SCUM: Rise of the Reincarnated Criminal

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Breakdown

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“My life didn't please me, so I created my life.”

- Coco Chanel.

Slowly thanks to my rehabilitation the promise of returning strength started to form in my body. The sounds of the city were a low murmur through the thick glass and walls of the hospital. Coordination was still a little difficult but I was finally able to open the curtains on my own, to gaze upon the new world that I inhabited.

It certainly was Tokyo. Luckily, the hospital was next to a local shrine or temple of some sort so I had an unobstructed view of the expanse of grey concrete and highrise buildings. If I purposefully lost focus I could pretend I was back in my world, that I was not some sort of character in an anime. Did the logic of the world follow similar rules to my own?

As I was pondering these thoughts I ate a healthy breakfast, delighting in the delicate flavor of the miso soup. It was hospital food, but it was good hospital food. Besides, I needed to get stronger; food would be the building block of my recovery.

My hunger was slowly satiated, a different sort of desire began to take hold of me. An excitement started in my chest, traveling to the pit of my stomach, before settling in my groin. It was the positive feedback loop of my desire.

I could still picture her, the unwilling softness of her flesh, the pained look on her flesh as she forced to give me pleasure. Mizuki, like Jennifer, had a special place in my heart now as my first conquest in this world. Still, she was far from complete and I had further designs for her thorough corruption. My guest in my mind thoroughly approved.

With a knock on the door, my morning’s delight had come.

Mizuki entered my private room nervously like a graceful gazelle approaching a watering hole, checking the corridor before closing the door softly behind her.

Looking down and not meeting my eyes she tried to catch me off guard with her opening volley.

“Aoba-kun… I am willing to leave things like this. I won’t tell anyone about… what… what you did to me…”, she finished, her hands nervously playing with each other.

“Ms. Miura, I think you completely misunderstand the situation,” I replied back in a cool and calm voice as I reached for my phone by the bedside pressing the button on the screen.

Though the sound quality left a lot to be desired, you could see quite clearly Mizuki jerking off underage cock, before being made to suck it. Her hands covered her mouth and her eyes widened in shock as she was forced to relive the moment again. Once more a single tear tracked a line down her face as the video reached the point where I came down her throat.

She was completely speechless so I rose from the bed. I looked up into her dark brown, almost completely black eyes. In her hospital pumps, the crying woman before me was taller than this growing body by almost a head and I took the liberty of burying my face in her breasts. She must have mistaken my intent as she almost reflexively hugged me, a hand across the back of my head drawing me closer.

My left hand grasped as hard as I could at one of her breasts, sinking through the clothes to the softness beneath, as I pulled away from our embrace before kissing her passionately. I could hear her muffled sounds of surprise at my sudden action. This one could be tamed with cruelty, with small acts of kindness. Her tongue hesitantly moved against mine, and I slightly opened an eye and was surprised to see that the bitch had closed her eyes.

Suddenly I pulled away, and the snide superior expression painted across my face explained in no uncertain terms the situation fully to her. Blushing and embarrassed, she turned away looking down and to the right, giving me a good look at the elegant profile of her tearful face.

Placing a hand on the upper part of both of her arms I made some distance between us.

“Take off your clothes,” I commanded in a matter-of-fact tone, noticing the complete air of defeat that permeated the room. My soul howled in pleasure.

Slowly with almost deliberate slowness, she disrobed. Mizuki folded each item of clothing neatly, placing them on the chair by the bed. When she started to take off her white stockings, I reached for her arm, stopping her with a stern look and cruel smile.

“Lie down on the bed,” I then softly commanded into her ear, drawing a shudder of revulsion or anticipation.

My eyes feasted on the sight before me. A truly beautiful figure and wonderful face, and I had to wipe the drool away from my mouth as I took it fully in causing the woman in front of me to shiver. I was still fully clothed and enjoyed the sense of power I felt against the naked and vulnerable woman lying down on the bed.

“This is not rape. This is not rape. He is just simply blackmailing me…”, muttered Mizuki to herself as I slowly parted her long pale legs. Inside my mind, I laughed internally at the mental gymnastics required to come to that conclusion.

“This won’t be rape, but not because of that,” I laughed as I dove between her legs like a savage.

