Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 335: He's Okay...

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Yanovich's Safe house

Devyn was placed in a room where there were no windows, no bed, no chair… just four walls and a door. She was no longer tied up but she still kept on wriggling in pain. The ability to know what was happening around her had long left in her being. She was like a shell with no soul, constantly scratching herself and grunting.

She was sitting at the far end of the room, staring into nothingness while she kept scratching her feet then her hands She had been like that since yesterday, the only difference was that, it seemed like her mind had shut off when her scratching became very slow. 

The door to the room opened and in came Lavro. He looked at the broken woman at the corner and a smirk appeared on his face. He walked towards her and bent down to look at her sorry face, "You look horrible, Doctor Nam. Tsk Tsk Tsk. Whoever did this to you… Lavro only laughed and did not finish his sentence, standing up to exit the room. With a wave of his hand, his men surrounded Devyn and started beating her up senseless.

Roughly around an hour after, Daniel's team infiltrated Yanovich' safe house and gunshots started to rain in the entire place.

"We're being ambushed!" Shouted one of Lavro Yanovich' men.

Back in Country K - Trident Company

Samantha got out of her car with Ashton in her arms after parking at the basement. Along with Philip, they rode her private elevator going up to her office.

She didn't want to be seen by so many people so she decided to go inside her company secretly. When they arrived at her office, she was surprised to see that it was sparkling clean. Had they cleaned her office while she was away for a long time?

"Look, baby, this is mommy's office."

The little potato in her arms scanned the new environment. He was probably wondering what it was as it was the first time that he saw it. 

She showed Ashton around for a little while before she exited the room. 

"Ah!!!" Assistant Chen whose desk was right in front of Samantha's was absolutely terrified when she heard the door open and close. She dropped the coffee cup in her hand because of fright. She was so freaked out because no one has ever gone inside Samantha's office for almost two years.

When she finally gained her senses back, her eyes opened widely and a shriek came out of her. Her scream scared Ashton that the little boy flinched but did not cry.

"Chen! It's me!" Samantha called her attention. 


"Madame!!! Oh! It's really you!" Assistant Chen hurriedly went over and greeted her boss that she had not seen for a long time.

After catching up, Samantha went over to Alexander's office sneakily. She made sure that no one was in the hallway, afraid that someone would see her with a baby. She was still not ready to let everybody know about her little boy. As much as possible, she wanted to keep him away from any rumors and all. Her protective mommy instincts are on but despite that, she wanted to see Alexander.

Chen told her that Alexander was out of the office and that he was going to come in soon. So she slipped inside and waited by the couch until he arrives while Philip stayed on guard outside of the office.

They did not wait too long because soon after, the door to Alexander's office opened. When he came in, he immediately stopped in his tracks and stared at the beautiful woman who was sitting on his couch. But wait… she was not alone. There was a little human sitting on her lap.

"Y-your back…" Alexander managed to speak. It had been a while since the last time he saw Samantha and it was quite weird to see her back in the building again.

"Hi, Alex." Samantha smiled.

"You didn't say that you were coming, I would have gone and fetched you…" Though they have not seen each other, because of their business, they have kept in touch constantly through emails as Samantha still needed to have the last decision in certain important matters.

"Well, I wanted it to be a surprise." She got up and walked towards him, exchanging brief hugs when they were face to face. She noticed that Alexander kept on looking at little Ashton.

"This… this baby…" He stammered.

With a serious look on her face, Samantha breathed in deeply. "I'm sorry that I did not tell you sooner… this is Ashton… he's your son." She deadpanned.

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Alexander's eyes almost popped out as he froze on the spot. "What?!"

Samantha then burst out laughing and handed Ashton to him. "You should have seen the look on your face."

Although he knew that it was impossible, Alexander's heart beat frantically when he heard her. He woke up from his trance and received Ashton gingerly and held him in the air. "What?" He asked again and this time, he looked at Samantha from head to foot and then to Ashton's face.

"He's my son." She admitted with a sweet smile. "Ashy… this is Uncle Alex."

The sound of being called an uncle warmed Alexander's heart. He had long moved on from Samantha and he was actually dating someone at the moment but Samantha will always have a special place in his heart.

"Wow… wow!" He held up little Ash an arm away from him and studied his face. "He looks just like the De-... I mean, he looks just like his father."

They exchanged laughs and talked about a lot of things for almost two hours until Samantha's phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Liam.

"Hey, what's up?" She answered.

"Sam, where are you? Have you talked to my brother? I can't get a hold of him." Liam said, there was a hint of distress in his voice.

"No, he called me yesterday but I haven't heard from him since. Why? Is everything okay?" She began to feel nervous.

"It's… dad. He's fine now but he fainted this morning so we rushed him to the hospital."

"Oh my God, I'll be there right away."

Samantha did not delay and went to the hospital to see Daniel's father. When she got there, she saw him laying on the bed resting. Certain heart diseases can cause fainting spells and apparently, it wasn't the first time that Father Cho experienced it.

The whole day, they tried to contact Daniel but his phone was unattended and would always go straight to his voicemail.

Samantha began to worry even when she returned home to her parents' house. She hoped that nothing serious happened to him and so she continued to wait until evening came.

She stayed up a little after Ashton fell asleep but she still did not hear from him. Even so, she did not stop sending him text messages.

Samantha: [ Where are you? ]

Samantha: [ I've been calling you... ]

Samantha: [ When are you coming home? ]

Samantha: [ I miss you. :( ]

Samantha: [ Please call me. ]

She laid down in bed as she waited until she fell asleep. She thought that maybe... he will respond to her in the morning but when she woke up, her phone still did not have any notifications. No calls… nor texts from Daniel.

Her heart throbbed when her imagination went dark. She got scared and stopped herself from thinking negative thoughts.

Samantha held Ashton in her arms and embraced him. "Daddy's okay… he's okay…" She murmured, unsure if she was trying to calm Ashton down or convince herself.


For those who haven't yet, please check out my second novel:

Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

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