
Chapter 128: Chapter 128: Phone

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Reiki looked oddly at his older sister. Ketsueki placed her index finger on her lips as she made a shushing gesture, she said. "Namida, why are you here?" Shiro looked at her older sister with an odd gaze as she moved her gaze from her to the front door a couple of times. The sound of a door faintly unlocking was heard by the three of them. Ketsueki vanished from the living room as she appeared behind the front door that was about to open. Namida barely opened the door and said. "I wanted to ask Shiro if she remembered-." Ketsueki slammed the door shut with her upper body. With a hint of coldness in her eyes, she said. "She remembers, my boy still hasn't returned."

From the other side of the door, she could hear Namida's voice with a hint of mocking in them. Namida said. "And it's not because you're hiding something from me?" Ketsueki glanced at her baggy jacket, she said. "I'm doing laundry while topless."

Shiro was focused on the documentary about a baby tiger playing with its mother. Reiki was listening in on their conversation, he thought. Topless?... A small smirk formed on his face. Reiki thought. I still remember me and Onee-chan sharing a bath like it was yesterday… A very detailed image of his older sister while being naked appeared in his mind, Reiki thought. If I remember correctly, Onee-chan likes to shave down there… Hourglass figure, ample peach butt, and a large chest. Every woman would kill for half her figure yet she's hiding it all under baggy clothes… The smirk on his face slowly grew, he thought. Eight whole years before sex… It's a good thing that even in this world she's still in love with me…  The baby tiger rolled on its back while being licked by its mother. Shiro pointed at the screen and pulled on the sleeve of Reiki's onesie, she said. "Onii-chan! Look! Look! Isn't it so cute?!"

Reiki patted the top of his younger sister, he said. "Yes, Shiro I'm looking." He focused on his hearing and heard Ketsueki speak, she said. "You've gotten very quiet, Namida." A slight pause followed before she continued. "You can come in but I doubt you'd take your eyes off my chest." Shiro picked up the pillow on her left and hugged it as her eyes brightened up like stars as she stared at the tv. Reiko heard Namida coldly speak, she said. "Just get ready before I cut those sacks of meat on both your chest and your saggy ass." He heard Ketsueki let out a prideful hmph, she said. "Saggy? I exercise every day to make sure my body stays like this for…" A cold chill traveled down his spine while Namida spoke, she coldly said. "Just get dressed, you perverted, child loving, pedophilic, bitch in heat. Hopeless scum of the earth woman."

Ketsueki raised a brow, she said. "I'm denying that pedophilic remark. I love Reiki, who just happens to be younger than me. All I have to do is wait-." Namida interrupted her, she said. "Get dressed or I'll…" Ketsueki crossed her arms as a smug smile formed on her lips, she said. "You'll what? I'm easily stronger than you and you also owe me one too many favors." A moment of silence passed, from the other side Ketsueki heard Namida angrily stop the ground. Namida said. "You win this time, Ketsueki." The sound of footsteps slowly got farther as she let out a sigh of relief, she mumbled to herself saying. "I'm on borrowed time… They'll meet him eventually but I'll delay it as much as possible…"

Ketsueki turned around and walked back to the living room and saw that Shiro was on her older brother's lap while watching. Reiki turned his head sideways and looked at his older sister, he said. "What happened, Onee-chan? Did something come up? Ketsueki flashed him a wry smile, she said. "Something like that…" Shiro tugged on Reiki's onesie while pointing at the tv, she said. "Onii-chan watch! You're missing it!" Reiki caressed the top of his little sister's head, he said. "I am watching, Shiro." A warm smile appeared on Ketsueki's lips seeing her younger siblings together, she took a couple of sniffs and thought. Why is there a faint scent of garlic and rosemary in the air... Ketsueki looked at him oddly before shrugging her shoulders, she said. "I'm off." As she walked toward the front door leaving the two of them. Without taking their eyes from the screen, Reiki and Shiro simultaneously said. "Take care."

