Saving Mirai

Chapter 12: Chapter 11: home

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I wake up early in the morning, lying cosily in my warm bed. I stretch my arms and give a loud yawn. 

A wonderful dream, becoming a girl. Wait, I open my eyes and see that I am somewhere totally unfamiliar.  

And wait a minute, that yawn sounded young!  


I look at my hands, they are small and furry. When I look directly ahead, I see something small and blackish in front of me. Touching that spot, I realise it is my new nose. Yes, I have a muzzle now! It was no dream!


Then I look around and take in the room. A huge bed, in a very spacious room. Or maybe I am just really tiny.

The early morning sun is shining somewhat through the closed curtains. 


I jump out of bed, landing on the floor with a soft thud.  "Owie." Realising I now have really short legs, I should not have jumped from that height. I trod unsteadily towards the curtains, happy that I at least can walk in this form, well, more or less. 


The pain is gone immediately when I open the curtains, sliding them aside, to reveal a marvellous view.  

There is a balcony with huge sliding doors. I see a mountain in the far distance, its peak is covered in snow. Right below are beautiful green well-maintained gardens. I can see flowers blooming everywhere. This must cost a small fortune to maintain. I can even see a fountain spraying glistening water in the early morning sunlight. It looks like it is going to be a beautiful summer day. 


Then I sneezed..."a..a..achoo."  "Where am I?" my now cute voice says, while I wipe my nose on my new furry arms. Not a very bright idea though.


Then I hear some stumbling in the room next to mine, at least I think so. Then a soft knocking on the door, followed by the door opening very slowly, almost without sound. A head peaks through the door opening, a fluffy looking wolf-like lady. Yep, that confirms it, this is definitely a fantasy world here. 


She sees me standing on the cold floor, then enters quickly. "My lady, you should not be standing there! It is too cold for you." 


I only stare at her, still believing I am old enough to decide such a thing for myself, only to realise that I appear to be 2 years old now, no I really am 2 years old now. 


I reply with a "huh, who are you, where am I?" in my cutest voice, hoping to get some fun out of this lady. I have to endure this for at least a week. No androids in this word, so you are my next target. 

She lifts my small body into the air, and then puts me on the bed. 


"Honey, I am sorry. I wasn't informed that you would be visiting us until this morning. This place is the Royal Palace of Eshar, you are a guest of the king and queen here. Do you understand?"  


Really? The Royal Palace, what is all this about? I nod slowly while tilting my head. "Where mommy and daddy?"  Let's play along for a while.


She looks at me like I am a lost cat, then hugs me for a few seconds "I don't know yet honey, but we will find them. Let's get you ready for today. Oh I will be your servant Sawaya Mizuki, but you can call me Mizuki" 


I look at her "Mizu?" She smiles warmly and says "sure, you can call me Mizu. What is your name sweetie? "


"Greya" I innocently replied. 


"Alright Greya, let's get you into a warm bath first, don't want you to get ill, now do we? And then we can get some breakfast."


My bathing session was interesting to say the least. This was no ordinary bathtub, it was a freaking swimming pool. But who am I to complain? The water was warm and after bathing, I smelled and felt clean. She pushed  on my nose as if it were a button, which made me giggle. Am I really acting like a child?


She then dresses me in a yellow summer dress. I can't give you more details, as I have some soap in my eyes and I have zero understanding of women's fashion anyway.


While dressing me, Mizu is humming a tune I don't recognize. Then she tells me "I will take care of you, so don't worry a bit. We will find your parents soon, I promise! 


I gave her an Oscar winning big smile. Then I open my arms wide, showing the desire to be picked up.

She then picks me up in her arms, and we leave the bedroom. We slowly go down the long corridors, adorned with paintings of important looking people. There are several huge plants to liven up the place. 

Chandeliers add to the Royal feeling you get, just by walking here. 


Then we approach a flight of stairs, we go down slowly. It is carpeted in a comfortable red colour.

