Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 129: Chasing Cars

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"Honey, can you pass me an empty box, please?", Samantha asked while she was sorting out her old shirts and dresses.

Daniel didn't hear her because he was too focused on the MP3 player in his hand. He checked it all over, flipping it around to see if he made a mistake. But no matter how much he checked, he was very sure that it was his.

The old MP3 player had some scratches and it was already obviously worn out. But the one thing that made Daniel so sure about it was the scratch on the back portion of the metal casing and a dent on the top. He remembered that he used to put the player in his pockets and the backside would always get scratched by the metal detail of his pants' pocket. There was also one time that it slipped and fell on the ground causing the top part to be dented.

He had used this player for years and he loved it. But what's really on his mind right now is...'Why do you have this, Samantha? Unless it's…'

"Honey?" Samantha tapped his shoulder and he turned to look at her. "I called you… are you okay?", she worried.

When their eyes met, Daniel felt his heart race some more. It was almost like the same feeling that he had when he was in the plane and about to do his first skydive; very fast.

Daniel didn't speak, he was in deep thoughts.

"Oh cool! I haven't seen that in a very long time.", Samantha saw the player from Daniel's hands, took it from him and pressed some buttons but it didn't work. "This probably needs to be charged."

"Why do you have that?", Daniel asked as Samantha was rummaging the same box to look for a charger.

"Um… I don't remember very well, actually."

"What do you mean? Did someone give it to you?", he asked.

Samantha lifted her head and looked at him. She walked towards her bed and sat down. She tried to recall what happened in the past.

"I think it was around the time Mia's… um… it was around our accident.", she began.

Daniel sat beside her on the bed and waited for her to continue. He was also trying to recall his own memories from years ago and at this point, he doesn't know what to feel but he's definitely full of anticipation.

13 years ago.

Samantha was walking barefooted as she tried to search for the girl who looked like her friend, Mia. She had reached the busy streets where people looked at her strangely as she was in her pajamas and with no slippers or shoes on.

After walking for a while, she eventually got tired and decided to rest at a waiting shed. Sitting there alone, she leaned on the backrest and moved her feet about until she fell asleep.

Rain suddenly fell and it got cold. She shivered a little and her eyes opened when she heard footsteps.

A teenage boy arrived and he was a bit wet because of the rainfall. Samantha became conscious and her cold feet didn't help at all.

The teenager brushed off as much water droplets on his body as he can. Noticing Samantha on the bench, he looked at her and wondered where the girl came from and why she was alone; obviously not supposed to be there because of how she looked.

He saw her shiver, she brought her feet up and tried to warm them with her hands; his heart felt a slight prick. But he didn't have a coat to give as he was only wearing a shirt and jeans.

Samantha lifted her head when she felt that someone was looking at her, their eyes met and she looked away; embarrassed.

The teenager went over and sat beside Samantha. The waiting shed was only enough for 5 people to sit but because of the rain, the dry space of the bench was only small.

The two of them sat in silence.

Samantha didn't talk even with her parents for hours because of the trauma that she was experiencing, she mostly just stared at a particular spot. At that time, her gaze fell onto the bracelet that the teenage boy was wearing. It was a handmade black leather cuff bracelet with silver plated tubes and it looked nice on his wrist.

He noticed that Samantha was looking at his wrist. Taking off his earphones, he spoke for the first time, "Do you like it?"

Samantha abruptly looked up at him and swallowed. She was embarrassed that she got caught in a trance but she nodded her head.

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He smiled at her, "Do you want to take a look at it?", he probed.

Samantha didn't answer and just looked at him. She pursed her lips.

He took it off from his wrist and handed it to her. Samantha received it and examined the bracelet. At the silver plates, there were initials engraved on it that said, "D. S."

Samantha touched the initial with her index finger and looked up at him as if she wanted to ask, 'What does this mean?'.

The teenager laughed, "Ah… my best friend gave it to me. He said that it was a friendship bracelet or something. D and S are our initials. S for Stefan and D for Daniel, that's me. He's cheesy huh?" He chuckled. "What's your name?"

Samantha didn't want to speak, just like always. But for some reason, she wanted to tell him; he looked harmless and he looked cute.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me.", Daniel said.

Samantha bit her lip and gave him back his bracelet. After putting it back on, he scanned the sky, "Looks like the rain isn't stopping soon."

He took out his earphones and handed one side to Samantha, "Do you want to listen to some music?"

She contemplated for a bit before accepting it and placing it onto her ear. As soon as it was set in place, Daniel chose a playlist. Music started to play and the two of them sat whilst enjoying the sound.

In the middle of the song, Samantha suddenly spoke. "Samantha. My name's Samantha."

Daniel looked at her and a smile formed on his face. "Beautiful name."

Another song came and this time it was 'Chasing Cars' by Snow Patrol. The plucking of guitar and the voice of Gary Lightbody soothed Samantha like a lullaby. It hummed into her ear and it was the perfect melody at that moment, shared by two young ones who didn't even know each other.

Samantha's eyelids became heavy and not long after, she fell asleep; her head landed on Daniel's upper arm.

Surprised by the sudden contact, Daniel turned his head and saw that Samantha was already sleeping. Turning his head away, he looked in front of him and watched the passing cars and the falling rain; allowing her to continue sleeping on his side.

A few minutes later, a black BMW was slowly approaching. It went past the waiting shed but it suddenly stopped and backed up until it was in front of the shed.

The Kim's family butler got out of the car and walked towards them with an umbrella. He was on his phone as he approached, "I found her… yes, I will bring her home now.", he said to the person on the phone.

The butler faced Daniel and handed him a business card, "I'm sorry for the trouble. I am here to take this young miss home, I am their family's butler. This is my card with my personal number. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call me.", the butler stated and meant that if Daniel wanted compensation, he can call him.

At first, Daniel wanted to be cautious thinking that the man who just came could be someone dangerous so he didn't accept his business card but as he was just about to talk, Samantha sleepily opened her eyes and muttered, "Mr. Yang."

"Yes! Young Miss, I'm here to take you home.", he replied but Samantha fell asleep again.

It was the first time after many days that she felt comfortable as she slept. Even if her slumber was just short, it was peaceful and she didn't dream about Mia or Nancy.

Mr. Yang gingerly picked her up but since Daniel and Samantha were sharing earphones, it tugged on Daniel's wire.

"Wait, here. Um… just let her have this.", he said as he gave the MP3 player with the earphones.

The butler nodded and carried Samantha to the car. The BMW sped off under the rain, leaving Daniel behind at the waiting shed.

Samantha woke up the next day with her memories about the Marble Road Incident forgotten. But the MP3 player remained by her side despite not knowing where it came from. She constantly listened to the same song over and over for many months and it became special to her.

Listening to Samantha's recollection of memories, Daniel's eyes became a little misty. She didn't remember anything about the bracelet or how she got home, and Daniel didn't remember her name after that as well. All she recalled was that she met a teenage boy that one time and they listened to some music. Somehow, the player just ended up in her possession.

Who would have thought that back when Samantha was feeling very depressed and deeply traumatized, she met young Daniel who for some reason, made her feel better and even made her forget what made her sad.

Who would have thought that it was him… It was Daniel all along.

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