Serina: The Alpha's Mate


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The woman tried intruding the minds of the hotel occupants, going through them one after another. Normal humans have no way of putting barriers in their minds. They're vulnerable to people who have the ability to read minds just like her. She started with the employees to the customers in the hotel restaurant.

Unlike Serina, this woman has honed her mind reading ability without being afraid that someone would find her through mind link. She can display her power fearlessly.

She was looking for a person with a mind barrier. It was taking her time but she didn't mind. If she can find someone who has the same ability as her, there's a chance that she'd be able to find her parents as well.

'Where could that person be?' she asked herself while looking at the building. Instead of standing outside the place, she walked across the street where there was a café that she could stay. She ordered a cup of coffee and sat on the vacant chair at the window. In that way, she could still see the building where Serina was staying.

People were looking strangely at her but she didn't care. She's long accustomed to their judging stares and she couldn't really do anything about it.

Her pair of eyes was a rare sight to behold. One was brilliant blue with a black in the middle while the other was a golden brown. She has no idea why she has that eye because she has no idea of her origin. She grew up in an orphanage and ever since she was young she's already bullied because of her unusual eyes. To make matter worse, she could even read people's mind but she never told anyone about it until she met her current master.

She sat by the window and continued running her psychic power, looking for the person who intruded her mind earlier.

In Serina's room, she was having the time of her life as she took a bath. She was tired from walking around town but she was happy to have explored it as well. She was relaxing inside her bathtub when she felt a painful prick in her mind. It was only for a few seconds but she felt like someone was splitting her head into two.

Inside the café, the blonde-hair woman stood up from her seat and went to the hotel across the café. She immediately checked-in to the hotel and even chose a room where she could be near Serina. She didn't know who the woman yet but she knew that this woman has a very powerful mind barrier.

Serina has no idea that several people were already eyeing on her.

After taking a bath, she went back to her bedroom and ordered some food to be taken directly to her room. She didn't want to go out anymore. While waiting for her food, she sent a message to Nicholas. Although there's no romantic relationship between them, Nicholas was the first man that she befriended with.

'I met someone very familiar today. He also toured me around town to get myself familiar with the place.'

Nicholas was currently reading some documents that his father gave him. He needed to sort them out before the company meeting tomorrow morning. When he received her message, a deep frown appeared on his face. 'He?' he replied to her and threw the phone on the table, a little bit irritated with the message.

Serina didn't know what trouble she caused to the man as she was thinking that things were perfectly normal. 'Yes, he's a guy. Remember the time you brought me to your house because something happened to me? You had a visitor that time, right? He's the man I met this morning. Damon du Lac.'

Nicholas was still sulking when Serina's reply came and when he saw the content, he didn't bother replying to her. He pushed the documents away from him as he stood up from his seat. He gave her a call instead.

"Why are you calling me? Aren't you busy? I heard that you are learning how to manage your company."

"That's not important. What's important is your well-being. Never ever met that guy again."

"You mean Damon? Why? I think he's a good guy."

"He's not. Trust me."

"Yo! How could you say that about him? He's been saying nice things about you but you're seeing mean things about him."

"Rina, I have so many things I want to tell you but now is not the right time. At the same time, all I ask of you is to avoid him. I'm telling you he's a dangerous guy."

"But – "

"No buts. I don't want us to argue over this matter. Just listen to me this once."

Serina pouted as she listened to his words. She really wanted to smack him on the face if he's ever standing in front of her. "Look, as much as I want to do what you're saying, isn't it weird if start avoiding him when he didn't do anything to me?"

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"Then, are you going to wait for him to do something bad before you start avoiding him?"

Serina was dumb speechless at his words. She couldn't find any word to refute him and that annoyed her so much. "I'll meet him with friends next time."

"Fine. Go and do that." Nicholas replied and ended the call. 'Shall I tell her that Damon is a vampire?'

'She won't probably believe you unless she sees proof of what you're saying.'

'But she believes in vampires and werewolves and stuff.'

'Believing is a whole different level of seeing the things you believed in.' Kiro retorted which makes sense.

On the other hand, Serina could only sigh at how the call ended. 'Nicholas has a different opinion towards Damon and I have different opinion towards the man. I shouldn't just avoid him because he's telling me to, right?'

'But if that werewo – if that man says it's dangerous, it should be dangerous. Why don't you just do what he's telling you to do?' Brittislava retorted, taking Nicholas' side on this matter. 'You won't lose anything if you do that.'

Serina didn't notice the sudden shift of word from her dragon and she didn't notice her restlessness either. She was still bothered with what Nicholas told her.

Not long after, someone pressed the doorbell to her room and Serina looked at the peephole to see who it was. After knowing that it was the hotel staff who brought her food, he opened the door and let him in.

The days passed by and Serina didn't receive any call from Nicholas again. Although, he'd still send her messages, asking how she was doing just to get an update from her. Damon didn't show up in town and Serina was exploring the place on her own. Well, that was the plan. However, she noticed that someone's been following her.

Even without using her power, she could tell that someone was tailing. Her instinct was screaming danger in her head. She took her time while also observing her surroundings. She needed to have an upper hand in case this person attacks her.

Serina went inside a bookstore and hid behind the shelves. She was observing the throng of people through the gaps between books and what amazed her was the sudden stillness of the store. She clearly remembered that there were many customers inside this store which was why she came inside but not five minutes later; the customers were leaving one after another.

'Oh my god! We're in grave danger.' She told her dragon while looking at the woman who was standing guard at the entrance. 'Is she looking for us?'

'I don't feel any danger coming from her though.' Brittislava replied while scanning the woman with his own power.

The woman frowned and looked around but she never left the entrance of the store.

Serina was left with no other choice but to go. She chose three different books about wolves and vampires before going to the counter to pay for her items.

"I knew it!" The woman approached Serina in excitement. "It has to be you."

Serina wasn't afraid of what might happen but she was anxious for the cashier who seemed to be in daze. "I don't know what you're talking about. Do I know you?"

The woman smiled and pulled out her phone to type something. When she raised her phone, Serina's eyes widened in shock as she reads the message. 'I suggested words in their minds, making them do what I want them to do. However, you are not affected at all. I can also sense that you have a strong mind barrier.'

"I'm Natalya Dalka." The woman introduced herself as she put away her phone.

"I'm Serina. Serina Wentworth"

"Alright. I'll bring the people back to normal so that you can pay for your books." After saying so, the cashier blinked her eyes several times and greeted Serina. "Also, I'm staying in the room across yours. I hope we'll get the chance to talk."

Serina just nodded her head and paid for her book.. Even though her dragon was telling her that Natalya was not dangerous her gut feeling was screaming the opposite. If Natalya wasn't the one who has ulterior motive then, who is?

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