Saiyan ninja of Konoha

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: great ape vs demon fox

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It was a normal night for the village hidden in the leaves. People were out drinking with friends and having fun when suddenly.


The nine tails show up out of nowhere and soon fear reaches the hearts of all who saw it.

"It's the nine tail."

"Quick someone gets a shinobi."

"Everyone run."

Soon everybody began to panic and the nine tail begin its rampage on the village.

Else where.

"Let me go I can help."

Nori tries to get off of the third hokage who was carrying her on his back and taking her to safety.

"Oh, and how would you do that?"

Hiruzen asks humoring the young girl. While jumping from tree to tree like it was nothing.

"By turning into a great ape."

Nori then tries to look at the moon but only to see that it was blocked off by some cloud.

Nori: Seriously now of all time for some stupid cloud to block off the moon. Just great and to make matters even worse it doesn't look like that cloud is gonna way any time soon. 

"I have no clue what this great ape thing is however I cannot allow someone as young as you to fight that thing, it is far too dangerous."

The third hokage finally reached his destination. Somewhere deep in the forest where all the civilians and young shinobi are gathered for safety.

"Now stay here and be a good little girl."

The third hokage then disappeared in a puff of smoke revealing to be just a shadow clone.

Nori: Damn it I should have asked the stupid goddess in training to be given the ability to turn into an oozaru at will instead of being able to control it. Screw it I'll just go head to my ship and look at its hologram moon instead.

Nori was just about to start running toward her spaceship when a hand suddenly reached her shoulder stopping her in her track.

"Hey, where do you think you're going? It's dangerous out there."

A man wearing a mask his left eye clover and had gray hair.

Nori: Holy shit that Kakashi! Wait no now is not the time to be fangirling right now. I need to figure out how to get away from him without causing too much of a fuss. I can't exactly say I'm going to my spaceship to look at its built-in hologram moon so that I can turn into a giant monkey and fight the giant fox. Yeah like that will work I'm just going to lie and who knows maybe that stupid goddess could help me out and jedi mind trick him into letting me go but I ain't going to hold my breath on that.

"I need to go pee-pee."

Nori: I cannot believe I just said that. I know that I look like a 3-year-old so I won't be laughed at but it's still embarrassing.

"Oh I see but you shouldn't go alone. Hey, Kurenai do you mind coming with this child so that she could pee-pee."


A young woman with red eyes and black hair walks up to Kakashi.

Nori: Is that Kurenai as in team 8 leader Kurenai! Holy shit I cannot believe that I am meeting her in real life. Man, she's even more beautiful in person. Shit, how my hair, does it look good.

Nori was freaking out as soon as Kakashi mention Kurenai not because that meant that she have a trained shinobi keeping an eye on her but because Kurenai Yuhi was one of her favorite waifu in naruto just under Mei Terumi.

Nori: Wait calm down I need to focus. 

She then quickly composed herself.

"So you need to use the bathroom?"

"Yeah, I need to go badly."

Nori then started running further down the forest.

Kurenai: Wow I guess she must really need to go badly huh?

Kurenai mistakenly believes that Nori really needs to go bathroom badly and soon starts following the girl just to make sure that she is safe while she does her business in the forest.

Somewhere in a different plane of reality, a young goddess of love and beauty in training was watching Nori struggling to escape from the shinobi following her.

"For crying out loud just turns into an oozaru already."

The goddess is frustrated that the mortal hasn't looked at the full moon yet. Not realizing that Nori can't look at the full moon because of some cloud.

"I can't manipulate the fourth hokage into sealing the nine tail in you if you don't fight it. Huh, that's odd. Why is it so cloudy out there? Well, better hope it doesn't block off the moon."




"Oh, that's why she isn't turning oozaru and why she is running toward her ship."

The goddess in training finally realized what was going on.

"Well better fix that."

The goddess then waves her hand.

"There done. That is the only help you'll be getting from me well besides from manipulating Minato that is but any more than that then I'm going to be caught and I rather not be punished."

The goddess in training then drank her tea. 

"I do hope that you provide me with some good entertainment mortals."

"Hey, I think this is far enough."

Kurenai told the young saiyan.

"Un right."

Nori: Damn I was hoping to lose her in this forest well I guess she is not a highly trained shinobi for nothing. Well since I'm already out here I might as well go.

Nori then went to a nearby bush and did her business there. It was then that she noticed a hologram moon up in the sky.

Nori: What you know I guess that stupid goddess can be useful sometimes.

"What the? Am I under a genjutsu?"

Kurenai was confused about why there was a hologram-like moon hovering above their heads. She was about to put her hand together to release the genjutsu she think she in. However, before she could Kurenai then started to notice Nori's whole body starting to grow in size, hair covering her body, her face turning more monkey-like.

"What the hell!?"

A 75 feet tall great ape appeared right in front of Kurenai and she instantly drew out her kunai.


The giant age roared and then run toward the village to fight the nine tail.

