SCUM: Rise of the Reincarnated Criminal

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – The Great Outdoors

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“There is no joy in possession without sharing.”

- Erasmus.

The house I lived in was when compared to my old country basically a hovel. However, I was well-traveled and learned enough to know that by local standards we were almost living in the lap of luxury. ‘Almost’ certainly was the operative word in my case. The apartment building was relatively new, having been built only fifteen years ago, and it was only a stone’s throw away from the local station. More importantly, it was a healthy walking distance from my new school, Reitaku High. It would certainly do, for now at least.

Dinner the previous night had been a strange affair with Aoi pretending as if nothing happened until I asked her to ‘help me out again’ once we finished the meal in exchange for me doing the washing up. Sometimes I marvel at my negotiation skills.

I had sat down and had her kneel in front of me as I removed my indoor clothes, my cock almost springing from my pants and flicking across her nose. She was wearing a pink t-shirt with hotpants and the whole ensemble screamed sweet innocence which only added to my enjoyment. What people will do for family?

With only the slightest hesitation she took my member in my mouth and dutifully fellated me like the good sister she was. Being careful to not be too forceful and I used her short hair as a guide, moving her head in the rhythm I wanted, careful not to choke her. The last thing I wanted was our last meal regurgitated all over my lower half. I trained her like this, looking down and saying words of encouragement, meeting her eyes, and now and again smiling down at her. I would forcefully teach her how to take my full length later once I had broken her in a little more.

Having difficulty reaching climax, I began to think of Mizuki and simply used my sister’s mouth as a repository for my sperm as I finally reached completion. She looked up at me then with her jade green eyes, a hand cupped out to try and spit out my seed but I quickly stopped her, grabbing her by the wrist.

“Wha…?” she tried to ask stupidly, her mouth half full with my cum.

“Please swallow, don’t you want me, sis?” I asked, my voice a pleading pathetic gasp.

Absolutely on form Aoi shut her eyes tight and swallowed quickly, almost dry-heaving after. Her eyes wet with repressed tears she put on a brave face and smiled at me, moving her jaw to relieve a little bit of the ache she must have felt from having to pleasure me.

I sweetly kissed her on the forehead and thanked her profusely before turning away and saying goodnight before I retreated to the confines of my room. Her face was still a deep red as she returned my goodnight. I drifted off to sleep, and I must have dreamt that someone had entered my bed, their form soft and lithe. However, when the sun came through my curtains they were no longer there. Just a memory of a faded dream.

Today I decided to explore a little of the city in preparation for my ‘date’ later with Mizuki. I sent her a text earlier on my phone, giving her explicit instructions. Like a bitch in heat I was sure she would obey. She really was a great find and I sort of viewed her as my ‘starter’ pokemon. The woman would probably last until the endgame unless I had something better to replace her with. Did they even have pokemon here? I would have to check that out for myself later when I had a moment.

Taking the train a few stops down the line I scouted out some of the local talents. My mind having fully adjusted now to this world I no longer saw them as anime characters. Now I perceived them as flesh and blood women, and this version of Tokyo like its ‘real’ was full of pretty girls. I could go for a whole day in my home country looking for a woman passing fair, here it was almost guaranteed. Indeed, half the battle in my previous life was actually finding suitable targets, and that was before my own screening process.

All of these thoughts and more passed through my mind before once again I realized I still inhabited a weak body. All of these plans required me to acquire some sort of physical leverage and I concluded that I would definitely have to put on some muscle or acquire a decent weapon. The optimal path of course would be to do both.

This being Japan with its strict laws in regards to weapons it would be difficult to acquire a firearm. Now bladed weapons on the other hand could be had from any old camping or kitchen supplier, but these weapons still required a certain level of physicality. For the moment I was still a wimp, but I had the know-how and will to improve myself. Had I not done so already before my previous and untimely demise? The prison yard gym had lent even greater strength to my frame before, I would do so again here-albeit at perhaps a more relaxed pace.

Finally, I arrived at my destination station, erroneous and distracting thoughts hounding my every step. Pressing my train card to the turnstile I exited from the platform. The station was reasonably crowded and it took me a good while to find my prearranged meeting spot with Mizuki, a stone owl statue near one of the exits before ground level. From there I planned our little outing, noting the locations of the various cameras that were dotted here and there.

With a lot of time to spare, it was time for me to flex one of my skills from my previous life-good old fashioned pickpocketing. My marks were everywhere, absolutely oblivious in their little bubbles of safety and security. So many, the men in particular, stuffed their valuables in their rear pockets valuing convenience and fashion over the security of their belongings. Even the most inept thief would have a field day.

“This one,” whispered providence in my ear, my eyes drawn to a rather garish display.

