
Chapter 127: Chapter 127: Knock Knock

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Reiki was sitting on the grass while leaning on a door, he heard Ender say. Then what would you call those 'blessings' the gods gave you? Reiki pulled a single strand of grass from the ground and played with it, he thought. If what you said is true… I need to get rid of all of them… A moment passed by as Reiki stared at the strand of grass between his fingertips, he heard Ender speak. I already have three plans for this small problem. Reiki thought. Even without seeing you a single time, I can tell you have a smirk on your face…

He held out his palm with a single piece of grass in the middle as it got swept by the wind. Reiki watched it being carried away from the wind from the corner of his eye, he let out a yawn without covering his mouth. Arashi and Asami appeared right in front of him standing. Arashi had a smile on her lips as she quickly squatted and placed her index finger on his tongue. Asami raised a brow with a hint of expectation in her eyes. Reiki slowly opened his eyes and said. "Ello… hat ook uo so ong?..." Reiki's gaze immediately locked onto Arashi's black sports bra and her red jacket that was half-zipped up. Arashi frowned from his lack of reaction while Asami slapped Arashi's forearm which made her move her finger away from Reiki's mouth.

Arashi cleaned her index finger by using his clothes as she rubbed her forearm with her left hand, she said. "I was showing Madam around." Reiki slowly stood up and patted some dust off his shorts, while Asami said. "I wanted to see the jungle to see if they were fruits, sadly no luck." Reiki let out another yawn while Arashi quickly stood up and tried to place her finger on his tongue again. Asami's left hand blurred as a satisfying sound of slapping was made, the back of Arashi's hand was slightly red as she stared at it.

Arashi glared at her with suspicion from the corner of her eye. Asami ignored her glare as she stared at Reiki with a peculiar look, she said. "What kind of training do you do?" Arashi opened her mouth but closed it waiting for his response, Reiki looked up and said. "Just some light training." Asami's eyes narrowed, with a hint of interest in her eyes she said. "Then enlighten me with your light training." Arashi faked a cough, she said. "I'm right here you know." She reached her hand out and pinched Reiki's forearm.

[System: User has received 102 Damage.]

Reiki shrugged his shoulders which made Arashi lose her pinch on him, he said. "Three hundred push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. Another hundred push-ups, sit-ups, and squats but with military counting. Thirty minutes of stretching and two sumo's shiko, four minutes on each leg, two sets…" He turned his head to look at Arashi and continued. "Speaking of training, I need two greatswords, the rarity doesn't matter as long as they're two hundred kilograms heavy." Asami suddenly said. "I'll have them delivered in half an hour." With a wave of her hand, a talisman appeared in her palm as it faintly glowed. Arashi glanced at Asami from the corner of her eye filled with suspicion. Reiki looked at her oddly for a moment before turning his gaze back to Arashi, he said. "I also need some ankle and wrist weight, specifically five to fifteen kilograms."

Arashi quickly raised her hand and said. "I have those in my closet." She glanced at Asami who waved her hand as the talisman in her palm disappeared, with narrowed eyes Arashi thought. Am I imagining things?... Asami had a small amiable smile on her lips, she said. "What are the swords for, Reiki?" Reiki moved his gaze onto Asami, he paused for a second and said. "My other half of the regimen." Asami raised a brow in interest, before she could say anything Arashi interrupted her and said. "What kind?" As she walked beside Reiki and placed an arm on top of his head while playing with unkempt and scraggly hair, Arashi said. "Just think of her questions as me asking." She gave him a bright smile and glared at Asami from the corner of her eye. Reiki slowly nodded and moved his gaze onto Asami who ignored Arashi's actions, he said. "A thousand vertical, horizontal, and slanted swings on each hand."

Asami smiled at him while Arashi raised a brow in worry. Arashi said. "Lil bro, I think you should slow down a bit. You're still young and have plenty of time to-." Asami interrupted her, she said. "Reiki, don't listen to her. I think this training is a good start for you." He turned his head to look at Arashi with an odd look, Reiki said. "I wasn't exactly asking for someone's permission." Arashi reached her hand out as she pinched his cheek.

[System: User has received 87 Damage.]

