Saving Mirai

Chapter 17: Chapter 16: party preparations

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"Hello everybody", Mizuki says.


"Hello Mizuki", Mika says. There is nobody else here. "How did your punishment turn out?"


I stood next to Mizuki, when Mika made eye contact with me. She said "and who are you dear?"  


"She is Greya, our new princess," Mizuki said.


"Wait, what? You are kidding me, right?"


I then replied, smiling "no, she is not joking at all. As from now on, I am Greya, princess of Eshar. And this person next to me is my big sister Mizu!"


"Sorry, stop joking already", Mika says. "Wait, your name is Greya, and you just called her Mizu? And that plushie, little Greya had the same what is going on here?"


I only now realised that I was still carrying the plushie, but whatever. "Mika, listen carefully.

I am little Greya from this morning, well not little anymore. By divine intervention today, on which I cannot elaborate, I am now an adult. And Mizu here, really, really is my big sister now. I am sure the queen will confirm this in your next staff meeting. You are not to discuss this with anyone until you are told what is to be kept secret and what not, understood?"


Mika sits down, and puts her hands on her head. Then looks up at us again. "I understand. So, no joke?"


"No Joke, I promise," I said.


Mika then looks at Mizuki. "So Mizuki, I need to call you princess now or what?"


"No," I answered before Mizuki could, "Mizu here is my big sister, but not an heir to the throne. But she really is my big sis. Just no princess. Well, I would love to discuss things more, but the queen requested that you show us two adjacent rooms. Our new personal bedrooms."


"Ah, yes of course my princess. Please follow me if you would" Mika said, while respectfully bowing to us.


"Ah, Mika...please don't be formal with us. We are the same as this morning. So, unless we are in front of guests or our parents, there is no need for formality." 


"I see, thank you. That is most appreciated. Now let's find you two some nice rooms, shall we?" 

Then Mizu and I followed Mika in order to get our own personal bedrooms.


After approving the bedrooms, Mika quickly checked if all was nice and clean and then quickly left. 

The rooms indeed have a connecting door in the middle, which will make bedtime talk a lot easier.


We both inspected our rooms and made ourselves comfortable. I put my plushie away and decided to wash up. 


After about an hour, servants knocked on our doors to invite us to have an evening meal with the king and queen. After acknowledging this, we both went down to the royal dining room. Thankfully Mizu knows her way around here.


After joining my parents in the royal dining room, it was time to discuss today's events like a real family. 


Mother approves of our new dresses, "I am glad you both found the dresses I prepared for you. Those few will have to suffice until we can have some new ones custom made."


Father then takes over the conversation while we eat a selection of rice, chicken and vegetables prepared in a way only fit for royalty. Well, that's us now I guess. "Your mother and I will tomorrow take care of the adoption of Mizuki into our family and prepare our country for a grand festival." 


"A festival?" Mizuki and I say at the same time, after which I add "Mizu, we need to stop doing that, it is annoying." My big sister looks at me, almost about to bow and apologise, then realising I was only being an annoying little sister. Then she says with a smug face "little sis, pay attention. Father is trying to explain something here." Then we both giggle, and pay attention to our father again.


Father continues, smiling at our antics, "in exactly one week, our country will hold a grand festival in the capital. Our two daughters will then be introduced to the public. You, Greya, are introduced as having finally returned from a long stay in the mountains. A place where you needed to recuperate from your illness. It will also explain any possible lack of etiquette or manners you may have. But you will follow lessons soon for that."  


I had to cough as I almost suffocated in some vegetables, as my father said lessons in etiquette. Thoughts of dancing and twirling with books on my head, and a strict personal tutor were spooking around in my head.


"Now now dear, relax, trust me, it won't be so bad trust me," mother said.


"Yes mother,"  I could barely answer with something still stuck in my throat.


Father then continues, "and you Mizuki will be announced as her adopted big sister who has always taken care of her. It will fit the story nicely, because you only started working here recently. It will also show that the royalty of this country is not opposed to wolf-kin or any other kin for that matter."