Sauntering up to a man wearing tight jeans, sunglasses, and a shirt that screamed against its very own existence was talking on the phone in a loud voice when I ‘accidentally’ bumped into him. I apologized in English, my eyes kept down to hide my features. This drew a scowl from him, and he just shooed me off, prioritizing his current conversation.

I had lifted from his back pocket in almost textbook style a thick designed brand leather wallet. Inside was about a hundred dollars worth in cast or ten thousand Japanese yen. This on its own was a good haul but the real prize was the credit card along with the man’s driving license and assorted IDs. I walked briskly to an ATM and inserted the credit card. My luck was with me as I entered the man’s date of birth as the PIN and successfully withdrew about three thousand dollars in cash, the daily limit. I stuffed my new funds into a small rucksack I brought with me, filled with my ‘supplies’. With a bit more luck he would not call the credit card company until tomorrow and I could withdraw some more money again.

For a teenager, this was a truly great haul and it would be the start of my war chest. There were so many damn things that I needed. My damn sister controlled our finances which annoyed me to no end. Would my guardian angel help me with gambling perhaps?

I felt nothing but a deep disapproving silence and thought better than to go down this dangerous line of thought.

Moving swiftly on I made my way back to my rendezvous point with Mizuki, my earlier success lending me confidence and speed. It would do me good to be tardy, after all a gentleman was never late.

Leaning against the rail I watched the crowd pass me by, leering at the pretty girls with thinly veiled desire. So enraptured was I that I forgot the time and was surprised by a very familiar voice that fanned the flames of my desire.

“Aoba-kun,” the voice said as I turned around, recognizing Mizuki and pulling her down for a deep kiss. She was in her casual clothes today, a stylish blue top that matched was coupled with a short tartan skirt that emphasized her delightful figure. Her blue medium-length hair was loose today, a stark contrast to her usual prim and proper appearance in the hospital. The gap between her different appearances just served to fuel my desire. Our height difference, forced her to kiss down, adding to the eroticism.

Her eyes widened beautifully before closing, her tongue dancing with mine as we both searched for pleasure. This was the correct way lovers greeted each other, I smirked in my mind. It was time to see if the little frustrated whore had done as instructed.

I reached down between her legs, seeking out her wet sex. Finding my goal I inserted two of my fingers inside her, causing the poor girl to moan in embarrassment and lust. I was pleased to note the lack of underwear, the bitch had actually obeyed me, traveling along the public transport system with just a short skirt to protect her modesty.

There was a changing of the guard as I rotated the fingers I put inside her, each taking a turn in her slick welcoming softness. Feeling adventurous I put my ring finger up the tight hole of her anus, making a circular motion first before passing easily through her sphincter. It was tighter here, the vaginal fluid barely giving me enough lubrication to do my work effectively.

She bit my tongue a little, her surprise so sudden and evident. Still, she dared not say a word to me. Already people had started to look at us, their eyes disbelieving at the display of raw lust before them, it was time to move.

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Breaking off our passionate kiss I stuffed my dirtied fingers into her now vacant mouth, making sure she cleaned them thoroughly before taking her by the same hand. She was looking down, the shame of our lewd display of public indecency finally hitting home in her consciousness. Hand in hand I walked her quickly to a nearby apartment building’s dark underground parking lot. At this point in time, my dick just needed a warm hole to get stuffed in.

In my haste, I pushed her against the wall in a dank corner, and the woman did not voice a single word in protest. Both of her hands were pressed against the dirty wall and she presented herself to me. I hitched up her skirt and was greeted by a beautiful sight, the pale skin of her smooth buttocks a subtle contrast to the darkness, her moist vagina and puckered asshole an open invitation. There was absolutely no hint of foreplay as I tried to line myself, and I grew most vexed.

“Mizuki! Bend your knees a little,” I growled in frustration, wanting nothing more than to take her then and there.

“Well hello, Aoba-kun,” she whispered, panting as if she had run a mile and smiling an enigmatic smile filled with salacious promise.

Once she had bent enough at the knees, she lowered herself onto me as I thrust up in answer. She let a moan than echoed in the confines of the parking lot which caused me to panic a little. I would have to rectify the situation a little.

I reached into my bag of supplies, fumbling and fighting with the zipper, searching for something I had taken as a souvenir from the hospital. My questing hands finally found their prize-her used cotton underwear.

Stretching out and reaching forward I was finally able to stop her incessant moaning by stuffing my prize into her mouth. Muffled and more manageable now I sought my own pleasure and began thrusting inside systematically like a machine.

The woman in front of me was nothing but a tool for my pleasure, but that did not stop her from reaching her own satisfaction. It had been a few days since we had last had intercourse and our pent-up sexual energy had needed this release of two bodies intertwining in ecstasy. For Mizuki, the sex probably felt good because of our false emotional bond, and for me, it was because she was a hot piece of willing ass.

