
Chapter 126: Chapter 126: Reality

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Arashi suddenly appeared beside Reiki, with a worried look on her face she squatted down and said. "Lil bro, are you okay?" She reached her hands out to him, his entire body was still visibly shaking. Reiki gritted his teeth and tried his best to stand up, before Arashi could touch him Asami coldly said. "If you touch him right now, I'll fail him and drag you back to the mainland." Arashi's entire body froze as she glared at Asami from the corner of her eye. Asami had a cold smile on her lips, she said. "Go ahead, Arashi. See what happens." Arashi quickly got up and walked back to her soot as she kicked the ground creating a mini earthquake.

Reiki almost lost his balance as he barely managed to maintain himself. Asami glanced at Arashi from the corner of her eye, Asami said. "Thanks for trying to help, But I won't be needing any." Followed by a chuckle, Arashi gave Asami a cold glare as she crossed her arms and stayed silent. Reiki slowly got up on his own two feet, with drool all over his mouth. He wiped his mouth with his right forearm, Asami looked at him from top to bottom. Asami said. "I got a bit too excited at your last move that I accidentally used a bit of technique."

Reiki took deep breaths to control his breathing, Asami continued. "And no I am not sorry, but I will give you this. Endurance, will. Twenty out of twenty. It's been a long time since someone was able to stay conscious after a direct hit from me." Arashi's cold glare slightly lightened up as she let out a cold scoff. Asami let out a chuckle, she said. "You should be able to move now." Asami was suddenly standing on Reiki's left, she placed her right hand on his shoulder and slowly pushed.

[System: User has received 328 Damage.]

Reiki was like a stone skipping on water as he repeatedly hit the ground before coming to a sudden stop.

[System: User has received 33 Damage.]

[System: User has received 79 Damage.]

[System: User has received 58 Damage.]

[System: User has received 40 Damage.]

He landed on the ground on his back looking up at the blue sky, Reiki thought. Everything hurts… He slowly stood up and saw he was a good distance away from both Arashi and Asami who were watching him intently.

Asami suddenly appeared beside Arashi, Asami said. "Arashi, be honest with me. What level is Reiki?" With a hint of coldness in her eyes, Arashi glanced at her from the corner of her eye. Arashi said. "I didn't check." Reiki started running toward them as he slowly gained speed. Asami observed Arashi's reactions, she nodded and said. "The first time I punched him, I saw his level…" Asami glanced at her from the corner of her eyes, she continued. "His level is nineteen, an entire nine levels above his age." Arashi turned her head toward Asami who had a blank expression on her face. Arashi's face was filled with surprise, she said. "Really!?" Asami observed her reaction, she thought. He's keeping secrets from her… Reiki ran toward Asami, the ground beneath him started to crack, the closer he got to Asami the bigger the cracks. Asami smiled and thought. So he can use internal force. He lowered his upper body and tried to punch Asami's knee cap but stopped mid-way Reiki casted. Flash.

『 Flash has been activated. Mana Cost: 500 』

Reiki suddenly appeared in the air as he raised his left foot almost to his head and swung it down. Asami caught his kick with her right hand as the ground she was standing on started breaking as it slightly caved in on itself as a web of cracks spread.

[System: User has dealt 4 Damage.]

[System: User has received 208 Damage.]

Arashi moved back a few feet as she felt the air around the kick slightly tremble, she said. "Did he get stronger?..." Asami threw his left foot as he spun backward mid-air as he landed on the ground. Reiki lost his balance as he used his hands to catch him as he stood on all fours while facing the sky. Asami was suddenly sitting on top of his stomach with her legs crossed as she looked around the grasslands, she placed her right elbow on her thigh and held her head with the palm of her hand. Asami said. "Hmm… Eight out of ten. Flexibility is more to be desired but, I'll be nice. Six out of ten." She turned her head to look at his face, Asami said. "I downed you once so I got one point. Two more and I win." Reiki turned his body sideways while Asami stayed floating mid-air in the same position. He balanced himself with his left hand and using the momentum from his turn he tried to kick Asami's face which she effortlessly stopped using her index finger.

[System: User has dealt 1 Damage.]

[System: User has received 53 Damage.]

