Saving Mirai

Chapter 16: Chapter 15: a personal servant

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Surprisingly, my big sister remains motionless. Guess she needs some time to process things, huh.


I break the hug and mother Ima guides me apart from the rest of the group, and says "Honey, I know you have a lot to take in right now, but we need to talk soon. Let's say things are happening".


I see the serious expression in her eyes, and know this is not just another excuse to claim me for herself, no she is indeed serious. 


"Greya, we will speak again tonight, before your bedtime. Just think about me and feel where I am. As a demi-goddess you will be able to visit me in my domain. Just practise a bit and then find me. If you are not successful, which I highly doubt, I will invite you over. So enjoy your new home. Talk to your parents and your  sister. But don't forget to meet me tonight." 


I could only nod, feeling anxious that something is going to happen. Ima smiles, gives me a quick hug and then addresses the others and gives a quick bow, "I will need to leave you know, so I unfortunately cannot celebrate with you. I am looking forward to seeing you all again soon." 


The others bow politely again, but don't have a chance to reply as Ima vanished in a flash of brilliant light.


My parents motioned me to come to them, so I walked to them.

Father then said "Greya, sweetie, you are our daughter. Not by adoption, but by divine intervention. The blood flowing through your veins came from ours, so please accept us as your loving parents, for that we are. Don't think of us as king and queen." 


A smile appears on my face, then I say "thank you mother, father. Just forgive me, for it will take a bit of time for me to get used to the situation. But I am looking forward to us being family, ah together with my big sis Mizu of course. Speaking of which..  Mizu! Come here for a minute!"


Mizuki finally wakes up from her brain freeze and walks over here. "Wa? Did this really happen? I am part of the Royal family now?" 


Father puts his hands on her shoulders and says "Mizuki, first of all, why does she call you Mizu all the time? Is that what you prefer?"


Mizuki looks at me, then back to father, "no no, my name is Mizuki. I allowed little Greya to call me Mizu as it was easier for her. But honestly I don't mind."


"Alright then Mizuki", father says, "there is one thing we need to discuss. You are now adopted into our family, but you will not be an heir to the throne. Although we fully recognise you as our daughter and big sister of Greya, you will not receive the status of princess. It will be obvious to people that a wolf-kin daughter can only be adopted, so it might be a bit difficult for you. Just know that you are a part of our family now. A happy family I hope."  


Mizuki slowly nods, still processing this news.


"Please get along well, you two", father says.  


"Yes, eh, father", Mizuki and I say at the same time, she and I looking at each other, giggling for saying the same thing at the same moment, then looking back at father. 


He adds "good, now let's get you two some nice adjacent rooms. Then we will have our evening-meal, sounds good?" We both nod in agreement.


Mother then adds "it will be an hour before evening-meal, so you can relax or freshen up a bit. Ah dear, that reminds me. We will have to hire another servant to take Mizuki's place as Greya's personal servant."

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I look at my mother "really? I will have my own servant? Isn't that too much?" 


"No Greya dear, you may have forgotten that you are a princess. Your servant will help you, but will also make sure that you study diligently, like etiquette, history and dancing."


I scratched my head "ah, right that is true. I still need to learn much I guess".  


"Yes dear, that is right. You can start by stopping to scratch your head all the time. That is unbecoming of a princess."


I blushed "yes mother."


The response was "good girl, now freshen up you two. Mizuki, take Greya to the break room and ask Mika to get you two the adjacent rooms I want you to have."  


"Yes, my queen, eh, mother." Mizuki says while blushing.


We bow before my parents and leave the throne room. I can finally walk myself now, which is much better than being carried all day long.


While heading towards the break room, which is a long walk away from the throne room, Mizuki finally loosens up a bit. "I can believe we really are sisters now, and you are really a princess and a demi-goddess?"


"Yes Mizu, that I am. But don't think about it, let's have some fun! We will have rooms next to each other, there might even be a door in between! Ah that reminds me, we won't have much time this evening together as I promised mother Ima to visit her."


"What? Are you going out today already? But you just arrived here?"


"No, no, I will visit her in her domain, so I will be there spiritually. Or something like that. She said it was important, so sorry.." I showed my best apologetic face.


"Ah, I understand Greya. Honestly, I think I will need some time tonight to process what has happened here today. This morning I had no parents. Now I have loving parents, and a little sister. It is a bit much. I wonder why you picked me, you know."


"Yeah, I understand Mizu. It is because I felt a connection to you from the beginning. But trust me, all will be fine..."  


She interrupted me and said "ah we have arrived already. Let's see what my former colleagues have to say about this development..."


I smiled and walked after her, into the room.

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