Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 162: In Your Face, D & S.

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Daniel cleared his throat and continued, "It's really good~", his voice changed.

Samantha's foot was slowly inching its way up to the part between his legs.

He coughed, "Delicious. It's good." Subconsciously, he gripped the edge of the table and closed his eyes. 'Damn it, Samantha.', he said in his thoughts as he tried to contain his growing manhood.

Seeing that she had affected the man in front of her with her advances, she kept going further… all the way up to his…

Just as she was about to reach the center, Daniel abruptly stood up from his seat startling Sean at the side who was oblivious of what was happening under the table.

With a poker face, Daniel buttoned his coat and stepped aside. "Sean, walk with me for a while.", he said as he moved away from the table.

The innocent Sean raised his brows, "What about Samantha?", he glanced at her and she slightly smiled at him.

Daniel looked at her briefly and with a stern face, he told her, "I won't be long. Be good."

"Mhmm.", she sounded, seemingly amused that her teasing was successful.

How could he tease her like that while she was eating? Daniel wasn't the only cheeky one, and when the opportunity presented itself, Samantha didn't let it pass. So when Sean entered the room, she thought of distracting him while he was talking and it definitely worked; it was her way of revenge for what he did to her earlier.

'Do it right then and there? Ha! In your face, Daniel Cho.', she exclaimed in her thoughts as she enjoyed the wine that tasted even more delicious after her little countermove.

Daniel and Sean went outside the restaurant and stood under the huge tree.

"She seems nice… your fiance Samantha.", Sean started.

Daniel was still trying to cool himself down after what Samantha did to him. He laughed inwardly as he remembered how she sneakily used her foot and tried to excite him while there was another person present in the room. He knew for sure that she did that to him because he had also teased her earlier.

The corners of his mouth lifted upwards, there was nothing else he could say as there were no better words, "Yes, she is."

"Look at you! You're smiling like a fool who is in love.", Sean stated as he playfully punched Daniel on his chest. "It's the first time that I've seen you like this. I am happy for you, brother."

Daniel just glanced at him and continued to smile.

Sean remembered something and he was a bit hesitant to talk to Daniel about it but they barely see each other anymore. So while he thought that it wasn't a good thing to ask, he was still curious. "I heard from Lucas recently and he told me about what happened."

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Daniel didn't say anything as he remained to look from afar but he listened to his friend.

"You know that you could always ask for my help right?", Sean added. "Are you still hesitant because of what happened in the past?"

Daniel finally reacted, he turned to face his friend, "Both you and Lucas know why I don't want that. I could never have that here, not now… and I hope not ever."

"I understand. But you do know that even if you don't want to, you may need it later. Although you're not telling me anything… I know that the number of your enemies are growing. Because of your position and I hope not, but it's even possible that you will have more."

"I don't want to go back to that, Sharp. I've already promised myself I would never-"

"I know that, Swift. And you don't have to. But when you do need help, you know that I always have your back, right?", Sean knew very well that Daniel would refuse and he didn't want to force him.

Daniel lowered his head as he tried to contemplate everything in his mind before he nodded his head.

When he got back inside the private room where Samantha waited patiently, he walked up to her and pulled her up from the chair. Without saying anything, he brought her close to him and embraced her. Burying his face on the crook of her neck, he inhaled her sweet peachy scent.

Samantha didn't mind his actions as she got used to how he would suddenly just hug her like this from time to time. She circled her hands around his broad shoulders and patted his head.

"Are you ready to go home?", she asked him.

He pulled back from their embrace and looked at his woman. A smile slowly crept on his face as he found another chance to fluster her. 'You think you can tease me like that?', he thought.

"I should be the one asking you that. But looks like you can't wait… you're eager to go home, huh?", he questioned before he leaned in to kiss the back of her ear.

A wave of shock was sent through Samantha's insides the moment Daniel's lips touched her skin. "Wh-what, w-why would I be excited to go home?", she stuttered as she unknowingly clutched his coat.

'Ha! In your face, Samantha Kim.', Daniel rejoiced in his thoughts.

Slowly moving his mouth to her ear, he slowly whispered, "I already told you… we'll have to check if you moan like that when you climax. It's either I prove you that I'm right, or you prove me wrong."

Her breathing hitched by the sound of his manly voice in her ear.

Pulling back, Daniel held her hand and led her out of the room. With a serious expression, he said, "Let's go.. We have a long night ahead of us."

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