
Chapter 131: Chapter 131: Stolen Goods

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Shiro ate the last bit of the donut she was holding as she wiped some strawberry jam from the corner of her mouth. She looked at the coffee table with anticipation in her eyes while deciding what to eat next. Sachi rummaged through her pocket with her right hand as took out a white handkerchief and wiped her mouth clean, she said. "Why are you in such a hurry, Ketsueki? It's not like you have somewhere to be." Ketsueki gripped the armrest of the chair she was sitting on before she could say anything, Sachi continued. "I'm planning on staying for dinner, I smell something scrumptious in the kitchen."

Ketsueki took a deep breath to calm herself, she glanced at the ceiling for a second while Shiro picked up a muffin and looked at it with a questioning gaze. Sachi pocketed her white handkerchief as she stared at the doughnut in her right hand with cream filling, she said. "That Shiro is a blueberry muffin." Shiro pursed her mouth as she took a smile bite and her eyes widened in surprise. Ketsueki crossed her arms as her gaze narrowed, she said. "I'll serve you some cream stew and bread in exchange for you leaving when you're done."

The sweet smile on Sachi's lips grew, she took a bite of the doughnut in her hand and swallowed. Sachi said. "Why the rush? There's plenty of food here." Shiro happily ate the blueberry muffin in her hand as she picked up a tissue that was on top of the unopened box and wiped her clean mouth. Sachi gave Shiro a small pat on the top of her head and said. "Very nice etiquette, Shiro. I'm impressed by how much you've improved ever since I saw your mouth being covered in grease at that yakiniku place." Shiro's face had a tinge of red from embarrassment, she shyly said. "T-Thank you, Sachi-nee."

Ketsueki placed a hand over her mouth and thought. I don't know when Reiki is gonna appear… I need her out. Now. The smile on Sachi's face grew brighter, she gestured at the sweets on the table and said. "Don't be shy and hold back, Shiro. I don't plan on bringing any of these back to my home so feel free to eat your fill." Shiro nodded as she finished the muffin in her hands and wiped her mouth with a napkin and moved her gaze onto the coffee table littered with sweets. Ketsueki moved her hand away from her mouth, with a serious expression she said. "We can forget about the net, Sachi. You don't have to-." Sachi interrupted her and said. "It's fine, we both know you'll do it for me in a heartbeat." As she flashed Ketsueki a sweet smile which made her frown.


Arashi's Apartment

Reiki had a confident smile on his face while Asami had a pondering expression while in deep thought, she said. "How confident are you?" The smile on his face vanished, with a serious expression Reiki said. "I never take risks." Asami moved her gaze back on the tv, with the remote in her hand she turned it back on and slightly raised the volume. Asami said. "The duration of the bet. If nothing changes I'll cover up your mess and this conversation goes to our graves." Reiki turned his head to look at the television, he crossed his arms and said. "I only need two days." From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Asami and said. "Why are you willing to help me?" Asami flipped through the channels, she said. "Nothing in particular, if what you said is true then I was bound to be asked to give her help by her parents. If I solve it now they'll be even more inclined to serve me, I'd rather solve it now rather than down the line when it's almost irreversible."

Reiki moved his gaze back to the tv and thought. Fair point. Asami stopped changing the channels and stopped at a sitcom, she glanced at him from the corner of her eye and said. "When are you planning on wearing your onesie again?" Reiki looked at his t-shirt and shorts, he looked up to her, he said. "I forgot." He rummaged through his pocket and took out his tattered pouch, Asami looked at it with suspicion in her eyes while Reiki took out the grey wolf onesie. He stood up from the couch as he pocketed his pouch and undid the zipper on the onesie as he put it on. The closet suddenly opened as Reiki turned his head and saw Arashi was holding five pieces of misshapen spheres using both her hands. Arashi closed the closet door behind her using her foot, she said. "I'm back, what did I miss?"

She turned her head and saw Reiki was zipping up his onesie while Asami was watching a sitcom on tv. He made his way toward Arashi, Reiki reached out for the ice and said. "I'll help you with that." Arashi tried to lean back, with a hint of panic in her voice she said. "Lil bro, wait!" He picked up a couple of the misshapen ice spheres with his left hand and felt something cold constantly stinging his entire palm.

[System: User has received 250 Ice Damage.]

[System: User has received 250 Ice Damage.]