I don’t enjoy going down on a girl, the smell and taste not much to my liking, but Mizuki had given so much that I almost felt obliged to return the favor. My mouth went to work on her sex, my tongue flicking across her clitoris before making circles. Sure enough, the woman started to slowly get wet, the motions making her body betray her. I took a moment to look up from between her parted legs and saw the twin mounds of her breasts rising and falling as she tried to fight the sensations, her face covered by both of her hands in embarrassment as gave a very cute squeak in feminine protest.

That was about as much time as I was willing to give down and I quickly took off my pants and entered her now half-willing sex. She gave a small gasp of surprise as I entered here, the folds of pussy not yielding to me as easily as Jennifer’s. Still, I was able to enter her fully as she slowly grew accustomed to my length and I grasped her by her well-shaped bum, my hands kneading their softness.

I placed my head down between her yielding breasts, enjoying the pliable feel of them, both of my hands gripping them almost savagely. I grinned wildly to myself, I took one of her stiffening nipples in my mouth sucking and licking at it as I began to buck against her wettening sex.

Her breathing began to change as I continued my assault on her senses. Sensing an opening I tore her hands away from her beautiful face crossing them over her belly. This caused her breasts to push against each other, deepening the valley between them and she looked up at me in surprised shock. I smiled down at her still holding her hands hostage as I continued to grind against her, enjoying the expressions playing on her face. It was a truly stunning view and I could feel myself reaching a wild climax.

It was time to do something truly despicable and I grew even more aroused as the pieces of my plan slowly came into place. It was a card that could only be played against someone weak-willed or someone inherently submissive and confused. I had to trust my bestial instincts which drew agreement from the thing inside me.

Releasing her hands, I raised her long legs higher, curving her willing body up, so my mouth could reach her face, and pushed deeper inside her. My other hand reached behind her head, tilting it forward as I stared deep into her dark mesmerizing eyes.

“I love you,” I said as sincerely as possible, never breaking eye contact until understanding reached her eyes and her lips parted expecting a kiss.

Of course, I did not love the whore who parted her legs for the silliest of reasons. It was simply one of the many weapons in my arsenal for manipulation. Sex with someone with whom you had an emotional connection was purportedly far more satisfying too.

“I lo…” she tried to say, my lips silencing her. I already knew what her response would be as I invaded her mouth with my tongue, her own mirroring mine.

Perfect, far too perfect, I thought to myself as I increased the tempo of my thrusts causing her arms to snake around my torso. A few strokes before I reached completion her legs crossed behind my back. Her legs pushed down on me, urging me to go faster and deeper within her now stupidly wet sex as she kept kissing me, her tongue finally entering my mouth.

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Finally, I could take it no more as I spilled my seed spilled finally into her secret depths causing a sympathetic reaction in her body as we shared a long orgasm. Her arms and legs clamped against me like a vice, refusing to let me go as the great shudders took her body.

In time drained and dazed she finally released me, but I had seen something earlier that had drawn my attention.

I thrust one of my hands into her mouth, to be met with her seeking tongue. After it was thoroughly lathered with her saliva I moved it to the place between her breasts. Doing this several times she still did not comprehend my actions, still lost in the stupor of post-coital pleasure.

Feeling that my path was sufficiently lubricated I withdrew my slowly softening manhood from her, a trail of seminal fluid still joining us. Then I lightly slapped her, not to draw pain but to humiliate and command, and placed her hands by both of her breasts.

“Squeeze them together,” I all but barked. “A lustful woman like yourself should learn how to please a man.” I wanted to call her something more humiliating like a whore but that part of the Japanese lexicon still evaded me. I mentally sighed. You had to work with the tools that you had.

She still had a stupid doe-like look on her face as I placed my cock between her breasts and began thrusting futilely across her breastbone. In time, her dense brain finally understood and she squeezed her generous tits together. I mentally tsked as I realized that my bad habit of reducing myself to coarser language, even in the recesses of my mind, had followed over into this world.

Lubricated pleasantly with both her saliva and the result of our sex I guided her enveloping breasts to apply the correct amount of pressure. Teaching and instructing her as she looked up at me with expectant eyes, searching for affirmation. I smiled down at her as I sought to harden my cock once more, using her breasts as masturbatory tools. My mind searched quickly for more extreme examples of sex and gratification, my member moving slowly between her breasts searching for just the right amount of stimulus. In time I realized that I derived the most satisfaction by being in the moment and looking down at Mizuki’s concentrating face.

