
Chapter 125: Chapter 125: The Strong

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Reiki was holding a feather duster in his right hand and a white cloth that turned ash grey in his left. He looked around the living room while his two sisters were watching tv, Ketsueki glanced around the room and said. "I think that's enough cleaning for today, Reiki. You've been cleaning for the past hour or so." The living room was completely spotless and neatly organized, Ketsueki took a couple of sniffs and thought. I can't even smell dust anymore… Shiro's eyes were glued onto the baby panda being fed a stick of bamboo by its caretaker.

Reiki nodded and said. "Fine, I've already cleaned the entire house, I'll do a deep clean on the weekend." Ketsueki lazily nodded while Shiro didn't even hear his older brother. Shiro pointed at the baby panda on the screen and turned her head to face her older sister with hopeful eyes, Shiro said. "How about a panda, Onee-chan? You said the law wouldn't allow us to have a red panda. How about a regular one?" Ketsueki had a helpless smile on her lips as she saw the hopeful look on her younger sister's face. Ketsueki said. "The answer is still the same, Shiro."

Shiro started pouting as she waved her arms, she said. "Why not! They're not endangered or anything!" Shiro took off her white indoor slippers and kneeled on the bed looking at the back, with bright eyes she looked at her older brother and said. "Onii-chan, don't you think a pet panda would be perfect?" Reiki crossed his arms as a stiff smile formed on his face, he said. "Well…" Shiro puffed her cheeks as she started throwing another tantrum, she said. "Why!" Reiki pulled the hood of the onesie up with the long wolf ears and covered his eyes.

He slowly made his way to the second floor leaving the two girls with each other. Ketsueki saw this from the corner of her eye, she thought. This boy of mine… Leaving me alone to suffer… Shiro stopped her tantrum and suddenly hugged her older sister by the waist as pressed her head into the middle of Ketsueki's cleavage. Shiro looked up and with a pitiful look and watery eyes, she said. "Please Onee-chan, I promise I'll take good care of it." Ketsueki let out a chuckle, she said. "You mean, Reiki and I would take good care of it."

Shiro slightly froze as she stiffly shook her head that was still in between her older sister's large breast sideways while looking up. Shiro said. "T-That's not true, Onee-chan. I also made sure to feed them." A smirk slowly formed on Ketsueki's lips, she said. "Like that one time when we had to return that poor puppy to the shelter? Reiki was the one who was giving it baths and taking it out for a walk while I was also forced to skip out on a few items, saving up money for a visit at a vet. All you did was play with it, Reiki was also forced to clean up your mess-." Shiro picked up the remote with her right hand and slightly turned up the volume, with an innocent look she said. "What were you talking about, Onee-chan? I didn't hear you."


Inside Reiki's Room

Inside was a simple bed on the edge of the room and on the opposite side was an old large wooden closet that had some signs of wear and tear. On the other edge of the room was a simple workbench with a lamp on top, Reiki was lying down on the bed staring at the ceiling. He thought. Was this place always a dump? Reiki softly said. "I need to set my company up soon, living in a life of luxury for so long, if not for my sisters, I would've burned this place…" He shook his head and sat up straight and continued. "First I need a suitable candidate to be the figurehead…" Reiki put on the white indoor slippers and noticed something hit the window by the side. He stood up from the bed, walked toward the window, looked up, and saw Arashi who had the window opened and in the palm of her hand were a few marble-sized mana spheres floating on the top of her hand.

Arashi waved her hand and gestured to him to come inside, Reiki thought. I could ignore her and think of a plan… But I still do have that notebook Yuko gave me. He rummaged through the pocket of the onesie he was wearing and took out his tattered pouch. Reiki took out a white notebook and placed the pouch back inside the pocket. He looked at Arashi who was getting impatient with a frown on her lips. He casted. Flash Max Distance.

『 Flash has been activated. Mana Cost: 6,250 』

Reiki vanished from the room and appeared inside Arashi's apartment as looked around, he thought. She's got a nice place here… Arashi looked through the window with a confused expression on her face while Reiki who was behind her opened the white notebook and said. "Behind you." Arashi turned around with a smile on her lips, Reiki didn't even move his gaze away from the notebook in his hands. He said. "I expected your apartment to look more like a gym, no offense." He walked toward the couch and sat down, took his white indoor slippers off, and placed his feet on the coffee table which missed the coffee table. Reiki thought. I keep forgetting I'm a kid… Arashi laughed at him, she said. "What are you doing? And yes I took offense to the gym remark."

