SCUM: Rise of the Reincarnated Criminal

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Learning

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“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”


High school, a venerable institution where young minds are shaped to serve society or prepared for higher education. Where we find our way in life, aided by teachers that have traveled those same paths before and take joy in guiding us. The place where bonds of friendship are formed that could last a lifetime.

High school, a veritable cesspit of adolescent indulgence and lust where young desire is filled with unexpressed emotion. The formative years where we begin to cement our sexual identity. It was a place filled with bitter internecine tribal politics that made prison seem like a friendly holiday camp. Cliques and groups were formed around certain individuals and gang wars were fought in the locker rooms, corridors, and on the grounds-the student body’s conflicts were orchestrated mostly out of sight of the ruling teaching class. The unspoken rule that held there, as it did in prison. 

There was a saying in Japan that “the nail that sticks out gets hammered down” or some such nonsense. I would keep my head down as much as possible to not stand out. Standing out would only draw much-unwanted attention to my planned specific ‘activities’.

Between my ‘accident’ and previous vegetative state, alongside my physical weakness and illiteracy, I would have to wage an uphill battle to find my place. There was no way around it, I would stick out like a sore thumb in a Japanese high school. I would have to seek shelter with an accepting group or strong individual, at first at least. Then once I was more established I could start with my insidious schemes, chaining people to me like Mizuki and Aoi.

Oh. that’s right! Aoi mentioned something about a tutor and I would be expecting him or her this afternoon. All I got from my sister was their last name, Suzuki, and that they were an alumni member of Reitaku and currently attending a local university. Suzuki, a common name like Smith or Wood in Japan. I looked forward to studying as much as a new hole in my head, but at least I was mature enough to know that it would be essential to my very survival in my new hostile environment. Every edge that I could get, I would take.

The doorbell rang, announcing an end to my wandering thoughts. I made my way out of my room to see that my sister had beaten me to the chase.

“Please forgive my intrusion,” said a bespectacled nondescript young man in his early twenties. Hair cut short and of average height, he held a bag to his side and smiled at my sister before turning to me.

“The name is Masamori Suzuki, I am here in regards to the tutor job from Reitaku. I hope that we can get along,” he said bowing a little at the waist.

“Please, please come in,” welcomed my sister in her most sweet lilting voice, offering the guest slippers to Masamori. I could not help but notice his eyes straying a little, but I held my peace and kept a welcoming smile on my face.

Slipping on the slippers the newcomer entered the threshold proper. I had to restrain an urge to offer a hand, unsure about the cultural norms here.

“This is my lovely older twin brother Arata. You will be helping him with modern Japanese… he has seemed to have forgotten so much!” replied my sister, introducing me to my new tutor.

I simply nodded in return, trying to hide my slight wariness.

“Oh, would you like some tea?” inquired Aoi, her voice a touch higher and her mannerisms so different to when she was with me, almost as if she was another person. Was this a Japanese thing or simply an Aoi thing?

“I’d like to start right now if that is alright with you? I sort of have plans after this evening,” replied Masamori, nervously rubbing the back of his head with one of his hands.

“Well, you’ll have to use Arata’s room today. I would like to watch one of my Korean dramas,” she smiled sweetly, taking the casual rebuff in her stride.

With the pleasantries out of the way, my new tutor Masanori and I retired to my room. The man’s eyes lit up as I opened the door, taking in fully my rather embarrassing collection. To be honest I really had to stop being so self-conscious.

“Wow, the super rare limited edition of Nana Nana-chan! Wowser, you could have only gotten this from the Tokyo Games Festival last year. I’d give my left kidney to have had a chance for one of these!” exclaimed my tutor. 

Sweet heaven’s above he was the same species as this body. A hard-core otaku, one of the rejects of Japanese society. He was probably the type that also got off on cartoon girls or really weird and impossible sexual scenarios. Why did the gods of the universe test me so?

“Errherm,” I coughed to bring the man back to reality before continuing, “Would it be alright if we start now,” I finished trying to keep a friendly smile on my face.

Masamori turned out to be a very diligent and competent teacher. He explained things in a manner that made sense, yet without looking down at the learner. The man was also pleasant to be with, mixing well-timed humor that made me genuinely laugh and enjoy the lesson. Thanks to his teaching method and my adult willingness to learn combined with a young brain I was able to absorb the offered knowledge quickly and easily.

All too soon our time together came to an end.

“You did really well today. If you have any questions, please ask me next time. Don’t worry about a thing I’m sure for you instead of learning, it is probably more like remembering,” he said truly pleased at my progress.

Being genuinely praised like this honestly made me feel very good and I saw him to the door and bade him a good evening, my sister also called out a goodbye.