Reiki looked up to Arashi, he said. "Do you have a sharp knife that I can use to carve this?" Asami glanced at him from the corner of her eye while Arashi who looked at him with wide eyes said. "L-Lil bro are you okay?" Reiki nodded, he pointed at the two pieces of ice in his right hand and said. "So, do you have one or not?" Arashi slowly nodded while her gaze was stuck onto him, she said. "Y-Yeah, follow me."


Ketsueki's House At The Living Room

Shiro was eating a chocolate cupcake while listening to Sachi who was on her right while the two of them sat on the couch. Ketsueki was reputedly tapping the armrest of the chair with her index finger, her eyes widened for a split second as a smirk formed on her lips. Shiro picked up the remote and changed the channel from a commercial to a documentary about baby cheetahs while Ketsueki took out a pouch from her pocket of the baggy jacket. Ketsueki took out a large black forest cake that had a dozen cherries on top covered with thin rolls of dark chocolate and whipped cream. Sachi and Shiro's gaze immediately zoomed in on the cake, seeing their reactions while the smirk on Ketsueki's lips grew. Ketsueki said. "What got your attention?"

Sachi placed down the half-eaten doughnut back into the open box along with the rest of the donuts as she quickly wiped her mouth with her handkerchief. With a small fawning smile on her lips, Sachi said. "Ketsueki… We've been friends for a very long time." Shiro looked at the cake as she moved her gaze back to the blueberry muffin in her hands, she quickly tried to finish it while glancing at the cake. Ketsueki admired the black forest cake in her hands, she said. "That is somewhat true." Sachi's gaze was glued onto the cake and grabbed air a few times with her antsy hands, she said. "If you give me that cake in your hands, I'll owe you a very big favor." Ketsueki raised a brow in surprise, she glanced at the cake in her hands and said. "I'll give you a slice in exchange, the moment you finish, you get out."

Without a single change to her expression, Sachi said. "Done." Shiro picked up a napkin as she hastily cleaned her mouth that was covered in muffin crumbs, she raised her hand and held onto the used napkin. Shiro said. "O-Onee-chan, I want a slice too." Ketsueki nodded and she extended her right index finger. Sachi suddenly appeared next to her seat as she grabbed Ketsueki's hands. Sachi's eyes had a hint of anger in them, she said. "What are you doing?" Ketsueki looked up at her, she blandly said. "I was going to cut the cake." Sachi placed Ketsueki's hand back on the armrest, Sachi let out a scoff and said. "With magic? A cake like that? I know I said we're friends, but do this again and we'll have a problem on our hands."

Sachi slowly moved her hands closer to the plate which made Ketsueki move it back slightly. Shiro was patiently waiting while watching the two of them completely ignoring the boxes of sweets on the coffee table. Sachi rolled her eyes and said. "I'll hold on to the plate, move all those sweets somewhere else." Ketsueki's eyes narrowed, making Sachi let out a sigh, she said. "If I wanted to steal it I would have to outrun you." Ketsueki passed her the plate and stood up from her seat. Sachi held the plate as if she was holding onto a child, Ketsueki glanced at her from the corner of her eye. Ketsueki gestured at the boxes of sweets on the table and said. "I'll put this in the fridge." Sachi let out a chuckle, she said. "Throw it in the trash for all I care." Shiro suddenly stood up from the couch, she raised her hand and said. "I'll put it in the fridge!" She tried to lift four two of the four large boxes but couldn't.

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Ketsueki took out her pouch and picked up three of the boxes. The boxes were sucked into the pouch while Shiro managed to lift one of the boxes, she looked up to her older sister and said. "D-Don't worry about me, Onee-chan." She slowly made her way to the kitchen while her small back was being stared at by Ketsueki and Sachi. Sachi carefully placed the cake in the middle of the coffee table while she took out her pouch, she said. "Shiro needs to exercise more or she might turn into an anemic." Ketsueki glanced at Sachi who was placing down three white porcelain plates along with a silver fork on top of them. Ketsueki said. "But she's so small, she could get hurt." Sachi took out a cake knife that was made out of silver including the handle, she said. "So you'd rather see her tired after a couple of steps?"