Shiro was about to reach for the remote on the coffee table when Reiki suddenly moved and picked it up for her, he said. "Do you want the volume higher?" Shiro nodded her head and said. "Please." He slightly adjusted the volume higher while his little sister glanced at his shoulder. Shiro tilted her body toward her older brother as she rested her head on Reiki's shoulder while hugging his left arm. Reiki heard the front door being locked, he thought. Can't believe she noticed the faint smell around me… He moved his right hand into his pocket and took out his tattered pouch, Reiki thought. I wonder… He placed the pouch on the coffee table while Shiro glanced at him from the corner of her eye. Reiki waved his hand as nothing happened, Shiro started giggling and said. "What are you doing, Onii-chan?"

Reiki thought. Worth a shot. He turned his head to look at his younger sister, he said. "I wanted to try something." Reiki pointed at his left arm and continued. "Can you let go of me for a moment?" Shiro nodded as she reluctantly let go of him. Reiki picked up the tattered pouch on the coffee table and rummaged through it as he pulled out a large plate of fries and wedge cut as they split in the middle forming a small hill. Shiro looked at the plate of fries in disbelief as she rubbed her eyes using her hands. Reiki placed the plate of fries on the coffee table and pocketed his tattered pouch, he said. "Eat up, Shiro." He reached out and grabbed a handful of fries and ate them. Shiro took a couple of sniffs as her stomach let out a short grumble, she reached out and picked up a couple of pieces of wedge-cut fries. Shiro mumbled. "They're still warm…" She took a bite out of one of them as her eyes widened.

Reiki grabbed another handful and thought. I need some dipping sauce… He glanced at his little sister who was happily eating while watching, Reiki thought. Nothing spicy which leaves me with… Honey mustard. Reiki stood up from the couch, he turned his head to look at his little sister and said. "I'll go get us some water." Shiro nodded while she reached out for more fries on the plate with a big smile on her face. Reiki let out a chuckle as he quickly made his way to the kitchen. While searching through the fridge and cabinets, he thought. Honey, mustard, low-fat mayo, vinegar… Since I can't use cayenne pepper black pepper will have to do. He placed them beside the sink along with a small glass cup. Reiki started pouring everything into the glass as he opened a drawer and took out a mini spoon and mixed the sauce well. He tapped the spoon on the rim of the glass a couple of times and placed the spoon in the sink. Reiki rolled the sleeves of his onesie up and turned the handle of the sink and cleaned the spoon.

He turned the sink off and reached for a towel to dry his hands, Reiki said. "Now you're just weirding me out." Arashi suddenly appeared on his left, she still wore her red jacket that was halt-zipped revealing her black sports bra. She had a cold smile on her lips as she slammed her hand on his back.

[System; User has received 532 Damage.]

Arashi maintained the cold smile on her lips, she said. "I'm here to drop by your two swords." Her left hand blurred as she was suddenly holding onto a brown pouch as she threw it onto Reiki's face. He felt a sting on his back and pocketed the brown pouch, with a helpless smile he looked up to her and said. "I didn't even do anything." Arashi let out a scoff as her right leg blurred as she stepped on his left foot.

[System: User has received 442 Damage.]

Reiki lifted his left foot as he rubbed it with his right hand, he said. "How about I make it up to you?" He thought. You're just being unreasonable because you can't do anything to Asami. The corner of Arashi's lips formed into a smile for a split second before she faked a cough, she said. "That can wait." She rummaged through her pocket and took out a smartphone. Arashi passed him the smartphone as she tried to keep a straight face while observing his reaction. Reiki took the phone from her hands, it had a black cover and the left side of the face of a tiger, the tiger was made out of dozens of shapes. Arashi poked his forehead which made him look up to her, she was showing him the back of another phone. The one she was holding had a dark gold cover, the back had a design of a black dragon right face and was made out of dozens of shapes.

Arashi failed to hide the smile on her lips, she said. "What do you think? The Matching designs are a big plus, right?" A smile formed on his face, Reiki said. "Yes, one question though. Is this the final design? Or did you make a few alterations at the last minute?" Arashi turned the back of the phone towards her, she said. "I changed the cover of mine, previously it was white but I changed it to dark gold to keep the consistency." Arashi pocketed the smartphone as she looked at him with a hopeful look, she said. "Do you… Like it?..." Reiki let out a chuckle as a genuine smile formed on his face, he said. "Yes, I love it. Thank you, Arashi." A faint blush appeared on her cheeks as she tried her best to memorize the smile on his face, Arashi faked a cough and said. "Y-Yes… Here's your number, be sure to remember it."