"What the hell was that?"

"Mom are you okay."

A young Iruka cries out to his mother.

"I'm okay just go."

"No, I won't leave you."

"Damn it Iruka just go. Leave your mother to me."

Iruka's father shouts out to his son.



Before Iruka could protest to his father the nine tail let out a roar interrupting him. The nine tails look about ready to attack and with Iruka's father yelling at him to go.

Iruka did so and ran.

Just when the nine tail was about to attack with his right claw a giant ape in some kind of armor ran up to it and punched it in the face.

The punch didn't do much damage however it did cause the fox to be knocked back a bit.


The giant ape then let out a "beast" like roar and hit its chest repeatedly.

Nori: Am I trying too hard to act like a mindless beast? No, I think this is the right amount of mindlessness.

While Nori was questioning if she was trying too hard to act like a beast Iruka father and mother got to safely.

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The nine tail then took notice of the giant ape and then Swing one of its tails at it. Nori jumped up out of the way however another of its tails hit her while she was in mid-air sending her flying through a few buildings.

Nori: Man that hurt. Thank god that I'm wearing saiyan armor or else I would be knockout right about now.

Nori got back up and start running toward the nine tailed again. However, she didn't notice that the attack had left some cracks in her armor.

The nine tail saw Nori coming and shooting fire out of its mouth at her.

Nori: Well I guess now is as good a time as any to test my durability.

Instead of dodging out of the way, Nori runs head-first into the fire attack. Of course, Nori grabbed a big part of the debris to use as a shield but it wasn't that helpful and was burned to dust within 8 seconds. Once it was burnt up Nori faced the full brunt of the attack however that didn't stop her from charging forward covering her face with her right hand while her left was held back getting ready to give an attack.

Once Nori was close enough she upper-cut the nine tail and stopped its flaming attack on her. Nori was heavily burnt up and looked just about ready to pass out however something stopped her from doing so.

Nori: Holy shit this is so much fun my blood is boiling just from that attack. No wonder saiyan enjoys fighting so much and the best part is that the fight is just getting started.

The adrenaline that what keeping her up and in the fight. If her mind wasn't slowly becoming more saiyan-like by the minutes then she would have run away after the first attack. But instead, she is continuing the fight not even caring if she survives just enjoying every second of the fight.

"Lord third what is that thing? Did you summon it?"

While Nori was fighting the nearby shinobi asked Hiruzen if the giant ape was his summon.

Of course, the third hokage could only shake his head no.

"No, but I think I might know what that is."

Hiruzen then recalls what the little girl that he took to safely said.

Hiruzen: So this is the so-called great ape. I will admit that it is powerful but it is still nothing compared to the nine tail not to mention that the nine tail is far bigger than her. A part of me just wants to tell her to go away and leave this to the adult, however.

"All who can fight. Fight alongside the giant ape and provide assistance."

Hiruzen made a quick decision right then and there. Even though Nori ain't as powerful, fast, or even as big as the nine tail but with the help of all shinobi present then they might have a chance.

The nine tail was just about to shoot fire at Nori again when shinobi started firing their jutsu at it causing it to be distracted long enough for Nori to get another hit in.


Hiruzen: Is it just me or does that roar sound fake?

Despite questioning the authenticity of the roar Hiruzen instantly used that moment to push the nine tail out of the village by extending his staff at it. He was able to push the nine tail back a bit but not enough to get it out of the village however Nori at that moment ran up to it and jump kicked it knocking it back further.

It was then followed up by a few shinobi firing water and wind style jutsu at it.


However, the nine tail had enough and let out a deep roar that caused everybody to be pushed back. The nine tail then opens its mouth forming a black ball.

Nori: Oh shit that the tailed beast bomb better do something and quick.

The nine tail then fires the tailed beast bomb at Nori but as it was charging at her Nori also open her mouth and start to fire a blast of her own.

The mouth blast collides with the tailed beast bomb however unfortunately the ki blast wasn't affecting it one bit and wasn't even slowing it down. The tailed beast bomb was simply overpowering her attack however Nori then decide to pour more energy into her attack but that still did nothing to slow it down.

Knowing that she beat Nori then moved out of the way of the attack.

The tailed beast bomb destroy everything in it path and would have destroyed the hokage mountain too if it wasn't for the fourth hokage showing up and teleporting the tailed beast bomb somewhere far away.

Nori: Oh yeah you're screwed now fox.

As Nori was excited that the fourth hokage showed up the nine tail swings its tails at the other shinobi. Nori noticed it and fired a ki blast at the tail pushing it back a bit and saving the shinobi's life.

Nori: That was close that guy almost die. I may not know what the condition is for that stupid goddess to be able to jedi mind trick the fourth hokage but I'm pretty sure that the more I help out the easier it is for her. Well, either way since Minato is here that means he going to seal the nine tail soon. I should make the most of this fight well I still can.

Nori thought that Minato was gonna seal the nine tail soon not realizing that Minato was busy fighting Obito.

