
Chapter 132: Chapter 132: Attitude

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Reiki nodded as he let out a small yawn covering his mouth with a hand while Arashi raised her voice, she said. "Did you even hear a single thing that I've said!" Her left hand blurred as she grabbed his cheek, she started pulling and pinching.

[System: User has received 104 Damage.]

Asami lazily opened her eyes while Arashi was stretching out his cheek, Asami said. "Can you tell me why you want it in cash?" Arashi stopped pulling Reiki's cheek as her eyes were filled with seriousness, he said. "I need to put up a front." Arashi looked at him oddly while Asami said. "That's all?" Reiki nodded, he said. "That's all." He looked up to Arashi and said. "Let's go back home." He casted. Flash.

『 Flash has been activated. Mana Cost: 500 』

Reiki vanished and appeared near the entrance of the park as he made his way while Cherry landed back onto his right shoulder. Arashi glared at him from the corner of her eye, she walked toward him while saying. "Lil bro, get your butt back here!" Which got the attention of some people which made them look at her and onto Reiki who was wearing a grey wolf onesie with an albino crow on his shoulder. Arashi stopped mid-step and turned her head to look at Asami, Arashi said. "Madam?..." Asami lazily waved her hand in dismissal, she said. "Go, I'll be right behind the two of you." Arashi gave her a nod as she went after Reiki who was already taking a left turn.

Asami's hand was enveloped by a thin layer of mana, with a casual wave the entire park turned deadly silent while everyone who was near mysteriously vanished. Asami slowly inhaled as she closed her eyes, her surroundings turned pitch black as she imagined Reiki standing beside her. He took a stance with his four fingers extended with his thumb tucked into his palm, his eyes had a hint of ethereal in them. Reiki slowly grew bigger as his entire body turned into a mannequin who maintained the same stance. Asami mimicked the stance as the two of them simultaneously moved their right leg forward. She flawlessly copied the footwork but suddenly stopped midway, Asami opened her eyes as the surroundings turned back to normal.

She looked at her right foot while a faint glow appeared in her pupils, Asami thought. Oh… I snapped my right tendon. She grabbed her robe and pulled it up as her right foot dangled like a stringless puppet. Asami tensed her entire right leg as she stomped it into the ground. The earth beneath her shattered as it caved in on itself while everything around her started to visibly shake, Asami said. "How peculiar… This boy has so many secrets on him…" The ground beneath Asami suddenly collapsed as it looked like a sinkhole as it slowly grew bigger forming a chasm. Asami floated mid-air as a pondering expression formed on her face, she said. "Why can't I copy him…"


Ketsueki's Home At The Living Room

Shiro placed her left hand on her stomach as she let out a satisfied sigh. Sachi wiped her lips clean using her handkerchief while Ketsueki was slowly eating her slice of black forest cake. Ketsueki thought. She does know her sweets. She places her plate on the coffee table along with the two empty plates that had some leftover traces of cream and cake crumbs. Ketsueki picked up her half-full cup of tea that had a bright green liquid in it. Sachi and Shiro stared at her slice of the cake from the corner of their eyes while Ketsueki emptied her cup and placed it back on the coaster. Ketsueki picked up the plate and said. "You've had your cake, now out." Sachi waved her hand as her cup of tea on the coffee table vanished, with a pondering expression she said. "Can you tell me where you bought it?"

Ketsueki cut a bite-size piece of the cake using her fork, ignoring her while Shiro's gaze was glued onto it. Sachi nodded and stood up from his seat and placed her hand on top of Shiro's head, she said. "Until next time." Sachi snapped her fingers as she vanished from the living room. Ketsueki stared at the bite-size cake on her fork as she let out a sigh, she muttered. "Problem avoided…" Shiro was fidgeting on the couch while she played with her hands, her eyes were filled with expectation as she glanced at her older sister from time to time. Ketsueki smiled and turned her head to look at her little sister, she said. "Shiro, grab yourself a fork and help me with this cake." Shiro's eyes sparkled like stars as she stood up from the couch and ran toward the kitchen. Ketsueki ate the cake on her fork as she heard the sound of a drawer being opened and closed followed by hasty footsteps.

