
Chapter 129: Chapter 129: Weights

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Reiki turned his head toward the front door, he thought. A woman?... He took a couple of steps when all of a sudden he was lifted by his older sister. Ketsueki held him by his shoulders, he looked up and saw she had a serious expression on her face. Ketsueki said. "Go to your room. Now." Reiki felt heavy oppression on his entire body for a split second which made him shudder as his instinct screamed. He blankly nodded while Ketsueki placed him on the floor as he hazily walked to his room, Ketsueki said. "Move it." Reiki started speed walking as he walked up the stairs as the sound of footsteps was getting farther.

Ketsueki took a deep breath, as she was about to take a single step the front door suddenly unlocked and opened. Sachi walked in wearing navy blue jeans and a loose-fitting grey wool sweater, she took off her flat heels and opened the shoe compartment on the right. She took out a pair of white indoor slippers and neatly placed her heels on the side. Sachi saw Ketsueki, who has a frown on her lips walk toward her. Sachi spread her arms wide, she said. "How about a hug to make that frown go away?" Sachi walked a few steps forward and stopped when she saw Ketsueki raise her hand. The two of them moved their hands back to their sides and stared at each other, Ketsueki crossed her arms and sarcastically said. "Two visits in one day? I should've prepared something."

Sachi suddenly appeared beside Ketsueki as she placed an arm around her shoulders while her right breast was hitting Ketsueki's left arm. Sachi had her signature sweet smile on her lips, she said. "Aww, I appreciate the thought. But you know we don't need any of that." Ketsueki glanced at her from the corner of her eye, she let out a sigh and said. "Why are you here, Sachi?" The smile on Sachi's lips grew, she said. "I'm what I like to call, the hunter of our little group. You know who I saw in the early morning walking around the streets of Osaka?" Ketsueki's eyes narrowed as Sachi continued. "I saw a pasty young boy with very messy hair…" Sachi glanced at Ketsueki from the corner of her eye, Ketsueki coldly said. "And you're telling me why?"

Sachi suddenly moved her arm that was around Ketsueki's shoulders away as she was a few feet in front of her. Sachi positioned herself deeper into the house and said. "I don't know if you've noticed by your very… Touchy when it comes to your boy." She turned around and continued. "I'm meeting him today." Ketsueki suddenly appeared right in front of Sachi. Ketsueki's pupils had a blindly light in them as she glared at Sachi. Sachi waved her index finger sideways with a disapproving look on her face, she said. "If I wanted to, I could've appeared in the middle of the living room without knocking." The glow in Ketsueki's eyes slowly dissipated, Sachi continued. "It's not like I'm going to torture him or anything." The glow in Ketsueki's eyes suddenly became more prominent as her pair of eyes looked like two miniature suns.

Sachi took a couple of steps back, she held out her hand and said. "That was just an example, albeit a very bad one." Ketsueki glared at her without saying anything. Sachi let out a chuckle, she lazily waved her hand and said. "How about we talk this through like adults-." The moment she finished both of them suddenly vanished, a split second later Shiro who's eyes were barely half-opened trotted her way near the front door while hugging a couch cushion with both her arms, she said. "... Onee-chan why are you so loud?…" She looked around with her droopy eyes and continued. "... Sleepy…" Shiro let out a yawn and covered her mouth using the couch cushion she was holding as she made her way back to the couch.


Second Floor At The Hallway

Sachi grabbed the doorknob leading to Reiki's room, a hand grabbed her shoulder as she was pulled back by a furious Ketsueki whose hair was starting to float. Sachi was thrown to the ground, before hitting the floor she floated as she spun around landing on her two feet. Ketsueki coldly glared at her, she said. "This is your first and last warning, Sachi. My boy isn't here." Sachi sweetly smiled at her, she said. "No need to get so serious, Ketsueki. The only spells I activated are teleportation and concealment, on the other hand, you look like you're ready to destroy an entire country." Ketsueki casually held out her hand as a ball of solid light the size of a baseball slowly formed floating above the palm of her hand. Sachi subconsciously took a step back as she wiped off some cold sweat from her cheek, she said. "Then how about a compromise?"