She walked toward the couch and sat beside him and placed an arm around his shoulders. Reiki flipped to the next page and glanced at her from the corner of his eye. Arashi was wearing simple black jogging pants and a red jacket with the zipper up, the jacket clung to her figure as his gaze fell onto her huge chest. Arashi said. "How does it look?" Reiki moved his gaze back onto the notebook, he said. "Told you, red was made for you." The smile on Arashi's smile grew, she waved her hand in dismissal and said. "But enough about me, let's talk about me smelling several female elves on you." Reiki flipped through the next page and thought. If you did smell them then it would be at least ten… I'm guessing… He closed the book with a single hand and looked at his left, Reiki said. "So they've left some mana residue on me, what's the big deal?" Arashi raised a brow in surprise, she said. "The big deal is mana doesn't stay long, unless one was exposed to repeated exposure..."

Arashi's pupils glowed as she noticed the dense and pure mana around Reiki was emitting along with at least five different traces of mana. One of them was red, two were bright white, the last two being an icy blue. The glow in Arashi's eyes slowly dissipated, she said. "Mana only leaves residue if certain conditions are met, even then it usually goes away roughly fifteen minutes to an hour tops…" Arashi's gaze narrowed as she coldly said. "It's already an hour past noon and I can still differentiate all five of them." She placed a hand on her chin and muttered. "Two lighting casters, two ice mages, and a rare blood manipulator…" Reiki's pupils dilated, he thought. Blood manipulation?... The only elf I saw that did that was… Enrel… Arashi saw his reaction as her arm around Reiki's shoulders as she placed him in an arm lock.

Reiki let go of the white notebook and placed it on the couch as he quickly tapped on Arashi's forearm. He thought. How am I supposed to explain myself? Arashi wasn't letting up as her arm lock slowly tightened. Reiki tried to move her arm away but it didn't even budge, Arashi whispered in his ear saying. "I may not look like it but I'm the type to get jealous." She suddenly released the arm lock as Reiki started a coughing fit, he barely managed to say. "T-Then how did you know they're all female?" Arashi coldly smiled at him as she ruffled the top of his head, she said. "Woman's intuition." Arashi placed her arm around his shoulders again with a bright smile on her face, she said. "Now, explain." Reiki let out another cough, he placed a hand on his throat and thought. She intentionally let go at the exact time I nearly passed out… He let out a sigh and said. "Fire."

Arashi let out a giggle as she pinched his cheek with her other hand, she said. "I said to explain, silly." Reiki thought for a moment and said. "Nothing that amazing happened, the elf who saved me from being kidnapped taught me simplified versions of their magic…" He pretended to arrange his thoughts and continued. "Turns out the elf who saved me was also the young majesty's childhood friend, she thought I was interesting and things happened." Arashi had a deadpan expression on her face, before she could say anything the two of them heard a female say. "Questions can wait, I have a small test for him." Reiki suddenly turned his head sideways and looked around. He didn't find anyone in the room as Arashi stood up from the couch and placed a hand on his shoulder, she said. "Madam."

Arashi looked at the door that led outside as a solid part of the wall started to form waves. Asami walked into the apartment wearing simple fiery red robes with black as an accent around the trims. Asami stood by the door as she did some light stretches, she didn't even spare either of them a single glance and said. "Arashi, lead the way." Arashi nodded as she walked toward the door. She placed her hand on the doorknob while Reiki said. "So we're going inside a closet?" Arashi slightly turned her head sideways as she dragged the doorknob to the right, she said. "I'm going to enjoy the show." She opened the door and inside were grasslands, Arashi stood beside the door while Asami made her way inside.

Arashi flashed Reiki an enigmatic smile, she said. "Time for you to face the music, Lil bro." She went inside the grasslands leaving him alone in the apartment, he thought. Might as well… Reiki walked to the grasslands and noticed it had a blue sky with clouds complete with its sun. Arashi closed the door while Asami was enjoying the scenery. Arashi walked beside Reiki as she gave him a soft pat on the back, Arashi said. "In the south about a thousand kilometers." She pointed behind her using her thumb and continued. "There's a sand dune, perfect for jogging." Arashi pointed in front of her and said. "A thousand kilometers north, there's a smaller version of the north pole." Arashi placed her right arm around Reiki as she lifted him and pressed his face against hers. Asami was taking her time as she squatted down and smelt the flowers on the ground.