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She rummaged through her pocket and passed Reiko a small stick note with a number on it. Arashi scratched her cheek and said. "T-That's all for today… I'll give you my training weight before you exercise tomorrow." She looked at him with hesitation in her eyes before she suddenly squatted down as the two of them were now at the same level. Arashi deeply inhaled as she kissed him on his forehead, she abruptly stood up and turned around. Arashi said. "Gotta go now by-." Arashi was already gone before she could finish leaving Reiki stunned, he thought. That was unexpected… Guessing Asami's presence gave her some pressure… I need to get rid of that at the massage tomorrow…

Shiro was glancing at the kitchen from time to time while the baby tiger on the screen was sleeping on the tv. She slowly reached out to grab some fries and suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming closer. Shiro turned her head and saw Reiki was carrying a round metal tray that had a couple of tall ice-cold glasses of water and another small glass filled with honey mustard. Reiki sat on his little sister's right and placed two coasters on top of the table one on each side as he placed the glasses of water on the coasters. Shiro looked at him with a narrowed gaze, she said. "Onii-chan what took you so long?" Reiki placed the small glass of honey mustard in front of the hill of fries, he said. "I was busy trying to think of a sauce that you would enjoy." He pointed at the honey mustard and continued. "Try some, you'll love it."

Reiki grabbed a couple of fries and dipped them in honey mustard as he watched the baby tiger pooping on the tv. Shiro stared at the dipping sauce for a moment as she reached her hand out and grabbed a wedge cut fry, she dipped the tip of it in honey mustard and slowly took a bite of it. Shiro's eyes sparkled as she looked up at her older brother. Reiki grabbed some more fries with his hand, he turned his head to look at her. With a smile, he said. "How is it? Good, right?" Shiro nodded as she dipped the entire wedge cut fry in the honey mustard except for the part she was holding with her thumb and index finger. She ate the fry in one go with a big smile on her mouth, Shiro looked up to him and said. "What's this yellow sauce called, Onii-chan?"

Reiki grabbed a couple of wedge-cut fries and dipped them in honey mustard. He patted the top of his little sister's head with his left hand, Reiki said. "Honey mustard." He ate one of the wedge-cut fries in his hand and pointed at the plate of fries using the fry in his hand. Reiki said. "Keep eating, there's plenty to go around." Shiro nodded as she reached out her hand but stopped midway, she looked at him and said. "... Onii-chan… Where did you get this?" Reiki grabbed a handful of fries and dipped them in the sauce, he said. "Arashi had some spare potatoes-." All of a sudden the two of them heard a voice say. "Is that so?" Reiki suddenly stood up and turned around and saw his older sister Ketsueki with her arms crossed.

Reiki subconsciously gulped, he said. "O-Onee-chan, I thought you said you'll be back in an hour?" He felt Ketsueki's narrowed gaze pierce through him as she looked at him from top to bottom, she blandly said. "I was planning on surprising you-. I mean the two of you when I came back early. The client suddenly decided to pay up the moment my company wanted me to attend." She suddenly appeared on Reiki's left as she took a couple of sniffs around him, Ketsueki thought. I don't smell anything on him… Her eyes slowly turned cold, she continued her train of thought. But I didn't buy any rosemary. Reiki slowly took a step to the side, he said. "O-Onee-chan, try them. I can guarantee the taste."

Shiro pulled on her older sister's baggy jacket, she looked up and said. "They're delicious, Onee-chan." Ketsueki turned her upper body sideways and saw her little sister's naive look, she thought. Shiro, we need to talk about this when we get the time. Ketsueki said. "Shiro, do you remember our talk about…" She slightly nodded at him using her head while giving her little sister a meaningful look. Shiro was holding onto a couple of pieces of fries that were dipped in honey mustard, her eyes widened in understanding as she nodded. The corners of Ketsueki's lips curved into a smile which she hid by faking a cough and covering her mouth. Ketsueki said. "Now go behind the couch and give us a back massage. I hope you had your fill of fries because we're eating the rest."