Reiki pushed himself off the ground with his left hand as he landed on his two feet and made some distance between them, he thought. How am I going to approach this… Arashi, who was watching the two of them in a daze, came back to her senses and shouted. "Lil bro you can do it!" Asami, who was still floating mid-air slowly extended her two feet as they touched the ground with an indifferent expression, she said. "Five out of ten." Reiki shook his head sideways as a helpless smile appeared on his face. Asami, seeing this, plainly said. "Giving up?" He said. "No… I'm just hoping that either of you has a potion on hand." Reiki slightly squatted as he raised both half-opened palms a few inches away from his face. He took a deep breath and thought. Concentrate. He suddenly appeared in front of Asami and threw an ordinary jab at her face. Reiki's right fist was half an inch away from touching her nose when he stopped.

[System: User has dealt 100 Damage.]

[System: User has received 503 Damage.]

[System: User's right arm is fractured.]

Reiki suddenly jumped back by a few feet creating some distance between Asami as he placed his left hand on his forearm. Arashi's eyes slowly widened as she saw something red coming from Asami's nose. Arashi pointed at her face and said. "M-Madam, your bleeding!" Arashi's eyes were filled with disbelief as she stared at the blood coming from her nose. Asami touched her upper lip and felt something warm. She looked at her index and middle finger and saw blood on the tips that were slowly running down to her palm. While holding onto his right arm, Reiki smirked and said. "How many points was that worth?" Asami licked the blood from her fingertips as she used her thumb to wipe off the blood from her top lip, she smirked and said. "Nine out of ten." Arashi looked at Asami and then moved her gaze onto Reiki as she tried to think of something with a grave expression on her face.

Arashi gritted her teeth, she shouted. "Lil bro keep your guard up-!" Exactly the moment she finished Asami was standing right in front of Reiki with an enigmatic smile on her lips. Asami said. "Why didn't you go through with the punch?" He tried to move the fingers on his right hand, Reiki looked up and said. "I don't want to be responsible for destroying a pretty face." Reiki's vision was blurred as he suddenly saw everything upside down. Asami lifted him to the air by his wrist as he was above her head, she said. "You're pretty durable yourself." She slammed Reiki onto the ground face-first.

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[System: User has received 902 Damage.]

Asami created a Reiki-sized hole on the ground as he bounced off and landed back inside of it. Reiki grabbed some dirt as it seeped between his fingers as he gripped them, he gritted his teeth as faint traces of blood bled through his cavities. His breathing was erratic while Asami watched him in pain with a smile on her lips. Arashi suddenly appeared on Asami's left as she tried to punch her face. Asami easily blocked it with the palm of her hand as the ground they were standing on began to cave. Arashi gave Asami a dangerous glare, Arashi coldly said. "This. Test. Is. Over." Asami let out a chuckle as she glanced at Arashi's fist that she blocked with her palm, Asami said. "It's not, at first I wanted to see what he was made of. But I changed my mind, I want to see what he's capable of."

For a split second Arashi seeped out killing intent which made Asami smile, she said. "You can try, at least this way you can give him time to recover." Arashi glanced at Reiki who was still on the ground, his unkempt hair covering his eyes as drool came out of his mouth while his breathing was still out of control. He tried to get up from the Reiki-sized hole, but he fell back in the hole face first. Asami watched him with unhidden interest in her eyes, she thought. Durability, ten out of ten. Arashi gritted her teeth as she clenched her hands into fists as her joints from her hands started popping noises. Reiki slowly inhaled, he tried to say something but stopped as he started regurgitating. He placed a hand on his mouth as he swallowed, Reiki wiped the drool from the corners of his mouth. He said. "It's… Fine… Just one more exchange so…"

He forced himself to get up as he shakily stood on his own two feet, Reiki continued. "Let's get this exam over with… So I can pass with flying colors." He flashed both at them with a smirk on his face as he let out another coughing fit. Arashi walked toward him when Asami coldly said. "Stop." For a split second Arashi's entire body was emitting a faint cold color before turning back to normal, she hesitantly nodded and walked away from the two of them. Arashi was repeatedly tapping her left foot in worry as she crossed her arms, she said. "Give that old hag hell Lil bro!" Reiki turned his head to look at Arashi with a confused look on his face, he said. "What?" Asami's lips slowly formed into an indifferent smile. Arashi pointed at Asami with her right hand and shouted. "Despite her appearance, she's sixty years old! Break her fragile bones!"

