Saving Mirai

Chapter 14: Chapter 13: meeting my parents

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[ For this part of our story, we momentarily switch to the point of view of goddess Ima. ]


It was only yesterday that I transferred my beloved daughter to her new life. It feels like many days have passed, but it was only yesterday. I want to see her, but I must be patient, there is still work that awaits me in the godly realm.


I leave my personal domain to meet with Noboru, the deity of the cats. The cat people prefer to call themselves cat-kin, but I never had much interest in them, so I always call them "cats."


Noboru however, is a loving, caring deity for his cats. Our meeting is about their race's future. 


While I approach his domain, he greets me while bowing  "Good morning Ima, nice of you to answer my summon on such a short notice. It has been a while. Please join me for a cup of tea, we have much to discuss."  


I approach him and respectfully bow to him as well "good morning Noboru, indeed it has been a while. Now what is so urgent that we need to meet....wait. I feel something is wrong on Mirai. It is my daughter. 

Sorry I will join you shortly, I promise."


Noboru nods and replies "Of course, of course, family is important." 


I focus on the feeling, and Greya is still in the Palace where I left her yesterday evening, but the feeling is a bit off. She is heading for the king's throne room, strange, that should not happen until next week. 


My vision then shifts from the godly realm, Noboru's domain, to the throne room. 


I stand before the king and queen who were both seated on their thrones as they suddenly rise, surprised by my appearance.  


There is nobody else in the room, except for a guard. The guard immediately assumes a defensive stand, but the king interrupts "Stop! She is our guest!" The guard immediately stops and bows, then answers "yes my king" and moves a bit farther away to give them some privacy.


The king, named Hachiro and the queen, named Miyako, now bow briefly but deeply before me. 


King Hachiro then says "goddess Ima, welcome back, I assume you know what is happening here?" 


I only replied "sorry, there is no time for pleasantries. I indeed felt something happening here, involving my daughter. I know she is safe, and on her way here. Otherwise I would have already rushed into the Palace  and fetched her myself. I see you know more, so please elaborate." 


The king answers "of course, she is perfectly safe. I will explain everything once she arrives here in a minute. I personally guarantee her safety, my goddess...." Before he can continue, the doors open. We all look at the door.


A very pale looking servant is entering the throne room, approaching the king and queen. In her arms a small fox with a, to me, recognisable divine aura. It is obviously Greya. 


I sighed at the appearance, she is safe, and said "I see, she is in her fox form, that should not have happened yet."


The king then explains "there was a misunderstanding this afternoon. This servant girl here, Mizuki, mistook our daughter, and well, your daughter as a pet fox somebody left for Greya. She didn't realise it was Greya in her ancient fox form."

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Mizuki shouts "your daughter?!!" then kneels to the king and queen, her head touching the ground, carefully still holding Greya, and says "please, please, forgive my outburst. I meant no disrespect. May I speak?"


King Hachiro nods, "go ahead. explain yourself."


Mizuki continues "I humbly apologise for the misunderstanding. I really didn't know it was Greya. Also that she is your daughter is new to me. It will never ever happen again I swear. Please know that I will humbly accept any punishment." 


I approach Mizuki and say "girl, give me my daughter." Mizuki looks towards the king, eyes wide, then back to me and asks "your daughter? His majesty just said he was his daughter. Ahhh. Are you..."


Then, queen Miyako says "no, no, you misunderstand Mizuki. Greya is our biological daughter but also her daughter in spirit. Stand up and come closer." 


The girl approaches the queen and listens as the queen almost whispers "what we are about to tell you shall not leave this room until Greya decides it is time. As you are already involved, you need to know." The girl nods fervently as if her life depends on it, but doesn't make a sound. 


"First, hand over Greya to this lady." Mizuki does as she asks and moves Greya carefully from her arms into my arms. Greya doesn't make a sound, she is keeping really quiet, I feel she is amused and stays silent to see what will happen.

The queen then continues "my husband and I, well, you see, we cannot have children. We were already prepared to look for an heir to the throne by adopting a noble child. But then an opportunity arose. Goddess Ima", she points to me, "appeared before us, saying that she would help us have a child, but the child's soul would come from her. So it is a bit strange perhaps, but technically Greya is a child of the three of us here." 


The queen waits for a few seconds to see the gears spinning in Mizuki's brain. I also stare at the girl.


Then Mizuki realises what the queen just said. "What you three, then you are, no no no, that can't be. Blasphemy! You cannot be the goddess Ima I always pray to! She would..."  


Then I interrupted her "yes Mizuki, but I am her. I am Ima and Greya is my child as well."  I activated my divinity, a brilliant white aura appeared around me, but at that moment Mizuki stopped working, she fainted.


The queen caught her and put Mizuki's head on her lap, then sighed and said  "well, that was to be expected."


After a minute she regained consciousness, then realising on whom she was lying. 


Obviously she was panicking again, so I shouted "girl stop! Everything is alright. Sit down or you will faint again." 


She nodded and sat down, tears forming in her face as the tension was just too much for her.  

I again said "now will you please relax? Nobody will hurt you, okay?" She gave a careful nod. 


Then I continued, I put my hand above Greya and said "time to return sweetie". Greya's fox form started to glow, and instantly a two year old girl in kitsune form, wearing pink pyjamas appeared before us all. I gently put her on the ground. She won't have cold feet, as she stands on a carpet.


Mizuki then bowed deeply to me again and was whining,  "sorry, sorry, I humbly apologise, please forgive me my goddess."

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