Perhaps in the future, I would reward him in some way? The figurine that he had been salivating could possibly be a good reward. Or even a turn with my sister after I had deflowered her, besides she seemed to like him a little. I was after all a generous man and I encouraged young love. 

It would also be great blackmail material as his other plans were probably something to do with a girl. Surprising despite him being an otaku. Everyone it seemed had hidden depths.

My sister was fidgeting near the entrance as if she was building up to ask me something.

“So, err, how did your lesson go?” she finally summoned up the courage to ask.

“Great actually, he’s a good teacher. Thanks for finding him,” I smiled as I answered back.

“That’s because brother my friend Mizuki recommended him to me,” she beamed the perfect picture of youthful exuberance.

It couldn’t be, could it? I hissed in my mind as I struggled to keep my best poker face on.

“Can’t say I remember her. Out of curiosity what was her last name?” I inquired, desperately trying to keep my worry from showing. Mizuki was a common enough name, but the gods were known to play their pranks on us mere mortals.

“Abe. We used to hang out all the time in junior high. I remembered that her brother went to Reitaku and then some fancy university. I just knew he’d make a good tutor!” she answered cheerfully.

Breathing an inner sigh of relief, I paused for a few moments to gather myself. Thank heavens this was not my sister’s source of nervousness!

“I ran a bath,” she blurted out “and… and…”

“It’s ok. Let’s go in together. It will be like old times. After all, we are family,” I smiled warmly at her before making my way to the bathroom, my sister following meekly behind me.

I quickly disrobed and entered, dipping a small plastic pail or bucket of warm into the bathwater to rinse myself off the day’s sweat. My sister followed behind closely, naked now as the day she was born. Dark sun-kissed skin with erotic tan lines on her lithe body and small pert growing breasts that spoke of flowering womanhood.The female mirror to my own body. A young athletic girl like her would have a pussy that would almost be painfully tight.

“Don’t look at me like that. We’re family ‘kay? This is perfectly normal, don’t make things weird,” she reproached me clearly flustered as the water ran down across my body, quickly moving to take the plastic bucket from my hands.

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Relatively clean now I slipped into the warm waters of the bath, and soon enough Aoi followed daintily stepping in with all the grace of a gazelle. She settled into my arms, a secret smile on her face as I wrapped my arms around and we both luxuriated in the warmth that soaked into our bones.

“This is it,” she purred as her toned muscles loosened against me and she lent her backward against my chest, stretching out her shapely legs.

My member began to harden against the small of her back, causing her to arch an eyebrow in accusation.

“I’ll help you out in a moment, bro. Let me just relax for a bit more” she responded to my ardent desire, settling further into my arms and my arms causing me to harden even more.

We lay like that for a few long minutes, soaking in the warm fuzzy atmosphere that pulled at my heartstrings. Was this love? It certainly was her, but for me, it was something akin to deep affection. Well, in my case not really deep affection as I had only known the little minx for a few days.

So she wanted to relax, eh? I would certainly try to see to that. A special massage was in order.

“Let me help you out first,” I pronounced daringly, my hands reaching out for sex and breasts.

I found her clitoris, a small thing, and made sure to brush my fingers across the lips of her vagina. Simultaneously my other hand cupped one of her breasts, squeezing a little my fingers sinking a little into the small firm mounds. Next, I timed my clitoral stimulation with the hand that was softly pinching her hardening nipple.

This caused Aoi to let a pretty groan and closed her eyes as I nuzzled her neck affectionately. Matching my rhythm and switching between hands I tried to match her responses, seeking the optimal path to her pleasure. However, I did not let her reach climax but instead brought her to edge a few times. The sexual frustration was clear on her face as her own hands went to her sex and I took to stand up guiding her head to my cock and entering her mouth slowly. Her sweet lips wrapped around me and I allowed the girl lovingly lick me a few times before I pulled out and guided her hungrily to my waiting balls. 

She stopped for a moment confused and unsure.

“Lick them,” I commanded, my voice hoarse with pleasure.

Aoi nodded obediently, finally putting two and two together, licking with her tongue while she looked up at me with jade green eyes filled with filial love. It was all too much and I almost exploded there and then, but there was something I wanted to do.

I wanted the young fresh meat presented before me, I wanted to ravage and mercilessly tear into it like a howling animal. What was this nonsense about just ‘helping’ me out? It was just a thinly veiled cover for this woman’s deep-seated and truly filthy brother complex. If she wanted to act like a little whore she would be treated like one.

“I think we soaked a little too long” I commented in false shyness, leaving the bath and offering her a hand which she gently took.