Nori decides to charge head first at the nine tail without much thought.

The nine tail then swings its left claw at Nori. 

Nori jumped up but was met with a hit from its right claw cutting through the saiyan armor and drawing blood. The cut was deep but luckily for her, the nine tail didn't cut through any vital organs so she will live.

Though not for long since the nine tail fox was about to give the finishing blow. Everybody started panicking and even tried to save Nori by firing jutsu at the nine tail. Hiruzen even extends his staff in an attempt to stop the attack and save Nori however his staff wouldn't able to reach in time.

The nine tail claw was just inches away from taking Nori life when the nine tail suddenly stop.

[Huh I'm free? Where am I? Who is this overgrown monkey? It's not Son Goku that for sure it's far too... Grr.]

Kurama was confused about why he was fighting a giant monkey that was kinda similar to but was totally different from his brother the four tail Son Goku when the staff that Hiruzen extended hit Kurama knocking him back a bit.

[Damn it shinobi. Looks like I don't have the luxury to question what's going on.]


Kurama let out a deafening roar and continued his attack on the shinobi.

Nori: Damn it that was embarrassing. Judging by the fact that the nine tail hesitates I can only assume that he must be out of whatever mind control he was under. Though I don't think that he will stop him from attacking the village any time soon. Where the fuck is Minato anyways.

While Nori was thinking about the situation and why Minato wasn't here yet she was struggling to get back up. She was barely able to stand and despite the pain, she was in she still refused to quit.


Nori roared at the nine tail.

[What the hell was that? That roar was pathetic.]

Kurama then turned to look at Nori and even though he thought that Nori ''roar'' was at best a joke he still charge at her nonetheless.

Nori then uses the last of her energy to fire one last mouth blast at Kurama.

[Interesting this ape doesn't appear to be using chakra at all. But still that attack is far too weak and slow to be of any threat to me.]

Kurama is simply more out of the way as he charges at Nori and would have killed her with an attack on her chest if it wasn't for a voice in his head.

'Go for the tail.'

Kurama did so without question and cut off Nori tail which confused him for a moment.

[What the hell!? Who was that voice and why did I listen to it?]

Since Nori tail was cut off she returned to her base form it was at this moment that Minato finally showed up along with a giant toad landing on top of Kurama.

"Hold off the nine tail for a bit."

Minato asks the giant toad.

"That's going to be difficult even for me!" the toad said.

"In order to transport something this big, I'll need just as much chakra!"

Minato was just about to teleport somewhere else but then he looked at the badly beaten-up Nori for just a split-second.

'Take the girl with you.'

Minato not even questioning where the voice came from did as told. Teleporting not only the nine tail and himself but also Nori outside the village. Minato also took the time to get Kushina and a baby Naruto too.

"Minato what going on."

Kushina asked however upon seeing the nine tail she instantly understood the situation and took out her chakra chains trapping the nine tail. Meanwhile, Minato summons two ceremonial altars one for Naruto, the other for the now unconscious Nori. Minato wasn't exactly sure why he summoned two since he only planned to seal the nine tail only in Naruto however once he began questioning his action.

'Seal half of the nine tail in the girl.'

A voice whispered in his head again however this time he wasn't fully convinced whether he should go through with making the young alien girl a jinchuriki.

At least that was the case until Minato head started to get flooded with images of a being with pure solid white skin with a few sections of purple on his head, shoulders, forearms, chest, and shins destroying a planet. This being of course was none other than Frieza.

Minato wasn't sure where those images came from but if what he saw was true which it was and if that being is out there in the universe which he is not, he was in another universe but Minato doesn't know that so the only logical choice in his mind was to make Naruto the jinchurikis and given what he has seen from the young girl it wasn't a bad idea to turn her into one as well.

"Kushina I'm going to seal the nine tail in both Naruto and that little girl over there."

Kushina couldn't understand what Minato was thinking. Not only is he planning to turn their newly born son Naruto into a jinchurikis but that little girl too. She was about to protest when suddenly a voice in her head stop her.

'You should have more trust in Minato.'

"Okay, Minato I trust you."

Minato was caught off guard by Kushina instantly accepting his idea. He was half expecting Kushina to be against it, he even had a whole speech about how abandoning one nation is no different than abandoning one child ready to go but apparently, he doesn't need it.

"Um right."

Minato then went to seal the yin half of the nine tails in Nori however by doing so it made the nine tail smaller. Small enough to get out of Kushina's chain and go after the baby Naruto. Both Minato and Kushina saw this and instantly got in the way of the attack to shield Naruto from it.

However, by doing so they both got impaled by the nine tail sacrificing their lives to save Naruto.

"Kushina I'm going to seal some of my chakra and yours as well. So that we can both help him when the time comes."

"Yes thank you, Minato."

So after Minato and Kushina said their goodbyes to Naruto. Minato then went on to seal the rest of the nine tails in Naruto dying in the process along with Kushina.

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