
Chapter 130: Chapter 130: The Guest

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He looked up to Arashi and with a smile on his face, Reiki said. "I'll make sure to use them well." Arashi was stunned as she rubbed her top lip with her index finger feeling a hint of shame inside of her, she faked a cough and said. "Anyway, how are you even standing?" Without missing a beat, Reiki said. "Limit testing." He suddenly dropped to the floor again.

[System: User has received 83 Damage.]

[System: User has a minor fracture on the left forearm.]

Reiki looked at his left wrist and noticed it already started to swell and was covered in bruises as it had already had a tinge of purple. He thought. This body is so weak. He undid the wrist weight and stood up, he stared at his bruised wrist and continued his train of thought. Should I add more to my training?... But if I do, there's a good chance my body will give up on me… Asami suddenly appeared behind him and with a serious expression on her face, she said. "Don't add anything to your regimen." Arashi quickly rummaged through her pocket as she took out a pouch and started searching for something inside of it. Reiki turned his head sideways and looked up to Asami, she continued. "Your body still needs time to rebuild itself, if you try to do something you aren't capable of…"

She pointed at his bruised left wrist and the two cracks on the white floor tiles, Asami continued. "You'll be lucky if you just ripped yourself apart." With a wry smile on his face, Reiki said. "Understood, seeing the results of my training tempted me to train harder." Arashi took out a small red vial from her pouch, she pocketed the pouch and said. "Lil bro drink this!" Reiki turned his head to look at her and saw Arashi's hand as he was forced to drink a health potion.

[System: User has been healed for 2,000]

[System: User's fracture has been cured.]

Reiki glanced at his left wrist and saw that it looked completely normal, he thought. She worries too much. With a genuine smile on his face, Reiki said. "Was that necessary?" Asami rolled her eyes at Arashi as she walked back to the couch. With a serious expression, Arashi said. "Lil bro, fractures aren't something to laugh about." He let out a chuckle, Reiki said. "Since when were minor injuries a big deal?" Asami glanced at him from the corner of her eye as she sat down on the couch, she thought. This boy… At first, I thought he was just enduring but now… I think there's something wrong with his pain tolerance… Possibly even more… Asami sat on the couch and glanced at the two of them from the corner of her eye.

Arashi had a look of disbelief all over her face, with a hint of anger in her voice Arashi said. "Don't try to downplay it, Lil bro." Asami, who was still observing them from the couch, she thought. Should I test him?... Asami suddenly appeared behind Reiki as she pinched the back of his neck.

[System: User has received 20 Damage.]

Arashi had an odd look on her face as she stared at her. Asami stopped her pinch on him while Reiki turned his head sideways and looked up to her, he said. "What was that for?" With an indifferent expression, Asami said. "How did that feel?" Reiki stared at her for a moment before moving his right hand pinching Asami's forearm, he said. "Like this." Reiki tried to pinch her skin using his thumb and index finger, his arm started to shake as the veins on his arm became more prominent.

[System: User has dealt 1 Damage.]

Reiki let out a big exhale as he stopped pinching while trying to control his breathing, he thought. I think I pulled a muscle. Asami frowned while her gaze was on him, she thought. Am I overthinking things?... Arashi was suddenly nervous seeing Asami frown, Arashi slowly said. "I-Is there anything wrong, Madam?" Asami came back to her senses as she looked at Arashi and saw her nervous expression. Asami shook her head and said. "No, I just wanted to test something." She suddenly disappeared and reappeared at the couch as she gracefully sat back in the middle, Asami thought. His nervous system seems to be working fine… I'll use the three days of the small bet to observe him.

Reiki rubbed the back of his neck where he was pinched, he thought. It still stings. Arashi had a cold expression on her face as she moved her hand closer to her forehead and flicked him into the closet.

[System: User has received 102 Damage.]

