Self-insert into a fantasy land! Cause’ why not?

Chapter 2: Ch 1 Down With Ape

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The first thing I noticed was the ringing in my ears. Then I noticed what I could see; nothing. My vision was black and all I could hear was a persistent ringing in my ear. I wasn't even in pain because I was too stunned to feel anything. 

Then it all started coming back to me seemingly in the reverse order I noticed them. First I felt the pain as my head and particularly my cheek began to throb. Then, I felt around with my tongue and felt three missing teeth on my left side. The next thing to return to me was my vision showing me the sight of the first from the ground.  I lay like a ragdoll in the clearing as I see the massive buff black ape sneering at me in an eerily human way.  The next thing to return to me was my hearing as I heard the sounds only of eerily almost human laughter. It's close but the laugh had just a little too much range that when it hits its highs and lows it sends chills down my back. 

The ape was laughing at me. 

[Life form Gabe successfully entered into the system. Combat initiated.]

[Would you like to see your profile?]

I started stunned at all this before me. Just as I barely started to make sense of the words before me the ape got tired of his mockery. He began to lumber over to me. He set a leisurely pace as if enjoying a walk but I could feel dread pool in my spine. 'Fuck. Let me see my profile'


[Name: Gabe]

[Race: White (Eden ent)]

[Alignment: Neutral good]

[Lv 01]

[Hp: 250/250]

[Mp: 150/150]

[STR: 20]

[VIT: 25]

[DEX: 10]

You are reading story Self-insert into a fantasy land! Cause’ why not? at

[AGI: 10]

[INT: 15]

[WIS: 30]

[LUC: 69]

[Race Skills]

{[Nature's Guardian LV 1], [Nature's Bounty LV 1], [Life Of The Forest LV 1], [Child Of Eden LV 1]}

[Futher Information redacted due to not applying to 'Gabe' at the present moment.]

I stole a quick glance at the screen trying to read it as fast as I could. The problem was that as soon as I moved my eyes to not be looking at the ape directly he Leaped at me. he placed himself down on all fours and pushed off hard, throwing clods of dirt in the air. He flew at me tremendously quickly and I did the best I could to leap out of his way.  I had to quickly abandon looking at the screen and only caught a glimpse of the first race skill. Even as I flailed desperately out of the way the ape still managed to just barely catch my foot. 

I felt my momentum come to a hard stop and my leg tugged painfully. I ended up face down flat on my stomach with the ape holding my foot. I swear I could feel him raise his other hand behind me as I desperately shouted my only hope.

"Nature's Guardian" I screech in a high-pitched tone. like a little girl screaming for daddy I felt the pure force of the scream hurting my throat with how desperately I shouted. with my plea, I could feel my body start to stretch. I watched in horror as my skin seemly melted and the flesh moved like clay being remolded. It was not painful but I could feel each piece of flesh as it shifted and contorted. I wanted to throw up but I couldn't even find where my stomach was anymore. 

As the torture came to an end I did exactly that, throw up. The problem was my face was now seemingly 10 feet off the ground and my face felt distinctly longer and more snout-like. As I opened my mouth and let out the contact s of my stomach what came out was not bile and vomit but beautiful emerald flames.  All on a now very scared looking ape with a very human look of regret painting his features. 

I leaped back in shock seeing this. well, I try to but I couldn't seem to find my legs under me and just pushing with what I thought were my hands until I realized there were four of them. I ended up in a heap all while spitting that emerald fire.  The fire began to cover everything around us setting the grass and the trees ablaze. There ended up being an ocean of emerald green flames filling the clearing as the ape thrashed seemingly in extreme pain.

I desperately slammed my mouth shut and prayed for the fire to stop. Yet I found the fire already gone, it had stopped as soon as I started truly wishing for it. I looked around the clearing but I grew confused. The fire still burned but nothing seem to burn, yet the color of the flame seemed brighter. As I looked closer I realized that the flame wasn't brighter but all the color was bleeding out from where the flame burned. I also noticed how the flame didn't seem to spread and instead stuck like glue to where it was. When the ape had stilled and all the color was taken from the surroundings being burned the flame didn't extinguish instead of coming back to me. I tried to evade but still couldn't move my body and watched as the fire reached me. Although instead of burning me like I expected the flame just seemed to absorb into my skin. It was also at this point that I realized my skin was a dark brown with flecks of gold in it and looked like tree bark.  

With trepidation, I finally began to look at my body. I started from my hands which weren't really hands. they were claws at the end of long trunk-like feet. I had five claws on each leg and each seemingly offered me the same mobility as human fingers and hands. there was even one claw with a different shape similar to a human thumb. They were also made of dark brown wood with flecks of gold in them. the texture on the bark was very fine and similar to snake scales. I could find no joint in the wood but I could still move it flexibly. I then admired the main bulk of my body. the shape was similar to a komodo dragon but with actual wings. I had a long tail and the texture on the bark got rougher the closer to the tip you got. At the end of my tail there was actual foliage with a small leave canopy. the leaves were a deep silver color so polished they reflected images like mirrors. On my back, I also had large wings made of leaves taking the shape of feathers. the leaves were a gradient of colors going from almost as silver as the tail leaves around the edges of the wings to pitch black near the shoulders. They looked like angel wings made of leaves. To finish my inspection I examined my face in my tail leaves. I had a long snout with a large set of teeth to accompany it. I had a young that I found to be pitch black. I had whiskers like a long hanging mustache on the end of my snout and a wide nose. My eyes were framed by deep eye sockets and had a noticeable verticle slit. They were still the same color, a light almost washed-out blue, but had an inner light that glowed with power. 

I was a Fucking tree dragon. 

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