Saving Mirai

Chapter 11: Chapter 10: arriving in Mirai

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I exited the portal, arriving at, well, somewhere. "It still feels weird to call her mommy."


"I heard that, Peter. Oh let's change your name and appearance now shall we?" Me and my big mouth saying everything out loud again, really need to stop doing that.  


She continues "welcome to Mirai. As you can currently see, or should rather say can't see... it is currently evening here. We are on the southern continent, in the kingdom of Eshar. Your new home. We are currently right outside the capital Grae Thal. The city where your new future will begin."


I look around and am amazed "wow, the stars are beautiful here."  I see two moons, one has a red hue, the other one a blue hue. Still, the moons only light so much, it is still rather dark here. I can't see much more than forests all around, except for the city up north. Small, but many little lights in the distance indicate the boundary of civilization. I think I see campfires on the edge of the forest. Well, exploring will have to wait for now. 


It is warm here, warm as a summer night, pleasant, with just a light breeze. At least they seem to have crickets chirping here too, besides them it is really quiet now. By the looks of it, I would hardly call this world a modern civilization though.


I unconsciously tap my left hand, asking for a map of the region, realising my mistake.


"No dear, I'm afraid that won't work here", she giggles. 


Mother Ima gives me a minute to take in the view and smiles, then continues "we only have a little more time before your new life will start. We will meet again when you are ready, we still have much to discuss about your family, your tasks in my temple, but also your new form of course. But it will have to wait. 

You are now visiting Mirai in your divine form, like a spirit. Let's change you into your new form, shall we?


I have a worried look on my face, when I ask her  "are you sure it is safe to change me into another form?" 


She looks disappointed for a second, then smiles with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. "Would mommy let any harm come to my darling new daughter? Now stand ready!"


I immediately stand up straight, close my eyes and expect some pain. But there is no pain.

I open my eyes again and look surprised at her, but she keeps smiling at me, approaching me and then putting both her hands on my shoulders. 

She says "be blessed my darling daughter, may your new form bring you eternal happiness and may you make your mother proud. Now be in your proud new divine kitsune form!"  


A bright light begins to surround me, I feel the temperature on my skin rising, but nothing more than a welcome warmth. Then I feel my human ears slowly and painlessly retracting into my head, then two fluffy new ears grow on top of my head. How do I know that they're fluffy? Because I couldn't wait and sense what they felt like.


I feel tingly all over. My hair colour is shifting to a dark red almost orange colour, then it increases in length until it reaches halfway to my back. My shoulders are becoming less wide, more feminine. My hips are widening a bit and my height decreases somewhat. Then my face starts to heat up. It is changing, growing a bit outwards until a muzzle is formed. I feel new fur covering my body, it is very soft but also sensitive to the touch. I feel something tugging at my lower back, as I try to look there, I see a single tail slowly taking shape.


It is a long, furry, very comfy looking fox tail. When I think the transformation is over, I feel some tingling sensations that confirm that my body is now becoming fully female. A smile forms on my lips as I am very pleased with the result, more so than I would have thought. Then the tingling spreads to my chest area, where two modest forms appear. I feel different, I feel complete. My clothes changed into the same style of kimono Ima was wearing before.


"Mom, I can't believe it, my body feels different, more complete somehow. I feel lighter, more relaxed, I don't know how to express it!" Then my brain comes to a complete halt, when I realise how gentle and feminine my new voice now sounds.

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She then comes closer to me and gives me a big hug. "Yes sweetie, I am happy for you. And I am happy myself as well, I now have the daughter I always wanted to have. Whenever you are in the godly realm, this is how you will look, unless you willingly change your divine appearance." My brain unfreezes and I relax in her warm embrace. It feels so good being hugged, being loved.


But then Ima's smile changes into an embarrassed grimace. "Greya, stop touching everywhere. You can do that in your own time! It seems you will need some help to learn proper speech and manners. But your parents will take care of that."


I was apparently unconsciously touching my body. My embarrassment shows on my face as it heats up to the point steam would be coming out of my ears, were I in a cartoon. Well, can you blame me?


"Mother, what did you just call me?"


She looks at me again and says "Greya. That will be your new name from now on. Your past life and past name no longer exist. Welcome home Greya!"


"Thank you mom." I started crying. First softly, then going into full crying-mode. Tears of happiness.


She sighs and continues "now, now, dear. It will be all okay. I was hoping you would call me mommy, at least for a while. Well, maybe this will help to motivate you." 


I look at her, then wipe my tears away. Is my vision still blurry? No, she really is growing bigger and bigger!

Of course I couldn't say anything other than  "mommy, what big eyes you have!" 


She rolls her eyes at my cliche. No, I am getting smaller! Really small!


She then says to me "Greya dear, your soul's form is shrinking to match the new body that awaits you. 

Our time is up for today." 


I am sitting on the ground as a toddler, perplexed at my new perspective and its implications. I am a child again! Mother comes to me and picks me up in her arms. She cuddles me.


"Greya sweetie, this is how you will be for a while, so enjoy and make me proud! I promise that you will be in your adult form soon, just wait until your body and soul have merged properly."


I could not resist and play my role as her little girl "mommy, I wuv you. Greya, wait for mommy."

She embraces me a bit stronger and whispers in my ear "sweetie I love you too, see you soon" 


Then suddenly my surroundings are getting dark again.

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