Reiki landed on his butt as he looked at Arashi with a surprised look, he said. "What was that for?" Arashi crossed her arms and blandly said. "Just because." He stood up and patted the back of his onesie removing some dust from it, Reiki walked toward Arashi and said. "How do the weights work? And how much mana is it per kilogram?" Arashi waved her hand as the weight on the floor floated toward her palm, the weight was enveloped in a thin layer of mana as she tossed it toward him. Arashi said. "Those are stuffed with a water stone, the more mana they absorb the heavier they get. If you bought one here, the conversion would have been two and a half thousand per kilogram." Reiki caught the weight mid-air with his left hand and felt it had no weight anymore. With a proud smile on her face, Arashi continued. "But since I know a few people here and there, it's only five hundred." She pointed at the wrist weight in his hand and continued. "The only downside is that you need to pour the same amount of mana in it every twenty-four hours."

Reiki took out all the ankle weights he put in his pocket, he said. "So if it's two kilograms I need to put a thousand mana every day?" Arashi nodded while Reiki passed all of them to her, he thought. With my mana pool, all I can maintain is twenty-eight kilograms… A slight frown formed on his face while he pulled up the sleeves of his grey wolf onesie. Arashi saw his reaction and smiled as she passed one of the wrist weights to him, she said. "If you have a problem with mana I can infuse it for you." Reiki looked up to her while putting on the right wrist weight, he said. "Are you sure? What if you're busy or need the mana to cast a spell?" Asami who was sitting on the couch while watching tv let out a chuckle which got both of their attention. Asami said. "I doubt there's someone in Japan who could even harm a single hair on her."

Asami glanced at them from the corner of her eye and continued. "Even if someone from a different country's special force came here. Arashi can beat them black and blue even with the seals on her body, let alone without it." Reiki raised a brow and thought. Seals? Arashi passed him the other wrist weight, with a proud smile on her lips she said. "What do you think, Lil bro? This time I won't make it as heavy as one ton." Reiki undid the left wrist weight and put it on, he looked up to Arashi and said. "Sure, but it'll take some time since I can supply until twenty." Asami glanced at him from the corner of her eye while Arashi's eyes were filled with astonishment, she said. "Lil bro, you have a mana pool of ten thousand?!" Reiki paused for a moment and thought. Shit. He looked up to Arashi whose eyes were filled with expectation. Reiki faked a cough and said. "Maybe."

Asami's eyes narrowed as she looked at him with suspicion. Arashi repeatedly patted his shoulder, she said. "Now you can focus on putting most of your stats in strength." Reiki pulled the sleeves of his onesie down, with a wry smile he said. "Y-Yeah." He looked at his foot and noticed a small problem, Reiki said. "Maybe it would've been better if I took the onesie off from the start." He undid the zipper and slowly took it off while Arashi's eyes were glued onto him. While taking off the wolf onesie, Reiki thought. I can feel your gaze… While holding the onesie in his hand he took out his tattered pouch from its side pocket and placed the onesie inside. Reiki placed the tattered pouch in the pocket of his shorts, he said. "Pass me one of them." Arashi threw him one of the ankle weights and said. "Here you go." He caught it mid-air as he squatted down and placed it on his right ankle. Reiki reached out his right hand as Arashi passed him the other one and placed it on his left ankle.

He stood up straight and looked up to Arashi, Reiki said. "So I just inject mana in them?" Arashi gave him a nod, she said. "Remember, five hundred per kilogram." He placed his left index finger on the right wrist weight, Reiki's finger was enveloped by a thin layer of mana.

[System: User has poured 150 mana into the Mana Stone.]

[System: User has poured 148 mana into the Mana Stone.]

[System: User has poured 145 mana into the Mana Stone.]

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While pouring more mana into it, Reiki looked up to Arashi and said. "Why is it called a water stone? I thought they would use it for something else." Arashi's gaze was on his hand that was infusing mana into the wrist weight, she said. "Stones become heavier when they absorb water." Reiki moved his right hand around, he thought. Talk about simplicity… He placed his right finger on the left wrist ankle, Reiki said. "Then the water stones in here are better than what you'd get in the regular market?"

[System: User has poured 156 mana into the Mana Stone.]

[System: User has poured 139 mana into the Mana Stone.]