It was all too much and I slapped her rear and told her to turn around as I withdrew from her. Some sort of surprise had registered in her eyes, but I ignored pulling her beautiful face and unresisting mouth to my cock. Spitting out her own underclothes from her mouth I then with a single thrust tickled the back of her throat. spurting my seed down there with a grunt of bestial satisfaction.

“Be.hh..innnd…mmmm..yuu,” she tried to say ineffectually, even as her tongue also tried to automatically clean around my glans.

My cock still in her mouth, Mizuki tried again to warn me of something behind me, and I turned around to see a shocked suited Japanese salaryman, complete with a little man-bag clutched to his chest. Wide-eyed, he was utterly speechless, his balding head even shaking a little from either barely suppressed lust or fear.

I sneered at his pathetic display, taking the time to move Mizuki's head around my cock and really grinding against her face, her nose deep into my pubic hair.

“Ten thousand yen and she’ll give you a blowjob like this,” I declared seeing an opportunity to be had, “I might even let you fuck her a little if she likes the taste of your cock.”

Mizuki started to buck under me, her head shaking vigorously, but I just released and dragged her by the hair to near the man. I did not like rude people, and Mizuki was being decidedly rude to Mr. Salaryman. Hands shaking the man reached into his wallet and slipped a single ten thousand yen bill into my hand. In my mind I decided to name the mystery person Goro, naming him after my old pet iguana.

“Yo…ro..roro.. shiku onegaishimasu!” Goro stuttered, his voice too loud.

“Shhhh!” I hissed back, my hands curling in Mizuki’s blue hair in annoyance which caused her to whisper. I did not think she was quite ready for a gangbang just yet.

I brought Mizuki’s face up to my own, still grasping her hair, and smiled at her angelically, “You’ll do for me, won’t you babe? I think I’ll get really turned on seeing this. I love you so much.”

She positively melted under my affirmation of love, and ten thousand yen was ten thousand yen.

Mizuki gave a small nod before confirming verbally, “If this is what you want Aoba-kun… I love you too.”

Goro was already fumbling manically at his pants, loosening his belt, and getting ready to perhaps have the time of his life. It was all so comically pathetic. In my genius, I had turned an extremely embarrassing situation into almost one hundred dollars with just the tools I had at hand. Not bad for a teenager, eh? I sniggered, enjoying the show before me. Truly it was the beauty and the beast.

His trousers and pants around his legs, Goro’s member was hard and free in the open air. Bending at the hip, Mizuki as instructed moved to suck him off, but inches away from his cock recoiled, possibly from his stench, her face grimacing with displeasure.

“Take it in your damn mouth now!” I commanded, my voice filled with an authority that no young boy should have possessed. Both Goro and Mizuki flinched at my words, and Mizuki reluctantly moved her mouth over his cock head.

Goro was making all sorts of mewling noises, probably because this was the first time he had ever experienced something like this. What can I say? I am magnanimous in my charity. Perhaps I could help spice things up a little?

“Gor…” I stopped myself before continuing, “You can fuck her throat you know. I’ll allow it,” I said with the world’s biggest sneer on my face, enjoying my woman’s humiliation as I moved once more behind her.

Goro did not need any more encouragement as he grabbed her blue hair and started to move his hips almost like a jackhammer. Mizuki’s face contorted in surprise as she sputtered on his cock, not expecting such rough treatment from such an unassuming man.

Well, what did you know? I thought to myself as I slid into Mizuki again, hard again thanks to this wonderful show. Together Goro and spit-roasted her, our bodies slamming into both of her welcoming holes, again and again, the sounds of our wild sex echoing dully around the parking area.

Goro had finished first, Mizuki automatically cleaning his cock and searching for any leftover semen while I continued to hammer into her. Finally, I reached my peak and ejaculated deep into her welcoming pussy. With that, she finally released Goro, all but spitting him out as he crumpled into a glaze-eyed wreck. She knelt in front of me and like a supplicant quickly and lovingly cleaned me off. I smiled down at her, twisting away from her when she tried to kiss my mouth, diverting it into a loving kiss on her cheek. Why were girls so insensitive?

We gathered ourselves, and as Mizuki stepped over Goro I saw that his eyes lit up at the sight of her, a little of my cum dribbling down her inner thigh from her open sex. I took the time to lift his wallet while he was distracted, my quick fingers needing practice. Looking through the contents with my back turned a little, I took his business card and the remaining cash which amounted to another twenty thousand yen. I noticed there was a picture of a cute girl, so very unlike Goro, inside the dark brown wallet. Interesting, I thought to myself. There was a good chance I could use this at later date. Deciding to leave the credit cards I moved away from the scene of the crime arm in arm with my girl.

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