Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 334: Does He Have A Twin Sister?

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"Everything is set," Sean informed after checking their men.

Daniel, Gael, and Sean, together with their teams of elite fighters were in full combat and protective gear. 

They agreed that Daniel would lead the troops for the entirety of their mission. And so, he was the one giving orders and whose words were going to be followed.

Daniel nodded. "Let's move." He marched forward and headed towards their vehicles, the rest following him from behind. 

Gael's and Sean's men were combined into one unit and in total, there were about twenty of them and all of them were exceptionally trained, high ranking fighters — the elites. Several vans headed towards Lavro Yanovich' safe house and everyone inside was calm and was actually anticipating.

"When all of this is over, I will go on a very long vacation." Sean suddenly muttered.

"You should bring Vivian with you," Daniel suggested with a grin on his face.

Sean beamed upon hearing his friend, he was actually thinking the same but knowing Vivian, she might turn him down like always. Truthfully, Sean is actually a good looking man. But his women skills are just not on par with the two Alphas with him. 

Soon after, one of Gael's men announced, "Master, we're approaching the location in one kilometer."

The three men exchanged nods and soon after, the vehicles stopped at a distance before the entrance of Yanovich's safehouse. They were going to walk about two hundred meters surrounding the house, making sure every corner was covered. With guns and different kinds of weapons in their hands and body, they all looked ready. 

But before they set out, Daniel gathered everyone and commanded, "Listen up. Capturing Yanovich is extremely important… but, your lives are equally as important. I don't want to lose any brothers today and I don't want this mission to fail. Give it your best shot, men. I believe in your skills. Don't disappoint me. Clear?"

"Crystal." Everyone answered in unison.

"Alright," Daniel scanned from left to right and nodded. "Let's roll."

Kim's Family Estate.

"Mom, where are you?" Samantha just came down the stairs with Ashton in her arms as she looked for her mother.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Mother Kim answered.

Reaching the kitchen, Samantha made Ashton sit on the island counter — the little boy was getting heavier each day. "Are they on their way?" 

"Yes, dear. Are you nervous?"

Samantha glanced at her mother and pursed her lips. She nodded slightly before turning to smile at her son who was playing with her hair. 

"What are you nervous about? They're your in-laws."

"Precisely why." She answered, making Mother Kim laugh. 

"You'll be fine. You know Christina's a nice woman." Mother Kim took out the lasagna that she made out of the oven.

"I know…" She sighed.

"Madame, your guests have arrived." The housemaid informed them when she entered the kitchen. 

Samantha and Mother Kim exchanged glances before they nodded. Breathing deeply, Samantha kissed Ash on his forehead and smiled. "You're my lucky charm, little monkey. Mommy loves you." She said before handing him over to the housemaid. "Wait here until I call for you."

When Samantha and her mother emerged from the kitchen, they saw Daniel's parents and Liam on the sofa drinking tea.

"Alice! It's so good to see you." Mother Cho immediately stood up and kissed her friend's cheek and then noticed Samantha on the side, "Samantha! Oh my God! Honey, come here!" 

Samantha smiled and exchanged hugs with her.

"You look very beautiful… actually even more beautiful than the last time I saw you! You're looking radiant!" Mother Cho complimented her endlessly.

"Christina, you're smothering her." Father Cho mused. Samantha greeted him as well before she turned to Liam. It had been a while since she last saw him. He looked more matured and still as handsome.

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"Hey, sister-in-law." He smirked. He swore that he would never let go of calling her that even though their current circumstance.

"Hi, Liam." Samantha gave him a huge hug. She actually missed him.

Mother Cho started talking again, asking Samantha questions about where she stayed and if her health was okay. Samantha answered her questions patiently while her hands clenched together, seemingly nervous about what she was going to tell Daniel's family. Alice and Christina continued talking about shopping.

Liam noticed Samantha being uncomfortable next to her and so he slightly leaned, asking in a low voice that only she could hear, "Is there something wrong?" 

Turning her head to him, Liam could see the anxious look on her face. Her eyes appeared as if she was having a difficult time. He nodded his head to the direction towards their garden outside, signaling her for a side talk.

"You look like you're having diarrhea." He teased as soon as they were outside, earning a slap on his upper arm from Samantha. 

Aw!" He laughed and rubbed the sore spot.

"Be serious! I need your help" She said.

Liam leaned on the wall and crossed his arms in front of him as he observed Samantha's expression. "Anything. What's up?"

After contemplating, Samantha placed her hands on his shoulders and looked at him in the eye. "Liam, I have news that I need to tell your parents but I'm not sure how I should tell them. I'm afraid it might shock them. Is your father's health okay?" 

Liam knitted his brows. Unsure of what Samantha was trying to say but soon after, his eyes grew wide and his mouth hung open when he heard the news. 

"YOU HAVE- mmmmm" Liam was almost shouting that Samantha had to cover his mouth.

Five minutes later, they went back to the living room and called Daniel's parents' attention. They looked at her and then glanced at their son Liam who was foolishly grinning from ear to ear, Mother and Father Cho felt like something was weird about the way he looked.

"What is this about, dear?" Mother Cho pressed on Samantha.

"I think it's best if I just show you." She turned and headed towards the kitchen.

"Show us what?" Mother Cho wondered.

When Samantha came back, she had cute little Ashton in her arms chewing on his fingers as if they're the most delicious thing in the world... suddenly the room brightened up upon seeing the little boy.

Liam bit the back of his fingers, obviously excited about seeing his own nephew. However, Daniel's parents were still a bit lost about the whole thing. They stared at the boy and saw that he looked very familiar. 

Mother Cho felt like something was stuck in her throat, she suddenly clutched her chest.

"Who… what's going on?" Father Cho asked when he saw his wife was unable to speak.

"His name is Ashton Daniel… he's your grandson." Samantha announced.

Mother Cho brought her hands up to her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes. That's right! She could totally see Daniel in the little boy. The parents were speechless, they did not know what to say about the piece of news. 

Samantha was actually afraid that they were going to be mad that she kept it from them. More importantly, she was afraid of Father Cho's reaction. Knowing that he had heart problems, she did not know what would happen if his emotions were unstable.

"B-but how?" Mother Cho asked.

After Samantha explained everything to them, a sense of joy took over their emotions.

Finally, Liam exhaled a sigh of relief and reached out to take Ashton from Samantha with a huge smile on his face. "Come here, you little munchkin!" 

His hands almost reached but his mother blocked him and hurriedly snatched Ashton from Samantha, causing her a mini heart attack.

"Oh! My baby! My grandson!" Mother Cho snuggled him in her embrace. 

"Mom!" Liam complained.

Mother Cho turned to Samantha again, her eyes widened as she excitedly said, "He's so beautiful! Does he have a twin sister?!"

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