Saiyan ninja of Konoha

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Pissing off a goddess in training.

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"I sorry but what did you say?"

Noir couldn't help but ask. After all what she had just heard has caused her to think that she might have ear problems.

"I said you are going to have to fight the nine tail and win. Pretty simple actually."

"Ha ha hahahaha good one I thought for a moment that you were seriously. You almost get me there too. Hahahaha."

Nori then started laughing like crazy. 

"No I'm serious. If you want the other half of nine tail chakra then you will need to fight it and win. Well not win but more like put up a good fight."

"Are you fucking crazy!? I'm 3 years old! How do you expect me to put up a fight against that giant fox?"

"You forget it a full moon tonight and once you turn into a oozaru you should be able to fight it.."

Nori give the goddess a dumbfounded look as she drink her tea.

"Are you an idiot?

She couldn't help but say as she felt that the being of unimaginable power that was in front of her and one that claim to have control over the fate of human was in fact a stupid idiot that seem to think that something from a popular anime could beat something in another just because.

"No I'm a goddess I know what I'm doing. Just look at the full moon and go fight Kurama, the oozaru form should make you big enough to compete with it."


Nori was left speechless.

"I can't believe this. I.. that... just... no that... just no."

She couldn't even speak properly for a moment however after taking a few deep breaths she calmed down.

"Okay just so that I'm not misunderstanding something what you're saying is that if I look at the moon and turn into a oozaru I will have the power to fight against the nine tail."

"Yes that is exactly what I'm saying."

"Okay and did you by any chance make it so that when I turn oozaru my power increase more then 10 times?"

"Huh no I only just give you the ability to control it and nothing more."

"Oh I see."

Nori then starts thinking long and hard about why the goddess seems to believe that Nori turning is enough to fight against the nine tail before finally concluding on something.

"Yes I get it now. You're an idiot."

Was all that Nori could come up with as an answer. This however made the goddess extremely mad.

"How dare you. Calling me a goddess an idiot the nerve. You know what I have put up with your attitude for long enough. If you are going to keep treating me with disrespect then I might as well erase you from existence."

The goddess got up from her chair and stuck out her hand, pointed it at Nori then a light ball of energy started to form in her hand.

"Okay fine you can erase me if you want but you are still an idiot if you believe that me turning into oozaru will be enough to fight the nine tail."

"I don't believe I know that it should be enough."

"Yeah like I said you're an idiot."

This made the goddess even more pissed off and was about to erase Nori from existence but stopped when Nori spoke.

"Yeah for starters the nine tail is like almost 10 times bigger than the oozaru."

"Wait what?"

This got the goddess to stop what she was doing.

"Yeah you didn't know? The oozaru form is only around at most 100 feets tall while the nine tail is around a height of about 300 meters."

"Wait are you for real?"

"Yes and furthermore you claim that if I turn into a oozaru then I'll have the power to stop the nine tail am I correct?"

"Yes you are after all the oozaru is..."

"Is only a 10 time multiplier."

"Yes exactly."

The goddess felt pride for getting one over on Nori.

"And my power level is only 3."

"Huh wait what?"

The goddess was now completely confused.

"But you're a saiyan?"

"Yeah so what?"

"Then shouldn't your power level be at around 15 by now."

"Yep it's official you're idiot."


The goddess yelled and soon fire started to surround the table they were sitting at. This however didn't scare Nori one bit as she then decide to drink the tea that was on the table. She didn't like it very much.

"Why? You're a goddess or at least training to be one and yet you don't even know the strength of the one you reincarnated. Why should I not call you an idiot."

"Because I can send you to the void or erase you. Which would you prefer?"

The goddess hand then begins to light up while a portal opens up from behind Nori and on the other side of that portal was nothing but darkness.

"Seriously? This is what you resort to when someone calls you an idiot one too many times. That kinda pathetic."

The flame then intensifies turning light blue.

"You dare call me a goddess pathetic. Do you have a death wish? Because if so then I'll happily grant you your wish."

"No I'm just confident that you won't do anything to me."

"Oh and why is that?"

The goddess asks finding it funny that a mortal could be this confident despite facing annihilation.

"Because if you erase me or send me to the void then who will carry out your prank."

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This got the goddess to stop and flame then calm down a bit.

Nori: Seriously? Just how obsessed is she with her stupid prank? What kind of lo.. Wait no don't think that she read my mind remember. No need to poke hornets nest more than I already have.

"Yeah that's right you better fear me."

"Okay sure all and powerful goddess."

Nori sarcastically said before getting back on topic.

"Now that you know that I can't defeat the nine tail can I go back now?"

"That depend, are you still going to fight Kurama."

Nori just gave her another look of disbelief.

"Didn't you listen to a single word I said?"

"Yes I heard you can't win but that doesn't mean that you can't put up a good fight and maybe even save a few lives."

"No I can't even put up a fight that is what I'm trying to say. I'm too weak, I don't have any fighting experience at all, the only thing that I can even do to the nine tail is shoot a mouth blast at it and hope it does something which it probably won't."

"I don't care. You either fight it or you don't get it chakra. There is a limit to what I can manipulate people into doing. I can't just make the fourth hokage just give you it, not without a reason. Even if that reason is as simple as you helping the village out despite being an outsider."

