Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 336: Meeting People From The Past

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Samantha continued to stay at home and waited for news about Daniel's status. Since she woke up in the morning, she had been restless and was constantly absent-minded. 

"Sam… Sam? Dopey!" Seo Joon called her attention. She was sitting on the floor while trying to 'look after' Ashton but she did not even notice her brother's presence until her brother gently nudged her.

Snapping out of her trance, she looked up and saw Seo Joon with Ash in his arms. "Hey… Joon."

"What's going on? You've been in a daze." Seo Joon sat on the floor with his legs crossed next to her, playing with his nephew while worrying about his sister.

"I haven't heard from Daniel for two days… I'm getting worried." She sighed, she picked up a toy and started waving it in front of her son. The look on her face was pretty obvious that she was unhappy.

"So I've heard. Did he tell you where he went?" 

Nodding her head, she answered in a sad voice, "He's four hours away. He's in Country C." 

"Maybe something came up that's why he couldn't contact you. You know he'd make sure to let you know once he gets the chance." 

Samantha then faced her brother, "That's the thing, it's been two days, Joon. And he's not there for business." She stared into her brother's eyes as if she was trying to tell him what the hell Daniel was doing there.

"Oh…" Seo Joon nodded slowly when he realized what was going on. "Well… does he have any friends in that area whom you can reach?"

Breathing out a sigh, she shook her head and closed her eyes. "No… I don't know."

"What about other friends of his who's… powerful?" Seo Joon tried to think of ways to help her sister. He doesn't have any connections like these people do so he doesn't know how to help Samantha.

Her eyes shot up open right away and they slowly widened. She was on her feet in two seconds but bent down quickly to kiss Ashton's forehead as well as Seo Joon's. "I'll be back. Love you both."

Seeing his sister's spirit was finally lifted, Seo Joon chuckled and whispered to little Ash, "Who's the best uncle in the whole wide world? That's right… it's me~" His voice sang playfully.

Samantha sprinted outside of their house and saw Philip.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked.

Samantha shook her head. "I'm looking for someone. I know he's here." She turned her head left and right but saw no one. "Logan, I know you're out there. I need to talk to you!" She yelled.

There was a shuffle on the side and there, Logan appeared. "How'd you know I was here?" He asked with a smile on his face, seemingly proud that Samantha knew he was hiding somewhere.

Philip was also aware that Logan was somewhere hiding because Daniel already told him that he was going to put another trusted person around Samantha. 

"Tch. Have you heard from Daniel?" She asked right away.

"Nah, I've been leaving messages but haven't heard from him." 

"I thought so… I need Lucas' number." Samantha extended her hand. After Logan sent her Lucas' phone number, she immediately dialed it.

The call was picked up on the second ring and Lucas' voice sounded from the other line, "Lucas Olsen."

"Lucas, it's Samantha." She introduced herself and without waiting for Lucas to respond, she already told him about why she called. "Please help me," she pleaded after.

Lucas let out a chuckle and responded, "You don't have to ask me like that. We're family, of course, I will help you. Don't worry, since I have not heard from him yesterday, I'm personally going. In fact, I have just landed."

"Really?" Samantha's heart began to beat loudly. She could not wait to hear news about him.

"Yes. I will call you later when I have updates. Don't worry."

"Thank you, Lucas."

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"My pleasure. Take care of yourself."

When their call ended, Samantha finally let out a sigh of relief. Although she had not heard from Daniel yet but knowing that Lucas was there to personally look for him, she was somehow feeling a little bit better.

Seeing Samantha troubled, Logan spoke, "Sam, don't worry… things like these… communication getting cut off and not being able to call or text for a few days… in this line of business, it's not uncommon. You just have to trust him. He'll come home, you'll see."

Samantha did not say anything and only nodded. 'He better be safe, or he's gonna hear it from me!' She snapped in her head.

Later that day, Samantha went to visit Father Cho in the hospital. She decided to go alone — and by alone meant that she left Ashton with her mom and have Philip with her. She had already gotten used to having him around so she's no longer bothered by it.

From the basement parking, they walked towards the elevator until a male's voice called her name from the side.

"Samantha? Is that you?" 

She naturally turned to where the voice came from and saw Oliver Su with a bag of fruits in his hands. He looked rather… 'dignified' compared to the last time that she saw him. It seemed like he was a different person… like he matured or something. Samantha could not point what it was that changed.

"Oliver… what are you doing here?"

"I knew it was you. I could recognize you even from afar." He said until he reached her side. "I'm here to visit Uncle Sun Ho."

"Uncle… Sun Ho? You don't mean…"

"Yeah! Uncle Cho. I'm visiting him." He said casually with a smile on his face.


The elevator door opened and the three of them stepped inside. Samantha was still weirded out that Oliver was calling Father Cho Uncle. Since when was Father Cho his uncle? She was just about to ask when the elevator door opened on the Ground Floor revealing a person that she had not seen for a long time. 

Wearing a pink dress, a beautiful woman paused before she entered the elevator when she saw that Samantha was inside – it was Nancy Jung.

"Is that Samantha?" Hazel Kun who stood next to Nancy asked without restraint.

Samantha returned Nancy's stare with an emotionless expression. 

Ignoring Hazel's question, Nancy stepped inside the elevator and Hazel followed. When the door closed, the atmosphere suddenly turned chilly. The elevator space was huge but with the five of them inside, it was very suffocating.

Oliver noticed Samantha's expression and so he glanced at the two other women before he asked, "Do you know these women?" His voice was very clear and even sounded husky that Hazel and Nancy turned to look at him. They couldn't help but stare at the handsome specimen who was beside Samantha.

Without even looking, Samantha immediately replied, "Unfortunately."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nancy snapped. She cleared her throat, trying not to let her temper get the best of her but Samantha just annoyed her instantly.

With a smile on her face, Samantha turned to Nancy and looked at her from head to toe before she chuckled. "It's exactly what I said." 

"I didn't know Samantha knows how to taunt." Nancy sneered.

Samantha scoffed and turned to face front again. "There are a lot of things that you don't know about me... Since you're a mother now, are you still that narrow-minded?" 

Nancy's eyes widened, she could not believe that Samantha knew just by looking at her that she was pregnant. What else does she know? She started to get nervous.

Afraid that Samantha was going to say anything else, she clenched her jaw as she looked at the other two handsome gentlemen next to her.. If word gets out that she was pregnant, her career would definitely be ruined.

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