Saving Mirai

Chapter 15: Chapter 14: my new sister

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[Now we return to Greya's point of view ]. 


Mizuki was still bowing to mother Ima, when I said, "Mizu, will you please calm down?" She nods, tears still forming, her eyes red and swollen. "I forgive you, everybody is fine now." 


Then Mizuki's gears are spinning again, realising a new fact "wait, you can properly speak? Oh goddess."


Mother Ima then says "yes girl, she is a demi-goddess, of course she can speak."


Mizuki's face is burning up from embarrassment, "oh my goddess, you are a princess and a demi-goddess too. O no no, this can't be good."  


I then also realise something, and say it out loud "wait what? I am a princess? My parents are the king and queen of this country?" I then glared at mother Ima, making the common non-verbal gesture "WTF, why didn't you tell me?" I only got a smug smile back. Whatever.


I looked at Mizuki again, and put my tiny hand on her legs, "Mizu, calm down, trust me, all is fine, okay?

I am also sorry, sorry to make you believe I was a small child, but I had to for my own safety."


And then Mizuki lost it, she started crying like a small child, unable to understand things anymore. 


I instinctively wanted to comfort her, and somehow my first magic of this life was triggered, healing magic.

Mizuki looked at me and smiled, she instantly calmed down, only focusing on me. 


"Thank you", she said with a smile. Before I could reply, my family surrounded Mizuki and me, pulled us in a group hug. Mother Ima says "well done little one, you cared deeply for Mizuki, that is what triggered your first healing. Well done." 


We then break the hug and Ima looks at Mizuki, and says "now rise girl, it is time to hear your punishment."


And gone was the warm smile on Mizuki's face. I glared again at Ima. 

Then I approached Mizuki, motioning her to crouch and take my hand, which she eagerly did. Then I whispered in her ear "don't worry Mizu, all will be fine, I promise." Mizuki then visibly relaxed.  

Ima approached the poor Mizuki, and said "your punishment for not recognising Greya in her ancient fox form, in her own home, something you as a wolf-kin should have recognised, will not be light. 

From today on, you shall be Greya's friend, you will take care of her as you would your own little sister. And remember, for now, all what you heard today shall be a secret. Until the time comes that all shall be revealed to the public. Greya needs some peace and quiet first. If someone asks, Greya was ill until now and she needed all that time to recover in the clean mountain air. Now, do you accept your punishment?" 


Mizuki then kneels before Ima and says "yes, my goddess, with all my heart I accept your punishment. I will honour your daughter and be her best friend to the best of my abilities, as a big sister would do."


Ima only adds "so it was agreed, so it shall be done!"


Then Ima turns to me and says, "as for our little agreement. You remember when we said your soul needs to fully merge with your body first?" 


I nodded and answered  "yes mommy, I remember,"


Mother Miyako, the queen, then said "awww, she is so cute. Pity she can't stay this way forever."


Mother Ima replied to her "yes I wholeheartedly agree, but this was the agreement between us all. Greya dear, come close. Knowing that you already were able to transform into your ancient fox form today, you are ready." 


I trod to her on my little wobbly legs and felt her laying her hands on my shoulders. 

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She continues "now it is time for you to grow up. So shall it be." 


A warmth encompassed my whole body, as it shone brightly all around me. Instantly I was an adult again, somehow wearing my white and red kimono again. Finally, I am 18 years old.


I bowed my head to Ima and said "thank you mother."  Then I walked over to the queen and king and bowed before them. "I am honoured to meet you and will do my best to bring honour to our family. I hope you will accept me as your daughter."


The king and queen come to me and hug me. He says "Greya dear, you are our daughter. Welcome home. My name is Yoshimura Hachiro, but call me father. Now don't speak so formally anymore, young lady. "  Where did I hear that before? Whatever.


Then the queen approaches, "my name is Yoshimura Miyako, but just call me mother, dear, and indeed, welcome home. Finally you have arrived. Though we wished to have a first meeting under different circumstances, I am glad that all worked out in the end."


I smiled, nodded and then turned to bow to Mizuki and said while giving a big smile "I expect you to keep your promise, my dear big sister Mizu." 


She then returned a smug smile and said "I will be there for you little sis..."

Then her eyes grew large, realising what she said "sorry, I don't know what I.." 


I interrupted her "shh. It is okay. You really can be my big sister if you want."


While I am chatting with Mizuki, Ima approaches queen Miyako, and whispers "I recommend to officially make Mizuki your daughter as well. Trust me, it will be good for Greya's development and good for your family as well."


Queen Miyako nods, but asks "really? I of course accept your wisdom, but they just met today, right?"

What do you think dear?"


King Hachiro nods as well "I see no issue in this, a recommendation by a goddess, how much more proof do you need?"


Ima then whispers to both "Well, trust me, their souls are already connected like true sisters. Call it fate if you will."


The queen then looked at me, who was still chatting with Mizuki, "Greya darling, is that what you truly desire, that she will become your big sister? We in fact know that when we accepted her as one of our servants that she has no family where she came from, nor a place to call home. So, if she accepts too, it would indeed be possible."  


"Ah ha ha, I hadn't thought about her having a family?"  I answered her while scratching my head.  

"But seriously? You would approve of this?"


My parents both say "indeed", they look at each other, smile, and focus on me again.


I could only answer "then yes mother and father, I would love that very much. You have witnessed the respect she showed us. And I felt a connection the minute we met. I cannot possibly in good conscience see her as a maid, she was very kind to me. I feel as if I have known her my whole life, well technically I have, but that is besides the point. I can't explain it. Let's call her transgression a sisterly prank then, all forgiven and forgotten."  


The king and queen both look to Ima who nods and adds "I will give this decision my blessing. As long as she accepts her punishment and continues to care for and protect Greya as a true big sister would."

Mizuki is silent, no expression can be read from her face. I think she actually had a melt-down. The poor girl can't comprehend anything anymore. 


The king then declares "today is a good day. The day when our daughters came into our family, and the day Mizuki became her big sister. Our daughters who finally make our family complete."


Mother Miyako embraces the not responding Mizuki and says "it really happened dear, welcome to the family". I then quickly join the hug around Mizuki, and say "welcome home big sis! Wanna see our new rooms?"

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