
Chapter 155: Chapter 155: Souvenirs

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Reiki looked up to his older sister, he said. "But didn't you already-." Ketsueki interrupted him and said. "I'm willing to make an exception…" Her gaze wandered to the box of elven chocolate, she felt her hand move and saw her little brother trying to get his arm free. Reiki wiped his palm clean using his shorts and placed it on top of his older sister's hand, he said. "Sure, Onee-chan…" Ketsueki let go of him, she said. "Sorry about that…" He rubbed his wrist and said. "It's fine." Reiki glanced at Namida and Sachi from the corner of his eye and saw they stopped eating the coffee jelly. He smirked at them and said. "Looks like me telling you two to stop at lunch had an effect."


Namida glared at him and let out a snicker, she said. "As if, we're just being nice when we offer to do the dishes. What kind of house treats their guests like this?" Reiki shrugged his shoulders, he said. "Oh, I was going to ask if the two of you wanted some-." Sachi's arm blurred as she was suddenly holding a piece of chocolate, she said. "Ignore the donkey, he's always like that… Just between you and me she barely did any of the dishes and it was my idea to offer help." Namida was suddenly holding onto two pieces of chocolate, Reiki thought. Fast hands… He said. "With that speed, I would mistake you as a pickpocket."


Sachi let out a laugh as she took a bite of the chocolate she was holding. Namida didn't even react and said. "I stole a wallet and phones from people who irritated me." She flashed him a sly smirk and continued. "Be careful around me, or else you'll lose more than your wallet." Namida took a big bite out of one of the chocolates in her hand while Shiro looked at her older brother and was about to say something. Reiki moved his gaze onto his little sister, he said. "Shiro, help yourself." Shiro was stunned for a second before her mouth formed into a smile, she said. "Sure!" She reached out and grabbed one and eagerly took a bite out of it.


Reiki picked up what was left of the chocolate bar he was eating and took a big bite, he looked up to his older sister and said. "Onee-chan, please." Ketsueki gave him an indifferent look and blandly said. "I'll finish off my coffee jelly first…" She scooped some whipped cream and ate it, Ketsueki continued. "How long do you need to stay in their territory?" Reiki's eyes lit up, he said. "One day." Ketsueki used her spoon and tried to put most of the mountain of whipped cream into her bowl. Namida ate the last bit of one of the chocolate she was holding and licked her fingers clean. Sachi let out a sigh and rolled her eyes at her friend, she said. "We know you looked like a guy, but that doesn't mean you have to act like one."


Reiki turned his head to look at her, he raised a brow at her and said. "Well, excuse me." Sachi flashed him a smile, she said. "Let's be honest, Reiki. You'll never act like that." He stared at Sachi for a moment and nodded, Reiki said. "True." He moved his gaze back onto his older sister and saw she had already eaten the mountain of whipped cream. Ketsueki wiped the corner of her lips using her thumb, she said. "What exactly are you going to accomplish during your stay?" Reiki scratched the side of his head and pondered for a moment while the other girls were watching the two of them argue.


He said. "I'll be finalizing a few things with them." Ketsueki stared at him while scooping some jelly, she shook her head sideways. Ketsueki said. "Sure." Reiki was completely surprised by his sister's answer while Sachi had a hint of doubt in her eyes. Namida let out an exaggerated sigh and said. "Boring, I want my money back." Shiro ate the last bit of chocolate she was holding and went back to eating jelly. Shiro scooped some whipped cream and stared at it, she said. "I'm guessing that is one of the reasons you're still single, Namida-nee." Sachi stopped herself from taking a bite of chocolate as she immediately went into a laughing fit.


The corner of Namida's eye twitched, she said. "I was only poking fun at them." Shiro ate some jelly and gave her a nod, she swallowed and said. "I know, I only did the same." Ketsueki's lips curved into a slight frown, she said. "Not so fast, Reiki." She raised her right hand and extended her index finger, Ketsueki continued. "One night, that's all the time you'll get out of me. If you stay for a split second longer, I'll cross all over their borders and drag you back here myself."


Reiki took a bite of the oversized bar he was holding which made his older sister frown deepen. Ketsueki spoke with a hint of coldness in her voice, she said. "What, are you not happy with the agreement?" Reiki looked at the roughly two bites worth of chocolate bar he was holding, he thought. It's not even that much of an agreement… He threw the remains of the chocolate bar into his mouth, quickly chewed and swallowed. Reiki said. "Can I return after lunch?" As he slightly reeled back in his seat. Namida immediately sat up straight and ate her bowl of coffee jelly in excitement, she said. "I take it back, this is quality entertainment."