She pointed at the door and continued. "You open that room, without using magic and let me see what's inside. If there's nothing in there, I'll wholeheartedly apologize and cover three of your shifts." Ketsueki's brightly glowing eyes slightly faltered as the ball of light floating above her palm slowly faded. Sachi, seeing this, smiled even brighter and continued. "More time for you to spend with you oh so special boy." The glow in Ketsueki's eyes slowly vanished, she said. "And if I lose?" Sachi flashed her a sweet smile. Ketsueki placed a hand on the doorknob as she hesitated to open it. Sachi said. "Scared, are we?" Ketsueki slowly inhaled and opened a door, the two of them looked inside and saw there was no one inside. Ketsueki had a look of disbelief on her face before it turned into one of pure joy as a big smile formed on her lips, she said. "Don't forget, three shifts."

Sachi walked into the room and looked around, she took a couple of sniffs and thought. I saw him enter this house with my own eyes… No scent, everything looks untouched... It's as if he knew I was observing him… Sachi's eyes narrowed as she placed a hand on her chin.


Arashi's Apartment

Asami was sitting in the middle of the couch while browsing through the channels on the tv with her right hand that was holding the remote. Reiki was on her left as she placed her left arm around his shoulders while playing with his hair, he thought. Why is she still here? Can't she visit Kiru's place? Asami lazily threw the remote to the coffee table which slowly landed on it. The tv was showing a male going through an obstacle course, Reiki thought. Haven't seen this one in a while. Asami placed both her feet up on the coffee table while crossing them, she said. "Where did you learn how to control internal force like that?" She kept her gaze on the television while Reiki did the same, he said. "Theorized it." Asami let out a small yawn as she covered her mouth with her right hand, she said. "Shoot." Reiki glanced at her from the corner of his eye, he moved his gaze back to the tv and saw the man fall into a lake of muddy water.

He said. "Internal force is used to strengthen the entire body… Usually, when one uses it, it's equally distributed. So I thought what would happen if you concentrated all of it in a single limb." A moment of silence followed as the next contestant started running through the obstacle course. Asami slightly tilted her head upward as she looked at the ceiling, she thought. He's on the right track. A small smile formed on her lips when Reiki suddenly spoke, he said. "Honestly it could've been stronger." Asami raised a brow in interest as she looked at him from the corner of her eye, she said. "How so?" Reiki crossed his arms as the contestant on the tv fell into the mud, he said. "If I concentrated all of it, in my forearm and hand it would've doubled. If my body could take it, I could've placed everything in the palm of my hand."

Asami's eyes were filled with delight, she thought. No, he's already got it. Asami said. "Last time you did it, you almost crippled your arm." Reiki looked at her from the corner of his eye, he said. "Only because my body couldn't keep up with the burden." A door suddenly opened as Arashi walked out with slightly wet hair and a towel draped over her shoulders. She was wearing a dark blue sports bra along with black baggy jogging pants, she grabbed one of the edges of the towel and wiped off some droplets of water from her cheek. Arashi said. "You could've at least given me some of the poisonous pufferfish sashimi or whatever it's called-." She turned her head and saw Reiki with Asami's left arm around his shoulder while she played with his hair, he said. "It's called fugu."

Arashi quickly made her way to the couch just when she was about to take a seat between Reiki and Asami to separate them. Reiki raised his hand and said. "Don't get my onesie wet." Asami gave him an odd glance before moving her gaze back to the show while Arashi quickly rummaged through her pocket and took out a talisman. The talisman in her hand faintly glowed as Arashi was surrounded by a faint layer of mana drying her entire body completely. She quickly pocketed the towel along with the talisman as she took out a comb in return, Arashi sat in between the two of them making Reiki move to the left edge while Asami stayed in the middle. Arashi started combing her long golden blonde hair, she said. "What were you talking about?" Reiki raised his hand and said. "Before we talk about that, can you go to the right side of the couch? You're taking up my side."