Reiki felt a chill travel down his spine as he quickly turned his head and saw the indifferent smile on Asami's lips. He thought. I don't even have anything to give away in my will yet… Reiki took a deep breath as he slightly bent his knees, he placed his right hand in front of him almost fully extended with his left hand reaching to his elbows. Reiki's fingers were completely straight, except for his thumbs which were tucked by his palm. He controlled his breathing to lower his heartbeat, Reiki thought. Half a second… That's all my body can take, anymore and I'll cripple myself… Asami smiled at him, as she pulled up the sleeve of her right robe revealing a healthy version of Reiki's pasty white skin. Her arm was slender yet toned to the point you can see the outline of her muscle.

Asami waved at him, showing Reiki her delicate fingers that didn't even show a hint of calluses. Arashi stopped tapping her foot in worry, she took a deep breath to calm herself as both of her feet were enveloped in a thin layer of mana. Asami glanced at her from the corner of her eye and thought. Since she only plans on catching him, I'll allow it. Reiki's eyes had a hint of ethereal in them, he took another deep breath as he suddenly vanished from where he was standing. Arashi had a confused look on her face as she looked around, she thought. Where is he-? Asami's eyes were filled with surprise, her right arm blurred as she placed it in front of her. Reiki appeared right in front of Asami maintaining his stance, a large area of the ground beneath the two of them started to break and cave in on itself.

Arashi looked down at the cracks on the ground that reached to her feet, she thought. What the-. In one quick motion, Reiki moved his right hand toward Asami's palm.

[System: User has dealt 403 Damage.]

[System: User has received 1,023 Damage.]

[System: User has four broken bones in his right arm.]

Reiki's right palm was an inch away from hitting Asami's hand. Asami's pupils dilated as she felt something slice her palm. Reiki's entire right arm suddenly bursts open, blood spewed everywhere as the skin on his forearm looked like it was ripped off revealing red muscle under it. Asami and her robes were sprinkled with blood which didn't even bother her as she looked at Reiki with her eyes full of shock and was instantly replaced with joy. Arashi stood still staring at Reiki who was still standing with a busted right arm that had already gone limp to his side as blood trickled to the ground.

[System: User has bleed 202 Damage.]

Asami looked at her right palm and saw a small horizontal cut that was already healing itself, she looked at the blood that was all over her hand. She thought. Ten out of ten. A small smirk formed onto her lips as she licked off the blood on her palm. Arashi snapped back to her senses as she suddenly appeared next to Reiki who had a blank stare on his face. Arashi frantically waved her hand at his face, he didn't react in any way which made her worry even more. Asami moved her gaze away from her palm and turned her head at Arashi who tried to move his right hand. Asami said. "Don't move his right arm, all four of his bones are broken." Arashi froze as she slowly moved her hands away from Reiki's right hand, she turned her head to glance at Asami with a dangerous glare. Arashi said. "You said you won't even hit him."

Asami lazily waved her hand and said. "No need to bring up an invalid agreement." She pointed at Arashi's pockets and continued. "I still hope you remembered to bring a high-quality potion just in case." Arashi's pupils dilated as she quickly rummaged through her pocket and took out a vial with red liquid in it. She took off the cork and was about to empty it into her mouth. Asami's eyes widened in disbelief as she placed an arm on Arashi's shoulder and said. "What do you think you're doing?" With an innocent look and bright eyes, Arashi said. "I'm going to help him drink the potion via mouth to mouth." The corner of Asami's eye twitched, she thought. She's definitely Ikari's daughter alright… If I wasn't stronger than her she would've done something drastic. Arashi looked at Asami with a hopeful expression. Asami formed a small smile on her lips and said. "A few minutes ago you looked like you were trying to kill me."

Arashi smiled brightly, she said. "Madam is great! Madam is-!" Asami raised her hand which made Arashi stop. Asami said. "No more flattery, just place the potion on his arm and he'll be up in no time." Arashi glanced at the potion and then onto Reiki with unwillingness in her eyes, she looked at Asami with a pleading expression. Asami thought. I see… She's just like her mother… Asami narrowed her eyes, with a commanding tone she said. "That's an order, Tora." Arashi's lips turned into a pout as she moved the vial near Reiki and tilted it in her hands sideways as the red liquid landed on his right arm.