Arashi gave him a small nod and said. "Yeah, even with the simple use of it, they're in high demand for warrior base class." Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "I can only imagine." He moved his left hand around feeling its weight. Reiki sat on the floor and placed his hands on the two ankle wrists, he looked up to her and said. "What's the max weight on these things? You can't tell me you can increase it indefinitely."

[System: User has poured 158 mana into the Mana Stone.]


Arashi crossed her arms making her two large breasts press against each other, she shook her head sideways and said. "No, one-ton is the heaviest it can get. That's why I stopped using those years ago." With a slight grimace on his face, Reiki said. "This is measured by metric, right?" Arashi nodded as she looked at him oddly, she said. "Duh, it's easier than that god-awful imperial." Reiki thought. One thousand kilograms… He stood up and stared at Arashi's exposed midriff showing off her six-pack and almost pasty skin, Reiki thought. Nice build. He said. "You need to go out more." Arashi let out a loud chuckle as she pointed at him, she said. "Pot calling the kettle white, I don't need to hear that from you, pasty!" While patting off some dust from the back of his shorts, Reiki pointed at the weights behind him using his thumb. He said. "That's a lot of weights but I don't see any machines."

Arashi let out a chuckle with a hint of disdain with her eyes slightly narrowing, she said. "I wasn't raised like that and neither will you be." Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "So do you still pump iron?" Arashi placed her hands in her baggy jogging pants, she said. "When I was fourteen I used them every day up until a couple of months ago. But now my training regimen has changed. Mo-. Mother said my body is the perfect mix of strength and agility." Reiki looked at her baggy pants and saw a faint outline of her toned and ample thighs, he glanced at Arashi's six-pack and large chest as she started flexing her lean muscular right arm. With a big smile on her face, Arashi said. "Lil bro, what do you think? Not too lean yet meaty in all the right places." She gave him a playful wink and continued. "It's too bad we're not alone, I could've shown you the whole thing."

Asami let out a cough which made her freeze up, she said. "I'm still here." Reiki took out the grey wolf onesie from his pouch and started putting it on, he said. "Your body is perfectly sculpted, I just find it weird that you can't utilize it properly." Arashi stopped flexing her arm as a slight frown formed on her lips, she said. "What-?" Asami suddenly appeared near them, with a serious expression she said. "This conversation is over." Her right hand blurred as it appeared above Arashi's forehead as Asami flicked her forehead. Arashi took a couple of steps back and placed a hand on where she was flicked, she said. "Son of a B-!" Arashi suddenly stopped as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. Asami's hand blurred again as it appeared near Reiki's forehead as she flicked him back into the closet.

[System: User has received 201 Damage.]

Reiki landed on the floor with a loud thud as he placed his right hand on his forehead, he thought. Yeah, that's what I get for pointing out something I shouldn't have. He rubbed his forehead while standing up. Asami's eyes were filled with scolding, she continued. "Since you know what you did wrong, I'll end it here." Asami walked back to the couch but stopped and turned her upper body sideways and saw Reiki and Arashi walk back to their previous spot. Asami said. "And stop flirting with someone who's not even of legal age yet." Arashi looked at him with a questioning gaze, she said. "What did you mean by-." Reiki's gaze was on Asami who sat in the middle of the couch, he thought. Fine… I'll talk to you first. He interrupted her, Reiki said. "Just take it as a bad joke." He looked up to Arashi and continued. "And yes, I also think it's too bad that we have to wait eight whole years to explore." Reiki gave her a meaningful smile as a faint blush appeared on Arashi's cheek while Asami let out a sigh, she said. "Reiki, don't enable her."

He lazily waved his hand and said. "Yes yes…" Reiki made his way to the couch and sat next to her, he glanced at Asami from the corner of his eyes and said. "How about we talk?" Asami waved her hand as the remote that was on the coffee table flew to her hand, she turned the tv off and said. "Arashi, go get us some ice from your closet." Arashi was halfway to the couch, stopped walking, with wide eyes she said. "Why?! I have ice in the fridge!" Asami turned her head to glare at her, with narrowed eyes and a commanding tone. Asami said. "Because I said so." Arashi's shoulders slightly dropped in disbelief, she turned around and headed to the closet. She grumbled to herself saying. "Spoiled old hag. I hope the day when you have back pain is near." Arashi placed her hand on the doorknob and moved it, she opened it and revealed grasslands on the other side as she walked in.

