Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 224: High School All Over Again

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It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when Hannah arrived at the cliffside villa. She and Samantha have agreed to go to the destination together.

In the living room, Daniel was talking to Logan while the girls were in the kitchen. Daniel was giving more instructions to him, making sure that everything was flawless.

"I've already called the resort's security so you can coordinate with them. Report as usual." He said to Logan.

Logan made a mental note and agreed to all his commands as they continued to discuss some more arrangements.

In the kitchen, the two friends were drinking juice while they watched the two men in the living room.

"So that's your bodyguard? He is…" Hannah started but trailed off as she could not bring herself to comment. So instead, she looked at Samantha, and just like most of the time, they talked telepathically.

'Hot, I know right?' Samantha spoke in her thoughts, meeting her best friend's gaze and they laughed at their silliness.

Logan was like someone who just came from a tropical country with his tanned skin. He had a built and stance like that of a soldier, he was fit to be called a team captain in one of Lucas' division in Country K. He is always wearing jeans and a plain shirt with a jacket on top, casual and clean yet definitely eye-catching.

After the two of them were done preparing, they started loading their stuff in the trunk of Logan's car since Samantha's trunk space in her sports car was not enough to store their things.

"Can I just stay instead? I don't want to go now… I don't want to leave you here." Samantha lovingly asked as she enveloped her arms around Daniel's torso.

He kissed the top of her head and he returned her warm embrace, wishing that she could indeed just stay. "But you already accepted their invitation, honey. It wouldn't be right if you suddenly bailed, you don't want to be called irresponsible by them." He said.

With an adorable pout, she looked up at him, "I don't really care now. They can call me irresponsible."

Daniel chuckled at the sight of his wife being clingy. He touched her nose as he reminded her, "And you said it yourself… it's just one night anyway, right? Come back to me right after."

"Fine. I'll be Ms. Responsible and come home straight away." She brought her right hand up to her head and made a salute gesture like a soldier who had just received an order.

"Good." He kissed her forehead before kissing her lips. "You call me anytime, okay? But also, don't forget to enjoy. You deserve it."

"Logan!" He called over Samantha's shoulder.

"Yes, boss?"

With his fierce gaze, Daniel looked straight into his eyes as he said. "Your room is just right across theirs."

He did not even have to say anything else and Logan already understood what he meant.

And Daniel meant that there will be no reason for him not to be able to get to her in time, even if it means he has to camp outside of Samantha and Hannah's room. In which, of course, Logan definitely understood.

"Understood." Logan answered.

The two cars drove away from the cliffside villa in convoy towards the opposite seaside. They traveled for almost two hours until they arrived at the beach resort.

Entering the place, Samantha noticed a familiar logo just beside the resort's name. It was the first time that she had come to the place and she didn't even know whose resort it was.

Picking up her phone, she dialed a number and the call was picked up at the first ring. A smile appeared on her face when Daniel answered. "Where are you?"

"Hey, honey. We have just arrived. Why didn't you tell me?" She asked as they walked towards the front desk. There were quite a lot of people in the resort already and there was a long line. Naturally, Samantha joined the queue to wait for her turn.

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Daniel had just finished taking a shower and was currently shaving his face when he answered her call. Putting the razor down, he rinsed his face quickly before he replied. "Tell you what?"

"You sure are full of surprises, Daniel Cho. Why didn't you tell me that you owned this resort?" She questioned.

Was this the reason why he allowed her to attend the reunion? It's because the resort is owned by Cho Corporation?

Samantha laughed at her realization, how could she have known? She doesn't know all the properties owned by her husband's company. There's a long list of it and she thinks that there was no reason for her to know every establishment.

He chuckled over the phone as he took out a clean white shirt from their closet, simultaneously putting it on while he talked to her. "Well, I thought you already knew."

"Well I didn't, Mr. Cho." She rolled her eyes and snickered.

Logan who was already aware of that fact, stood at the side debating with himself if he should interrupt Samantha or just go to the receptionist directly to inform them that their lady boss is here.

"Well, it's not only mine. You must have forgotten Mrs. Cho, you and I are already married. What's mine is yours." He said as-a-matter-of-factly. "Where are you right now?"

"I'm in queue at the front desk, waiting for my turn." She answered simply which made Daniel's brows furrow. 'Why are you waiting in line at your own resort?'

Grabbing his other phone and sending Logan a message very quickly.

Daniel: [Why are you letting my wife stand in line?]

And as soon as Logan read the text, the hair on his back raised, making him gulp and quickly went over to the desk to inform them.

Daniel was just about to tell her when a female's voice called Samantha from behind

"Samantha Kim, what a lovely surprise. You really came."

Samantha and Hannah turned around at the same time to where the voice came from and saw one of their classmates who had just arrived, Lauren Wang.

Lauren stood in line just next to them, and next to her were their two other classmates — her minions.

She just came from out of the country to study and had just come home to attend their reunion. Her family belongs in the upper class, also owning several shopping businesses in City M and back in the day, she acted like the queen bee in their high school.

But compared to Kimsun Electronics' multibillion-dollar international company, their's does not even match up. However, this did not stop her from acting all high and mighty; especially when Samantha never showed any signs of arrogance. Taking advantage of her low profile, Lauren became their high school's most envied female student.

"Oh look! The three blind mice." Hannah snorted as she looked at the three of them together. It was like high school all over again.

Lauren and the others crossed their arms and raised their brows. "Hannah Chu, always the defender. I wonder why you didn't become a superhero yet."

Hannah shrugged, brushing off her comment. "And I wonder why after all these years, you still don't know how to put on makeup. You still look like a clown." She snarked nonchalantly, making Lauren's face red in embarrassment as she hurriedly looked at her reflection on her cellphone screen.

"Don't listen to her, Lauren. Your makeup is fine." One of her minions said.

Lauren stared daggers at Hannah and cursed, "You witch!"

In which Hannah replied with a smile. Raising her index finger, she waved it as if she was casting a spell "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo! You're as useless as the 'ueue' in 'queue'!"

Samantha burst out laughing at Hannah's response, forgetting that Daniel was still on the phone with her — she and Hannah did an outstanding high five as they watched Lauren's face contort in anger.

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