Arashi raised her voice higher and said. "And I'm telling you to start slow." She pulled Reiki's cheek a bit farther trying to test its limits, he said. "Ow." Asami rolled her eyes at Arashi and said. "Tora, let him go." Arashi glanced at her from the corner of her eye as she let his cheek go. Reiki rubbed his right cheek and looked up to Arashi, he said. "Then how about we make a bet?" Asami listened intently while Arashi let out a chuckle, she said. "Sure, lay it on me." Reiki held out his hand with his palm facing up, he said. "First give me back my onesie." Arashi looked at his dirty clothes as she rummaged through her pocket and took out a talisman. The talisman in her hands faintly glowed as Reiki was surrounded by a faint layer of mana, the dirt on his clothes vanished. Arashi placed the talisman back into her pocket as she took out her pouch and pulled out a grey wolf onesie from the pouch.

She threw it to Reiki who caught it mid-air, he undid the zipper on the front and started putting it on. While dressing up, Reiki said. "How about a bet about whether I can do my training or not? I say I can do the entire thing." Arashi's eyes brightened up, she pointed at him and with a confident smile. Arashi said. "You're on! The loser owes the winner a favor. I say you'll do one-third of the regimen." Reiki closed the zipper on the front before he could say anything Asami suddenly said. "I say he does half of it." Arashi and Reiki turned their heads to look at her with confusion in their eyes. A mysterious smile formed on Asami's lips, she said. "I want in on the fun." A big smile formed on Arashi's lips, she said. "Does that mean-."

Asami nodded, she said. "If you win I'll owe you a favor, just remember not to ask for something impossible." Arashi was stunned for a moment, she thought. If I win I could help my mom to gain more status and power… Asami turned her head to look at Reiki, she said. "How will the winner be determined?" Arashi came back to her senses and with a serious expression, she listened to him. Reiki faked a cough and said. "Three days. I took a rest today and tomorrow I'll continue my training. During these three days, if I fail to complete it on any of those days I lose. If I make it to the third day I win..." Reiki paused to think for a moment and continued. "Since there are two of you, whichever guess is the closest assumption wins. One-third for Arashi and half for Asami-san." Arashi nodded as she lazily stretched, she said. "Sounds good to me."

Asami thought for a moment, she said. "Agreed." Reiki pointed at the door behind him using his thumb, he said. "Now, can either of you open the door behind me? I need to go back before my older sister murders me in my sleep." Arashi let out a chuckle as she reached out for the doorknob, with a confident tone she said. "Don't worry Lil bro I won't ask for too much." She gave him a wink and opened the door revealing her apartment. Asami suddenly appeared inside the apartment in front of them, she turned her head sideways to look behind her and said. "I hear you put Michelin stars chefs to shame, Reiki." Arashi placed a hand on top of his head as she ruffled his hair, she said. "Those chefs aren't allowed to call themselves that with my Lil bro in the same room." Asami raised a brow, she said. "Then can you make a few dishes for me? I already have all the ingredients I need."


Living Room At Reiki's Home

Ketsueki was sitting on the couch with her right ankle on top of her knee as she browsed through the channels. Shiro was sitting on the newly cleaned floor while staring at her notebook, Ketsueki said. "Shiro, is it me, or is Reiki being too quiet in his room?" Shiro turned her head sideways to look at her older sister, she said. "Now that I think about it… Onii-chan has been silent for twenty minutes now…" Ketsueki's eyes narrowed with suspicion, she thought. What is he doing?... Ketsueki stood up from the couch, she said. "That's enough studying for the day, Shiro. You can do what you want for the day." Shiro closed her notebook as she excitedly stood up and hugged Ketsueki's thigh. Shiro said. "Thank you! Onee-chan!"

Ketsueki lovingly patted her little sister's head, she said. "I'll go take a look at him in his room." Shiro let go of her and nodded, she sat on the couch and picked up the remote as she changed the channel. Ketsueki went up the stairs and thought. The jig is up Reiki. She walked by a short hallway and placed her hand on the doorknob. Ketsueki opened the door and saw Reiki wearing his onesie lying on his bed with his eyes closed. He heard the door open as he sat up straight, Reiki said. "I wasn't sleeping! I had my eyes closed!" As he stood up from the bed and quickly tidied his bed. Reiki turned around to look up to his older sister with his arms crossed. Ketsueki looked around his room, she moved her gaze onto him and said. "Sleeping so early, Reiki?"