Ketsueki sat on the couch beside her little sister as she gave her a wink. Shiro nodded as she hugged her older sister's right arm, with a somewhat demanding tone. Shiro said. "Onee-chan is right, Onii-chan. You're our butler for the day and we still haven't forgiven you for disappearing." Ketsueki had a mocking smirk on her lips, she said. "Massage. Now." Reiki glanced at the pile of fries on the coffee table, he said. "But I-." Ketsueki extended her left hand as she placed it on top of her little brother's lips, she said. "No buts." She picked up a couple of fries and dipped them on honey mustard and ate one of them. Ketsueki nodded and thought. So I wasn't imagining garlic and rosemary a few minutes ago. Reiki let out a sigh, he walked around the couch and said. "I still have to bake the bread in a couple of hours."

Shiro reached out for some fries while Ketsueki lazily waved her hand at him. Ketsueki said. "Your hands don't talk, Reiki." Reiki placed his left hand just below his older sister's neck and his right hand just below Shiro's neck.

~Two Hours And Thirty Minutes Later~

Shiro was sleeping on Ketsueki's lap while she reached out for a couple of pieces of wedge-cut fries and dipped it into the glass of honey mustard that was almost empty. The plate of fries on the coffee table only had a few dozen pieces left. Ketsueki threw the fries into her mouth as she picked up the remote and browsed through the channels. She placed the remote beside her on the couch while gently caressing her little sister's head, Ketsueki turned her head sideways and said. "Reiki, how long until you're done? You've been there for thirty minutes." She heard Reiki's voice from the kitchen, he said. "Onee-chan, I stopped the massage three minutes ago. I was afraid the bread would get burnt."

Reiki was squatting in front of the oven that has four gas burners on top, he thought. Maybe I should make her climax a few times to teach her a lesson… He heard Ketsueki's voice from the living room, she said. "Hurry up." Reiki shook his head and thought. Not unless I want to be kicked out of the house… One of the stove burners had a large pressure cooker, he moved his gaze in the oven as he stared at the three baking trays in the oven each having a dozen large croissants on them. Before the timer could go off he quickly opened a drawer and took out a pair of large pink oven mitts. Reiki opened the oven and took out two of the trays and placed them near the sink. He used his right hand to take out the last tray inside and place them out to cool. Reiki closed the oven using his left foot as it let out a soft ding sound, Ketsueki said. "Now get over here."

Reiki took off the pair of pink oven mitts and placed them back in the drawer, he closed the drawer and glanced at the croissants. They were a dark golden brown and letting out steam, he turned around and walked back to the living room. Reiki saw Ketsueki still sitting on the couch, he stood behind the couch where his older sister was sitting as he placed his hands on Ketsueki's shoulders. He slowly added pressure while his older sister let out a long sigh of satisfaction, she said. "How much did you make?" Reiki's gaze wandered to Ketsueki's large chest that was slightly jiggling from his massage, he said. "About the same amount from lunch." Ketsueki waved her hand as the remote flew into her hand, she said. "Are you planning on giving them some?"

She browsed through the channels again while Reiki shook his head and said. "Nope, I don't want to get my onesie dirty." Ketsueki let out a chuckle which made her breasts jiggle while his gaze was glued onto them, she said. "Didn't you go out during lunch?" Reiki let out a yawn without covering his mouth, he said. "That's because I can see where the ground is-." The two of them heard the sound of knocking coming from the front door. Reiki thought. Isn't our address on the blacklist? Ketsueki's eyes widened while Reiki moved his hands away from his shoulders, he said. "I'll get it-." He suddenly saw his older sister's back in front of him, her eyes were filled with nervousness as she looked around the room. Reiki saw this thought. Arashi said she already paid them…

For a split second his eyes turned hollow before turning back to normal, he walked toward the front door. Reiki said. "I'll see who it is, Onee-chan." Ketsueki grabbed his left hand, Reiki turned his upper body sideways and gave his older sister an odd look. Ketsueki said. "We're not home." A moment of silence passed as the two of them stared at each other, Reiki said. "What?" Ketsueki pulled him back to her side, she cleared her throat and said. "What I meant was, don't answer the door. If they think no one's home they'll leave." Reiki's eyes narrowed as he looked at Ketsueki with suspicion in his eyes, he said. "Who's they?" Ketsueki blanked out for a second as she stared at him for a few seconds, she said. "You're grounded for talking back to me."

Reiki's eyes widened, he said. "Why?!" Ketsueko pointed at the ceiling, she said. "Go to your room until I say so." A sweet female voice that came from the other side of the front door said. "Ketsueki, I know your home."

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