I decided to go all in, thrusting as I had before inside her which caused blood to flow once more into my cock. This movement must have caused her to remember our previous coitus and her face grew red.

“Am I doing alright,” she asked hesitatingly, doe eyes looking up at me as I continued fucking her wonderful tits.

“Just shut up and concentrate,” I said harshly as I held her head with both of my hands gripping her hair firmly.

This caused her mouth to form an ‘o’ in surprise which I took as an invitation, pushing her head closer to where my cock was thrusting between her breasts. Every now and again my cockhead would pass by those delectable pink lips, the pleasure adding to the sensation of the titfuck I was enjoying. Occasionally in my passion, I would miss, hitting her delicate nose or the corner of her mouth. This just added to my frustration and I held her further forward so I could enjoy her more.

Selfishly I reached climax and despite being my second orgasm my the first few throes of my orgasm resulted in some splatter against her refined features. Her nose and one of her eyes was coated with my seed, causing her to blink stupidly as the rest of my semen from my final spurts dribbled down from her breasts towards her neck and collarbone.

What a truly beautiful sight. It was time to add to the maelstrom of confusion that was no doubt running through her.

“You are so beautiful when you are like this,” I said softly looking down at her before sitting down. “You had best clean us up,” I said smiling at her in what I supposed was my most practiced innocent and angelic smile.

Immediately she reached for the box of tissues by my bedside, seeking to clean up the mess on her face.

“Don’t you love me too?” I asked, threading as much false hurt in my voice.

“I don’t understand Aoba-kun,” her hands now frozen in shock, shivering almost in hurt.

“That’s proof of my love. You need to swallow all of it to show me that you really want me,” I said in a wheedling vulnerable tone. I would turn this bitch into a needy cum-guzzling whore.

She nodded absently, gathering my rapidly cooling cum in her hands from across her breasts and face before slurping it reluctantly down. I absent-mindedly noted that she was still hesitant and did not enjoy the act yet swallowing my plentiful. I would use the Pavlovian method to turn this bitch into a needy cum-guzzling whore.

“Now you can clean yourself up, don’t forget me as well. I am after all a patient in this hospital. Mizuki...” I commanded matter-of-factly, savoring using her given name.

“Of course Aoba-kun,” she said weakly, blushing rose red as I used the intimate form of her name, like a lover.

She rose languidly from the bed. As she stretched I could not help but notice the line of cum dribbling down from her satisfied pussy. Luckily without further instruction, and wincing only a little, she gathered up the semen there too with dainty fingers and swallowed it as quickly as possible. It seemed that the bitch could learn after all. Maybe she was a keeper? Internally I laughed uproariously at the thought, and the voice joined me in my jest as I could not help a smirk growing on my face.

With practiced motions she cleans us both off with a warm wet towel, paying loving attention to my genitalia, smiling at me every now and again before getting changed. Finally, when she was finished she looked up at me expectantly, seeking something I knew was a mistake for me to give at this juncture. Approval.

I arched an eyebrow at her needy look before deciding that it was time for the stick again, “I’ll see you again tomorrow, but it would be odd if you stayed around for too long. I have my rehabilitation session soon with the therapist. Now get the hell out of here!” I barked out here, slapping her bum cruelly.

She almost jumped comically at my show of affection.

“How could you…” she murmured weakly eyes downcast before hurriedly running away from the room with tear-filled eyes.

Sex was also a great method of rehabilitation, though perhaps next time I would get her to do more of the work. I was after all the recovering patient!

Once I was sure she had left, the sound of her exit disappearing down the corridor, I let out all of my built-up emotion. I released all of the strain and stress of my recent traumatic past in a session that made me cry in laughter.

With a little time to kill before my ‘real’ rehabilitation session, I played with my phone, flicking across news articles and trying to absorb some information about the world I was in. Surprisingly the world followed the same history as my own up until about twenty years ago, with all the relevant major figures and so forth being the same. The only difference was the current situation with the recent world's major figures, different political leaders, artists, influencers, and so on. Several large corporations and groups from my own world were also non-existent. For the most part, however, it was for all intents and purposes basically the same world. This came to me as both a relief and a disappointment. Very banal. Still, there was no denying that my circumstance was a result of some sort of divine or magical intervention. The voice in my head all but confirmed it.

Whatever the gods had planned for me I would enjoy every step of the way until my bitter last.                    


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