He faked a cough and said. "My eyes were closed, Onee-chan. It's just some fatigue from spending time outside the house." Ketsueki walked into the room and sat on the bed, she lifted her little brother and placed him on her lap. Reiki could feel his older sister's large breasts on the top of his head, Ketsueki said. "Then maybe you shouldn't have cleaned so much." He looked up and said. "It's fine, I promised I would do all the housework." A smile formed on Ketsueki's lips, she playfully pinched his cheek and said. "And you left the day after. I saved a list of chores for you to do, Reiki." Reiki nodded, making her large breasts wobble on the top of his head, he said. "That's fine."

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Ketsueki moved him out of her lap and onto the bed, she stood up and said. "Just lay down for a few minutes. It'll go away eventually." She walked toward the door and closed it on her way out. Reiki heard his older sister's footsteps getting farther away, he let out a long sigh and laid back down on the bed. He stood up, walked toward the window, looked up, and saw Arashi who was staring out her window into his. Reiki thought. I need a thick curtain. He casted. Flash Max Distance.

『 Flash has been activated. Mana Cost: 6,250 』

Reiki appeared back in Arashi's apartment, he looked up to Asami and Arashi, he said. "What do you want me to make?"

~Twenty Minutes Later~

Reiki was looking around a large apartment, it had simple white walls with a touch of modern decor. He turned around to look at Asami and Arashi who were sitting on a couch with a dining table filled with food and utensils in front of them along with a large flatscreen embedded in the wall. Reiki thought. I need one of those talismans… On top of the table were dozens of plates filled with sushi, California roll, nigiri, and maki. Asami and Arashi picked up a pair of metal chopsticks while Reiki moved his gaze onto a large plate of sashimi. He thought. Why does she have fugu on her?... In the center of the table were two large plates of both vegetable tempura, shrimp tempura neatly presented and stacked high. In front of Asami and Arashi were two large bowls of seafood ramen that were topped with scallops, peeled and deveined shrimp, an entire head of a lobster that was surrounded by dozens of lobster meat.

Arashi excitedly said. "Itadakimasu-." She immediately started slurping the noodles while Asami picked up a black and red renge and ate with elegance. Reiki thought. Why did she ask me to make Japanese cuisine? He let out a yawn and covered his mouth, Reiki scratched his back and said. "I'll-." Asami raised her left hand which made him stop, she picked up a white napkin and wiped her lips. Arashi continued to devour her bowl of ramen as she picked up the large bowl and drank the broth. Arashi used her chopsticks to pick up sushi and some tempura as she inhaled her food. Asami turned her head sideways, she looked at Reiki. Asami said. "You didn't make anything for yourself?" He shook his head sideways and said. "I just got caught up making the meal and forgot about it."

Reiki moved his glance at her bowl of ramen, he said. "How are the noodles?" Arashi who was eating glanced at the two of them from the corner of her eye filled with suspicion. Asami gave him a small nod and said. "Delectable, at first I was confused about your choice of making ramen in twenty minutes. But the salt broth complements the seafood quite well." Arashi used her chopsticks to pick up three tempuras in one go as her eyes narrowed as she listened to their conversation. Reiki crossed his arms as a small smile appeared on his face, he said. "It's nothing special." Arashi moved her glare onto Asami while slowly moving her chopsticks onto her side of the table. Arashi tried to take a single piece of tempura on Asami's side, her left hand blurred while Arashi suddenly moved her hand away. Arashi glanced at the back of her hand seeing it was a bright red.

Arashi glared at Asami without holding back, Reiki thought. I have a bad feeling about this… He pointed at Asami's pocket and said. "Can you use your talisman to get me out?" Asami raised a brow, she said. "What's your favorite snack?" Arashi's glare turned hostile as her pupils faintly glowed a dark golden color. Reiki glanced at Arashi from the corner of his eye and said. "French fries." Asami lazily waved her hand that was holding a pair of chopsticks as a large bag of potatoes headed toward him. Reiki caught the bag of potatoes mid-air, Asami said. "Make some for us." Reiki looked at Asami with curiosity in his eyes, he said. "How are you doing that?" Asami turned her head as she went back to eating, she used her chopsticks to pick up some noodles and said. "Magic pouch, it's a neat trick you'll learn if you study the flow of mana to a certain extent." Asami ate the noodles while ignoring Arashi's dangerous gaze.

