Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 164: Strip Or Be Stripped.

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There was silence between them as they continued to stare into each other's eyes. Daniel was a bit taken aback by her suggestion.

Samantha can be a little unpredictable sometimes. And it's not that he didn't like the idea of marrying his woman tomorrow, just like what had said a while ago, he can marry her anytime just as long as it was her that he's marrying. What he had on his mind was that, as much as he likes Samantha being spontaneous, he doesn't want her to suddenly regret doing what she didn't give much thought to.

Samantha's heart raced, she didn't know what to think or feel at that moment. At first, she was just thinking about it but then the next thing she knew, her mouth just suddenly started moving on its own and said those words. 'Did I just suggest that we should get married tomorrow? Why would I say that?', she wondered.

She had mixed emotions as she thought of what she should say next. She felt excited and nervous at the same time and apart from those two feelings, there was also a part of her that regretted suddenly suggesting it. A little voice sounded in her head, 'Are you crazy, Samantha? Get married tomorrow?'

She pursed her lips as she waited for Daniel to respond to her ridiculous idea.

Daniel finally moved after some time had passed, a smile appeared on his face. "Babe, are you sure?"

Samantha swallowed, "Why?"

"Because you looked like you just regretted the moment you asked me that."

She closed her eyes as she grimaced, buried her face on his arm and whimpered. "Nnngghh."

Daniel chuckled at her reaction, she was simply too adorable. "Are you suddenly shy now?"

She didn't answer him and just continued to hide her face. She was so embarrassed by what she had just said. And now she's afraid that Daniel might think lowly of her for suggesting to rush the marriage.

"Hey… look at me.", he gently lifted her chin up but her eyes were still closed; he chuckled again. Bringing her face closer to his, he captured her lips and sweetly kissed her.

Samantha immediately felt comfortable as Daniel held her in his warm embrace. Responding to his kisses, she clutched his shirt and pulled him towards her.

Slowly, he pulled back and stared into her eyes. "Samantha, I can marry you anytime… but I want you to marry me when you're actually ready."

She tried to understand what he meant and so she questioned, "You… don't think that I'm ready yet?"

He brushed her hair with his fingers, "Only you can answer that. I don't want you to have regrets. So why don't you sleep on it first and let's talk about it again then?"

Samantha finally showed her sweet smile to him, "Okay."

"Do you feel better now?", Daniel asked, his voice turned husky.

She nuzzled her head on his neck, "Mhmm."

With his haughty devilish smile, he ordered, "Now take off your clothes. We still have something to prove."

Slightly startled, she pulled back and furrowed her brows as she looked at him, "Huh?"

"What? Or… do you want me to take them off for you?", he asked in all seriousness.

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Samantha blinked, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry upon hearing her shameless man asking her to strip or be stripped.

The next morning at Trident.

Samantha was at her desk as she scrolled through her tablet with her brows scrunched up. She was reading some articles about the incident that happened at The Busy Bean Cafe. And because it involved two artists and an influencer, the story had blown up.

There were videos and pictures all over the internet about her involvement in the 'cat fight'. The netizens had started labeling what they have read into different creative titles that even Samantha who was there couldn't understand where they got all those ideas. A few of them were just ridiculous:

"Celebrities fighting over an actor."

"Online influencer and CEO Samantha Kim slapped an actress because of jealousy."

The netizens were split into (1) supporters, (2) bashers, and (3) people who didn't really care about the fight but were only interested in their appearance or outfits.

There were still a few more comical articles about yesterday but Samantha already had enough of it, she closed all the browser tabs and set the tablet aside.

She was starting to have a headache because of what she had just read. Daniel already told her not to read it so that she won't get affected but her curiosity got the best of her.

While she was feeling miserable, a knock on the door was heard.

"Come in.", she said.

The door opened and Alexander came in with cups of coffee in his hands. "You look…", he stopped himself mid-sentence as Samantha had already given him an eye. "Nevermind, here... I brought you coffee."

Samantha snickered and received the cup from him, "Thank you, you're a lifesaver!"

She took a sip from her coffee and started, "How's the preparation for the launch of 'Forbidden Expedition'?"

"Everything's going well-"

Just as Alexander was speaking, the door of Samantha's office opened suddenly. "President Kim! This is bad!", Assistant Chen exclaimed as she walked towards Samantha's TV and turned it on.

"What's going on?", she asked with a worried expression.

Chen turned to her boss and said, "A game was released today, and it's a complete rip-off of Forbidden Expedition!"

Samantha abruptly stood up from her seat as she watched the TV program. Seeing a newly launched game being featured on screen with almost exactly the same interface as theirs which was supposed to be launched tomorrow.

Enraged and confused, she questioned, "What is this? Who stole our game?"

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