Secretly Holding Hands with You Behind Our Friends’ Back. Falling in Love That Cannot Be Told to Anyone

Chapter 3: 2

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Episode 2: Neighbours

“So, I’m planning a big party this summer.”

The next day, after school, I began talking with the usual members of my group.

“The fireworks display is definitely a go, of course, as for the motorcycle trip, I still don’t think that’s very realistic.”

Seiran groaned.

“Well, hey…if that’s the case, why don’t we do what we did last year and ride our bikes over the mountains? How about bringing some camping gear with us and going as far as we can this time?”

“This year, we have Asagiri-san and the others, so it’s going to be rather tough on the girls, don’t you think?”

I turned my eyes to Asagiri-san, and she made a smile full of vigour, resembling the sun,

“Hmm? I’m totally fine with it? If anything, let’s do it!”

She slapped me hard on my back.

“As for me, I’m more worried about Koga-kun and Tanaka-kun’s stamina. They’re weak at sports, and they were why we had to turn back last year, since they were pulling Seiran-kun by the leg.”

As you may have noticed, however, the girls call Miyabuchi Seiran “Seiran-kun”, while they call me and Shinatarou “Koga-kun”, and “Tanaka-kun”, exactly by our last names.

Well, “Seiran” is a pretty cool name.

Shintarou followed up on Asagiri-san’s teasing tone.

“I was the only one who was dragging him down. If Junya hadn’t been there, descending the mountain would’ve been too dangerous.”

Seiran placed his burly arm around my shoulder.

“Yeah! Yeah! You guys, don’t underestimate this Junya Koga, okay? He’s an amazing guy.”

“T-That….Koga-kun….did he do something….?’

It was Narushima Yoru. She looked at me and tilted her head curiously.

After witnessing everything up close yesterday, it felt quite absurd seeing her beguiling innocence.

In the beginning, I was a little worried. Even though I promised her that I would act like before in front of everyone, I was afraid she wouldn’t even speak to me anymore.

But my fears were unfounded. Narushima Yoru continued to feign innocence, as if that fight didn’t even happen, treating me as usual.

Her real identity was a fake normie with her boobs filled with love as much as her brain, but since we probably can keep going in our friendly group of five, I feel relieved.

Seiran showed a gentle smile as he cast his eyes towards the azure sky.

“Last summer, we planned to go on a biking trip. Without giving it much thought, we just said to go as far as we could. Of course, we all intended to go for a day trip, but. None of us said, 『It’s time to go home』. Even though it was gradually getting dark, you know?”

“The air was like whoever said it first lost.”

I let out a nostalgic laugh, and Seiran nodded.

“Ah. And when we passed over around the third mountain, Shintarou’s bike got a flat tire. By then, it was completely nighttime, and there was no one else around, so everyone started to get extremely impatient.”

“Eh? You guys were planning to cross a mountain, and yet you didn’t even take precautions? You know, like having one of those flat tire repair kits loaded on your bike.”

What Asagiri-san said was reasonable, however, generally speaking, we were reckless third graders at the time.

“In the first place, it’s still the same bike, right? I mean, it’s not like it was already a mess at that point…And, in the end, did you all end up walking home?”

Shintarou looked at me and smiled.

“Junya told me to 『get on the back』.”

“That’s right! Shintarou and I were about to cry because we didn’t know what to do. Then, this boy, Junya Koga, actually offered to share the seat!? Since we were on a very strict early morning schedule, everyone was already worn-out and fatigued by then, and yet, that person said it easily.”

…I’m feeling a little itchy. That was just me feeling responsible because I was the one who initiated it.……

Asagiri-san looked at me and let out a breath of dismay.

“So you should have returned home before that happened… guys are truly idiots.”

“It’s okay to be an idiot.”

Certainly, my legs were rather tight at that time, but thanks to that recklessness, I was able to see a beautiful starry sky. The three of us guys even went to a family restaurant en route to reflect on what we had done and grumbled about it until the morning.

Even if such a thing is stupid, it’s definitely more enjoyable, more fun, and better than being clever.

And if that’s what a haphazard child does, then I’m still a child.

“Hmm….I see I see. Hum. Men are so nice.”