Reiki and Shiro glanced at her from the corner of their eye while Sachi pinched the bridge of her nose. Ketsueki slowly inhaled and sharply exhaled, she flashed her little brother a sweet smile and said. "It seems you don't know how to appreciate the kindness I've given you, Reiki." He immediately stood up from the armchair and hid behind it, Reiki poked his head from the side and said. "I was planning to buy you four souvenirs…" Ketsueki stayed silent for a moment as the other three girls moved their gazes onto her. Ketsueki faked a cough and said. "... Fine, after lunch it is…" Reiki cautiously sat back onto the chair, he picked up the wrappers on the coffee table and pocketed them.


Reiki said. "N-Now that the surprise is out of the bag… What would you four like?" Ketsueki moved her gaze into the bowl of coffee jelly she was holding, she said. "Surprise me." Reiki picked up one of the other oversized bars of chocolate on the coffee table and undid the wrapper. He moved his gaze onto the two girls who already finished their large bowl of jelly, Reiki said. "How about you two?" Sachi placed her index finger on her lips, she said. "I want one of those long green dresses they always wear." Namida rolled her eyes at her friend and said. "Of course, you would ask for that." Sachi turned her head to face Namida, Sachi said. "Can you blame me? They look so elegant and some of them even have enchantments on them!" Namida lazily waved her hand dismissively at Sachi and said. "Yeah yeah…" Namida crossed her arms and thought for a bit.


A smile formed on Namida's lips as she softly slapped her thigh and placed her left foot on her right knee. Namida pointed at her foot and said. "I want one of those heavy leather boots they have." She placed her left foot back down while Reiki wiped his mouth clean and said. "Shoe size?" Namida raised her hand and was suddenly holding onto two pieces of elven chocolate, she said. "Four." Reiki moved his gaze onto Shiro who ate the last spoonful of jelly. She placed the bowl on the coffee table as she quickly reached out and picked up a piece of chocolate. Reiki flashed his little sister a smile and said. "What about you, Shiro?"


Shiro looked up to her older brother and thought for a moment as her eyes lit up. Shiro said. "I want one of those feathers they use to write." Sachi picked up a piece of chocolate while Namida who was still chewing pointed at Shiro who was holding two pieces of chocolate with one of them being half-eaten in her hand. Namida swallowed and said. "Good choice, Shiro. Those things are impossible to get." Shiro stopped herself from taking a bite of chocolate, she said. "Really? Then wouldn't they be expensive?"


Sachi raised her hand which got her attention, she said. "Shiro, don't worry. Reiki is competent, he'll find a way." Reiki thought. Talk about setting me up for failure… He gave his little sister a confident look, Reiki said. "Shiro, I'll make sure to get it so don't worry." Shiro smiled at her older brother, she said. "Okay, Onii-chan." She took a bite of the chocolate she was holding while Reiki moved his gaze onto his older sister. He said. "Onee-chan are you sure about…" Ketsueki's palm had four pieces of elven chocolate while she was in the middle of another one with her right hand.


Reiki moved his gaze onto the box and saw it was more than half empty already, he thought. Namida took four, Sachi took two, Shiro took three, and Onee-chan had five… Why is there less than half left?... Reiki looked around and saw none of the girls were willing to look at him while they ate chocolate. He said. "Seriously? You three just stole candy from a child." Namida wiped her lips clean with the back of her hand, she said. "Never leave anything of value on a table." She raised her hand that was holding a piece of chocolate and continued. "Consider this a small payment for your lesson."


Sachi flashed him an apologetic smile as all the girls ate their chocolate. Reiki smirked as he took out his pouch from his pocket and placed his hand inside, he said. "Then you three thieves won't need this then." Namida let out a snicker, she said. "Theif? I've been… Called… Worse…" Reiki took out three wooden boxes that were completely identical to the one on the coffee table, he placed them on his lap and positioned his arms on top. Reiki said. "What's wrong? You girls looked like I just stole your toy."


Namida, Sachi, And Ketsueki were suddenly standing right in front of him while Shiro plopped onto the armchair and stood up as she trotted her way to her older brother. Shiro placed her hands on the boxes and looked up to her older brother with her eyes shaped like stars. Shiro said. "They're cold, Onii-chan." Reiki looked up to Sachi, Namida, and Ketsueki. He gave them a smug smile and saw a fist aiming for his head before everything turned black.