Asami turned her head toward him, she said. "Explain." Reiki let out a chuckle as he lifted his feet and tried to put them on top of the coffee table but missed. Asami looked at him oddly, she said. "Nice bit." Reiki faked a cough and said. "Anyway, the longer Arashi stays like this could have lasting damage on her." Asami raised a brow at him, she said. "You said it as if it's serious." Reiki narrowed his eyes, he said. "She already has trouble with fighting soft style." Asami's face turned serious, she said. "How do you know that, you've never seen her fight." Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. "With her strength alone, Arashi can brute force most things in her life. Right now she's too reliant on it, if she meets someone well versed in soft style they can beat her with a blindfold on."

Asami slightly frowned, she said. "That's because her parents are planning to squeeze every bit of talent she can muster." Reiki placed a hand over his mouth, he said. "She already used every bit of her talent, at this rate she'll end up ruined if no one helps her." Asami crossed her arms, she said. "No one back there is willing to mold her, if they taught her something detrimental they'll be hunted by the entire Tora clan." A smirk formed on her lips as she continued. "Not unless you're willing to." Without a single change to his expression and tone, Reiki said. "Sure, tell her parents you'll give her a few pointers-." Asami raised her hand which made her stop, with an indifferent expression and a serious tone. Asami said. "This is not something you can joke about. Arashi's is comparable to an uncut precious gem, even if you're a nanometer off she will forgive you. But her parents will never let the two of you be together."

Reiki raised his hand with all five fingers fully extended, he said. "Five levels, I'll give her some basic training. I'll give you the rundown of the training if you don't approve of it, we'll pretend we never had this conversation." Asami's eyes narrowed as she observed his entire face, she thought. This kid… Asami said. "She'll be heartbroken if her parents put a wedge between the two of you." Reiki had a confident smile on his face, he said. "All I have on me right now is a steady hand." Asami let out a long sigh, she said. "... You do know I'm going to turn you down after listening, lay it on me."


Inside The Closet

Arashi was surrounded by piles of untouched snow, she looked at the mountain that was on the horizon that was made out of pure ice, it looked completely white making it impossible to see through. Arashi said. "If I remember correctly mt. Everest is about eight thousand something meters…" She slowly moved her gaze up to the top that was covered by clouds, Arashi continued. "Mom made this at least double the size of that…'' She placed her hands in her pockets and squatted, her eyes had a faint glow of gold to them as she suddenly jumped pushing a wide radius of snow around her while revealing grass underneath it. Arashi easily went past the clouds as she headed to the top of the ice mountain, she looked down on the ice mountain seeing the top as she started falling down. With an indifferent expression on her face as her long golden hair was fluttering in the wind, she rapidly fell toward the mountain. Arashi said. "I should have some soda left in the fridge, Lil bro should probably want something to drink when I return."

Arashi landed at the top of the mountain that was flattened except for the middle which had a large lump of ice that looked like it was battered. The ice beneath her had a large web of cracks while the land around her started an earthquake. With a slight frown on her lips, Arashi thought. What did he mean by that… She made her way toward the large lump of ice, her pupils started to glow golden as she casually karate chopped it without making contact. The entire mountain started shaking visibly while Arashi took a few steps toward the left, the shaking suddenly stopped as the ice mountain split apart in the middle with a clean cut that went all the way to the base. Arashi had a satisfied smile on her lips, with a small nod she said. "I need to teach Lil bro a thing or two." She reached out to the other half of the lump of ice as she casually collected chunks with her bare hands as her pupils slowly turned back to normal ocean blue.


Ketsueki's Home By the Living Room

Sachi and Shiro were sitting on the couch as the two of them were happily eating donuts in their hands. The coffee table in the middle was covered in boxes filled with muffins, cupcakes, donuts. Ketsueki was sitting on the other chair on the left and with her arms crossed, she said. "When are you going home, Sachi?"

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