"Okay I hear what you're saying but why do I even need the nine tail chakre anyways. I could just get stronger without it I am a saiyan after all."

"Yes even without it you could still become very OP in that world but you won't be strong enough to save it from the god of destruction that will come in about 14 years from now."

This left Nori stun.

"Huh what are you talking about? Why would the god of destruction want to destroy naruto world?"

"Why? Because it wasn't supposed to be there in the first place. What do you think will happen if a god whose responsibility it is to make sure that the universe stays in balance found a planet that shouldn't be there and one that have a different power system then the one they know. Destruction that what would happen and since naruto world ain't exactly a peaceful one the god of destruction won't have a reason not destroy it. It their job after all."


Nori was left in complete shock and fear but also excitement.

Nori: Huh odd I know that I should be afraid and I am. After all it a god of destruction the second strongest being in the universe with the angel being at the top. So basically if a god of destruction come then naruto world is fuck however despite that I am excited for some reason. Yeah I don't why I am excited if a god of destruction comes I will most likely die but even so I hope that it does come so that I can fight it. Wait don't tell me that my...

"Yes your saiyan instinct are kicking in."

Nori then begins to panic. After all even though the saiyan race is her favorite it doesn't mean that she wants to act like them.

"Wait so does that mean that I'm going to be all evil and want to destroy the planet or will I just be obsessed with training and fighting strong guys like Kakarot... and also why do I keep calling Goku Kakarot."

She yelled that last part out.

"I don't know that depends on you if you want to go around killing people then do it if not then don't. As long as you make babies I don't care what you do and as for you keep calling Goku Kakarot well it's simple. It's the same reason why you feel an attachment to Bardock and Gine, why you feel grief over their death, and why you prefer your saiyan name over your original it because you have form an attachment to your saiyan heritage in the 3 year that you were without your memories."

This shocks Nori to the very cord.

Nori: It all makes sense now. Why I feel sad for Bardock and Gine death, why I want to be called by my saiyan name, and even why I kinda slightly miss Kakarot and maybe Raditz. If I look back on the last 3 years then I can remember all the time I spend with them. Like how Bardock would train me to be a strong warrior like him, How Gine would cook me a meal after training, how Raditz make fun of me for being weak, and all the time I spend watching Kakarot growing in the pod and how excited I was to be a big sister.

It was at that moment that tears began to flow down Nori faced. She didn't realize before but now that she had time to think on it she really miss them, her family and there was a god chance that she will never see them again not unless she figure out how to travel between universes.

"Oh for crying out loud now is not the time to be all emotional about your parents death or the fact that you won't see your brothers again for a very long time."

Nori then look at the goddess very angrily.

"Shit up you stupid goddess. Don't you dare tell me not to be emotional you don't know what it is like to have your planet destroyed by a tyrant or what it's like to lose everything."

"Said the person who didn't even care that her planet was destroyed not even 5 minutes ago. What you're feeling now is just the byproduct of being reincarnated. It's your new self temporarily over writing your old self it will pass so it doesn't matter one bit."

What the goddess said caused Nori to throw her tea cup angrily.

"Don't you dare say that it doesn't matter because it absolutely matter and I don't care what you say."

"Fine fine have you emotional tantrum let just get back on topic already."

Nori annoyed agree with the goddess after all she doesn't want to spend anymore time with the goddess then she have to.

"Okay fine but I still don't understand why I need the nine tail chakra can't I just train like crazy and get stronger that way."

"Don't tell me that your saiyan instinct is affecting your brain fine I will tell you. Since you wasn't born in naruto world that mean that you don't have chakra just ki. However by sealing the other half of the nine tail in you it would give you access to chakra and if you can befriend Kurama even better."

This left Nori thinking.

Nori: Hmmm I guess that makes sense if I'm going to fight a god of destruction and win then I need all the advantages I could get. Hmm maybe this goddess in training or whatever isn't as stupid as thought she was. But still do I really have to fight it but then again fighting the nine tail does kinda sound fun. Though it not like I have a choice in the matter it.

"Yes exactly you have no choice in the matter. It either you risk your life now or play it safe but will end up dead later on. Either way you're going to have to fight. At least with the nine tail you might survive but with a god of destruction you won't stand a chance not without Kurama chakra."

Nori: Great no matter what I choose I'll still have to fight a ridiculously strong opponent. Well at least if I survive the now nine tail I have a chance of surviving a god. But how am I going to survive a giant fucking fox.

"I don't know that your problem. You have to at the very least risk your life to protect the village that will make it easier for me to manipulate the fourth hokage into sealing the other half of Kurama in you. Honestly I would have preferred it if you actually win against Kurama that would have make it so much easy for me but nope you just had to be too weak for that. You don't even have a power level of 15."

Nori: Not like it would have made a difference anyways.

"What was that!"

"Well since I don't have a choice hurry up and send me back already. I have a grant fox to fight because some dumb goddess in training can't even mind control someone to seal it in me without me getting my ass kicks first."


"You heard me and now send me back already."

"You know what's fine I was sick of talking to you anyway."

The goddess then wave her hand and Nori was back to the third hokage bedroom.

"Yeah the feeling mutual. Well time to train hopefully I still have some time before..."


Noir hear roar.

"Nonono don't tell that today is the day."

The third hokage then bust through the door.

"Nori you have to get to safely the nine tail is attacking."


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