Shiro made her way toward Ketsueki as she shyly hid the fork behind her. Ketsueki had a small smile on her face as she lowered the plate. Shiro slowly moved her fork near the cake, she said. "Onee-chan, did you teach Onii-chan how to cook?" The corner of Ketsueki's eye slightly twitched, she said. "Of course I did, Shiro." Her little sister used the fork to cut a bite-size part of the cake, Shiro said. "Really? Then how come Onii-chan is so much better than you?" Shiro was about to stab the cake she cut off using the fork when Ketsueki suddenly moved the plate as she missed, she looked up and saw the small frown on her older sister's lips. Ketsueki spoke with a hint of indifference, she said. "Is that so?" Shiro suddenly jolted as she hugged her older sister as a flattering smile formed on her mouth, she said. "I-I'm sure the reason why Onii-chan is such a good cook is that you're his teacher."

Ketsueki ignored her little sister as she continued to eat the cake. Shiro started to pout, she said. "This is all Onii-chan's fault!"


Somewhere In Osaka

Reiki was walking down the street with his hands in his pocket with Arashi beside him who was looking around, he thought. The question is… Where did Cherry get all of those… Arashi glanced at the buildings and said. "What's with all the lights?" Reiki looked up to her from the corner of his eye, he said. "Osaka is one of the cities that never sleeps." Reiki thought. Those gold bars were also odd… They didn't have a stamp on them but it was marked with purity and weight… Arashi poked his cheek and said. "Lil bro, a beautiful girl is right next to you and you're ignoring her." Reiki took a couple of steps to the right to avoid colliding with a girl, he crossed his arms and thought. Then there's the stack of ten thousand yen bills… The only way you could get your hands on those items are the banks… Even then items like those would be heavily guarded and surveillance around the clock…

Reiki moved his gaze onto the ground as he walked past crowds of people, he continued his train of thought. I can see Cherry stealing those rings and watches from jewelry stores… But I can't understand how she was able to carry the stack of cash and those gold bars… He heard Arashi speak and turned his head and saw she was surrounded by three guys. Arashi glanced at him from the corner of her eye and with a smile on her lips, she said. "It's my first time visiting Japan, do you have any place you'd recommend?" The three guys elbowed each other while one of them said. "Since you're already here, how about you wait until nighttime? Osaka is breathtaking when the sun sets." One of the guys pulled him back and said. "If you need a place to stay I know a hotel nearby, I recommend going to a capsule hotel for the full experience-." Before he could finish the last guy placed a hand on his shoulder making him stop, he said. "Of course it's gotta be the food! Ramen, sushi, takoyaki, yakiniku. Japan has such a diversity of culinary arts."

Reiki turned around and continued walking down the streets, he thought. Where was I?... Before he could continue he saw Cherry's shadow on the ground. Reiki looked up and saw Cherry was circling him in the air, a few people also noticed her flying and started whispering to their friends as they looked up. Arashi seeing his lack of reactions made the corner of her eye twitch, the guys around her continued to talk over each other. One of them walked a step closer to her, he said. "If you'd like I can-." Arashi's eyes turned cold, she said. "Shut up, you guys can't even do something right." From the corner of her eye, she saw Reiki squat down. Arashi tried to walk past as one of them tried to grab her arm, the guy said. "Wait-!"

Without looking back Arashi's right hand blurred as the guy who tried to grab her arm. He let out a scream from the top of his lungs as he kneeled on the ground and grabbed his forearm, his entire hand was crushed. The scream got the attention of the crowd as they turned their heads and looked at his broken hand. Reiki slowly inhaled, he thought. Focus… The ground beneath him slightly cracked as he jumped two stories into the air. One of the girls covered their mouth and pointed at the man's broken arm and let out an ear-piercing shriek. Arashi suddenly vanished while the two other guys around her were completely frozen.

[System: User has received 108 Damage.]

[System: User's ankles are strained.]

Reiki thought. I felt that. He blocked the sunlight by using his hand, he squinted his eyes and tried to spot Cherry's trajectory. He thought. Is she going up?... He started spamming. Flash.

