Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 252: What Now?

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Daniel arrived at four in the afternoon and found his brother and Becca who were playing card games. They had stayed the entire time so as not to leave Samantha alone in the room while he was handling some business matters.

Daniel knew that his brother visited Samantha so he told him to stay there for a while to keep her company.

"Hey bro, you're here," Liam greeted when his brother walked inside.

"Hello, Daniel," Becca waved a hand.

Daniel nodded to the two before he went over to Samantha's bed and found her sleeping soundly.

"How is she?" he asked as he took off his coat and placed a duffel bag on the sofa.

"She's fine, she's just sleeping. There's nothing much to do anyway," Liam answered. "Full house, I win," he told Becca and she groaned, annoyed because she had been losing since as she is not really good at playing the game but she enjoyed learning it.

"Thank you for staying. I can watch over her now, you guys can go and do your errands," Daniel said to the two.

Nodding, Becca stood up and started to gather her things. When Daniel saw her luggage, he remembered that Samantha was supposed to pick her up at the airport that morning and he thought of sending a car for her instead but he actually forgot about it because he had too many things in his mind.

Running a hand on his jaw, he turned to his younger brother, "Liam, would you mind taking Becca home?"

Liam looked at his brother and then Becca who had a surprised expression, "I don't mind. I have nothing to do now anyway," he responded.

"No, it's okay… I can take a cab, it's not a big deal," she said, shaking her hands in front of her to refuse the offer.

However, Daniel did not allow her to refuse. He knew Samantha would appreciate it if he took care of her friends, "No, I was supposed to send a car to pick you up this morning but I forgot about that. At least, let my brother send you home."

Becca was in a predicament but she did not want to look petty so she just nodded. 'He'll just be sending me home. What's the worse that could happen?'

They soon rode the elevator going down to the lobby and Liam was kind enough to tow the luggage for her. They were talking about something funny that happened when he visited the same place that Becca went on a trip just recently. She knew that Liam liked to travel as well and often asks for leaves from the company to visit some tropical countries to get away from his brother's tyranny.

The elevator doors opened and when they stepped outside, they ran into Seo Joon and Hannah who were on their way to visit Samantha.

"Hey," Liam greeted and told them that Samantha was sleeping when they left.

Becca, Hannah and Seo Joon exchanged light smiles and greetings before they parted.

Walking towards Liam's car, he observed Becca's facial expression but he did not see any hints of displeasure.

"You seem to be taking your breakup well?" he asked when they both got settled in the car. It was the first time that he asked her about Seo Joon.

"Huh?" she turned to her left and realized what he was asking, "Ah…" she chuckled. "I think I surprised myself too. I thought I would be hung up on it for a while but I actually got over it pretty quickly."

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"That just means… you either did not like him that much or you are just very forgiving for you to be over with something like that really quickly."

Becca shrugged and looked out of the window, observing the buildings in the background, "I don't know which of the two is true. All I know is… I'm genuinely happy for them and I don't like drama."

Liam glanced at her and found her personality quite unique compared to those whom he had met before. Truth be told, he found Becca interesting to be with. He noticed that she was not pretentious and she says what is on her mind most of the time. He just knew that her company was not so bad.

As they reached her apartment building, she got out of the car and was in a hurry to walk away, "Thanks for the ride!"

"Woah… woah… hey," he caught up to her and took the luggage from her hand, "my brother specifically told me that I make sure you get inside your pad safe and sound."

"You don't really have to do that… I won't tell on you," Becca responded as she followed him towards the apartment building.

"It's okay, Becca. I can do at least this much," he said as they entered the elevator. She no longer protested because there was no point, Liam will do what he liked to do.

Reaching their floor, Liam followed her in the hallway. Becca stopped in her tracks and her eyes widened when she saw all of her things outside her door, "Oh no no no… You have got to be kidding me!"

"What's wrong?" He asked and followed the direction of her gaze. She dashed towards the pile of things and tried to open the door with her keys but it did not work. "Are these yours? Why are they outside?"

"I… forgot to settle the rent. I was always out and traveling that I forgot about it."

"Only for missing the payment once and they kick you out?" he asked curiously, he felt uneasy looking at all of her things in the hallway.

Becca turned to him and bit her lip, "I think I've missed two."

"Can't you stay with your parents in the meantime?"

Shaking her head, Becca leaned on the door and sighed, "I can't. My dad and I are fighting. He wants me to take over his company but I don't want to. I was supposed to stay in the country for a while only just to pacify him but I came to like it here and he kept on nagging me. So I've been traveling more to get him off my back. I guess I messed up my organizational skills that I even forgot about my bills. Well, this sucks."

"Do you have friends to stay with? What do you plan to do now?"

"I only have Samantha, to be honest. I did not grow up here and I travel a lot so I don't really have any. But I can't stay with her. So I guess I'll just have to stay in a hotel for now."

"And look for an apartment later?" he asked in which she nodded her head and replied, "Yeah, that may take a while though. I doubt that I'll be able to find one so easily."

Liam thought about it for a second before he took his phone out and excused himself to call someone. After a few minutes, he went back to Becca and grabbed her hand without hesitation. "Let's go. I found a place for you to stay," he said while dragging her towards the elevator, her luggage in tow with his other hand.

Becca got flustered by the sudden contact but she easily recovered when she realized the situation, "But what about my things?" she glanced at the pile outside of her apartment.

"Leave it. Someone will take care of it. We have to go now to avoid the traffic."

Becca could no longer refuse his help and to her surprise, she did not retract her hand from his warm grasp, allowing him to hold it tightly whilst going out of the building.

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