SCUM: Rise of the Reincarnated Criminal

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Equanimity

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“Hardship often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny…”


-C.S. Lewis

New horizons opened for me in a world that was both familiar, yet at the same time very different and surreal. New challenges arose before me, and I could often feel the vaguest sense of worry hanging about my neck. But who I am kidding? I am me, a man with over three decades of experience purveying in the darkest parts of the human condition.

From my research across the web, I found that this land was ripe to be exploited. With an exceedingly low crime rate and the police force a glorified tourist information center. To add to this female rights were decidedly secondary to the policymakers and the conviction rate of sexual crimes was laughably low. Even convicted most men were able to dodge their sentences with an apology. Also possessing a minor’s body I would be exempt from most laws and the age of sexual consent was a mere thirteen. I was sure that even when caught I could play the innocent boy card. The heavens had provided.

The only worrying thing was that this barbaric country still had the death penalty, but that was a problem for a later date once I reached my majority.

After being discharged from the hospital with clear instructions to return should I feel anything wrong with myself I made my way to our new humble abode. The journey across town was by an expensive taxi, my sister unwilling to brave the dangers of a very efficient public transport system-mothering over me like a hen.

With trepidation my constant companion, we spent the first part of the taxi ride in semi-comfortable silence. I was unwilling to make the effort to make conversation, my attention was drawn to the cityscape outside the thin pane of glass.

We passed by areas initially dominated by highrise buildings, monsters of glass and steel, before we were met with more utilitarian buildings of drab concrete blocks built strong to protect against angry heavings of the earth. Every now and again we passed by small areas of greenery, possibly parks, and I saw families and children about their business therein.

I decided that it was time to breach the touch gap. To get a wild animal used to human contact before finally breaking them to the bit. I snaked my hand across Aoi’s thigh before squeezing her knee as I pointed a question at some random tall building, a dark finger pointing up towards the sky.

“What’s that building called?” I asked of her, squeezing her knee for punctuation before releasing it. I planned to slowly increase the time of our physical contact.

“Oh! That’s where our apartment is!” the brief flash of confusion and worry at my touch replaced suddenly with budding joy. “You must be getting your memories back! I just knew it!” she finished with a girlish squeal pulling me close to her sweet softness.

I took the moment to embrace her back, copping a sneaky feel of one of her little pert breasts ‘accidentally’ before resuming a normal embrace. This made her eyebrows furrow a little in confusion before they settled once more.

Having seen my address on my discharge forms, I had searched the location of my residence on the internet. More importantly, I had committed to my memory the rather distinctive look of our apartment building which resulted in the current situation I was enjoying. It was wonderful when everything clicked into place, I felt approval from the presence inside me.

“Maybe… I guess it looked familiar,” a wry smile tugging at the corner of my mouth as I filled the role of amnesiac brother, “I am looking forward to coming home,” I said as genuinely as possible, smiling as I tried to remember the apartment number-no doubt the ad hoc interrogation would continue and I did not want to disappoint and lose some points.

My sister cooed in appreciation, glad that a memory shard of her brother remained. A deep filial love was all it took to fill in all of the blanks and contradictions.

“I made your favorite today, Mapo-tofu, just the way you like it! Nice and spicy!” Aoi beamed at me in pure joy, expecting some sign of approval or thanks.

The hospital food tasted delicious compared to my previous prison fare. This was before the monotony of Japanese food kicked in, the lack of kick and sharp flavors a constant disappointment. Was it so hard to prepare a simple steak medium-rare with demi-glace sauce? I would even settle for a peasant’s peppercorn sauce at this point.

It was time to turn down the jubilant joy a little.

“Was that my favorite? I’m so sorry it's just that I don’t remember so much. What color do I like? What things do I enjoy…” I returned morosely, my voice cracking a little projecting false melancholy.

“Oh, Arata!… me and my big mouth again…” she said, her own emotions mirroring my fake ones, eyes wet with sudden sad regret.

“It’s ok sis. I’m sure your cooking will be delicious,” I said with a fixed stiff smile on my face, “Besides, we have all the time in the world from now on, remember?”

“Silly Arata! That’s the brother that I know, always taking things too seriously,” she said playfully, her emotions taking a sudden u-turn as she punched my shoulder.

I gritted my teeth at this petty little act of sudden domestic violence. In retaliation, my plan for vengeance would be pushed a little bit further up my schedule. Already, I was playing out various scenarios in my mind, looking for an optimal path to satiate my desire.

“Madame, we have arrived,” said the taxi driver in a clipped monotone voice, bearded face and voice tired no doubt from the annoying back and forth in his car.

My dearest sister Aoi paid the man by tapping a green card across some sort of scanner. Before opening the door, almost leaping out with enthusiasm, and offering me assistance with a slim slender hand.

“Let’s get my older brother back home!” she positively beamed as she led me out of the cab and through the security gate. Fussing over me all the way. Entering the elevator I noticed that we were of almost the same height which disappointed me a little. I tuned out most of Aoi’s inane chatter until we were halfway up the elevator to our apartment unit on the eleventh floor, where suddenly I blurted out our apartment number. Aoi positively glowed at this, giving me another squeeze, her small bosom pressed against my arm.