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Reiki could faintly hear Shiro scream. "ONII-CHAN!!" Followed by his older sister, Ketsueki said. "Hands off! My boy got them for me!"


~Five Minutes Later~


Reiki slowly opened his eyes as he placed a hand on his forehead, he thought. It feels like someone tried to move my brain around… His vision slowly returned to normal as Reiki saw Shiro sitting on his lap hugging him with a terrified expression on her face. He wrapped his arms around her and said. "Shiro, what happened?" He looked around and saw the box of chocolates on the table was untouched while Sachi and Namida were sitting on the couch with bright smiles on their faces. Ketsueki flashed her little brother a smile, she said. "Reiki, you suddenly fell asleep while sitting on the chair."


Reiki felt a chill go down his spine as he gave his older sister a nod, he whispered into Shiro's ear and said. "Shiro… What happened?" She looked around and saw the sweet smiles on their faces which made her visible shiver. Shiro moved closer to her older brother's ear and softly said. "The three of them fought for it…" She placed her chin on top of her older brother's shoulder while Reiki patted her back with his left hand. He reached out using his right hand and picked up a piece of chocolate, Reiki passed to his little sister and said. "... Got it… For now, just munch on this and try to calm down…"


Shiro took the chocolate off his hands as she glanced at the box at the coffee table, she said. "... Onii-chan… Are you out of chocolate?..." She took a small bite out of it as Reiki forced out a soft chuckle as he felt three pairs of eyes stab him, he said. "... No… I still have plenty more in my pouch." Sachi, Namida, and Ketsueki's ears all perked up when they heard him say that. Shiro swallowed and looked up to him, with a hint of concern in her voice she said. "Are you going to be okay, Onii-chan? I don't want you to get hurt." Reiki placed his thumb on the corner of Shiro's mouth and wiped a small stain of chocolate, he said. "Don't worry, only I can take things out of my pouch. Even if someone punches me again they'll only give me another reason to not give them any."


Ketsueki let out a cough which got both of their attention, she said. "If the two are finished with your talk, I think it would be nice if the three of us are included in the conversation." Namida placed her feet on top of the coffee table while wearing indoor slippers, she said. "Let the two kids have their secret conversations from time to time." Sachi nodded in agreement as she placed some hair aside that was covering her eye, she said. "If you keep prying into them they'll only keep more things hidden." Shiro scooted over closer to her older brother and hugged her with one arm while Reiki touched his nose and said. "I'm surprised you can say that with a straight face, Onee-chan. Especially when you punched me."


Shiro's eyes widened as she looked up to her older brother and saw his serious demeanor. Sachi and Namida had a hint of surprise in their eyes while Ketsueki lazily waved her hand and said. "It's fine. It's not like I gave you a nosebleed or-." She stopped when she saw Shiro turn her head sideways and was staring at her which made Ketsueki uncomfortable. Ketsueki said. "W-What's wrong, Shiro?" Shiro stared at her older sister for a few seconds, she said. "... Onee-chan… did you hurt Onii-chan?..." Shiro ate the chocolate in her hands while Ketsueki shook her head sideways and exaggeratedly waved her hand, she said. "No, I didn't. It was one of my friends and I didn't want Reiki's impression of them to be terrible."


Shiro stared at her older sister and turned her head to face Reiki's chest, she said. "... So Onee-chan can lie after all…" Ketsueki's eyes widened as she stood up from her armchair, she said. "Shiro, listen to me. I didn't do it!" She pointed at Sachi and Namida and continued. "They're the culprit, not me!" Ketsueki turned her head and glared at her two friends on the couch. Namida was staring at the ceiling with both her hands behind her head, she said. "How are the wirings in this place? I know a good electrician." Ketsueki moved her glare onto Sachi who was staring at the floor. Sachi said. "Ketsueki, can you tell me where your parents hired their floor planner? I would like to make sure I don't make the same mistake."


A stiff smile formed on Ketsueki's lips, she said. "I don't know, our parents just went with what was available at the time." Ketsueki spoke with Namida and Sachi through her eyes as she coldly glared at them. Ketsueki's eyes said. (Hey! I gave you two a box each of elven chocolate! The least you two freeloaders can do is take the blame!) Sachi turned her head to look at her friend, she said. "Fairpoint… I guess it does depend on circumstances…" Sachi's eyes said. (You mean we took a box from your iron grip that your gorilla-like strength nearly broke the box.) The corner of Ketsueki's eye twitched while Namida moved her haze onto her.


