SCUM: Rise of the Reincarnated Criminal

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – Opportunity

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"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."

- Marcus Aurelius.

It had begun again. Needy women with their trivial wants and desires. What was her name again… yes the nurse was asking if she could see me. I sent her an affirmative, but the problem was of course money-which was always in short supply for a young adolescent boy. Indeed with my hormones all over the place, I found the usual deep pool that was my patience growing shallow. Did women not realize that although words were free, my valuable time certainly was not? With my second lease on life, I was certainly valuing this precious resource more.

My sister had been quiet for the past few days, and the looming dread that was high school was slowly approaching. It was not so much high school itself that I found threatening, it was that I would be on the constant back foot in terms of understanding the culture and language. What were kids these days even talking about? Was there not meant to be a fairy or goddess to help with these kinds of things?

“I am always with you,” the androgynous voice that I hosted in my mind reminded me, surprisingly clearly, causing me to stop my current activity of looking over my new uniform.

I had tried to engage the whispers of heaven, as I had aptly named it, in conversation but so far the spirit or whatever it was had failed to bite. The visitations it seemed were always random.

My mind snapped out of these idle thoughts, instead focusing once again on the travesty that was school uniform. A light red blazer with gold trim coupled with light grey trousers and a golden yellow tie. The ensemble just screamed rich privileged high school brat.

Putting my uniform away once more into the wardrobe I turned my attention instead to my current domestic situation. My sister had been a bit standoffish, not necessarily cold, but there had been an awkwardness in the air that would prevent my future advances. I would have to fix these using the deadly twin daggers of love and sympathy, twisting them thoroughly in her until I remedied the situation.

Moving a hand to one of my shelves, I selected one of the more palatable movies in my connection-this world’s equivalent of a Disney movie. I had made sure to check over my sister’s social media, it was ever present in this world too like a vile cancer, to find out about her tastes. This would be appropriate.

Catching my sister preparing lunch, I felt strangely nervous which was very much unlike me. Like a kid about to ask for his first date, or an average Joe about to proposition a woman of the night.

“I was just wondering if I could help with anything,” I began, seeking a common starting point.

“No, it’s alright! I like cooking anyways,” Aoi rebuffed, pointedly concentrating on her preparations for the midday meal.

“Maybe we can watch this movie together on the couch,” I entreated, waving about the movie the case like bait.

“Really!” she almost squealed, looking up at me with a bright new smile. “C’mon let’s hurry up and eat lunch!”

Her mood was as changeable as autumn weather, my simple invitation changing the outlook of today's emotional outlook almost instantly. Beaming at me and humming a catchy tune she laid out the plates and our chopsticks, gave thanks, then began scarfing down food like it was going out in fashion.

Half through the meal and a mouthful of food, my sister finally asked one of the questions that was worrying me a little.

“Yu… ookin… fur… or… to school?” she inquired, washing down her latest mouthful with some miso soup. This was my sister at her most shameful. It made me imagine how she would handle gulping down my semen, could I train her to savor it?

“Yeah, I guess. Would be nice to make some new friends, maybe join some sort of club,” I said without much commitment, secretly dreading the social pressure. To go through all this crap again. This time however the underage girls would be at least unsuspecting.

My sister just nodded to that, and we passed the rest of the meal in now companionable silence-Aoi now completely focused on demolishing her meal. My overture seemed to have worked quite nicely and once we had finished I helped out putting away the dishes.

Eagerly snatching the movie from where I left it on the table, Aoi quickly put it into the player, turned on the TV, and without a smattering of grace quickly plonked down on the sofa. She gestured for me to join her as she hugged a large soft toy animal to her chest, the very image of childish innocence.

I quickly sat on the sofa as the movie began to play, my sister closing the gap between us on the sofa to snuggle up to me. I could feel her warmth through her thin indoor clothes and it was comforting healing the small aches and pains of the heart.

My mind grew bored and my thoughts wandered to my appointment with Mizuki. Whatever would I make her do? I could do…

Aoi turned away from the screen and looked up at me, questioning with her large green eyes.

“Do you need a little help again?” she said in a voice that mixed nervousness and concern.

Finally, back in the present, I realized that my member had grown hard, straining against my pajamas.

“Yes,” I said simply, looking her full in the eyes causing her to blush and turn away even as her right hand sneaked forward across my thigh.

I pushed my pajama bottoms down, and sighed as the cool skin of her delicate hand made contact with my engorged penis. Such a caring sister I laughed in my mind. Her hand slowly moved up and down, her face strictly pointed at the screen as if trying to distance herself from the lewd act. She continued to stroke for a long minute, varying the rhythm with the scenes being played across the animated scene. It was such a ridiculous sight.

“More…” the voice in my head insisted to me.

I decided to place my trust in the lord, my excitement and lust threatening to burst its banks.

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“I’m going to make a mess, I think it’s going to come out again!” I said breathing heavily.

“What do you want me to do about it… wait I’ll go get some tissues!” she said hastily in a panic, her soft hand unconsciously speeding up a little.

“No, no, no time. Use your mouth. That’s the usual way,” I quickly replied as if it was the most normal thing in the world, my heart skipping a beat at my audacity. Sometimes in life, you just needed that little voice inside your head to give you a push. I mimed sucking with an “O”, moving my head stupidly.

Aoi almost slapped me in annoyance at my crude motions, before dutifully moving her mouth closer to my cock, her hand still jerking me off and I fought my rapidly approaching climax.

