Self-insert into a fantasy land! Cause’ why not?

Chapter 1: Chapter 0 W.T.F.

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"Goodnight momma thanks for the food" 

I say as I walk away from the kitchen with a bowl of mashed potatoes and roast beef. It's getting late and the warm orange light of the sunset was flowing through the kitchen window.  

"Your welcome baby, goodnight" my mother replied.

Most days I would keep walking and go upstairs to my room but for some inexplicable reason I found myself turning around today. I didn't say anything and just admired her. My mother was an older woman having just turned 53 only the day before. That warm orange light seemed to highlight all the lines and creases on her face. I saw her hands wrinkled and with her pointer finger forming a bow shape just like mine. She was beautiful. 

I blinked my eyes rapidly as I realized I had been staring. I finally turned around to leave as whatever force that compelled me dispersed.

"Love you momma" I called back over my shoulder as I left. 

"Love you baby" she sent back as I began to take the stairs.

The rest of the night was uneventful. I ate my food, hung out with my brothers, and before long was in bed reading. A completely normal night.

Then as I was about to go to bed that feeling struck me again. I found myself looking at the home page of scribblehub at a new book. "Self-insert into a fantasy land! Cause’ why not?"

Sounds dumb. 

Still I found myself checking it out. There was no cover and not even any chapters, just a description. A description that sounded eerily familiar. My head began to throb and the world started to grow blurry. The world seemed to begin phasing in and out. My vision began to darken as the forest and my room began to phase in and out quicker. It went faster and faster and faster and faster and...

I blacked out.

Suddenly there I was in the forest. It was an old growth forest filled with what seemed to be stretched out oak trees with a slight blue tint to the bark. There was also one really confused ape. He was a little bigger than me, looking to be around 6 foot 4. He was also absolutely covered in muscle and I wanted nothing but to run away. Yet to my horror I found myself reaching out to touch the ape against my will. As I watched the ape get less confused and more angry I could do nothing but brace myself. Then he bitch slapped me. 

Or well he tried. 

When the back of the apes hand had just barely brushed my face everything froze. The ape's frozen mouth was half open in a bellow of rage as he crashed the weakling in front of him. I also found myself unable to even move my face from the expression of terror I had adopted. All I could move were my eyes but that was enough to see the floating blue screen in between the ape and myself. 


[Unregistered life form detected. Life is unentered in the system. Please declare yourself before combat can be initiated.]

[What is your name?]

What The Fuck. I just stared at the screen not understanding. I could read it and understand what the words mean but my brain just refused to accept it. I don't remember how long I just stood there trapped in a frozen world just staring. I don't even remember when I began to cry. 

At one point I blacked out only to come too some time later to find nothing changed. The screen stayed there mocking me. 

'Just call me Gabe' I thought tiredly just wanting this all to end. 


[What is your race?]

'What?' I stared at the screen just utterly flabbergasted. 'Umm white?'


['White' is not a registered race. Please name a race most similar to 'white' to base your status on.] 

If I could have moved my face I would have glared at the screen suspiciously. It would seem we have different definitions of race. If I was reading this right, was this a rpg system? That might seem like a leap but considering I just blacked out and teleported here I'm either sleeping or doing the impossible. So why would a system be any less possible. 

'Could I possibly see a list of registered races to base 'white' on please? I'm unaware of the best one. ' I thought feeling sly.

You are reading story Self-insert into a fantasy land! Cause’ why not? at


[Life form 'white' is found to be mortal with at least one humanoid form. Further examination is impossible until racial distinction is made.]

[Loading list of potential races under these criteria]

With that the screen expanded to fill my whole view with each space filled with a name of a different race. There must have been at least a million names cramped into the absolute maximum my visual field can take. There was no way I could read all of those names. 

[Loaded page 1 of 99]

I stared at the screen in horror. My mind began to desperately struggle to find what to say. 'Hey so system, can I can you system? Cool cool. So a 'white' is actually super powerful so what is the most powerful registered race please?'


[Unregistered life form is reading low power levels. Inadequate to be the most powerful race. Life form 'white' is presumed to be a race that grows in power over time?]

'Hmm… yeah sure that's fine' I give the systems my best mental equivalent of a shrug. Which honestly is kinda just me thinking of shrugging while trying to direct it to the system.  


[Updating potential races. Displaying race with highest potential power.]

[Eden Ent - When the gods created the world they first created Eden. The first living being the gods placed upon Eden were the trees. These are those trees planted by the hands of the gods. They are Eden's first and final guardian.]

[How close is this to 'white'?]

As I read the description I truly find myself glad I can't move. I don't know how I would hide my grin otherwise. 'Yep that's perfect. Why I would say the only difference is that this is my original form, not a tree. Other than that I'm an Eden ent.' I lied. 


[Life form shall be treated as a level one Eden ent. Do you consent to this and therefore the system?]

I feel a little jolt as some part of my brain picks up on the fact that this is about to get real. A part of me realizes that saying yes will Change 'something'. Then a large part of me is convinced this is all a dream and soon I'll wake up. Or maybe I'm dead. Still a even larger part of me doesn't give a fuck and is just tired.



[Beginning initiation]

Suddenly I feel the world and myself as no different. I feel as though I am both me and the air and the grass and the trees and even the ape. I am so large and yet miniscule. 


[Life form is found to be human… 


Overruled. Life form is 'white' based on an Eden ent.[


Then all I knew was pain as I blacked out again. 

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