"Yes father, I understand," Mizuki said.


"Ah, one more thing Greya, I need you to come with me and your mother to the throne room right after this meal. Can you do that?" 


"Yes of course father, but mother Ima wishes to speak to me before bed time."


"It won't be a problem, as this won't take much time at all."


We then finished our meal. We are not acting like a real family yet, all still feels a bit formal. I think we all need to get used to this new situation.

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I followed my parents to the throne room, and I noticed a guest standing inside, waiting for them.


"Good evening miss Hara, I believe your name was?" my father asked. 


"Good evening your majesties, yes, my name is Hara, Nanami. But please call me Nanami. It is an honour to be here."


"Yes, Nanami, please come here and meet my daughter, Princess Greya."

Nanami looks to be in her early twenties, so not much older than I am.


Nanami introduces herself to me, while bowing, "Princess Greya, I am Nanami. It is an honour to meet you."


I bowed as well, but not as deep to show the difference in respect in these formal meetings. 


"It is nice to meet you Nanami, I am Greya. May I inquire about the nature of our meeting here? 

You see, I just arrived at the Palace from a prolonged stay in the mountains, so I haven't been briefed about all current matters yet." I gave my most polite smile possible. Not bad for some improvised polite speech, right? Let's see what this is about.


"If I may answer my king.." Nanami waited for father to nod, then focused on me again. "Princess Greya, I was invited to become your personal servant for life, so I hoped you might confirm your opinion about me."


Ah, so that is what this is about. I tried not to look surprised, so I nodded while smiling. 


Then father continues "Nanami here has quite some experience, but not with noble circles or royalty. She came with excellent references, so we would hope that you could give your approval as well".


I nodded to father "I see father, I will not doubt your judgement in these matters. Nanami, I would be honoured to have you as my personal servant. I hope we will get along and become friends for life."


Nanami bowed to me, and replied "the honour is all mine. I will do my best to serve you."


Mother then tried to break the formal atmosphere that was developing here, "alright then Nanami, please report to the employee break room, Mika will be your guide and instructor for the time being."


"Yes, your majesties. May I be excused?"


"Of course Nanami, we will meet again in a while,"  father said.


Nanami bowed one more time and then followed me outside the throne room.  

She didn't say a word while we were walking to the break room, then I stopped. I turned around and addressed her, as nobody was around. She looked really nervous but also surprised that I had stopped walking.


"Nanami, may I call you Nana?"


She was surprised, not having expected that question in a million years. "Eh, of course Princess, my parents also call me such."


"Okay Nana, let's get one thing straight before you start your duties."


Oh goddess, her expression, she is expecting the worst!


"Nana, I am happy to have you here. Especially if we are going to be around each other for a lifetime. Let's be best friends!" I offered her my hand and my best smile. 


But she only bowed and replied "of course your highness!" Ah I forgot, handshakes are not that common here.


I then waited for a minute, not saying anything. I waited for her back to start aching until she would finally look at me again. Well, it took two minutes, more than I had expected, so call me impressed.

She slowly focuses her eyes onto mine, assessing what is going on.


I then say "took you long enough Nana. Friends don't bow to each other in that way. Now shake my hand and become my friend."


"Ah princess, I couldn't possibly do that."


"Oh, but you will, or your first day will also be your last here. Don't make me order you to do that. Friends don't do that."


"Ah ah. as you wish, princess." She gave me a weak handshake.


"Nana, please, when you are around your colleagues here, or my sister, myself....I expect you to be informal. Like a real friend. Okay?"


"Wait, you have a sister, sorry I was unaware." Realising I was waiting for an answer, she added "of course I will do my best to become informal. But I only act as I was taught, so please forgive me while I adjust."


"Okay Nana, now you're talking. Let's continue. I am happy that we are already becoming friends."


After a few minutes in silence, we arrived at the break room and I introduced her to Mika, who then took over.

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