She walks towards a table in the corner, halfway down the stairs, and grabs a plushie, she must have prepared that before she got here. It looks like a little red fox,very lovable and fluffy. She gives it to me, and I automatically cuddle it in my arms. 


"Why did I do that?" I thought. 


Mizu smiles warmly, but I also see a sparkle in her eyes. I would bet that she is up to something. But I am too powerless to escape anyway. 

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When we arrive at the ground floor, I am led to what seems to be a servant's break room. 

"Okay honey, we are going to eat here for now, until I know what my orders are for you, okay?"

I just nod, because well, what can I do?


Inside the room, I see three other servants approaching us, and they are switching gazes between me and my plushie. "Ahh she is sooo cute. Hello little one, what is your name?" 


I start to blush a bit and only say "Greya."


"Ooohh what a cutie. And you have such a lovely plushie."   


Mizu then answers, "now now, give us some room. You can dote on her all day, but we need to get some breakfast into her little tummy. I caught her running around barefoot on the floor. Ahhh she is a lively one isn't she?" She cooed to me, nuzzling me.  


"Great, more people treating me like a small child" I thought. I pouted. I endured.


She put me in an elevated prison, a children's chair obviously. I had to endure torture and suffering for half an hour before she finally finished feeding me a soft egg sandwich and orange juice. Is that something you give a two-year-old? Well, they do here. Whatever, I am happy to have eaten. My performance must be flawless, as they continued doting on me. 


Then the clock started chiming 8 times, I guess time works the same here as on Earth. 


"Oh sorry little one, we have to start our shift now. See you later!" All of them gave me a kiss on the forehead, except for one male servant, who thankfully only rustled my hair.  I waved my small hand as a goodbye gesture to them. One final "awww", and Mizu and I were alone again, finally!


"Greya honey, do you know what we are going to do today?" I shook my head, obviously I had no bloody idea what to expect here. Playing along seemed to be the smart thing to do.


"Well, it is still early, so we are going to have some fun outside. I will show you the gardens, and after our mid-day meal, you will take a short nap. When you wake up, I should know all about you and your parents. So just wait until this afternoon okay? "O...kay" is the only thing I meekly say. 


After a very boring walk through the gardens, that by the way did not involve me walking, but being carried all the way, it was time for some play time. We sat down on a bench and I was being fed a sandwich with a bunny napkin on my tummy. Some apple juice and then we headed for the playground. 


Yes, the playground, but it is actually not more than a single swing. Imagine being treated like a toddler, and being pushed on the swings, all the while accompanied by "oohh, well done Greya." and "awww how cute."

I swear, they don't let her out much, if she gets excited by this much. But she is really nice to me.


When Mizuki realised that noon was approaching, I was carried back inside. 

I now find myself back in my chair-prison, surrounded by the same staff as earlier today.


Our mid-day meal consisted of some light vegetable soup, followed by a cup of warm tea. Of course Mizuki needed to blow first to properly cool down my spoon.


After many "oohhh" and "awww" sounds, it all became too much for me, so I tried to move their attention to something else. I was reaching for my plushie.


Mizuki apparently misunderstood that I was sleepy, when I wanted my plushie. But no, I am not sleepy at all! Just leave me be!


Mizuki gave me my plushie and then said "come dear, be a good girl and take a small nap, will you?"


I could only nod, maybe being alone in my bedroom will give me some peace at last.


Going all the way up to my temporary bedroom, Mizuki undressed me and put me in clean pink pyjamas with a hole for my tail. It is time for my nap. Then she places the plushie next to me and gives me a kiss on the forehead.  


"Now be nice Greya and try to sleep. Even if you only close your eyes for a bit, you will feel refreshed this afternoon. When you wake up I will be here and I will have found your parents. So look forward to that."


She closes the curtains, but leaves the balcony doors open for some fresh summer air.


"See you later honey." I decide not to reply and fake close my eyes. Anything to get some alone time finally.


But my eyes fall shut completely, they don't obey me. Traitors. I simply fell asleep.

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