Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 160: Daniel - The Lady Killer.

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Samantha and Daniel reached the cafe downstairs. They snuck a peek towards the entrance and saw that there were still quite a few people who were talking about the incident from earlier. It had only been one afternoon but it felt like it had already been days.

Seeing that there was no way for them to go out through the front door, they both decided to use the back door instead. Daniel called his assistant over and instructed him for some things to do back at the office before he knocks off for the day.

Assistant Ahn went out through the front while Samantha and Daniel used the back. As they went around to avoid the crowd, Samantha and Daniel held hands while they were on the way to Daniel's car. He carefully shielded her as much as he can to avoid her from being seen by the curious gossipers outside The Busy Bean Cafe. Fortunately, there weren't a lot of people compared to earlier when he arrived.

Little did they know that a few meters from them was a paparazzi who was happily snapping pictures away. He didn't actually plan to tail them, it was only coincidental that while he was waiting for either Samantha or Hannah to go out from the back door that he saw the pair instead. He just had a hunch that they might escape from there but what he wasn't expecting to see was that Samantha wasn't with Hannah. Rather she was exiting the backdoor while holding hands with a man, a man who very much looked like the CEO of Cho Corporation.

"Oho! Look what we have here… tsk tsk tsk... ", the man whispered as he continued to take pictures of the two as they approached the Maybach.

Daniel opened the door for Samantha like a gentleman before he got inside the car himself. He turned on the engine and drove away.

The night crept slowly and the weather became quite chilly. Samantha shivered and Daniel noticed it right away. After adjusting the temperature in the car, he took her hand and brought it in front of his mouth. He placed a kiss on the back of it before he blew warm air on her fingers to warm her up.

Samantha smiled at his thoughtfulness, "Thank you… Where are we heading? We don't really have anywhere to go."

"We do, we are going somewhere tonight.", he glanced at her and showed his charming smile.

"Really? We do?", she asked, "But... I just made that up? Did you coincidentally plan something?"

Daniel continued to blow on her fingers and alternately rubbing it with his hand as he talked, "Not specifically for tonight but I have actually been meaning to take you to a friend of mine's restaurant."

"Ah, really? That's nice… I am actually a little hungry.", she said.

"Me too. Hold on let me give him a call.", he spoke as he reached for the Bluetooth headset for his phone. His call was answered after three rings.

"Look who's calling! I'm surprised to hear from you today, Swift.", a man from the other line spoke as soon as he answered the call.

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Daniel chuckled when he heard his friend, it had been a while since he last saw him. "Sharp.", he briefly replied.

Knowing that Daniel doesn't call without a reason, he questioned, "What business do you have for calling me? It better not be-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Daniel interrupted, "I'm going to your restaurant to have that meal that you promised."

A laugh resounded from the other line and the man replied, "Finally! All right, I will reserve a table for you then. What time are you arriving?", there was a hint of excitement in his voice.

Daniel glanced at his watch and replied, "In about 30 minutes. And I'm not alone so… please prepare a meal for two people."

"Am I finally going to meet the future Mrs. Cho?", he probed.

A smile spread across Daniel's handsome face, "I will see you soon, Sean.", he said before he cut the call.

Sure enough, almost half an hour later, Daniel and Samantha arrived at The Royal Rose.

From the outside, the restaurant looked very elegant. It had been built with white cedar wood and it had red stone decorations. Samantha read the sign and thought that the building fitted the name of the restaurant.

The two of them walked inside and was greeted by a man in a chef's uniform. He was tall but not as tall as Daniel. He had a muscular built and as he approached the couple, he beamed as he was very happy to see an old friend.

"My man, Daniel! It's so good to see you!", the man in a chef's uniform pulled Daniel into a hug and patted his back.

"I'm also happy to see you, Sean!", he replied.

Sean pulled away and turned to face Samantha who was smiling at the side.

Glancing at his friend, Sean had a smirk on his face when he started to talk about Samantha in front of Daniel, "Oh! What do we have here? Another woman eh? This one is pretty too just like the one from last time with short hair! You sure have kept your reputation up, you lady killer!", he nudged Daniel on the side and saw Samantha's smile slowly disappearing and her eyebrow gradually raising.

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