I let her drag me through to the front door, my earlier dour expression overwritten by her infectious joy and I was genuinely excited that I would be looking at my new home. Crossing the threshold I almost made the mistake of crossing the entrance to the house proper with my outdoor shoes. Thankfully Aoi’s back to me was already turned as she scampered towards the kitchen area of the ‘open plan’ dining room and I placed my shoes in one of the empty spots by the door. Just how much energy did this creature have? I wondered as I slipped on a pair of slippers that were obviously my size.

The room before a good-natured liar would call spacious, and truly it probably was by Japanese standards, dominated by a large black fake leather sofa and a massive widescreen television. The shelves, TV unit, bookcase, and coffee table were all variations of black and the walls were painted a contrasting off-color white with smooth wooden floorboards. The masculine touch was obvious, this was our father’s previous home before he moved out to join his new family.

Aoi returned from whatever she had been doing in the kitchen. Rushing back to me, she took my hand as we went to a thin wooden door on the left side of our apartment. On the door were the Chinese characters for her name. I was rather proud of myself that I had had the foresight to have done the bare minimum research to recognize the variants of her name.

“This is my room! No coming in without my permission!” she said in a mock stern voice, but her cute face betrayed her tone with its sparkly smile.

She opened the door to show me the room's contents and it was decidedly a girl's room. The pink pastels and light colors of the walls and furniture along with the almost veritable mountain of soft toys told me a lot about this rambunctious girl’s tastes in decoration. I would be sure to take her many times in this room, and the dolls and bears would be our witnesses. The very thought of engaging in such lewd acts sent a rush of excitement to my loins.

“…and this is your room!” she breathed eagerly, her cheerful energy never missing a beat as she took my hand again to lead me to another door. She had been explaining about her room but my mind had long ago learned to filter out the unimportant details.

“Since you were in the hospital, I kind of took the liberty to clean your room and stuff…” she tried to explain eyes downcast and pausing slightly as a slight blush spread across her tanned skin, “I also put all of your private magazines in the corner, I really had to as I needed to get the bed cleaned,” she tried to quickly finish as she noticed the shock on my face.

Shocked I was, but for a very different reason, I am sure, to what my dearest sister was thinking. Splayed across sky blue walls of my den was a plethora of embarrassing posters of various cartoon girls in futuristic clothing that revealed more than they hid. Interspersed among these pieces of culture a myriad of maids of various flavors could also be seen.

My mind briefly considered how was it possible to have cartoons or anime in a seemingly animated world. More to the point that very thought threatened to push my already shocked mind into a Boolean error-filled loop as I simply could not comprehend it. Stop thinking about it, I forcefully reminded myself, anchoring myself once again to my present reality.

My eyes soaked in the details, various figures from what I am sure were also animated series crowded the desk, fighting for space with my computer’s peripherals and three monitors. The wooden shelves of my room were teeming with the cases of the physical copies of games and movies I had never heard of. The one saving grace was that my bed was relatively normal, with dark blue sheets that at least matched the walls.

Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Satan, and Buddha I was a godforsaken Otaku in this world.

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My shocked wooden expression and long pause must have struck some sort of chord as she must have felt the need to fill the embarrassing silence.

“I really had to ‘kay! This place was such a dump. Garbage and stuff…” Aoi said clearly flustered.

Responding immediately not with words but with actions I embraced her.

“Thank you. Thank you for everything, Aoi,” I said softly next to her ear, my voice a little muffled by her short hair. I took in the sweetness of her, the clean scent, before releasing her.

“You just get settled in ok. I need to finish up dinner,” she said, eyes glistening with repressed tears as she pulled away from my arms and retreated to the kitchen.

Off balance, a little I almost tripped before finding my feet. I took inventory of my room. This simply would not do. I would have to spend some time slowly redecorating, perhaps making an excuse that I wanted to change my image for my new school or some other teen nonsense. Teenagers were after all quite flighty and whimsical.

I sat down on the clean bed and took a moment for myself and sighed. I would have to explore my little corner of the world and decide what I would need to get rid of. This collection of Arata’s must be worth a little something to someone so putting it for sale online might be a good option. So much work and so little time.


In what seemed like no time at all my sister’s voice called out to me from the other end of the apartment. Educated guess from what I saw, our unit was about sixty or sixty-five square meters. More than enough space for two growing high schoolers, but it must have been a little cramped for a family of four.

“Time to eat! Arata. Get yourself over here while it's still hot!” she yelled once again.

“Just putting away a few things. Be there in a sec!” I shouted back, hastily sliding some cardboard boxes back under the bed with another long sigh. This must have been the root cause of Aoi’s embarrassment-Arata’s collection of very specific erotic material. This would definitely have to go into the burnable garbage.

Finally finished I picked myself up and made my way to our small kitchen area, making sure to plaster a smile on my face as I saw my sister sitting at the table. It was Chinese Mapo-tofu, a mix of minced beef and cubed tofu topped off with a red hot spicy sauce. My stomach rumbled a little which caused Aoi to smile. This would have to suffice for now.