『 Flash has been activated. Mana Cost: 500 』

『 Flash has been activated. Mana Cost: 500 』

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Reiki appeared a few feet above a ten-story high building as he looked around the sights, he thought. Nice view, if only it wasn't so crowded. Shiro would enjoy living here… Arashi was falling from the sky as she landed right next to him with a visible frown on her lips as she crossed her arms. Cherry landed on his right shoulder as she let out a caw and rubbed her head against his cheek, Reiki said. "Cherry, where is it?" Cherry turned her head and looked at the corner. Reiki looked in the same direction, he noticed a ruined makeshift nest made out of twigs and branches. He thought. Hopefully, she didn't crush the eggs by throwing them over the edge. He made his way toward the ruined next while Arashi's frown deepened, she wagged her index finger that was enveloped with a thin layer of mana. A small burst of mana fired from her finger and hit the back of Reiki's head as he fell off the edge.

[System: User has received 187 Damage.]

Cherry flew into the air and landed on the edge while Reiki fell a few stories down with the hood of his onesie fluttering in the air. He thought. Seriously?... He casted. Flash.

『 Flash has been activated. Mana Cost: 500 』


Reiki appeared near the edge and landed with a soft thud and saw a big smirk on Arashi's lips, she said. "Watch your step, Lil bro. We're on top of a tall building." She let out a chuckle while Reiki let out a sigh and walked toward the ruined nest and squatted. He saw a thin shard of a crystal and picked it up, Reiki thought. Where and how does she find these things?... He stood up and with his gaze onto the thin crystal in his hands, Reiki made his way toward Arashi. He showed her the shard in his hands and said. "Do you know what this is?" Arashi let out a scoff as she glanced at it, she said. "From what she stole last time it's probably not that valuable…" She reached out her right hand and tried to snatch it from him, Arashi said. "Let me take a closer look." Reiki immediately pocketed it, he said. "On second thought, pretend you didn't see it."

He took a step back and turned around, when he was mid-turn Arashi suddenly appeared behind him as she placed her hands on his shoulders. Arashi said. "I just want to get a closer look…" She grabbed his right forearm and tried to move it out of the pocket, she continued. "You never know, I might be mistaken." She slowly moved his hand while Reiki tried his best to resist as both of their hands were visibly shaking, he said. "Ever heard of something called personal space?" Arashi flashed him a smile, she said. "Ever heard of something called an apology? Give me that crystal and I'll reluctantly forgive you." Arashi slowly started adding force which stretched out his onesie. Reiki's eyes dilated, he said. "Wait, my onesie! You're stretching it!" Arashi's smile turned into a cold smirk, she slowly stretched his onesie and said. "What was it? I couldn't hear you from the sound of fabric tearing."

Reiki immediately moved his hand out of his pocket which made her stop, he threw the crystal at her and said. "Take it, you bloody thief." Arashi's hand blurred as she caught it mid-air and with a satisfied smile on her lips, she said. "I could never hate you Lil bro, you know that." Reiki let out a small sigh, he thought. God knows how much I just handed over to her... He glanced at Arashi who was observing the crystal with a big smile on her lips, Reiki rolled his eyes at her and thought. At least she's happy. He poked her forearm and looked up to her, Reiki said. "Are you done yet? I need your help getting down." Arashi took out her pouch from her pocket and carefully placed the thin shard inside, she raised a brow and said. "Can't you just teleport?" He shook his head sideways and said. "No, spamming that spell takes a lot of mana."

Arashi glanced at his pasty skin as her eyes slightly widened, she said. "Fast or slow?" Reiki pondered for a moment and said. "Fast." Arashi grabbed him by the waist and placed his left arm around her shoulder, she said. "I won't mind you hugging me during this." Reiki's eyes narrowed, he said. "During what-?" Arashi suddenly squatted and jumped, leaving Cherry alone who was still sitting by the edge. Cherry turned her head sideways before flapping her wings and letting out a caw as she turned into a streak of white.


Arashi's Apartment

Asami was sitting in the middle of the couch as she was watching a sitcom on tv. Her pupils suddenly glowed as she looked up at the ceiling, she said. "What are the two of them doing?" She saw through the entire building and saw Arashi was falling through the air with her long gold hair fluttering in the wind. She had one arm around Reiki's waist while he was grabbing her with both his arms. Asami saw Arashi laughing from the top of her lungs as the two of them quickly descended to the ground. Asami followed their trajectory as she turned her head toward the window before Arashi could hit the ground she slowly stopped a few feet above the ground and landed with a soft thud.