Arashi turned her head to face him, without missing a beat she blandly said. "I can fix that." She raised her left hand and lifted Reiki off the couch and placed him on top of her lap. Asami ignored the two of them while Arashi placed her left hand around his waist, she said. "What were you two talking about when I was in the shower?" Arashi moved him closer as the back of Reiki's head touched her large chest, he said. "We were talking about the one-sided fight." Asami lazily stretched on the couch, she said. "I was just giving him a few pointers about his form and such." Reiki tried to get up but couldn't because Arashi refused to let him go, he said. "I would love to stay but my sister's uninvited guest should be gone right now." He tried to move Arashi's left hand away with both of his, Arashi said. "You can stay a couple of hours. It's not like she's just going to kick the guest out." Reiki thought. That's what you think. He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki vanished from Arashi's lap as he appeared on the left side of the couch standing. Asami glanced at him with interest while Reiki waved his hand and said. "I'll see you two later." He made his way to the window and looked down while Arashi frantically said. "Lil bro! At least let me show you some hospitality!" He casted. Flash Max Distance.

『 Flash has been activated. Mana Cost: 6,250 』


Reiki's Room

Reiki appeared by the window and looked around, he thought. I wonder who dropped by… The fact that Onee-chan visibly panicked means he or she was dangerous… His eyes turned hollow as he continued his train of thought. Maybe it would've been better if I teleported outside and tailed them back to their house and killed them… The doorknob slowly turned as the door was slightly opened, he heard his older sister's voice from the other side. Ketsueki said. "Reiki, are you in there?" He turned around and looked at the slightly opened door, Reiki said. "Yes." Ketsueki walked into the room while pushing the door open, she stood in front of him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Ketsueki said. "How did you hide?" Reiki looked up and with a straight face, he said. "I was outside the house."

He thought. It's technically the truth. She moved her hand that was on Reiki's shoulder on the top of his head and ruffled his hair. Ketsueki said. "I don't know how you did it but-." Reiki's gaze immediately moved to the open door, he thought. Someone's here. He casted. Flash.

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『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 900.』

He suddenly disappeared from the room leaving his older sister in bewilderment. With the sound of two pairs of footsteps getting closer, Ketsueki heard her little sister's voice. With a tinge of worry in her tone, Shiro said. "O-Onee-chan said you need to stay at the-!" Sachi was already at the open doorway as she looked around the room with a sweet smile on her lips, she said. "I caught you-..." Sachi looked around the room and only saw Ketsueki who turned her head sideways to look at her with an odd look. Sachi walked into the room followed by Shiro who was gasping for breath as she leaned on the open doorway. Shiro looked up to her older sister and said. "I couldn't stop her, Onee-chan." Ketsueki walked toward her little sister and lovingly caressed the top of her head. Ketsueki said. "It's fine, I just forgot to… Look through the drawers."

Sachi was in the center of the room as she looked around with her pupils glowing with mana, she thought. He was here… It was only for a few seconds but his 'boy' was here… The glow in her eyes slowly faded away as she turned around to look at the tired Shiro and a very annoyed Ketsueki. Sachi spread her arms out and said. "How about something sweet? An apology for my behavior." Shiro's eyes lit up with life while Ketsueki blandly said. "You better make sure they're good." Sachi let out a soft hmph, she said. "If not for maintaining my figure and my teeth, I would've eaten sweets for my entire life."


At The Rooftop

Reiki was standing in the middle while looking around, he thought. I need to give this place a good clean… The rooftop had dust and black mold growing in a few places, he shook his head and thought. More importantly, I just learned that as long as it's within range I can teleport... He looked at Arashi's window and continued his train of thought. Let's see… Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』


Inside Arashi's Apartment

Arashi walked to the window that was broken on the bottom left as she held a talisman in hand, Asami sat in the middle of the couch lazily flipping through the channels. Arashi said. "In that case wouldn't it be-." She turned her head and saw Reiki suddenly appear in the air as Arashi suddenly froze in place. Asami glanced at her from the corner of her eye and saw Reiki fall to the ground. Arashi quickly opened the window upwards as she broke all the glass panes in them, with a tone of panic in her voice Arashi said. "Lil bro!" She looked down at the ground and saw him get past the third floor.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』

Reiki suddenly appeared right behind Arashi as he landed on the floor on his butt, he thought. Note to self, measure twice before teleporting. Asami let out a chuckle which made Arashi turn around as she saw him stand up while patting off some dust on the back of his onesie. Reiki said. "I'm fine." Arashi smacked the back of his head with her palm.