Once she was out she made a confused face as I turned around and bent her gently forward, almost unresisting.

I say almost for she said one of the dumbest things ever, which was pretty much on point with her character thus far.

“We can’t, please Arata. We’re brothers and sisters” she whined, covering the entrance of her sex against my cock, fingers accidentally brushing against the tip.

This defiance only served to add fuel to my growing irritation and sexual frustration. I wanted to slam into her obviously wet and welcoming teenage pussy, and the bitch thought she could deny me at this stage.

Fine, I thought to myself. If this is how she wants to play, this is how we will play. I had planned on saving one of her holes for a later date, this would just reverse the order. Aoi, you brought this on yourself.

“Of course, I know that, Aoi! Don’t you worry about a thing. I wouldn’t do that with my own sister,” I retorted as sweetly as I could as I grabbed the soap.

Turned away and distracted by my words I took the time to feverishly work up a lather on my cock. Instead of drawing a line to her tight pussy, I aimed slightly upwards to the puckered hole of her anus, avoiding the blockade of her hand, and just pushed ignoring the initial resistance of her sphincter.

The insides of her bowels slowly gave way as I unrelentingly wormed my way deep into her innards and her eyes widened and she screamed in surprise.

“Wha… Wha… that’s my…” she shouted in consternation and surprise.

I silenced the rest of her sentence by pulling fully out and thrusting in once again, this time a little faster, her arsehole now more easily receiving me. She could only moan now, a part of her knowing that I would not stop and that it was her womanly duty to accept. She was moaning now from pain or pleasure I could not tell, nor did I care as I simply enjoyed the feel of her. Damn, she was so tight here, every breath she took constricting me and adding to my ecstasy.

This is what you get for disrupting one of my well-laid plans. I had thought to make her stew a little first, before picking her when she was fully ripe and hanging heavy from the branch in desire. However, like most plans, they fell apart at the first contact with meaningful resistance.

“It feels like… like… I’m taking .. a shit,” she panted between thrusts, the contrast between her innocent tone and the vulgar words that it gave voice bringing me back to my senses.

Taking pity on her I slowed down my pace as I fucked her virgin ass, snaking a hand down to her clit and pinching it with two fingers. Whether it was the edging from before or the erotic situation of her own brother fucking her for the first time, she quickly reached climax with a dick still in her ass. Her first real penetrative sexual experience was anal.

It was so ridiculous that it passed even the mad-capped realms of humor. Her own brother was taking her ass, and she had even reached orgasm from it, would be the shameful thoughts that must have been floating in her cute little head. 

Still, I was not quite finished yet, though a small measure of control had been returned to me. My plan was in tatters I simply had to make the most of a bad situation. I measured out my pace now, the sound of my hips slapping against her butt echoing about in the confines of the bathroom as I gripped Aoi by her waist with both of my hands.

Still, I am not a machine, and the tight teenager's ass brought me to a final eruption of mind-searing pleasure as I released my bottled-up lust deep into her bowels. She shuddered at the anal intrusion of foreign liquid up her butt, confused and unsure about the cocktail of emotions and the flood of sensations that were flowing in her.

“Hmmm…ahhh…” she muttered still in a daze as she leaned against the bath, crumpling into a heap of quivering flesh.

“Did you come from your ass, sis?” I said in the same sweet tone that I always used when dealing with her.

Her face flushed as a red-rose blush grew on her face, her mouth forming a perfect  ‘O’ in surprise, unable to deny the sexual accusation.

“Looks like I might still need a little help, Aoi,” I continued, still using a voice filled with brotherly love as I took the opportunity to shove my softening member into her whore’s mouth.

She did not lick me this time, shocked still by the sinful acts that we both had committed. No matter, I would use her mouth like a cleaning rag. I rubbed my glans across her palate and tongue, introducing her to the bitter taste of her own rectum. It was better that she get used to the flavor early.

Once reasonably clean, I removed my now turgid cock from her mouth, youthful recovery lending me its aid. She gasped and sputtered, almost retching to be truly honest. Really now, was it really that bad? Pretty poor show for just a little ass-to-mouth. Once the little heaves had subsided a little I promptly plopped my cock back in, silencing any further protestations. The accusatory glare in her eyes slowly faded as I worked my dick back and forth, thrusting shallowly at first. 

What the heck, in for the penny in for the pound, I thought as I grabbed the back of her head, grasping her short hair firmly, as I began thrusting in earnest-stabbing at her throat. This caused her green eyes to continue to widen, the gag reflex coming to the fore and I pulled out giving her time to recover before I began mercilessly thrusting again.

I liked to think of this as a much-needed learning experience on what happens when I am denied.

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