Arashi pointed at her east with her left hand, she said. "At the east, there's a jungle, and at the west a tall mountain." She let Reiki go as he landed on the ground with a small thud. Before he could say anything Asami was suddenly standing right in front of them, she looked at Arashi and said. "You already know." Arashi excitedly nodded as she walked about ten feet away from them. Asami looked at Reiki with a piercing gaze, she stared at him for a moment before saying. "Strip to your underwear." He looked at Asami with an odd gaze and glanced at Arashi from the corner of his eye. Arashi had a small lewd smile on her lips as she looked at Reiki from top to bottom, He looked up to Asami as she maintained her serious expression.

Reiki took off the wolf onesie as he wore a t-shirt and shorts underneath, he placed the onesie on the ground and took off his shirt revealing his pasty white skin. The smile on Arashi's face grew bigger. He thought. She does remember I am a minor, right?... Reiki took off his shorts and t-shirt as they landed on the ground, his body was toned and had faint traces of muscle already building up. From his thighs, forearms, chest, even his stomach already had a faint outline of a six-pack. Asami slowly walked around him, she stretched Reiki's left hand to the side, she thought. Arashi isn't sparing anything on him… She let go of his arm and continued to walk around him, Reiki thought. I feel violated. He glanced at Arashi who's gaze was glued onto him but noticed she was seriously judging his build, Asami made a full circle around Reiki and stood in front of him. Asami said. "Get your clothes on, minus the onesie."

Reiko quickly started getting dressed while Asami glanced at the grey wolf onesie, with a smirk on her lips she said. "Nice onesie." Arashi suddenly said. "Why are you in such a hurry? Lil bro there are no strangers here." Reiki put his pants on and picked up his shirt, he thought. But there is a shotacon. He hastily put on his white shirt as he noticed Asami was about twelve feet away from him. Asami had a serious expression on her face, she said. "Best out of five, the first one to three wins." Arashi raised her right fist into the air and said. "Don't worry about losing too bad, Lil bro. I'm here to comfort you." Asami didn't even bother to take a stance as she stood still with an indifferent expression. Reiki picked the onesie up from the ground and passed it to Arashi who caught it mid-air, he slightly crouched down and placed his right hand on the same level as his face and his left with his stomach. Reiki felt the grass using his bare feet as he slightly dug them deeper into the ground.

He thought. Aren't you supposed to cheer for me in cases like this? A small smirk formed on Reiki's face which was instantly replaced with a small frown, he inhaled through his nose and slowly made his way toward Asami. She glanced at Reiki as she looked at his footwork as he slowly advanced, Asami thought. Irregular footwork… Her eyes slightly narrowed as she continued her train of thought. Dragon style, crane, monkey… No, what is that?... Reiki slowly made his way as he managed to make it halfway, he thought. Let me test your reflexes. Reiki suddenly appeared in front of Asami as he tried to sweep her feet with his left leg, he hit Asami's right ankle.

[System: User has received 108 Damage.]

Reiki suddenly crouched down as he placed both his hands on his ankle, he thought. What is she made out of, steel? Arashi who was watching by the sidelines was completely stunned, she mumbled to herself saying. "What was that?..." Reiki rolled backward on the ground and pushed himself off using both his hands, he took the same stance as before and thought. Take two. Asami's eyes had a hint of surprise in them, she said. "Where did you learn that?" Reiki took a couple of soft steps with his left foot, he said. "Learned what?" Asami slightly narrowed her eyes at him, she said. "Continue." Reiki suddenly appeared mid-air doing a dropkick right in front of Asami, he was aiming for her face. He casted. Flash.

