Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 161: Food Orgasm

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Samantha's ears rang because of what Sean had just said. And although it was unlike Daniel to do that, she still couldn't help but act a little childish.

She chortled like she just heard the funniest joke ever as she crossed her arms and beamed at her man; she gave him a nod and smiled some more. The look on her face made Daniel gulp. It was the kind of look where she obviously didn't like what she heard and she's waiting for him to defend himself.

He took a quick glare at his friend Sean who always liked to tease and his friend just guffawed in amusement. Daniel knew that he was going to stir some trouble for him and this was exactly how Sean was like. He enjoyed teasing couples to test their patience with each other.

Daniel shook his head and held Samantha's hand, "Don't listen to him, he likes to break up loving couples because he's a hopeless romantic who is still single until now.", he spoke unrestrainedly.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! How could you say that about me?", Sean protested.

Daniel smirked as he questioned his friend, "Why? Isn't it true? Do you have a girlfriend?"

Sean huffed as he shook his head, he sighed, "Fine, you win! Mr. Lady Killer!". Sean was actually a good looking man but his ideal woman was too perfect. Despite having several women fawning over him, he didn't have anyone 'worthy-to-be-pursued' were his words.

The two of them let out a chuckle and the atmosphere became relaxed. Daniel placed his hand on Samantha's shoulder and introduced, "Samantha, this is a good friend of mine… Sean Walker. He is the head chef and owner of this restaurant."

Looking at his friend, he added, "Sean, this is my fiancée. Samantha Kim."

Sean wiped his right hand with a small towel before he extended it to shake Samantha's. "It's a pleasure to meet you, future Mrs. Cho."

She returned the greeting and then they were led to a private room where Sean had prepared dinner for them. On Samantha's plate was a carefully and beautifully plated roasted lamb dish while Daniel had a porterhouse steak. Sean explained how he had prepared each dish before he left the room to let the couple enjoy their food.

Samantha loved every bit of it! The lamb melted in her mouth the moment it touched her tongue. "Mhmmmmmmmm.", she moaned in appreciation, her eyes were even closed.

Daniel smiled upon seeing her reaction, "I take it that you're enjoying your food?"

"Honey, I'm not just enjoying it. I'm loving it! This is the best roasted lamb that I have ever tasted!", she gushed making her look so appealing before she took another bite of the meat.

"Yeah… I can see that. Your moaning proved it.", he took the glass of wine from his right and brought it in front of his mouth before he continued, "You sounded like you were having an orgasm."

Samantha choked on the food that she had on her mouth, she was sent into a coughing fit. She patted her chest repeatedly and drank a lot of water in an attempt to clear her throat. Placing the glass back on the table, she eyed her fiancé opposite her, "Honey, you can't say things like that while I'm eating!"

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Daniel chuckled as he reached out and stroke the back of her hand on top of the table, "Why? I'm just telling the truth.", he said as-a-matter-of-factly.

"What? No! I don't sound like that!", she denied.

Daniel just smiled at her and didn't say anything else. So she nervously asked, "Do I?"

He shrugged and gave her a smile before he took another sip of wine. After his sip, he stared into her eyes and spoke with a serious expression, "Well, we could always check whether I'm telling the truth."

Samantha wasn't sure what he meant by what he just said, 'Check? How would we do that?', she thought. She raised a brow in question as if she was urging him to continue explaining.

"We could check right here… right now. I can prove to you that I'm right, or you can prove me wrong.", he said in a low sexy voice that sent shocks down Samantha's abdomen.

'He can't be talking about…', Samantha was a little slow for a bit but had finally understood what her man was hinting. She blushed crimson red at the thought of it, her mind had already played the scene of how they were gonna do it in that small private room. 'OMG, how shameless.', she cursed herself.

She shook her head briefly as if she was shooing the image away from her mind. She looked up at her man who had a devilish smirk on his face at that moment, enjoying the sight of his lover who obviously had just imagined what he suggested.

"H-how can you tease me like that.", she stuttered. "You're too bold."

He continued to slice his steak and replied, "Mhmm. That's why you love me."

'This man… he's too proud.', Samantha thought.

A few minutes later, a knock was heard on the door of their private room before it opened. Sean came back with a tray of dessert in his hand. He placed it on the table and asked them how their food was. Samantha complimented him as she was very much satisfied with her dish.

Daniel also praised him, "As expected, the dishes that you cook are always excellent. It's really-", he stopped mid-sentence as he suddenly felt something crawling up his legs. He shifted his gaze to look at Samantha in the eyes; she was staring back at him with a smile on her face.

"Hmmm?", she questioned innocently.

He swallowed when he realized that what he was feeling was actually Samantha's foot under the table… working its way up.... to his inner thighs.

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