Reiki nodded as he was about to turn around but stopped, he glanced at the table from the corner of his eyes. He casted. God's Eye.

『God's Eye Has Been Activated.』

He stared at the table and saw all the food was radiating large amounts of mana, Reiki thought. I wonder how much that meal costs. He turned around and walked toward the nearest dark wooden door. Reiki placed the sack of potatoes on the floor and opened the door revealing a high-end kitchen. He picked up the sack of potatoes with his left hand and placed it over his shoulder, Reiki thought. I've been seeing too many state-of-the-art kitchens lately…


At Reiki's Living Room

Ketsueki was laying down on the couch on her side with Shiro who was in the same position right in front of her. Shiro laid her head down on her older sister's left forearm as the two of them watched a documentary about newborn kittens on the tv. Shiro's eyes were as bright as stars as she enjoyed the show. Ketsueki felt her smartphone vibrate in her right pocket as she took it out to see, she saw a text message and tapped it and saw a single number 1 on the screen. Ketsueki thought. Again?... It's my day off too… She glanced at her little sister who was lying down comfortably on the couch along with her arm, Ketsueki thought. I need to ask for double my rate if they keep this up. Ketsueki placed her smartphone back in her right pocket in her baggy pants as she playfully poked Shiro's cheek.

Shiro turned her head to look at her older sister and said. "Onee-chan?..." Ketsueki had a helpless smile on her lips, she said. "I need to drop by at work today." Shiro was surprised, with a frown on her mouth she said. "Isn't today your day off?" Ketsueki ruffled her little sister's hair as the two of them sat up straight on the couch. Ketsueki said. "What can I say, I'm their most valuable employee." She put on a pair of white indoor slippers and combed through her long black hair that reached to her waist. Shiro picked up the pillow her older sister laid her head down and hugged it, she looked up and said. "Have a safe trip." Ketsueki flashed her small smile before she could say anything the two girls heard a young voice say. "If you don't come back before I set up the plates there will be nothing left for you."

Both Ketsueki and Shiro turned their heads and saw Reiki. Shiro stood up from the couch and with her arms spread out she ran toward her older brother, she said. "Onii-chan!" She wrapped her arms around his chest and snuggled her cheek against his shoulder, Shiro looked up at him and said. "Are you okay, Onii-chan? Onee-chan said that you were tired." Reiki patted the top of Shiro's head, he said. "It's nothing to worry about, I managed to rest for a bit." He looked up to Ketsueki who made her way closer to them, Reiki said. "Have a safe trip." Ketsueki raised a brow, she said. "Are you planning on eating most of it again?" She reached out her hand and pinched her little brother's right chin. Shiro's eyes brightened up as she pincered Reiki's left cheek, she started giggling while his older sister let out a chuckle.

Ketsueki let go of his cheek and placed her hand at the side, she said. "It won't be long, I just need to meet with someone. I'll be back in an hour or so." Reiki looked up to his older sister while Shiro continued to play with his left cheek, he said. "I'll be sure to prepare something good for dinner then." Ketsueki looked at him oddly, she said. "Dinner won't be until a few more hours." Shiro was repeatedly poking his cheek, she said. "I think Onii-chan is still tired." Her eyes widened as she dragged him by the arm, Shiro said. "Onii-chan how about watching some baby animals?! They're so cute! Onee-chan and I have been watching a documentary about kittens! Take a look!" Shiro tried to lead his older brother as she walked in place due to the lack of friction because of the white indoor slippers she was wearing.

Reiki let out a chuckle seeing his little sister's appearance, he looked up to Ketsueki and said. "Don't forget I still have to make the bread and cook." Ketsueki suddenly remembered the large stockpot filled with curry as her gaze wandered to her little brother's stomach, she muttered. "... Early puberty?..." Reiki raised a brow and thought. No. He let Shiro lead him to the couch as the two of them sat on it, Reiki turned his head sideways to look at Ketsueki. He said. "I think you should go ahead, Onee-chan. If your job called for you, it might be urgent." Before she could say anything, Ketsueki heard a familiar voice from outside the front door saying. "Guess who." While Shiro pointed at the tv that was showing a baby tiger, Reiki stood up. Ketsueki suddenly appeared next to him as she placed a hand over his mouth.

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