Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 337: I'm Not Interested

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It was probably because Samantha had once been pregnant and was already a mother that she could somehow sense that Nancy Jung was pregnant. The small mannerisms that she did when Samantha saw her like placing her hand on her belly and the slight changes in her body, Samantha caught it all. 

The one thing that Samantha didn't like about their encounter was that the moment that Nancy saw her, Samantha could see the hostility in her eyes. So she couldn't help but return the same treatment.

"Wait, aren't you Oliver Su?" Hazel Kun finally recognized who the man beside Samantha was and when she did, her eyes almost popped out from their sockets. "You are… I know you!"

"Who?" Nancy slightly turned to Hazel, she wasn't familiar with Oliver. 

Samantha also looked at Oliver but the man was ignoring Hazel and just smiled at Samantha.

"Oliver Su, he's in the top 5 hottest bachelors in City M!" She whispered but her voice was loud enough to be heard by all five of them. Hazel's cheeks turned pinkish as she continued to gaze at Oliver. She then extended her hand towards him, "Hi, my name's Hazel-"

"I'm not interested," Oliver said without even looking at her. He was very observant and knew right away that Samantha didn't like the two women so he did not bother to give Hazel any face. 

Samantha did not hide her laugh at all; she chuckled freely. "HAHAHA" What's there to hide? They had already established that they did not like each other. 

Hazel's face turned pale white from embarrassment. She did not think that Oliver would shut her down even when she was only introducing herself. Though she was turned down, she still found Oliver very cool because of his actions so even though he embarrassed her, she still could not hate him.

Composing herself, she hid her hand behind her and smiled shyly. She thought that if she acted prim and ignore his rudeness, he might notice her. "Mr. Su is very cool."

The elevator doors opened and while Samantha and Philip stepped out, Oliver side glanced at the two women and with an emotionless expression, he said, "In the future, if you see me or Samantha, please turn the other way. I don't wanna see your faces... It's disgusting."

Oliver's words made the two women's expression turn pale to dark. They could not believe that he would say something like that. They were thankful that no one else was there to hear his remark.

Nancy and Hazel had risen up from their previous status. Despite their past rumors and negative publicity, the two were able to land secondary roles in the movies while Nancy was currently working with her next project where she was the female lead. 

So for these two women, being told that someone doesn't want to see their faces… plus being told "disgusting", it obviously caused their hearts to bleed.

Noticing that Samantha was close to this Oliver Su and noting how she knew about her pregnancy, Nancy's thoughts went haywire. 'Samantha was already married to Daniel Cho, wasn't she? And now she's also close with this Oliver? Is she cheating then?' No matter what the truth was, more than that, Nancy was anxious that Samantha knew about her condition.

'I can't let her ruin me. She can't let this news spread or my career will be done for!' Nancy sneered in her thoughts as she walked towards the OB-GYNE department, pulling a scarf over their heads and huge sunglasses in their attempt to cover their faces.

Inside Father Cho's room

Daniel's father was already feeling better but because of his heart condition, he needed to be monitored in the hospital for a few more days.

"So… Daniel mentored you?" Samantha found it hard to picture out Daniel and Oliver in one frame.

"Mhmm. I'm a better man." He proudly said, his chin raised and a slight smile appeared on his face when he winked.

"Not gonna lie, he improved a lot. He now owns his own company." Liam added as he gave Samantha a glass of water. She glanced at Oliver and thought that maybe that was why he looked different.

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The door opened and a woman with a fresh aura peeked in. Samantha's heart leaped for joy when she saw that it was Becca. She wanted to shriek but remembered where she was so she immediately stood up from her seat and pushed Becca out of the room hurriedly so that they could be jolly outside of the room without disturbing Father Cho's rest.

"OMG!!!" The two of them yelped and hugged each other. The two friends had exchanged emails every couple of months but had not seen each other since.

A tear fell from Becca's eye while Samantha was also teary. They missed each other and were very glad that they met again.

"I heard about Ashton," Becca gushed quietly, careful that only the two of them heard.

Samantha nodded and had an obvious bright smile on her face. "You'll meet him soon."

"But where's Daniel?" 

The smile from Samantha's face slowly faded but she kept on a small one, not wanting to make it a big deal so people don't worry. "He's on a business trip."

And with that, they entered the room and stayed there the whole afternoon, catching up with each other and also accompanying Mother Cho in taking care of her husband.


"Doctor, how is it?" Nancy had a worried expression on her face when the doctor came back.

"You're already approaching your second trimester, you'll be fourteen weeks then." The doctor scribbled some notes on her chart.

"Fourteen weeks? But… my tummy is still small… and you-" Nancy's eyes drifted to the side, a scary thought came to her mind. She had been careful about concealing her body from the media, so she would be thorough in choosing the kinds of clothes that she would wear. 

"Well, you didn't follow my advice and you skipped a lot of appointments. I'm going to write down all the things you need to do to make sure your baby is healthy." 

The doctor went on with her explanation but Nancy's mind was no longer focused. 

'It can't be… this can't be happening to me…' She started to panic. 

She and Andrew had been on and off for a while and then recently, they were back again and their relationship had been somehow stable compared before but… about four months ago, she got drunk and slept with the director of her previous project. That happened while she and Andrew were not on good terms. And what's more, it's the same director that she was currently working with for her new movie.

That was only supposed to be just a one night stand… who would have thought that this would happen? All the while she thought that she was pregnant with Andrew's child and she was so sure that it was still about three months old.

So when the doctor told her about the baby's development, it slapped her in the face that the baby she was carrying in her womb was the director's. If news got out that she slept with the director and was even pregnant with his child while she was in a relationship with Andrew… Nancy could not imagine what would happen to her career.

Nancy came out of the doctor's clinic with a pale face. Her friend walked up to her and they started walking.

"Everything okay?" Hazel asked while she was browsing through her phone so she did not notice Nancy's pale face.

"Yeah…" Nancy answered absentmindedly while her thoughts brought her to what happened earlier in the elevator.. 'What else do you know Samantha?' She scowled, clenching the doctor's prescription notes in her hand.

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