Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 225: Ignorance Is Bliss

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Lauren clenched her Jaw, obviously annoyed by her. She always hated Hannah Chu and her smart ass mouth. Whenever she talked to Samantha before, Hannah would always bite back.

"Are you always going to just let her talk for you, Samantha? Don't you have your own mouth? Or are you still the same as you were in high school… living on autopilot?" She asked with a sinister grin on her face.

Though Lauren meant for it to be an insult, Samantha couldn't care less with her remark as it was indeed quite true.

Daniel rolled his eyes as he listened to this little catfight. How can women always find it fun to spite each other? A crease formed on his forehead as he sat on the sofa, listening to the other end of the phone. He was already arguing with himself whether he should go or not.

These were the times that Daniel wished he could be there with her, who dares to make fun of his wife? What was Logan doing there allowing these bimbos to open their mouth? And what are the managers doing that they did not greet her on arrival? He swore that he would scold them later.

He was very much tempted to grab his car keys and speed off towards the resort but he stopped himself when he thought that it was probably too much if he did that just because of this.

Logan, on the other hand, had just come back from informing the manager when he saw the women and heard a part of their conversation. "Women." He muttered to himself and paled when he received another text from The Devil.

Daniel: [ Are you just going to watch them insult my wife? ]

Logan snapped his head up and saw Samantha placing her phone her ear, he immediately assumed that it was his boss on the other line — and he heard what was happening.

The general manager of the resort along with the assistant manager and hotel manager came to Logan and asked where their madam is.

"What do you want me to say, Lauren? Hello, how are you… nice to see you again?" Samantha replied with a hint of mockery in her tone. "Nah, I couldn't be bothered to lie."

Lauren gaped, not believing what she just heard. Did Samantha Kim really just talk back at her? Back in high school, she would not even respond to anything that Lauren said and this made her think that Samantha is probably scared of her.

What she was not aware of was that Samantha did not even think of her as a threat and that talking to her was just a waste of time. So instead of responding, she chose to ignore her.

Thinking that she can still make fun of Samantha, she sneered "Oh you're talking now? I guess something did change over the years. Wh-"

"Good afternoon, Madam. We apologize for not recognizing you right away. My name is Jay So and I'm the general manager." The man said, bowing towards the women — the two other managers did the same.

The corner of Lauren's mouth curled up when she heard the greeting. She was elated to know that she was recognized as the young miss of the Wang family. 'Now, you should see who I am, Samantha and Hannah.'

"I will forgive you just this once because I have just arrived after a very long flight and I'm tired." Lauren answered. Her minions excitedly pulled a smile on their faces when they realized that their 'friend' was getting some special treatment. How nice it must be to belong in the upper-class.

Samantha and Hannah looked at the managers and stepped aside to give way to them. They did not even realize what was happening and thought that they were there to serve Lauren Wang.

Mr. So shifted his gaze to the other managers and to Logan, unsure why another woman was answering. Did they make a mistake?

"Where's my room? I have been standing here for a long time and I want to rest. Hand over my keys." Lauren extended her open hand and raised a brow, her voice louder than necessary making the other guests look their way.

Mr. So became uncomfortable with the way the woman was acting. 'What is going on?' He looked at Logan once more, his expression turned perplexed. "Sir?" He called, wanting to hear his explanation as the situation was confusing.

"Hey! Why are you suddenly ignoring me?" Lauren fumed when she was not answered.

"I apologize, ma'am. There must be some misunderstanding." The general manager spoke as he turned to face Lauren who was obviously trying to make trouble.

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"What misunderstanding? I asked you where my room is, give me my keys! Incompetent fools." She rolled her eyes and tossed her head.

"Ma'am, I would kindly request for you to stay in line and wait for your turn. Please do not disturb other guests."

His response made Lauren's face contort, 'What did he say now? Why should I wait in line?' She considered, her thoughts run towards the delusional path. She was just about to talk back when the managers walked forward and bowed in front of Samantha.

"I apologize, madam. We will reflect on our negligence, please allow us to escort you and your company to your rooms." Mr. So kept it brief as he did not want to have any more delays. If they stayed longer, who would know what would happen? He can already feel CEO Daniel Cho's frightening presence.

Samantha was bewildered, she looked at Hannah but her friend just shrugged.

"Honey, you drove quite far today. Let Mr. So guide you to your room." Daniel suddenly spoke from her phone.

Samantha got startled, suddenly remembering that her husband was still on the line with her. Realizing that Daniel must have arranged this, she wanted to laugh when she glanced at Lauren who was about to burst.

"What is happening?" Lauren questioned, unsure why the general manager was still ignoring her and was now giving all his attention to Samantha. "Why are you talking to these people but ignore me?"

"Ma'am, if I may suggest… please refrain from being rude to a VIP-"

"What?" Lauren laughed. "Don't tell me this woman is someone important? Is she the owner of this resort? Yeah right." She scoffed, knowing that Samantha's family was in the electronics industry.

The general manager was already sweating, he did not know why this was happening.

Samantha did not like the way Lauren had been disrespecting the managers. No matter who she is, she's still supposed to show courtesy. Feeling the need to retort, Samantha smiled a mischievous one. "One of the famous proverbs really suits you."

"What?!" Lauren questioned, her voice sounded annoyed when Samantha started talking.

"Ignorance is bliss. Ms. Wang, you must be ecstatic." Samantha remarked making Hannah laugh. She had already guessed that these managers… rather this hotel must be one of Cho Corporation's properties seeing that Samantha was being treated like this.

Lauren had an even more confused expression. 'Did she just call me ignorant?'

Turning to the managers, Samantha offered a polite smile. "Don't worry about it. Shall we go?"

Just as Mr. So was about to agree, Lauren Wang snapped. "How dare you ignore me? Can someone explain to me what's going on? Weren't you talking to me earlier?"

The hotel manager could no longer take Lauren's attitude. "Miss, please refrain from causing a commotion. It is only right that we will take special care of the owners of this resort. For your information, we were talking to-"

"Owner? Who? Her?" Lauren interrupted.

"It's okay… we don't need to make this any bigger. I'm also getting tired. Can you show us to our room now?" Samantha spoke to the managers and they nodded. Gesturing for her to walk with them.

Samantha and Hannah started moving with the managers but just as they passed by Lauren, Samantha paused. "Ms. Wang, don't be ignorant all your life. You should take a day off." She spoke to her in a cheery tone making everyone around them purse their lips to suppress their laughter.

The guests who were able to hear her remark also snickered. Even Daniel on the other line stifled a chuckle when he heard his wife.. It seems like he doesn't need to worry about her being there after all.

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