She brushed some hair from her bangs out of her eyes, and I could feel her soft breath on me even as she looked up eyes meeting mine. It was all too much as I guided her downwards. It was so warm as I pushed past her small pink lips, the wet warmth welcoming. I inched a bit deeper, oh my god, she was still jerking me off, was one of the simple base thoughts that was threatening to take over me. It was all too much and I released everything I had and thrust my hips upwards a little, my glans pressing against her flicking tongue.

“Ummm,” she coughed, my cock still in her mouth and the taste of my semen bitter to her palate.

I pulled out and embraced her, not wanting to give her a chance to spill my seed out. If she had even one ounce of decency she would never dare let it on me from this position.

Drawing her close to me I whispered in her eye a gentle, “Thank you.”

“Iz.. o,” she tried to reply, my cum still in her mouth impairing her speech. I hugged her closer not willing to let her go until I finally heard it. A gulping sound as she was forced to swallow, the taste of a man too much.

“It’s ok,” Aoi finally said, voice forced with the strain of conflicting emotions and sensations. I just realized my sister’s first kiss was with my cock. The voice and I chuckled at that. The girl was even stroking my hair.

“You’re all that I have…” she said in a heartbreakingly soft voice.

“I can also help you too, sis,” I said with an evil glint in my eye, my false facade of brotherly concern paper thin. Even so, I noticed that she looked uncomfortable, her thighs rubbing together as she fidgeted in frustration.

Seeing an opening, one of my hands moved down to the sweet place between her legs which drew a startled gasp from her. The other brushed lightly against one of her small breasts, drawing a light shudder from her. I was truly swimming in the cesspool of my lust, still savoring the gentle ache and satisfaction of my first oral experience with a teenage girl in this world. Truth be told, I felt rather pleased with myself.

Methodically, with experience and expertise that no teenage boy should have possessed, I massaged my sister’s erogenous zones. I teased out her pleasure as skillfully as I could, her mouth was open and inviting but I had no desire to taste myself. Besides boundaries were important in a family.

“Please… stop,” Aoi said, almost whimpering in a small voice, her breathing growing ever heavier.

“It feels good right?” I countered over protest, as I found her clitoris over clothes while my fingers pinched one of her nipples lightly causing the poor girl to bite down on her lower lip. “Don’t worry we are only helping each other out, we won’t go any further…” I lied easily, already making plans for her. Things were going far more easily than I had imagined.

“Yes… Yes…” she continued to moan a little, before biting down on her lip once more her flace flushed with repressed sexual pleasure and guilt. I stored the memory of her expression, a secret treasure that I would always hold dear to my heart.

I drew her closer, to the very edge of pleasure, my own sex grown hard once more in counterpoint to the growing wet stain I could feel. Suddenly she drew a long moan partially silenced by her biting down, her body shaking a little as her first true orgasm washed over her. A true sexual awakening if there ever was one.

The temptation to take her there and then was upon, a hunger or thirst that demanded to be satisfied. I was however no beast new to the rut. I would enjoy her more as I steadily broke her. Too soon.

Her face flushed she broke away from me standing up from the sofa, averting her eyes, and looking down at her feet she muttered a barely audible, “Thank you,” before retreating once more to the safety of her room.

I stopped the movie and placed the disc back into its cover. There was no need to live like a slob after all. On the way back to my room I could hear some sort of muffled crying coming from Aoi’s room.

Stealthily I crossed the small distance, like a thief in my own home, and peaked through the gap in my own door. Aoi crying out this body’s name in an almost animal heat as her hands tried to mimic my earlier motions, her body trying to ride the wave of her previous orgasm, greeted my eyes. The girl was completely oblivious to the world, her quest to reach the earlier heights of pleasure overriding any outside stimulus.

This was the true nature of women, even those that hid behind the veil of purity. I snickered as I moved away, the time was not yet ripe. I would allow her to stew a little and I needed to save myself for tomorrow… perhaps something after dinner?

I clamped down on these thoughts that threatened to deviate me from the great plan, tamping them down to a smoldering burn in the background. Lust and desire were the fuel to my flame, it did not control its direction. Control was very important when you were a man of culture like myself.

Like Aoi, I retreated to my own room and lay down face up on my bed. I scrolled through my social media feed, to see if anyone had taken the hook of a young boy looking to make a new friend. It was ironic that I was actually a young boy this time, the perfect veil to cover my very “specific” activities. I also did a search for some chemical entertainment and concluded that I might be able to concoct something. It seemed that this world had yet to notice the danger of that rather remarkable substance. If I could get my hands on some of that, still rather innocent substance, it would speed my rate of advancement in this world greatly.

Growing bored I stared up at yet another unfamiliar concrete ceiling, just enjoying my new situation. The temptation to masturbate was ever present, like the fire that was once lit that could not ever go out. Mizuki had turned into a bit of a needy woman. Perhaps I had gone a little too far in molding her to my liking? No, of course not, a man like could me not make such a mistake so early in the opening stages of the game. I just needed all of my stamina to break her in a little more.

Here, I was definitely a stranger in a strange land, but the fact that I could leave the building anytime I wanted was salve enough for my tortured soul. A feeling of well-earned contentment.

I even pursued some of my academic goals, perusing some websites about the recent changes in language and learning about what was “hip” with the current generation. However, thoughts of Mizuki doing strange and deviant things to Aoi intruded, their body shapes and faces interchanging. The images followed me into the halls of sleep as tiredness finally overtook me. A man could get used to this life.

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