Ketsueki let out a scoff, she said. "I'll make her take a five-minute walk to build up some muscle." She pointed at the coffee table while Sachi's eyes were full of focus as her pupils slightly glowed with mana. Ketsueki said. "Is this even necessary?" Sachi didn't even turn her head to look at her, she said. "You'll understand once you taste it." Ketsueki let out a chuckle as she sat back on the chair, she said. "Let me guess you're going to bring out tea that you've saved for a special occasion." Sachi slowly cut three equal slices of the cake as she placed the knife back in the pouch and took out a cake server made out of silver. Shiro slowly made her way to the couch while controlling her breathing, she sat on the couch and said. "I placed one of the boxes in the fridge, Onee-chan." She glanced at Sachi who carefully picked up a slice of the black forest cake and showed three alternating layers of whipped cream with visible sliced strawberries and chocolate cake.

Shiro's eyes sparkled as Sachi gently placed a slice each on the three plates, she moved one plate closer to her and said. "Let me prepare some tea." Sachi walked behind the couch and started taking things from her pouch. Shiro looked at the slice of cake with yearning in her eyes, she looked up to Ketsueki to which she let out a chuckle. Ketsueki said. "Just be patient for a couple more minutes, okay?" Ketsueki turned her head and saw Sachi preparing an entire table with a complete tea set along with a mini stove boiling a pot of water. Ketsueki looked at her oddly, Sachi glanced at her from the corner of her eye and said. "What?"


Arashi's Apartment

Arashi was staring at the glass of water in her hand, inside the glass was ice that was pure white that you couldn't see through. The ice was carved into the shape of a rectangular emerald cut as she admired the beautifully carved ice. She turned her head to look at Asami's glass that was on the coffee table and stared at the diamond-shaped ice inside the glass that was lying down on its side. Arashi thought. Wow… Asami was staring at the tv, she said. "Never took him as a finesse type." Asami slightly frowned as she moved her gaze onto her, she said. "What is that supposed to mean?" Asami let out a chuckle and said. "The moment you reported about him being a potential fourth dragon, I expected him to be a muscle head. You know, more like you."

Arashi's eyes widened before she could say something, the two of them heard the sound of steady footsteps walking near them. Reiki was back to wearing his grey wolf onesie as he was holding a glass filled with soda with his right hand, he looked at the tv and said. "Is something good on?" Before either of them could say anything the three of them heard something softly hit the window. Reiki turned his head and saw Cherry was sitting outside the window, he noticed something sparkle as he made his way. Arashi turned her head and saw Cherry, she pointed at her and said. "Madam, meet Cherry. Lil bro's familiar." Asami turned her head and saw an albino crow, she raised a brow and said. "Cherry?" Arashi nodded, she said. "She likes cherries." Reiki opened the window as Cherry flew in the air and landed on his right shoulder, his gaze locked on to the gold bar roughly the same size as a playing card.

Asami glanced at him from the corner of her eye and said. "How unexpected." A smile formed on Arashi's lips, she continued. "Cherry has a class." Asami's pupils glowed which made Cherry, who was on top of Reiki's shoulder, freeze for a split second. The glow in Asami's eyes slowly faded, she said. "A thief…" Arashi turned her head to look at him, her brows furrowed as she stood up from the couch and walked toward him. Arashi was nearly behind him and said. "Lil bro, are your feet bolted to the ground or what?..." She noticed the thin gold bar in his hand and continued. "Is that a?" Reiki nodded, with a hint of surprise in her eyes Arashi said. "Is it-." Reiki interrupted her, he said. "It's real, 500 grams and 24karat to boot." Arashi looked at him oddly, she said. "How can you tell?" He pointed at the center of the gold bar and said. "This 999.9 is the purity only being used for 24karat." He slightly moved it down and continued. "500g is self-explanatory."

Asami suddenly appeared behind both of them as she glanced at the gold bar at his hands and then onto Cherry who moved closer to Reiki avoiding her stare. Asami said. "If I remember correctly… 24karat should be at 54 dollars a gram." Reiki played with the thin gold bar as she spun it around his fingers, he thought. So a little over three million yen. Arashi gave Asami an odd look, Arashi said. "You know this because?" Asami had a small smirk on her lips, she said. "I buy gold when it dips slightly and then I sell it for a profit." Arashi rolled her eyes at Asami and said. "I cannot see how profitable that would be." Reiki pocketed the gold bar and said. "Volume." The two of them moved their gazes onto him, he continued. "I'm guessing about three billion more or less." He glanced at Asami from the corner of her eye, she gave him a small nod and said. "Give or take, every time I do this the gold market crashes for a month or so."

