's hands with envy in her eyes, Ketsueki walked near them as Reiki closed the door behind him and tried on the scarf. Reiki walked toward his two sisters while Shiro hugged his right hand as eyes were stuck onto the scarf on her older brother's neck. Ketsueki said. "Who was it-?" Her gaze wandered onto the green scarf on her Reiki's neck as she noticed the two golden letters on the end.

Ketsueki pointed at the scarf and said. "Did you receive that from elves?!" Reiki nodded as he took it off and wrapped it around Shiro's neck covering her mouth and nose. Shiro let out a giggle as she hugged her older brother, she said. "How does it look, Onii-chan?" Reiki ruffled her white long hair, he said. "Blue would look better on you." Shiro stared at the scarf around her neck as it quickly turned black as the letters became red. Ketsueki walked up to her younger siblings as she squatted down and took a closer look, she stared at the red letters and said. "It's real…" Reiki walked inside the house leaving his two sisters behind, he let out a chuckle and said. "And they'll give me a fake one because?..." Ketsueki took the scarf off around Shiro's neck which made her pout at her older sister. Ketsueki ran toward her little brother and stood right in front of him while Shiro hugged her older brother's right arm again. Shiro said. "Onii-chan, I want one as well."

Reiki pinched his little sister's cheek, he said. "How about the next time we go shopping? I'll personally pick one for you." Shiro smiled brightly as she hugged his arm tighter, Ketsueki stared at the scarf in her eyes and said. "How did you manage to get one?" Reiki shrugged his shoulders and said. "They treated my wounds and the young majesty thought I was interesting." Ketsueki moved her gaze onto her younger brother, with a mysterious smile on her lips she said. "The last time a human received a scarf was the Edo period. A dishonorable samurai or so written down in history was given aid by elves, they kept him fed, put a roof over his head, and clothes on his back…" She looked for any reactions on Reiki's face and continued. "When others learned that a human knew their location they threatened him to lead them to their hideout… He refused and they forced him to commit seppuku, when the elves learned of it they hunted every one of them."

Shiro was attentively listening with wide eyes while Reiki said. "And the reason for the elves saving the samurai?" Ketsueki squatted down and wrapped the scarf around his neck, she said. "He saved a young elf's life which turned out to be the queen's only daughter." She stared at the scarf that was slowly turning green and continued. "Forget about my request about the audience. It's not worth putting your relationship in ruins for it." A warm smile appeared on Ketsueki's lips as she lovingly caressed his cheek.

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