We said the Japanese version of grace before we started. Something that would roughly translate into “I humbly partake.” It was the way in which the Japanese gave thanks to the animals that gave their lives, along with the people who worked hard to provide the food. A leftover from their time as a primitive agrarian society. What could I say? Some people said thank you to a guy on a stick.

During dinner, I gently inquired about my past with an adult’s subtlety. I teased out the information slowly, and many things simply reinforced my earlier conclusion. Arata was very much one of society’s losers. Weak and socially awkward he was a target of bullying, eventually becoming a shut-in as he retreated to the safety of the four walls of his room. He escaped into the world of fantasy and video games. I also brought up the topic of old friends. She answered that most had grown distant. Seeing a chance to spice things up with a little jealousy I jokingly asked her if by any chance I had a girlfriend. Her expression had visibly stilled and darkened at this. Well done, the visitor in my mind said.

As our meal drew to a close I asked if I could take a shower. My sister just told me that I could and that it was after all my house too. She did not understand that I had no idea where it was. Realizing her social faux pas she quickly led me where it was, just across the other side of the small kitchen area.

“Er… I’m really sorry about all this,” I said looking down in a nervous voice as she passed me a soft thick white towel, “I’m still not quite confident about having a shower by myself. The nurses… I guess I could wait until tomorrow and go back to the hospital.”

She looked at me in confusion, an almost perfect ‘O’ forming around her cute little mouth.

“I guess that could be ok. If it’s for my brother. We used to have showers together anyway… you are an invalid too,” she replied shakily, gulping a little. I could almost see the confusion warring with logic across her face as she sought to justify her next action.

She moved into the bathroom proper, determination flowing out from the lines of her face. Turning on the water she began to hum inside. Quickly I took all of my clothes and entered shortly afterward.

My sister averted her eyes from my nakedness as I sat down on the small stool, common in Japanese bathing areas. She too had taken off her clothes and wrapped a black towel around her upper body. I could see the paler tan lines of her swimsuit, erotic under the bathroom lights like permanent innocent lingerie.

Settling down I allowed her to lovingly run the warm water over me as she sat down on another stool behind me. I luxuriated in its feel and released a small sigh of pleasure.

“It’s grown a bit long hasn’t it?” she commented as she ran the water and delicate fingers through my hair. I could almost hear the smile in her voice.

“I might keep it, maybe tidy it up or something before we start school,” I replied, “What do you think?”

“Yeah, it might be good,” Aoi murmured her fingertips tracing a line down my shoulders as she began to apply some soap to my back.

I felt a new rush of excitement with her words. My heart beat faster as it rapidly pumped blood into my nether regions. Perhaps it was time to enjoy a little of her. Not all the way, but a small sample. These perverted thoughts caused my sex to harden even faster in anticipation as her smooth hands roved across my small back.

“I’m sorry,” I said as she noticed my enlarged sex. “The doctors said it wasn’t good if I got stressed. Could you help me out… please?”, I whined pathetically.

“What do you want me to do?” the poor innocent girl asked nervously. I thanked Japan for lagging woefully behind in sexual education.

“Well, they said, if you massage it, it will help release all of the pent-up stress. I tried to do it myself, but I don’t have the strength. Could you help me? It’s not healthy if I keep it inside,” I wheedled in my most pathetic needy voice.

“It’s for Arata. It’s for Arata…” I heard her repeat to herself under her breath as she girded her loins for the challenge. Making up her mind she almost shouted at me, “Just not turning around, okay!? I’ll poke your eyes out if you look!”

I nodded in small affirmation and she tentatively, her dark soapy hand reached around to touch me. I could feel her even through the towel as she pressed her small body against me. She finally made contact, before pulling away as if she had touched hot iron, before once again wrapping her fingers around my length.

Slowly, and inexpertly, she moved her small hand, the suds from the soap adding to my pleasure. The silence was only broken by the splash of water and her rapidly growing heavy breathing. No words were needed as she slowly picked the pace, the heat of her behind me ever-present. I did not want to finish with just her hand, but between the soap and the erotic situation of manipulating my own sister into pleasuring me, was growing too much. I wanted to enjoy the moment more, I wanted to plow into her, ravaging each of her tiny fuck-holes. I clamped down on those thoughts, still too early. Aoi was a dish to be slowly savored in exquisite agony.

With that thought, I ejaculated all of my sexual frustration against the tiled wall. My semen was rapidly washed off by the showerhead’s water, before slowly swirling around for a moment and disappearing down the drain.

“Thank you,” I whispered to her as she silently stood up.

I played the role well as I kept my eyes downcast as she left me alone in the bathroom, the shame almost audible in the silence. I gloated at my victory and the voice inside me echoed its approval.

You have done well,” I imagined it saying as I cleaned the last of myself up.

I began to chuckle then, thoroughly enjoying the moment and the warm ache in my balls. I would enjoy more of her soon and torture her in both body and mind. Oh, life was hard for one chosen by the divine!

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