That was Asagiri-san’s soliloquy. She stretched out both hands and stared up at the gargantuan sky.

“You know. If we’re with Koga-kun and the others, then this summer is bound to be more fun. Right, Yoru?”

Narushima-san, who was called out by Asagiri-san, took one look at me.

“…..I see.”

That look in her eyes seemed to be implicitly saying 「It isn’t going to happen—」, which made me feel uncomfortable for some reason or another.

While we were talking about that, we came to the intersection where I had to part ways.

“Well, let’s talk again about our summer vacation plans. I’m going this way.”

Once again, I turned my back and said that again.

“Ah! Come to think of it. I heard that the property where Yoru lives had been decided. Let’s all go visit next time.”

Asagiri-san said so as if she had just remembered.

“Heh. So you’re finally starting to live on your own, Narushima-san. Congratulations.”

As I said, I’ve been living on my own ever since I entered high school.

Even though I live in the same hometown as Shintarou and Seiran, there’s a reason why I don’t commute to school by train. When I told my father where I was going to go to high school, he replied,

“It’s too far from home.”

──Then, he asked me if I wanted to try living on my own for a while as a test and experience.

I don’t know if it’s because my dad’s a real estate agent, but he had no particular qualms about letting his high school son live alone. In fact, he was more than willing to help me find some inexpensive housing near the school.

Maybe it’s because he wanted to fill in the vacant property, but it was pretty convenient for me as far as I’m concerned.

After all, living alone as a high school student, is a very youthful experience, don’t you think?

On holidays, Seiran and Shintarou would come over to my place and stay.

“Talking about Narushima’s room, you guys haven’t been to Junya’s room yet, have you? Let’s attack that one too.”

“That’s right. Then, next time, in Koga-kun’s room, how about a mass games tournament until morning!”

Seiran and Asagiri-san started to get excited on their own.

Well, that would make for a stupid and great memory too, but.

“The walls in my house are thin, so if you want to make noise until morning, go to Narushima-san’s new home.”

I was also the one who introduced my father’s real estate agency to Narushima-san.

I don’t exactly know why, but she’s always wanted to live alone, ever since a long time ago.

Well, circumstances differ for each person. And I have no particular intention of prying as to why.

“U-Um…that time, thank you for all you’re help. Koga-kun.”

Rather than beguiling innocence as she usually does, she seemed honestly grateful.

As it turned out, it wasn’t good.

So, the following Saturday.

Today was a school break, I had no particular plans, and I was enjoying going back to sleep.

Suddenly, I was disturbed by a noise coming from outside.

The property where I live alone was a two-storied tattered apartment with a strong aroma reminiscent of the Shōwa era. (1926.12.25-1989.1.7)​

The front door was as thin as my chest, and the noise bothered me to no end.

Looking down from my room on the second floor, I saw a mini truck parked in front of the apartment.

Apparently, someone had moved in.

I went outside to take a look while I went to buy breakfast.

“Ah, hi.”

Coming up the rusty, cheaply built exterior stairs, clanking, was a middle-aged man carrying a small refrigerator for single occupancy.

The middle-aged man was carrying the refrigerator into the room next to mine.

I wondered if this man had moved in.

At first, I thought so. After all, no matter the circumstances, this was way beyond my expectations.

Coming up the stairs after the middle-aged man was another person.

Above the cardboard box, lay a fiendish pair of breasts as it was being carried up.

It was Narushima Yoru.



We met in the middle of the outer staircase, and both of us let out a voice in disarray.

“W-What is Koga-kun doing here….?”

“N-No, that should be my line….”

I immediately guessed.

That middle-aged man just now was Narushima-san’s father, and he was helping his daughter move in.

Narushima-san must’ve also guessed by now.

That I, too, live in this apartment.

The middle-aged man (Narushima’s father) returned after carrying the refrigerator into the room.

“I’m sorry I only gave you a slight bow just now. You’re my daughter’s neighbour…right?”

“The most evil….!”

Narushima-san’s eyebrow furrowed with all her strength, and sure enough, she showed me a face that she would never show at school.

After seeing off Narushima-san and her father with a stiff smile, I immediately called my father.

