Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 251: Ms. Thief

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"So you did not like your trip this time?" Samantha asked as she popped a piece of orange in her mouth.

Sitting on the foot of the hospital bed, Becca rolled her eyes and shook her head, "It was terrible! The accommodation was horrible, the people were not nice, and my camera was stolen! Good thing it was only a spare one but still."

Becca was talking non-stop about her most recent trip. It was not as good as she expected so she did not enjoy her travel this time.

As she was recalling her journey to Samantha, Liam casually kept peeling oranges for the two women. He placed a few on their saucers before having some for himself.

From time to time, he also places cut up apples on Samantha's but she, later on, stopped him as she was not in the mood to eat more fruits. In the end, he kept serving more food for Becca.

It had only been two hours since they have arrived and yet it seemed like they have been there for a long time already. Becca did not even notice or she probably refused to notice that Liam had been very thoughtful ever since the start as she continued to ignore his presence.

"Where's Daniel by the way?" Becca asked while she tapped on her phone to check on her emails.

"He went home to get a change of clothes and will attend some meetings before coming back here," Samantha replied.

"Do you need to stay here longer?"

"Just one more night, I think…" Samantha looked at the two and questioned, "Aren't you guys hungry? It's almost noon."

"I can go and get us some food. What do you want to eat?"

Samantha shrugged, after all the fruits that she ate, she was still full. So she turned to Becca, "Becs?"

"Huh?" she looked up and met Liam's stare. His eyes were quite deep and gentle and Becca wondered why she did not notice it before. She quickly snapped out of the distraction and raised a brow, "What?"

Liam stood up from his chair and was ready to leave. With both hands in his pockets, he asked one more time, "I'm going to get us food. Are you craving for something?"

"I don't know… what are you getting?"

Liam shrugged as he was not really picky with food, "Pff… burger maybe… I'll have to see."

"Then I'll have what you will have," she said and Samantha suppressed herself from smiling widely. She grabbed the nearest paper that she can find from the bedside table and hid her grin.

He chuckled and added, "Huh… Okay, do you want fries with that?"

"No, thanks," she quickly replied.

"Are you sure?!"

Knitting her brows, she did not understand why he was questioning her choices, "Yes, Liam. I'm sure," she answered in an unhappy tone.


"Coke," she replied. Liam was already heading towards the door when she shouted, "Zero!" She was sure that he heard it as he waved his hand before he left the room.

As soon as he left, Becca faced Samantha, "Okay what are you doing?"

"Nothing. I'm reading," she answered with a snicker.

"No, you are not Sam. Your paper's upside down, you idiot!" Becca exclaimed as she snatched the paper away.

Samantha laughed, unable to hide her amusement anymore.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you laughing like crazy?"

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"Oh… don't mind me, Becs. I think it's just the medicine," Samantha replied and sighed.

"Medicine for anemia does not do that Samantha. Don't think that I did not notice your weird looks since I got here," Becca chided. When she and Liam arrived in the VIP room, Samantha had been looking at her and at Liam alternatively as if she was observing them together. Becca just tried to ignore her gazes because Liam was in the room.

"Oooh, so you've noticed yet you just ignored it? Why would you do that? Unless…"

"There is no unless. Okay? What are you thinking? Liam's your brother-in-law!"

"Hey… I did not say anything okay? I think you're the one who is getting so worked up in here between the two of us," Samantha shrugged and Becca cleared her throat. "So? Why don't you tell me? Did something happen?"

Becca glared at her friend before she eased up. Sighing, Becca told Samantha about what happened earlier at the hospital's lobby. With exaggerated expression and funny side comments as she recalled the incident, Samantha cackled upon listening to the story.

"Oh my gosh, he really did that?"

"Please! You can't tell your husband about this! It's too embarrassing, okay?" Becca pleaded, holding Samantha's hand.

"Sure, I won't tell him," Samantha replied, but she is so going to dish about this to Daniel later tonight and she could not wait.

"Isn't it weird, Sam? It's weird, right? Tell me it's weird."

Samantha looked at her friend and tried to read her facial expression, "Are you asking me, Becs? Or are you convincing yourself?"

Becca gulped and averted her gaze as she tried to think about what she just asked. 'What is it really?'

"I'm asking you. Yes. So…? It's weird right?"

Samantha offered a smile and leaned back on her pillow, "Why is it weird? You both know each other and you're friends. Plus, you like having fun. Yeah?"

"I don't know… he's being weird. Anyway, I'll just stop thinking about it. Just… you can't do what you're trying to do Samantha. Stop it!"

Opening her hands in front of her, Samantha casually answered, "I'm not doing anything. You can calm down."

Later, when Liam came back with the food. The two of them started eating on the table beside the bed while Samantha only watched and listened to more of Becca's endless chattering.

Liam minded his own business as he ate his burger but stopped when he noticed Becca's hands on his fries. Clearing his throat, he placed his burger down. Becca looked at him and raised a brow but Liam just grinned at her as if he was waiting for her to realize what she was doing.

"What?" she moved his drink in front of him, "jeez, can't even get your own drink?"

Liam chuckled at her remark, he could not believe this woman. She had just gotten some of his fries and was eating them when Liam called her, "Ms. Thief… didn't you say that you did not want any fries?"

Becca instantly stopped chewing the food and looked at her hand. Realizing what Liam was saying, her face became red and he found it too entertaining. She was about to return the fries in her hand that was already half consumed when Liam stopped her hand, "What are you doing?"

With an innocent expression, she answered him honestly, "I'm returning your fries."

"But you already ate that!"

"You were scolding me!"

Liam continued to eat his burger and scoffed, "I did not scold you, Ms. Wise. I just reminded you that you did not want any."

"Jeez, so stingy," she retorted and finished the fries in her hand. Picking up the cup of cola, she sipped on it happily until she noticed that her drink was not what she expected it to taste like. "Liam, didn't I tell you that I wanted Coke Zero? This is not Zero at all! It's too sweet!"

Liam shot daggers at the impossible woman next to him, "Of course! Coz that's not Zero you're drinking! That's mine, you weirdo. Why do you keep grabbing my stuff?" he replied as he reached for Becca's drink across the table and gave it to her.

Samantha shook her head and thought that it was probably going to be a long day with these two, 'Oh boy.'

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