Arashi moved her hand away from Reiki's waist but he stayed in the same position hugging her with both his arms around her chest while ignoring the feeling from her large soft chest. Arashi let out a chuckle and said. "Was that fast enough for you, Lil bro?" Reiki took a deep breath as he slowly let go of her and landed on the ground, he said. "I'm going home." He made his way toward the end of the alleyway ignoring Arashi who was walking beside him with a hint of worry in her eyes. Arashi said. "L-Lil bro?" Reiki didn't reply as he took a left and walked toward the front door. Arashi had a wry smile on her lips, she thought. I guess that was a bit too much… She scratched the side of her cheek while Reiki knocked at the door, Arashi shrugged her shoulders and thought. He'll forgive me the next day. She turned around and suddenly vanished the moment the front door opened and revealed Ketsueki.

With a big smile on her lips, Ketsueki said. "Looks like someone remembered to-. What happened to you?" She noticed his unkempt and scraggly hair was pulled back and a couple of shades paler, Ketsueki continued. "Reiki?" She squatted down and cupped her little brother's cheeks. Reiki slowly inhaled, he said. "I need to sit for a moment." Ketsueki nodded as she stood up and held his hand and led him inside as she closed the door.


Arashi's Apartment

Arashi appeared by the window, she said. "What happened when I was gone?" She started taking her red shirt off revealing her sports bra underneath. Asami turned her head to stare at her, she said. "Nothing much." Arashi pocketed the t-shirt and took out a thin crystal she got from Reiki. Arashi said. "Look what Lil bro gave me." She held the crystal between her thumb and index finger. Asami had a blank expression on her face, she thought. And once again she stole something… Those parents of hers never taught her a gram of manners. Asami turned her head to look back at the tv, she said. "So you stole from your little lover and scarred him for life." Arashi threw the thing crystal in the air and caught it again, with a wry smile on her lips she said. "He'll be fine, it'll help him grow hair on his chest."

Asami thought. Have fun handling her attitude, Reiki. She's been raised like a queen since young. I would like to see you solve something Ikari struggled with for twelve whole years… A small smirk formed on her lips while Arashi made her way near the couch. Arashi said. "What's so funny?" Asami shook her head sideways and said. "Nothing." She stood up from the couch and continued. "If you need me, I'll be at Kiru's place."


Ketsueki's House By The Living Room

Reiki was sitting in the middle of the couch with his right hand on his heart while his little sister sat on his left with a worried look all over her face. Shiro hugged her older brother's left arm and looked up to her older sister, Shiro said. "Onee-chan, Onii-chan is fine. Right?" Ketsueki was sitting on his right, she gave Shiro a confident smile and said. "He's fine, Shiro. Reiki's…" She glanced at her little brother from the corner of her eye and placed a hand on his right shoulder, Ketsueki continued. "Out of breath." Reiki took a deep breath as he felt his heartbeat slow down, he thought. From the sudden increase and decrease of pressure. I'm surprised my lungs didn't explode… He tried to stand up as his younger sister reluctantly let go of his arm. Reiki felt light-headed and flopped back down on the couch. Shiro hugged his left arm again and with a hint of tears in her eyes, she said. "Onee-chan!!"

Reiki forced out a chuckle, he placed his right hand on top of his little sister's head and with a reassuring smile. He said. "I'm fine, Shiro. I just pushed myself too much from running away from a dog that was chasing me." He took a deep breath and started coughing. Shiro looked up to him with watery eyes while Ketsueki repeatedly patted his back. With a small frown on her lips, Ketsueki said. "Dog?" Reiki managed to stop the coughing as he looked up to his older sister, he said. "Yeah… I was outside the house and wandered around and stumbled upon a very angry dog." Kersueki furrowed her brows, she said. "Where were you chased?" Reiki pretended to think and said. "It was near the home store by the broken gachapon."

He felt something gently tug on his onesie on the left and looked at Shiro, she said. "Onii-chan are you fine? You're not telling me this to make me feel better, are you?" A warm smile formed on his face as he placed his left hand on top of his little sister's head, Reiki said. "I would never lie to you, Shiro." Ketsueki placed her left hand on top of her little brother's head, she said. "Take your time to recover, Reiki. I already turned the stove off and made sure to store the bread."

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