“What the hell is going on!?”

『What’s with you all of a sudden? I told you not to call me at work.』

On the other end, my dad seemed to have a troublesome tone, but, in the first place, he’s the one who caused me my problems, so he doesn’t deserve to say that.

“Why did you introduce Narushima-san to my apartment building!? Moreover, it’s the room next to mine!”

『Aah, Narushima Yoru-san. Because she’s Junya’s friend, right? And she’s also a part of your group of close friends.』

“Wa-, wait, wait, what do you mean by 『because』! Sure we are, but….!”

『I’m at work, so I gotta go. Don’t make too much noise just because your friend moved in next door.』

Dad said simply and hung up the call.

……What a stupid turn of events.

Out of all the people, why must that ill-natured bombast wolf in sheep’s clothing which didn’t like me from the very beginning become my neighbour from today onwards….?

The walls of our shabby apartment are so thin that even the sounds of daily life are almost audible.

I don’t particularly mind if it’s a stranger, but having Narushima-san hear me is considerably tough. What she’ll do to me, I don’t know.

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Now I can’t watch ecchi videos without my earphones anymore…

After carrying the cardboard boxes into the room, Narushima-san came outside with an exceedingly sullen look on her face.

From her facial expression, I could tell that she hadn’t heard anything from my father either.

I guess it was intended to be a surprise, but, seriously, come on, dad….



The both of us remained silent, and descended the stairway together.

I pulled my bike out of the parking lot of my apartment to go get breakfast.

Narushima-san, together with her father, carried out the next baggage from the back of their mini truck.

This moving operation seems like it’s only done by two people, parent and child. Narushima-san, carrying a heavy-looking cardboard box, staggered towards the exterior stairs once again.

I sighed and parked my bike beside her.

“….Give it to me.”

I snatched the cardboard box from Narushima-san’s hand.

O~tsu…what’s this? It’s heavier than I expected…

“It doesn’t make a difference if you help me or not, your likeability won’t go up, although. You’re breaking records at the bottom of the heap.”

“I didn’t expect anything from the beginning, so don’t worry about it.”

This is just my kindness. After all, if a girl I knew were carrying a heavy load, anyone would help her. No matter how much the other person is a fake normie with her boobs filled with love as much as her brain.

“Come to think of it, last year, you carried Tanaka-kun down the mountain on the back of your bicycle. So I guess you have some good points.”

“I only took responsibility for that one because I was the one who initiated it. I’m basically a jerk.”

“I know. That’s why I don’t like you. I hate you so much I want to tie you to a chair and slap you back and forth until morning.”

“Even so, I think your arms will get tired.”

“I’ll be totally fine if it’s Koga-kun. Just imagining it gets me terribly excited. Can I really do it?”

Ough…what a scary smile…to think that we’ll have more opportunities to meet now…I’m depressed.

“That baggage, leave it at the front door. Don’t ever go inside.”

“I know.”

I said this to Narushima-san, who was about to return to the mini truck and put my foot on the stairs.

“In any case, wait a minute.”

…Well, I don’t mind, however.

Narushima-san went to the mini truck and pulled out a light paper bag from the loading tray.

Because of that, I thought she would come back soon, but instead, she had the nerve to go out of her way and buy a drink from a nearby vending machine.

Come on….I’m about to tear my arm off over here……!

Is this also part of the harassment!?

At last, Narushima-san came back, and she hurried me with the damn heavy cardboard in my arms.

“Hey, go up first.”

“All right, don’t need to push….”

In case you’re wondering, I’m still helping you move────Wait a minute.

Until now, I’ve been looking at her face so much that I didn’t notice.

Narushima-san, she was wearing a big T-shirt with a loose-fitting silhouette.

Something’s at the top part of her chest, protrusions?

Eh, perhaps, no bra!?


“No…it’s nothing.”

It’s just her usual fiendish breasts, but, she should at least put on a bra.

I looked away and started to climb the stairs.

Narushima-san, who was following behind me, let out a knowing “ha-ha-ha” sound.

“Aren’t you immune to girls, Koga-kun?”

“Shut up, noisy tits.”