[System: User has been healed for 5,000]

[System: User right arm has been restored.]

A few more drops dripped onto his arm while Arashi placed the cork back into the vial as she pocketed it. Asami looked at Reiki whose clothes were in tatters and covered in dirt, she glanced at Arashi from the corner of her eye and said. "Walk with me." Asami walked in a random direction leaving Arashi who was reluctant to leave Reiki who was still passed out while standing. Asami stopped and said. "He'll be fine, Reiki can't even go out if he wanted to." Arashi eventually nodded as she ran to catch up to Asami who was getting farther. Reiki's eyes slowly came back to life as he looked around, he thought. Did they just leave me?... He let out a chuckle and said. "Hopefully, I didn't lose too badly." He suddenly heard Ender speak. You've changed. Reiki raised a brow and looked around enjoying the scenery, he thought. How so?

Reiki started walking toward the door while Ender said. From the start you were uncaring, you acted as if you were reading a fantasy book. Not even aware that you could die at any given moment. Reiki did some light stretches as he tried to find any pain in his body, he thought. That's because I treated the world as a game back then… I was ignorant and complacent of having a god granting my wish thinking about my younger days where I played games and PK'd players without end… A moment of silence passed while Reiki reached the door and opened it and got no reaction and saw the other side. He walked through and stared at the door while he heard Ender say. What woke you up? A self-deprecating smile formed onto his face, he thought. Reality… I didn't wish to be omnipotent or have a cheat-like ability. I wished for the world to turn into a game… A world where anything could happen and more… Reiki closed the door as he leaned on it and slowly slid to the ground and sat on the soft grass, he said. "... Arashi has my onesie…"

Asami eventually stopped walking as she turned around and saw Arashi who wiped some sweat from her cheek. Arashi dryly said. "Madam, we could've had this conversation a few kilometers ago." Arashi unzipped her jacket revealing a black sports bra underneath along with her large chest as she fanned her hand to get a breeze going toward her. Asami glanced at her chest for a moment before moving to gaze at Arashi's face. Asami said. "How strong do you think Reiki is?" Arashi was stunned by her question, she thought for a bit and said. "From what I saw today… He brings those who claim to be a genius to shame." A proud smile formed on her lips as she continued. "Just like me." Asami thought. He's more talented than you… I'm even starting to think Reiki's too good for you and keep him for myself… Arashi glared at Asami with a hint of suspicion in her eyes, she glanced at her large chest and ample butt. Arashi thought. Were more or less the same…

Asami cleared her throat and said. "What kind of training did you give him? From his build, it's clear you made him go through more than just hell…" Asami stared at Arashi with a pondering expression, she thought. Did she already give him the body cultivation method of the Tora clan?... Arashi raised her hand which got Asami's attention, Arashi said. "I didn't teach him anything." Asami was stunned for a second, she said. "Then what did you teach him?" As she looked at her oddly. Arashi started fidgeting as she stared at her hand that was fanning herself slowly came to a halt, she said. "... Nothing…" Arashi quickly moved her gaze to the ground, afraid of making eye contact with Asami.

A moment passed as Arashi waited for her to say anything, she slowly looked up and saw Asami with a small smile on her lips. Asami suddenly appeared beside Arashi as she patted her shoulder, Asami said. "Good job." Arashi froze for a split second as a confused look appeared on her face, she said. "Yes?..." Asami stopped patting Arashi's shoulder and thought. Reiki said he was going to pass with flying colors… Potential… One hundred out of a hundred. Arashi's eyes had a hint of hope in them, she said. "Madam… Can I take this as Lil bro passing?" Asami nodded, she said. "Yeah, with passing colors." Arashi smiled brightly, she hastily said. "T-Then can you get the third dragon to teach him?! With his broad knowledge of martial arts he could-."

Asami raised her hand which made Arashi stop, Asami said. "Those two clowns? I'll do it myself." Arashi was completely stunned as she stood still while Asami walked back toward the exit. Asami thought. Since I've found myself a potential husband, I'll do it myself. It'll also create opportunities to get to know each other… She slightly turned her head sideways and glanced at the corner of her eye at Arashi who was still frozen. Asami thought. Since you saved me the trouble of looking for one, I'll allow you to be the second wife with me being the first. Asami said. "Arashi, let's go. Reiki should be awake by now."

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