Reiki closed the window, he looked up to Asami and said. "And the government just lets you get away with it?" A small cruel smirk formed on Asami's lips, she said. "They've tried to do something about once, it only resulted in a mountain of dead bodies and nearly a collapse of a few countries." Reiki thought. How strong is she, to be able to bring countries to their knees… Cherry who was on his right shoulder softly let out a caw which got his attention, he said. "What is it, girl?" Cherry jumped off his shoulder and landed on the frame of the window, she softly pecked the glass pane with her beak. Asami turned her head toward Arashi, Asami said. "What's their contract?" Arashi shook her head sideways and said. "They don't have one." Asami raised a brow and thought. He's either brave or an idiot for his choice. Reiki stared at Cherry's blood-red eyes, he thought. Don't tell me… He opened the window and scratched the back of his head, Reiki said. "Cherry… Lead?..." Cherry let out a caw as she flew out the window turning into a streak of white, Reiki said. "I'll be back in about ten minutes or so." He casted. Flash.

『 Flash has been activated. Mana Cost: 6,250 』

He disappeared inside the apartment and appeared in the alleyway as he ran toward the direction Cherry flew. Arashi put her head out the window and shouted. "Lil bro! Give me a minute!" She jumped out the window landing on the ground as it cracked from the force, she rummaged through her pocket and took out a sleeveless shirt. Asami looked in the direction they headed as her pupils faintly glowed.

Reiki was running down a somewhat busy street in his onesie, a few of them looked at him with wide eyes while most of them politely looked from the corner of their eye. Arashi quickly caught up to him with her hands in her pockets, she said. "What's the rush?" He saw Cherry's shadow on the ground take a sharp left, Reiki easily followed as he bobbed and weaved between people without them noticing him. Arashi raised a brow in interest, she said. "Nice moves." She suddenly vanished and chased after him. The two of them passed by crowded streets, Reiki was in the middle of a group of five when for a split second he saw Arashi from the corner of her eye. He heard her whisper into his ear, she said. "Tag, you're it." Arashi let out a chuckle which the people around them heard, Reiki suddenly vanished as one of the females said. "Did you guys hear someone chuckling?" The four of them looked around and noticed everyone was going about their day, one of the males said. "You heard it too?!"

Arashi was disappearing and reappearing between the crows of people with Reiki behind trying to catch her. Before they knew it the two of them were standing in front of a miniature park. Reiki was out of breath while Arashi had a playful smile on her lips, she patted his shoulder and said. "You're a bit slow, Lil bro." Asami suddenly appeared next to her, she said. "I could say the same thing to you." Three of them saw Cherry's shadow on the ground as a streak of white landed on Reiki's shoulder. Reiki took a deep breath, said. "W… What is it… Girl?..." Cherry let out a soft caw as she flapped her wings and flew right in front of him, she slowly flew in front of a tree that was near the front of the park surrounded by a few trees. Reiki made his way toward her and noticed that the tree had a section that was hollowed out with an entrance being a perfect circle.

A small smile was on Reiki's face, he said. "Yeah… I knew this would happen." Cherry landed on his right shoulder as she let out a soft caw and rubbed her head against his cheek. Reiki placed his hands inside and took out a stack of ¥10,000 bills, he looked inside and saw a couple of watches. He thought. Those are grand se*ko. There were also a dozen diamond rings scattered along with a couple more thin gold bars the same Cherry brought to him before. Arashi walked beside him as she carefully slapped his shoulder, she said. "What is it?..." She moved her gaze into the hollow tree and said. "Oh…" Asami walked behind them and looked inside, she said. "Looks like Cherry has been busy." He turned his head to look up to Asami, Reiki said. "Can you sell this for me? I'll settle for second-hand prices, except for the gold bars. They need to be market price."

Arashi's eyes widened as she looked down at him, she said. "Lil bro you can't be thinking of keeping these?" Reiki pocketed the stack of bills, he said. "Cherry already stole them so…" Before either of them could say anything Asami waved her hand as all the items in the tree vanished, she said. "I can easily get you the market price for everything." Reiki took out the other gold bar in his pocket and gave it to her, he said. "Appreciated." He turned around and leaned on the tree while Arashi had a small frown on her lips, with a berating tone she said. "Lil bro those are stolen." He ignored them while Asami looked at the playing card size gold bar in her hands, she said. "I'm guessing you want them in cash." Reiki nodded, he said. "Preferably in ten thousand yen bills."

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