I don’t have to look back to know. Right now, Narushima Yoru is definitely laughing with a bottom-feeding grin on her face.

“Hmmm. So that’s how it is~. That’s why you’ve only played with boys until now~.”

“Because it was more fun to hang out with boys.”

That’s true. Until I met Asagiri-san and Narushima-san, I seriously thought I only needed male friends.

“I see. Then the reason you can’t be aggressive with Honoko-chan is that you’re not used to being with girls.”

“That’s not true. I just like being together with everyone. Don’t talk like you know everything. You love-filled brain.”

“Then again, you do seem to have an interest in girls’ bodies, don’t you?”

Of course. I’m still an adolescent boy. Wanting to play in a group does not equal having no sexual desire.

“Do you want to try it out and get used to it?”

“Pfft! Baabbbaa, are you crazy!”

After climbing the stairs and unloading the cardboard box in front of Narushima-san’s room, I finally took a breath.

“Nfufu. Thank you, Koga-kun.”

I thought that fake normie girl let out a strangely glamorous voice.

With a snap, she clung to my back. Her huge, gargantuan pair of hills was transmitted over a spacious area.

I jump back as if I’ve been played.

“W-What are you doing!?”

“I’m just thanking you, what’s the problem?”

“A-Ah, it’s all over the place! T-That…unh, breast meat is touching me…”

“Hou? Fufu, what’s that? You’re not saying boobs like you usually do?”


Not good.

This is bad.

I’m probably blushing a lot right now.

I’m entirely at Narushima-san’s pace.

“I’ve figured out Koga-kun’s strategy.”

Narushima-san placed a finger to her pouty lips and smiled with a bewitching face that only I could see.

“You say you don’t want a girlfriend, you want to be with your friends, but that’s just you putting a lid on your desires. If you were even more interested in girls, you’d most certainly want to go out with Honoko-chan. Even if it’s not Honoko-chan, you’d still want to go out with someone. You’ll surely put your own love life before your friends.”

I won’t.

There’s no way it can be.

I’ve already been through such an experience.

“Are you sure about that?”

“Of course. I really don’t need a girlfriend. I’d rather hang out with my friends.”

“Hey. This is just a confirmation, but Koga-kun…”

Narushima-san looked at me with a sideways glance, leaving a wry smile on her face.

“If I were to go out with Seiran-kun and leave my current group of friends, you wouldn’t like that, would you?”


I couldn’t answer. Because I actually think so.

Of course, if that happens, I’m prepared to accept it…..but my true feelings are….

“I’m sure it’s all very complicated. I don’t want you to resent me later, so I guess I’ll just have to teach you.”

“Teach me what.”

“The good thing about having a girlfriend. I’ll show you how good it is to have a girlfriend.”

It was a challenge for me.

“I’ll make you more interested in girls, and I’ll show you that love is more important than friends.”

“Don’t be silly. Spending time with friends is more important and takes priority over love.”

Narushima-san and I.

Both of us were extreme and had fundamentally different views.

“Fufu. I wonder how long you can keep saying that.”

That love-brained, fake normie headed down the outside stairs of the apartment first.

Halfway down, she looked back.

“Ah, that’s right. I forgot to call the gas company, so I can’t take a shower today. Can I go borrow yours for the night?”

“W-Why. Can’t you just go to a public bathhouse for this kind of thing…”

“What, are you going to turn down a girl’s request? I’m sweating and freezing over, remember?”

She lowers the chest of her loose-fitting T-shirt to show off her heinous cleavage.

“I-I told you not to do that!”

I’m really not good at dealing with this person…

“Nfufu. And this.”

I took what was thrown at me.

It was the bottled tea that Narushima-san had bought from the vending machine earlier.

“It’s inside and outside. Really, it’s just thanks. For helping me.”


To be honest, I was quite surprised.

To go out of your way to thank me despite us splitting hairs, that’s pretty sincere, how do I say it…

“I’ll intrude on Koga-kun’s room tonight. See you later.”

Narushima Yoru left behind a seductive smile and descended the outer stairs.

Is she seriously going to come over at night, that girl…?

The bottled tea I had received as a thank-you gift felt unusually heavy.

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