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『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki suddenly appeared on Asami's left as he tried to elbow her stomach with his right hand and stopped and started spamming. He casted. Flash. Flash. Flash. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

There were a dozen after images of Reiki, each of them was either kicking or punching faints at her. Asami didn't even react as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye, she thought. In terms of martial mastery, he's the same as- no… He's better than me. Arashi was watching with her eyes completely wide, she said. "He didn't fight with Ox like this…" All the after images suddenly disappeared all at once. Reiki appeared behind Asami with his back on hers, he grabbed her right forearm and with his right arm and grabbed the back of her robe with his left. He used the center of gravity and lifted Asami off the ground and threw her, Asami went over his head as she didn't resist and landed right in front of Reiki on her own two feet. Asami's back was exposed to him as she turned her head sideways and glanced at Reiki from the corner of her eye.

Reiki tried to jump back as he felt something heavy on his right leg, he fell onto the ground on his butt and noticed Asami placed her left foot on top of his. Asami said. "Hmm… Four out of ten…" She thought. Was I imagining things?... I thought he was another genius like her… Asami turned around to face him and glanced at Arashi from the corner of her eye who was watching with a serious expression and doubt in her eyes. Asami raised a brow with interest while Reiki threw a quick jab with his right hand at her face. 

[System: User has received 58 Damage.]

[System: User's right wrist is strained.]

Asami blocked it with the palm of her hand without glancing at him, she said. "Five out of ten." Arashi spread her hands in confusion, she said. "Lil bro, do the thing that you did with Ox!" Asami thought. He's holding back?... Interesting. She kept her eyes on Arashi, Asami said. "I recommend going all out, this test will determine whether or not your fit to be a seed." Reiki had a helpless smile on his face, he thought. I used to be a 13th-degree black belt… He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

He appeared a few feet away from Asami as he moved the toes on his left foot, Reiki thought. She easily could've crippled my left leg… He let out a long sigh and thought. If I knew I was going to end up hurting myself I would've run away… Reiki slightly bends his knees as he changed his stance into an open hand one. Asami's eyes were filled with suspicion, she thought. Silat?... Does he even know internal force?... Reiki thought. I'm going to end up breaking a few of my bones… He deeply inhaled as Reiki suddenly appeared right in front of Asami who was taken by surprise, she thought. What the… Reiki tried to elbow her stomach which she easily blocked with the palm of her hand followed by a right knee aiming for her thigh.

Asami took a step back while mid-step Reiki extended his right foot as he aimed for her face. A small smirk appeared on her lips, she thought. Interesting. She blocked his kick using her left forearm. 

[System: User has dealt 1 Damage.]

[System: User has received 52 Damage.]

Asami was pushed back by a few steps as the grass she stood on was destroyed revealing dirt underneath. Arashi watched the two of them intently, she said. "It's… Completely different from when he fought Fuitchi…" The smirk on Asami's lips grew, she said. "Seven out of ten." Reiki felt his right ankle turn numb, he said. "Now that I think about it…" Asami stared at him with interest in her eyes while Arashi looked like she was burning a hole in him with her curious gaze. He continued. "You never mentioned how the point system worked." Arashi was surprised while Asami placed a hand on her chin and said. "You're right… I forgot…" The corner of Reiki's eye twitched, he thought. Easy for you to say. Asami let out a chuckle, she said. "Down, if anything other than the palm of your hand or the soles of your foot. Your opponent gets one point, happy? Let's continue your exam."

Reiki thought. That's impossible for me, I can't even hit you without hurting myself and I'm sure you let me throw you on purpose last time… He let out a sigh and softly whispered. "It's just pain… I've been in their embrace for years…" Asami's eyes dilated as she stared at him while Arashi frowned and said. "Lil bro what did you say?" Reiki slightly moved his right foot on the ground as he pulled some grass using his toes. He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki appeared right in front of Asami and tried to kick her in the face, he stopped his foot mid-way and let go of the grass between his toes as it slightly blinded her vision. Reiki raised his hands as he tried to grab her forearm, Asami's left hand blurred for a split second.

[System: User has received 302 Damage.]

Reiki felt something heavy hit his stomach, he lost his balance as he fell toward the ground. He managed to catch himself by using the palm of his hands, his entire body was visibly shaking as he started regurgitating. A cruel smile appeared on Asami's lips, she let out a spine-shivering chuckle and coldly said. "Interesting." Asami took a few steps back as Reiki threw up some brown curry, partly digested chicken, and some rice on the ground. Arashi had a look of disbelief all over her face watching everything unfold.

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