Namida said. "Guess I asked a question from the hat, that's my bad." Namida's eyes said. (I'll spend hours digging the information you need, make false accusations, rumors, and forged data so that you can make them stick. But… A child's judgemental eyes… Just hits different.) Ketsueki's eyes narrowed as her hands looked like she could strangle something, she said. "I mean we rarely do spend time outside and talk about topics that aren't related to work." Her eyes said. (You three gave my boy about one hundred thousand worth of ingredients in exchange for a box that could easily sell for two thousand platinum in the market.)


Shiro was gripping her older brother's shirt, she looked up to him and said. "Onii-chan, what's happening-?" Reiki placed a hand on the back of his little sister's head, he said. "Shhh, Shiro. If we stay quiet we won't get caught in the crossfire." He reached out with his other hand and quickly picked up a piece of chocolate and passed it to Shiro. Reiki continued. "Just eat this and everything will be okay…" Shiro took the chocolate off his hands and stared at it. Sachi let out a merry laugh and said. "All the more reason as to why we should spend more time with each other to bond." Her eyes said. (Exactly, in the market. We're as far as we could physically be.)


Namida adjusted the black frame glasses she was wearing and said. "I won't mind as long as she won't be a prude all the time." She pointed at Ketsueki while her eyes said. (I don't know why you're so upset about it, you three are family. It's normal to argue amongst each other.) Ketsueki let out a long sigh and sat back down on the armchair as she combed her fingers through her long black hair. Ketsueki said. "I. Am. Not. You're what other people call an alcoholic." Her eyes said. (I'll remember this.) Namida let out a laugh and said. "Is that supposed to be an insult? Who do you think has to drink with the clients? You two would be drunk under the table if not for me."


Sachi rolled her eyes and stared at her well-trimmed nails, she said. "One of the rare times where she's correct…" She glanced at Namida from the corner of her eye and continued. "Though I highly doubt Ketsueki and I can get drunk." Namida's lips turned into a smirk, she raised her hand and waved dismissively. Namida said. "That's just you two using mana to digest it, I on the other hand don't." Ketsueki's lips formed into a cruel smile, she said. "That's because your blood flows faster compared to ours." Sachi let out a soft chuckle as she tried to hide her smile using her hand.


Namida maintained the smile on her lips, she said. "I'm sorry, can you repeat that? You two-bit-." Sachi loudly coughed and said. "There are children here." She turned her head toward Namida and gave her a disapproving frown. Namida bawled her hands into a fist and pointed at Ketsueki and said. "She said-!" Ketsueki tilted her head sideways and placed a hand on her chin as a clueless expression formed on her face, she said. "I said? Can you be specific because I don't want to cause a misunderstanding?" Her gaze wandered onto Namida's flat chest which pissed her off as she stood up from the couch. Namida gritted her teeth loud enough so that everyone could hear, she coldly said. "I'm gonna-!"


Sachi interrupted her and said. "Namida, stop. We both know she can do this all day." Namida sat back down on the couch which made it visibly shake, she said. "... Fine…" She crossed her arms and placed both her feet on the coffee table. Shiro ate the last bit of chocolate in her hands while Reiki wiped some stains on the corner of her mouth. Reiki said. "Who washed the bowls?" Shiro looked up to her older brother and said. "Sachi-nee took out a talisman which magically cleaned them and I placed them in the drawers." Ketsueki moved her gaze onto Sachi who was watching a fish documentary on tv. Ketsueki said. "Sachi, how's your side job?" Namida raised a brow in confusion as she turned her head to look at her friend, she said. "You have another job?"


Sachi's pupils dilated as she stared at Ketsueki, Sachi said. "What do you mean?" Ketsueki shrugged her shoulders and said. "I just asked out of curiosity, since I heard all of your customers all scream praises for you." Namida's brows furrowed in confusion, she said. "What?" Shiro looked up to her older brother and pointed at the three girls, she said. "Onii-chan, what are they talking about? Do you have any idea what Sachi-nee's other job is?" Reiki grabbed his little sister's hand that was pointing at them and placed it back to her side, he said. "Don't listen to them, Shiro." Shiro pouted at him and started tugging on his clothes, she said. "Onii-chan, tell me!"

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