[System: User has received 102 Damage.]

Reiki turned his head sideways and saw her furious expression, Arashi said. "What the hell are you doing!?" Reiki had a serious expression on his face, he said. "Limit testing." Arashi's look of fury turned into disbelief, she said. "Limit testing what?! Your body!?" Asami started laughing as she repeatedly smacked the armrest of the couch, she said. "I see you've finally figured out how to use that peculiar teleportation spell." Arashi was stunned for a moment while Reiki moved his gaze onto Asami, he said. "More or less." Asami let out a chuckle, she said. "Is it visual or does the spell only work if you've only been to the area before?" Reiki let out a small yawn as he covered his mouth, he said. "Visual, though the distance is another thing."

Asami let out another charming laughter that filled the entire apartment as her large breasts slightly jiggled, she said. "I saw your fall." Arashi had a frown on her lips as she elbowed Reiki's back.

[System: User has received 283 Damage.]

Arashi closed the broken window as the talisman in her hand started glowing. The broken window started to repair itself as if it was never broken in the first place. Reiki turned his head and noticed the window in the middle of a restoration, he said. "Is that time magic?" Arashi glanced at him from the corner of her eye while the glow in the talisman slowly faded as it disintegrated as the window looked brand new, she said. "It only has a small amount of time magic." Reiki observed the window and noticed it looked like it was freshly painted a week ago, he thought. I need a few of those. Reiki waved at her and said. "I need to-." Arashi was suddenly beside him as she placed her hands on his shoulders, she said. "Go where?" Reiki felt a chill go down his spine, he thought. … I was wrong about the woman leaving…

He slightly turned his head sideways and from the corner of his eye saw the cold smile on Arashi's lips. Reiki faked a cough and said. "I have some spare time on my hands." He thought. Hopefully, Onee-chan remembers about the pressure cooker. He said. "H-How about you, show me the ankle weights you were going to give me?" Arashi's eyes were filled with mischief for a split second as she made her way to the closet. Asami had a small smile on her lips, she said. "This is going to be interesting." She picked up the remote and slightly turned down the volume of the tv. Arashi opened the closet and revealed a walk-in closet that was filled with all kinds of equipment. Inside were half a dozen leather combat shoes that were visibly reinforced with metal. There were also a few large metal drawers with dozens of round weights scattered around the large closet with some on the shelves with most of the larger ones on the floor stacked on top of each other, dozens of dumbbell bars in different lengths.

Reiki walked toward the closet and looked inside, he thought. Holy shit… Arashi opened one of the drawers and revealed it was filled with white gauze as she closed it and opened the one beneath it revealing boxes of bandages in different shapes and some muscle pain relief patches. Reiki thought. She has everything… He turned his head to look at Asami and pointed inside the closet to which he got a nod from her. Arashi opened the large drawer on the bottom and inside were a few pairs of red boxing gloves that had some visible wear and tear on them. She placed her hand inside and moved everything around and took out a pair of blue ankle and wrist weights that looked slightly faded due to old age. Arashi threw them at Reiki, she said. "Catch." He caught all of them mid-air and thought. What the… He looked up to her and said. "These weigh like nothing."

Arashi walked in front of him and picked up one of the wrist weights and undid the strap, she said. "Hold out your hand." Reiki extended his left hand to her while he glanced at Asami who was watching from the couch. Arashi wrapped the weight around his wrist and made sure it wouldn't undo itself, she placed her index finger in it and poured some mana. Reiki suddenly dropped to the floor with the left wrist weight hitting the ground first. 

[System: User has received 74 Damage.]

[System: User's left wrist is strained.]

he thought. What the. He tried to lift his left arm as it didn't even budge, with a closer look he saw cracks on the floor. With a smile on her lips, Arashi said. "How does one-ton feel, Lil bro?..." Her eyes widened when she saw Reiki slowly lifting his left hand and tried to stand. Asami turned her head to watch him slowly stand, Reiki thought. These are perfect.

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